Chapter 636 Shout out with decayed vocal cords: They are just a bunch of dogs

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Shintoism does not have the teaching that "devout believers can ascend to the Western Paradise after death" like Buddhism.

This characteristic of "no welfare" and "no benefit in converting to this religion" is doomed to its failure.

Sure enough - after Buddhism was introduced to Japan, Shintoism was instantly defeated and was hung up and beaten by Buddhism.

Not to mention the Warring States Period when the power of Buddhism reached its peak, even in the Edo Period when the power of Buddhism had declined, the influence of Shinto was far less than that of Buddhism.

To this day...or rather a long time ago, the vast majority of Japanese people do not believe in Shinto.

However, despite this, Japanese people still have deep feelings for Shintoism.

After all, Shinto culture has been deeply integrated into the daily life of Japanese people.

For the Japanese people nowadays, Shinto New Year worship, summer festivals and other activities are not so much serious religious rituals, but more interesting cultural activities where you can go out and have fun with your friends.

As for the little shrine maiden who wears a special uniform of white at the top and red at the bottom, in the eyes of the world, she is no longer a solemn priest, but a different kind of uniform temptation.

Even if you don’t have any respect for gods such as Amaterasu and Inari, you will still abide by Shinto etiquette and rules, and actively organize or participate in various Shinto activities.

Therefore, as long as we know the status of Shintoism in the hearts of Japanese people, we cannot understand the reactions of the Shinsengumi generals.

Facing the shrine, he yelled at the gods by name to no avail. He also said vulgar words such as "open your eyes" and "watch it for me" to provoke the gods unscrupulously...

Qingdeng's explosive behavior was truly shocking to everyone present!

Needless to say, Qinghe Hachilang suggested coming to pray for victory.

Even Saito Kazuo, who had always been serious about his words and cherished his words like gold, couldn't help but widen his eyes and shouted "What nonsense are you talking about!" along with everyone else.

As soon as Sanako finished speaking, Kondo Isamu added with a wry smile:

"Ji Jun, you are so disrespectful to the gods, be careful of being punished by the gods in the future."

Qingdeng had long expected that everyone would react like this.

He said half-jokingly:

"Don't worry, I am a descendant of the Genji clan, and the Fujiwara clan's patron saint has nothing to do with me."

"Even if the Fujiwara clan's patron saint really comes to visit, it doesn't matter.

"Hachiman Daimyojin will help me solve my difficulties!"

"Hachiman Daimyojin is the god of war who rules over the entire divine world. Even if all the patron saints of the Fujiwara clan attack together, he will definitely have a way to fight back!"

Hachiman Daimyojin - the patron saint of the Genji clan.

Entering the Kamakura period, as Minamoto Yoritomo became the shogun and established the Kamakura shogunate, the Hachiman God also evolved into the god of war and the patron saint of the samurai family.

After saying that, Qingdeng held on to the saber at his waist, threw away his arms, and walked away with high spirits.

The Shinsengumi generals looked at each other for a few times, then hurriedly followed.

The God Lord who had just led Qingdeng into the worship hall and was stunned and dumbfounded by Qingdeng's disobedient behavior was finally relieved of the "petrification" of his body.

I saw him rushing forward in three steps and two steps at a time, blocking Qingdeng's way.

"Lord Niou! You, you are..."

The God Lord's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and his two eyeballs seemed to fall out of their sockets and fall to the ground at any time.

Shock, anger, fear...these three emotions were beautifully mixed on his face.

Any clergyman with any sense of responsibility would find it hard to accept it after witnessing what Qingdeng did.

Looking at the Divine Master who was blocking him in front of him with his arms spread out, Qingdeng did not stop or slow down.

"Step aside."

Qingdeng did not use "shi".

He only glanced at the Lord of God with eyes that were neither sad nor happy.

However, just like that, the God Lord seemed to have seen some terrible monster. The blood on his face instantly disappeared, and he took a few steps back with a "thump, thump, thump," and then fell to the ground.

Qingdeng didn't even look at him and walked directly past him.

Upon seeing this, the other clergy present stepped away to the left and right to make way, not daring to stop Qingdeng.

