Chapter 653 Come to cheat! Come to sneak attack! Come to the Shinsengumi main formation!

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The Shinsengumi position, this formation——

As soon as Qingdeng returned to the main formation, he heard Qinghe Hachiro's inquiry from behind:

"Mr. Tachibana, how's the situation on the east side?"

Anxious tone, worried eyes... Qinghe Hachiro's face was full of sadness.

The other people in this formation also had similar expressions.

Although Qinghe Hachiro is a rebel who only wants to usurp power and cause trouble, he is as concerned as anyone about this Iga offensive and defensive battle.

After all, the success or failure of this battle not only involves the fate of Qingdeng and others, but also determines his future.

If this battle is defeated, the reputation of the Shinsengumi will be ruined.

By then, his plan to "seize the Shinsengumi and use the Shinsengumi as the foundation of his career" will be completely bankrupt - what is the need to seize such an army that has lost its authority?

Under the eager expectation of everyone, Qingdeng did not deliberately whet their appetites with bad intentions as usual.

He smiled slightly and said slowly:

"The war situation in the east has stabilized."

"The soldiers of the Fourth and Sixth Divisions blocked the rebels' offensive, broke the rebels' iron artillery array, and launched a large-scale counterattack."

"It's impossible to drive the bandit army back down the mountain."

"But it is more than enough to stop the rebels' offensive and prevent them from advancing even an inch."

"In a short period of time, we should not have to worry about them."

After listening to Qingdeng's words, everyone in the formation looked relieved.

Qinghe Hachiro's brows stretched.

Then, in a tone that was half puzzled and half curious, he asked Qingdeng:

"Mr. Orange, please forgive me for asking: The east side was already in danger. What methods did you use to restore stability?"

Qingdeng curled up the corners of his mouth and put on a faint tone:

"Huh? Didn't I make it very clear before heading east?"

"With just one word, the situation in the East will be settled."

As he spoke, he sat back in his exclusive seat (the main seat) and briefly described the whole process of "stopping the bandits with his mouth" in a few words.

After everyone listened, some were amazed, some were delighted, and some were shocked.

Hijikata Toshizo shrugged and joked in a humorous tone:

"Ha, I didn't expect that the war situation in the east was stabilized with just one word."

Shannan Keisuke nodded slightly, thinking:

"Tachibana-kun, you were sure that Serizawa Kamo could take charge of his own affairs, so you asked the Fourth Squadron to guard the eastern front and gave him the command in that area, right?"

Qingden blinked, his eyes filled with elusive emotions.

"'s neither right nor wrong."

"To a certain extent, I am indeed gambling."

"However, I do have strong trust in Serizawa Kamo's personal talents."

"Kamo Serizawa...Although he is a very difficult guy to get along with, it is undeniable that he is indeed an outstanding warrior in terms of his skill and courage."

As Qingdeng finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter and agreed with Qingdeng's brief comment.

Serizawa Duck has always been famous for his bad temper.

Arrogant, aggressive and violent personality.

On weekdays, he always has a long face and puts on an arrogant attitude like everyone owes him money.

When he got emotional, he would even take out the iron fan he carried with him and hit people.

For this reason, his popularity is extremely low.

Among the entire Xinxuan team, no one is close to him except Xinjian Jin, who has become a close friend of him.

Like Hachiro Seikawa, the two of them are among the few generals of the Shinsengumi who are "non-shogunate faction".

Logically speaking, they should stick together closely if they are alone.

As a result, both parties dislike each other because of Serizawa Duck's bad temper.

Serizawa thinks that Hachiro Qinghe is a hypocrite who can only boast.

Qinghe Hachiro felt that Serizawa Kamo was a domineering madman who read the books of sages in vain.

Aomori's feelings for Serizawa Kamo... can be summed up in one word: they are both loving and cruel.

I was deeply troubled by his harsh behavior, but also admired his talent.

With the Shinto Muken-ryu's Ono Kaiden and rich combat experience... Looking at the entire Shinsengumi, the only people who can beat him without any pressure are probably Aitobo and Souji.

