Chapter 594 Design the uniforms and flags of the Shinsengumi!5000

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Aoden once spent some time in the military system of the shogunate (Huofu Thieves Kai), so he knew very well the general moral character of the current shogunate army and the vassal armies of various vassal states.

In a nutshell: compared with them, college students who have just completed military training in the 21st century are considered a powerful force that cannot be underestimated!

Having a very high level of education, being able to understand simple instructions, stop when told to stop, leave when told to leave, turn around when told to turn around, and immediately gather into a tight square formation when called to assemble - in the eyes of modern people, this may be

It’s nothing, but in today’s Japan where “every bad person has his own bad luck”, such an army is enough to make the enemy deeply fearful!

It is no exaggeration to say that if a "college student level" army can be trained, then not only can it fight against the rabid Choshu Army and the partially modernized Satsuma Army, but it can still defeat the vassal armies of small and medium-sized vassal states.

Not a problem.

Most of the small and medium-sized vassal states are so poor that they can barely survive and rely on borrowing money from businessmen. How can they have spare money to maintain armaments?

The weapons piled up in the warehouse were dusty and rusty. The only ignition device was a matchlock handed down from the Warring States Period.

After completing their own duties, samurai warriors also had to engage in side jobs such as farming, making umbrellas, and making clogs to make ends meet.

What combat effectiveness can such an army have?

If they encounter a "college student force" that understands basic military instructions, they may lose half of their courage before the fight even begins.

Of course, an army with only a mere college student level cannot go to the battlefield after all - at least not to a fierce battlefield.

It might not be a problem if you ask college students to stop taking military stance and take a step forward.

But if they really let them use real guys to fight fierce enemies, it will definitely not be enough.

Bringing the training and organization of the Shinsengumi to the level of a modern army... Although Qingto wanted to do this, this idea was simply not realistic.

A large part of the reason why modern armies are so powerful is that soldiers are generally well-educated and have strong subjective initiative. They can not only execute orders and prohibitions, but also be able to operate complex weapons when necessary.

Carry out flexible operations autonomously depending on the situation.

Don't think it seems easy.

In fact, even in modern times, armies with extremely strong subjective initiative may not be able to count with both hands.

Therefore, if you want to have a completely modern army, you have to start with the basic education of soldiers, which will take a long time.

The urgent situation in Kyoto did not allow Aomori to launch such a time-consuming military training plan.

Therefore, he is not greedy either.

He has only one requirement for the Shinsengumi: to have a level of training and organization that is not inferior to that of the modern police!

Anyone who can reach this level, not to mention the Sa Army, the Chang Army, the Great Salt Party and the Fa Zhu Party, as long as their equipment level can keep up, even against the British and French armies that were in full swing in the 19th century.

Have the power to fight!

Therefore, Qingdeng mainly focused on two aspects - one is discipline, and the other is diet - they are the top priority in army construction, and they are also the only way to quickly enhance the army's combat effectiveness.

Compared with "improving the education level of soldiers", "improving discipline" and "enhancing diet" are actually much easier.

Qingdeng directly copied the military training methods from his previous life... ah, no, borrowed them.

Strict standing posture, long-term military posture training, and severe punishment for just the smallest mistakes...

Some people may think that all this is unnecessary, purely torturing people for fun, and a stupid trick to take pleasure in the pain of others.

Why should we spend a lot of time training military posture? If we have this time, why not train something else? Do we expect the soldiers to intimidate the enemy with their impeccable and handsome military posture in the future?

There is no doubt that this feeling is wrong.

The reason why the soldiers were "tortured" in this way was to perform a drastic operation.

That's right, surgery.

The surgery was intentionally designed to be as painless as possible.

Its design is so exquisite, so smart, so efficient, so cold, so inhumane.

This surgery has only one goal: transformation.

Transform those who are too weak, too delicate, and too difficult to discipline into strong warriors.

At the same time, it is well known that amputation is a type of surgery.

Not everyone can be successfully transformed. At this time, amputation surgery must be performed to eliminate these people and drive them out of the team.