As soon as the group of people left the shrine, Souji Hindou teased Qingnobo in a joking tone:

"Junior Jun, be careful that the god will use your ugly time to worship you in the future to deal with you."

Visiting shrines at the time of the curse - a very classic Japanese method of cursing people. With a lighted candle on your head, you quietly walk into a shrine or temple at the time of the curse (about 2 o'clock), and hang a straw man on a tree that symbolizes the cursed object. It is said that it will last continuously

After visiting the shrine for seven days and fulfilling the wish, the cursed person will die, and once the shrine is seen by others, the effect will be lost.

Qingden Wan'er:

"In that case, please come over here, I will teach you at any time! Even an enemy as strong as a demon can't kill me, let alone a mere curse?"

"..." Qinghe Hachilang stared at Qingdeng's back with a complicated expression.

After a moment, he sighed heavily and said to Qingdeng's back:

"Lord Tachibana, since you don't follow the way of gods and Buddhas, why are you here? Why are you uttering arrogant words in a holy temple?"

Qingdeng turned his head to the side, glanced at Qinghe Hachiro, curled up the corners of his mouth, shrugged his shoulders, smiled softly for a few times, and replied unhurriedly:

"If it were in the past, I would really be too lazy to talk nonsense with those piles of Buddha statues and shrines."

"But my experience grows, I see more and more sad scenes, and I experience more and more tragedies in the world. The more I look at those people who are aloof but can't do anything.

The gods and Buddhas are no longer pleasing to the eye."

At this point, his words stopped abruptly.

Then, he suddenly stopped, turned around, and stared at everyone quietly.

Although everyone felt confused, they still followed and stopped obediently.

"Although this expedition makes me feel excited, I can't wait to meet the bandits as soon as possible. I can't wait to show off my skills in this battle, break formations, kill generals, chop down flags, make great achievements, and test the soldiers by the way.

The results of our recent training.”

"But at the same time... I also felt depressed and unhappy, as if a big stone had been shoved into my chest."

"The thief army, the thief army... is called 'thief bandits', but to put it bluntly, they are just a bunch of farmers with nowhere to go."

"Farmers are cunning."

"They will try different ways to hide food, hide their private fields, and are keen to take advantage. Even if it is a small advantage that does not benefit them, they will still enjoy it."

"If I can take advantage of it, I will be ecstatic."

"If they can get a little benefit, they are not even willing to harm others."

"But at the same time, they are also innocent."

"As long as they can still have a mouthful of gruel to drink, as long as they don't starve to death in vain, they will accept the situation and accept it. They will never take risks and start an attack."

"In other words, the bandit army that is heading towards Kyoto this time is just a bunch of poor people at the end of their rope."

"Of course, pity is pity. No matter what status you have or how heavy your reasons are, once you make an unforgivable mistake, you will always have to pay for it."

"After this band of thieves set up an army, they burned, killed, and looted everywhere. They committed all kinds of evil, fully displaying the "evilness of human nature" and embarking on a wrong path of no return. They deserved to die."

"Therefore, when the two armies meet, I will never show mercy. I will definitely use everything I have to defeat them with a thunderous force! Kill them without leaving a single piece of armor behind!"

"However...even so, but...but...I have to fight against a group of 'former farmers' who are forced to die by the huge pressure of survival...Every time I think about this, my heart will be very heavy, and...

I feel even more angry at the gods and Buddhas all over the sky."

"What are these gods and Buddhas used for?"

"It can neither satisfy hunger nor quench the flames of war."

"Hiding in a deep palace, enjoying so many offerings, but staying aloof from the incident, sitting back and watching the devastation of the people, and ignoring the suffering of the people. How can such a bastard be a god? How can he be so high above others?"

"At this moment, I, you, and all the soldiers of the Shinsengumi are running around to quell the turmoil and restore peace to the capital, but these so-called gods stand by and watch as always."

"When I think about this, I get so angry."

Speaking of this, Qingdeng raised his head and looked at the sky, looking at the vast sky with deep eyes.

It's like looking at the distant sky, but also like looking at another world that's even more distant.