Qingdeng dared to conclude that there must be many people who are physically or psychologically unable to undergo this major surgery.

Within a month or two, many people will leave the Shinsengumi, either actively or passively.

The lack of compulsory education and the long and unorganized life made most of the Shinsengumi soldiers have no concept of discipline and military orders in their minds.

Rigorous training that leaves no room for error.

There are strict rules about when to sleep and when to eat.

Strict superior-subordinate relationship.

All of the above are bound to leave many people at a loss as to what to do.

Those who can overcome it and adapt will become qualified soldiers.

And people who can't adapt... Qingdeng has no reason to keep these useless people.

As for diet, it’s easy to understand.

Qingden believes in the power of the spirit.

But ignoring the importance of material and blindly pursuing the role of spirituality is nonsense.

There is a saying that "seven points to eat, three points to practice".

How can you keep fit if you can't even eat well?

The classic diet structure of the Edo period: whole grains + pickled products can definitely no longer be used.

You must eat rice, and eating rice alone is not enough. You must also supplement it with rich side dishes to enrich your nutrition. Otherwise, not only will you not be able to keep fit, but you will also easily suffer from beriberi.

Many people often have this misunderstanding: Beriberi, as the name suggests, is a disease that can cause people to have very serious athlete's foot.

This is not actually the case.

Beriberi has nothing to do with athlete's foot. It is a neurological disease. Its official name is "vitamin B1 deficiency" and it is one of the most common nutrient deficiency diseases.

Simply put, this is a disease caused by malnutrition.

When he was studying in the police academy in his previous life, Qingdeng heard a senior brother teach about this disease, so he knew a lot about it.

An unbalanced diet caused by long-term intake of large amounts of carbohydrates as staple food and lack of meat and soy products can lead to vitamin B1 deficiency, which can lead to beriberi.

Clinical manifestations include sensory and motor impairment, decreased muscle strength, muscle soreness, drowsiness, and gradually some vomiting or convulsions.

Afterwards, the feet will swell like steamed buns, continue to fester, and lose the ability to walk.

Then he gradually lost his sense of touch, became slurred in speech, and his muscles became so weak that he could no longer exert strength. No matter how hard he nursed back to health, the situation did not improve.

If left untreated, the patient will eventually be too weak to eat, leading to the end of life.

Under the rule of the Edo shogunate, this disease became widespread.

This disease process, which starts with symptoms of paralysis and weakness, fits well with the traditional image of wealthy people and their frailty. In addition, it often occurs in Edo, the ruling center of the Edo shogunate where the powerful gather, so it is also called "Edo".

household disease”.

The symptoms of this disease are very similar to those of athlete's foot (tinea pedis) caused by fungal infection, hence the name "beriberi".

What is strange is that beriberi seems to only affect people of high status. The aristocrats living in the city have a high incidence of the disease. On the contrary, poor Japanese people are almost never infected with this strange disease.

This disease seems very mysterious, but in fact it is completely caused by malnutrition.

The dignitaries can eat white rice made with fine grains for every meal, but their side dishes are too simple and unscientific. Most of them are pickled products, and there is basically no meat. They only eat some fish and shrimp.

Vitamin B1 exists in large amounts in animals such as chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep, and pigs, but there is relatively little vitamin B1 in fish and shrimp.

If things go on like this, if the body is extremely deficient in vitamin B1, it is natural to suffer from beriberi.

On the other hand, the common people - they have no access to rice at all, so they are not prone to beriberi.

Therefore, it is quite simple to prevent and treat this disease: eat more foods rich in vitamin B1, such as beef, sheep, and pig meat, and whole grains.

In order to prevent the soldiers from being troubled by beriberi, Qingden specially ordered the cooks to purchase and cook meat in an effort to ensure that the soldiers of the Shinsengumi could eat well and eat healthily.

The Souji glanced at Qingtou, sighed, and then changed to a joking tone.

"Okay, you are our boss, I will listen to you."

Having said that, the commander-in-chief straightened his back, placed his hands on his hips as usual, and strode towards the first team's soldiers.

"Did you hear that? Anyone whose training results are not up to standard will be severely punished!"

"Next, I will 'sneak attack' you from time to time!"

"Those who don't have their hands close to their legs should quickly take advantage of this opportunity to put their hands tightly together!"

"Otherwise, you will just wait to be punished!"

The commander-in-chief's words immediately made all the soldiers in the first team look frightened.

For a moment, the arms were tightly attached to the sides of the legs with a force visible to the naked eye.

"Yes, that's it."

Qingdeng cast an appreciative look at the DG.

"That's how to scare them."

Qingdeng's admiring look was very helpful to the General Secretary.

She smiled at Aoden and then supervised the training of the first team even more energetically.

Just when Aoto was about to continue patrolling the training ground, he suddenly caught sight of Shannan Keisuke out of the corner of his eye.

He saw Shannan Jingsuke walking towards him in three steps and two steps at a time.

Before anyone arrives, the sound has already arrived:

"Tachibana-kun, Prime Minister Yagi Genzuki wants to see you!"

Qingto was stunned for a moment, and then quickly recalled who "Yagi Gen no Cheng" was.

"Is Gennosei Yagi here...Okay, I'll go see him now."

Shinsengumi's residence, guest room——

"Lord Nioh!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the speaker - a middle-aged man about 40 years old, well-groomed, with a very handsome appearance, and a round face and belly - bent his waist, put three fingers on the ground, pressed his forehead lightly against the tatami, and bowed respectfully.

Qingdeng in front of him bowed.

Qingdeng, who was sitting on the main seat, smiled slightly:

"Mr. Yagi, there is no need to be too polite. From now on, you and I will be neighbors who never look up when we look up. In this case, we shouldn't make our feelings for each other too raw!"

As soon as these words came out, the originally dull and tense atmosphere suddenly relaxed a lot.

Yagi Gennosei - the largest landowner in Mibu Township.

To put it in more elegant terms, he is a great gentry of Rensheng Township.

To put it more directly, he is a local snake in Rensheng Township!

It is reported that the Yagi family took root in Mibu Township a long time ago. After years of development, it has now become the most powerful landowner in Mibu Township and has a great foundation.

Local snake... This word is often associated with derogatory idioms.

For example, bullying others by taking advantage of one's power, or bullying the weak by relying on strength. Taking advantage of the family's great business, they act recklessly on their own territory.

But don’t underestimate the ability of the gentry.

In a feudal society with inconvenient transportation and underdeveloped information exchange, it was common for the monarch's power not to be extended to rural counties.

When there is a vacuum in power, people will naturally come to fill the vacuum.

As a result, the gentry class replaced the kings and officials and became the actual power holders in grassroots society.

The scary thing about the gentry class lies not in their property and power, but in their connections.

The prominent people in this area are all closely related to the gentry there. How can you, a foreigner, fight against them?

If you lose their support, unless you have the strength to challenge them - for example, kill them all - it will be difficult to promote any work you do at the local level.

Otherwise, Qingdeng would not have frankly stated to the dignitaries present at the reception banquet a few days ago that he would not actively antagonize them.

The Shinsengumi will be stationed in Rensheng Township for a long time, so they will inevitably have to deal with the gentry there.

Gennosei Yagi and others have been operating on this land for many years. It would be of great benefit if we could reach friendly cooperation with them.

However, if they do not want to cooperate with Qingdeng, or reject Qingdeng... it is best not to let this happen.

Qingdeng did not want to use violence unless he had to.

If we can achieve win-win cooperation, that would be great.

Fortunately, this Yagi Gennosei is quite sensible.

On the first day that the Shinsengumi arrived in Mibu Township, he personally paid a visit and asked to see Ayoto.

Qingdeng was very busy these days. He had to slash people with his sword and write "Juliu Art of War: Infantry Drill Code", but he still couldn't spare the time to meet with him.

Until today, the two most famous people in Rensheng Township finally met each other.