"It's rare to come to Nara, which has a long history and prosperous Buddhist and Shinto cultures. Wouldn't it be a pity if we didn't take advantage of this rare opportunity to have a 'close' communication with the gods and Buddhas?"

"As for the so-called 'outraging the gods' and 'divine punishment'... let's not care whether these gods and Buddhas exist or not."

"Suppose they really exist, and are really angered by what I said, and decide to punish me... Then I will really burst out laughing!"

"The poor people can't live a peaceful and healthy life, but they can angrily attack someone who scolds them - this kind of thing, just saying it with your mouth, feels ridiculous and funny.


"Even if you take my life, it won't make me convinced."

"Even when I'm lying in a coffin, I will laugh at them with my broken and decayed vocal cords: You are just a bunch of cowardly, bullying bastards!"

"If they are indeed unable to create a world of Yao, Tian and Shun, then it means that I am right."

"If they impose divine punishment on me, it means that I was right!"

Compared with the bold words he just said in the worship hall, Qingdeng's new words are no longer ordinary shocking...

If Qingdeng just now was pointing at the nose of the god and scolding him, then now he is just sitting on the head of the god and shitting!

There was silence and silence all around.

In this silence where you could hear the drop of a needle, the person who produced the first sentence was Nagakura Shinpachi.

"...Mr. Tachibana, that's well said!"

Nagakura Shinpachi nodded vigorously.

"To be honest, I have long felt that these gods and Buddhas are a bunch of unreliable guys!"

"When I was listening to the ancient history class taught by Mr. Shannan, I had already discovered that throughout the ages, no matter which country they were in, everyone who clarified Uuchi was like Liu Bang, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Heroes! I have never heard of any god or Buddha coming down to earth to save the suffering people!"

With Nagakura Shinpachi taking the lead, the rest of the group—mainly the guys from the "Tsueikan faction"—spoke in succession, all of which were full of praise for Aomori.

The "Shiweiguan School" is basically a group of pragmatists who, although they cannot be said to be materialists, generally lack awe of gods.

Therefore, Qingdeng's point of view is naturally very suitable for them.

Of course, not everyone agrees with Qingdeng's philosophy as they do.


Qinghe Hachiro frowned, his face full of hesitation, as if he still wanted to say something.

However, I don’t know if it’s because I’m too lazy to argue with the “barbarians” or for some other reason.

In short, after opening and closing his mouth a few times, he slowly closed it tightly and stopped uttering a word.

At this moment, Qingdeng suddenly caught a glimpse of a beautiful pink color breaking into his field of vision.

He couldn't help but say "huh?", then subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab the pink flower, and then took a closer look - stopping on his fingertips was a small piece of pink petals.

This beautiful petal immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Everyone raised their eyes and looked around.

I don’t know when it started, but suddenly there were many pink petals falling in the air.

The general secretary stared blankly at this beautiful scenery, and then said with joy:

"'s cherry blossoms!"

Shannan Keisuke blinked and laughed dumbly:

"I almost's already the month of Mao."

April is the month when Uzuki flowers bloom, so in Japanese culture, April is also known as "Uzuki".

April every year is the time when cherry blossoms bloom.

Sakura is a very delicate flower.

It only blooms once a year, and the blooming time is very short, and it withers after April.

Kondo Isamu crossed his arms in front of his chest and sighed:

"It's such a pity... the annual beautiful scenery has been delayed by the sudden war and I have no time to enjoy it..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Toshizo Hijikata, who was standing side by side with him, retorted with a smile:

"A Sheng, look what you said! As long as we defeat the bandit army quickly, can't we come back to enjoy the cherry blossoms as soon as possible?"

Qingden smiled softly.

"Hijikata is right! As long as our counterattack is fast enough, we can return to Kyoto in time to enjoy the cherry blossoms! So, in order to achieve this goal, you should not go out tonight."

"Although I can understand the thoughts of some of you, coming to a strange city that you have never been to before and eager to wander around, but tonight you should stay in the hotel and sleep obediently, and you are not allowed to go out at will.


As soon as these words were spoken, scattered lamentations suddenly sounded around Qingdeng.



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