Judging from the facial features, Yagi Gennosei's facial features are very soft. At first glance, he gives people a kind feeling.

At Qingdeng's suggestion, the two changed to a more relaxed conversation style.

Yagi Gennosei straightened his waist and changed from kneeling to sitting cross-legged.

Qingdeng also stepped down from the main seat and sat in front of the other party.

The two of them just faced each other and talked happily over wine - the wine was the top-quality Nada wine brought by Yagi Gennojo. It tasted very good and suited Qingnobo's taste.

After a few brief greetings, Gennosei Yagi suddenly opened a large wooden box beside his knees.

"Your Majesty, this small gift is not respectful!"

As the lid of the box opened, Qingdeng's field of vision was instantly filled with shining golden light.

The contents inside the box were filled with gold coins piled into a small mountain!

Roughly speaking, it’s about 400 taels of gold!

Oops, you are so kind!

It was was really only a little bit, Qingdeng said subconsciously, and reached out to take the box of gold into his arms.

For Qingdeng, this box of money is like giving someone timely help.

He is so short of money now! The army is simply a gold-swallowing beast!

Fortunately, as the words came out of his mouth and his hands approached the probing traces, he suppressed his impulse with his strong willpower, and instead smiled with a reserved expression:

"Mr. Yagi, you are too polite."

Yagi Gennosei said with a pleasant smile:

"Lord Nioh, this is just a little thought of mine! Please accept it!"

Since you have said so much, I will reluctantly accept this box of money!

Qingdeng's smile became even warmer.

Not only did he visit in person, but he also gave a large box of money as a greeting gift... Prime Minister Yagi Gennojo has shown plenty of goodwill to Aonto.

This is a good start.

At least it shows that Gennosei Yagi has no intention of becoming an enemy of Qingnobo.

This box of money made the atmosphere lingering between Ayoto and Yagi Gennojo more cordial and warm.

Next, there is a chat session with no content or meaning.

The two chatted incessantly, ranging from drinks in Kyoto to the political situation in Kyoto.

Qingdeng has always been very good at making friends.

For this reason, he has friends of both sexes and all ages: lolita, widow, sunny tomboy, rich lady, socially fearful girl, twins who are hot and cold (double sisters), and the gang of young people from the Chiba family

A swordsman, a mature boy (Tokugawa Iemo), a wise uncle (Katsu Rintaro), an enlightened grandfather (Saito Yakuro)...

Gennosei Yagi is also a good talker, and he can pick up all kinds of interesting topics at his fingertips.

Two social cows met together - the sound of heated discussions and cheerful laughter frequently spread to the corridor outside the room.

Abruptly, Prime Minister Yagi Gennoyuki suddenly changed into a serious tone:

"Lord Nioh, I have heard for a long time that you are a young hero, but now that I see you, you are truly worthy of your reputation!"

As he spoke, he let out a long sigh.

"Although I am just a civilian, I still have a sincere ambition to serve the country!"

"The Shinsengumi is an army created to control the Gyeonggi region."

"Your Majesty Niou, to be honest, I really want to do something for this righteous army!"

"I heard that the Shinsengumi don't have official uniforms and flags yet."

"So, Nioh-sama, I have a proposal: You can design the uniforms and military flags, and then give me the drawings. I am willing to make uniforms and military flags for the Shinsengumi soldiers for free!"



In fact, Bao Baozi can update on time at 19:00, but in this case, today will be another short and weak day with 4,000 words. So Bao Baozi went to have dinner and wrote another 1,000 words.

For the sake of Leopard Leopard’s hard work, please be sure to vote for this book! (Tears Leopard Leopard Head)

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PS: According to historical facts, the Yagi Gennojo Residence in Mibu Township was the original settlement of the Shinsengumi. Today, the Yagi Residence has become one of Kyoto’s well-known attractions and a must-visit place for Shinsengumi chefs.

If you can pick up the holy relic there, maybe you can summon Miss Okita! (Baohan)

This chapter has been completed!
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