Although Kondo Isamu, Hijikata Toshizo, Shannan Keisuke, Nagakura Shinpachi and Saito Kazuo are not afraid of him, they may not be able to win without any injuries.

Serizawa Kamo is one of the high-end combat capabilities of the Shinsengumi - there is no doubt about this.

Of course, his horror is far more than that.

His real strength lies in his unyielding character and his huge potential for the future.

After previous discussions at the "recruitment site" and a series of subsequent observations, Aomori has seen through Serizawa Kamo's character traits.

Because he was unwilling to be inferior to others and valued the honor of being a warrior, he always showed unparalleled fighting power in every difficult and difficult situation.

To put it simply, he is a person who has a strong heart and becomes stronger when he is strong. No matter what danger he encounters, he will never give in.

Qingdeng continued the words silently:

"The east side will definitely be set as the main direction of attack by the rebels, and it is the top priority of our army."

"If something goes wrong in the east, it will have a very negative impact on our army's subsequent combat operations."

"However, our army is very short of troops."

"To put too many troops into the east will seem to be outweighing the gains."

"Moreover, if we strengthen the defense force on the east side, it will be contrary to my battle plan of 'empty the east side'."

"Therefore, I want to send a general who can withstand the pressure and is good at 'going upstream' to guard the east."

"And Serizawa Duck is the best candidate."

"On this basis, we will send Genzaburo Inoue, who is extremely powerful and approachable at the same time, to assist him."

"As long as the two of them are here, we can contain the bandit army to the east with the minimum force."

Speaking of this, Qingdeng put on a wicked smile.

"If the war situation in the east becomes unfavorable, just like what we did just now, say something to Serizawa Kamo that will make him feel aggrieved and stimulate him a little bit."

"At that time, he will definitely fight desperately and unleash his powerful potential. He would rather die than let the east side fall."

Everyone in the "Shiweiguan School"... one by one, they are all people with strong personalities!

If Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito Ichi or others were sent to cooperate with Serizawa Kamo, they might start fighting among themselves before the rebel army could attack.

After many rounds of screening, the person who can partner with Serizawa Kamo is none other than Gensaburo Inoue!

In the "Tsueikan School" where there are many weird and wonderful people, the humble Gensaburo Inoue is particularly inconspicuous.

【Note·Qi Pai is a word of praise.】

Of course, it would be wrong to say that he is an ordinary person.

Ordinary people don't have such noble sentiments.

When talking about Genzaburo Inoue, there are always outstanding comments such as "indifferent to fame and fortune", "high moral integrity" and "not close to women".

Born in the twelfth year of the Bunsei era (1829), he is already 34 years old this year, and is the eldest member of the "Shiweikan School". As a result, he has not yet married.

Such an age would be considered an older leftover man in modern times, let alone the 19th century when folk customs were not yet developed.

Genzaburo Inoue does not have any bad habits. He never smokes, never drinks alcohol, and never goes to places with fireworks. His biggest hobbies on weekdays are cooking and cleaning.

He had volunteered to be the old housekeeper of the Trial Guard Hall before, taking on most of the housework in the Trial Guard Hall and never tired of it.

He is like a diligent old yellow head, doing things meticulously and dedicatedly, without complaining or complaining.

Both his character and character are admirable.

Although Saburo Kiyokawa, Kamo Serizawa and Nishiki Niami had all kinds of friction with the "Tsueikan faction", they only had a good relationship with Genzaburo Inoue.

Because he is humble, he rarely quarrels with others.

Even if he is paired with the sharp-edged Serizawa Kamo, he can tolerate and understand each other.

Sending them both to guard the crucial east side was actually the wisest choice.

Qingdeng's explanation is complete.

Hijikata Toshizo was the first to respond.

He smacked his tongue a few times and said angrily:

"Tachibana, look at what you just said...what do you mean by 'there is an element of gambling in it'? Your plan for the Eastern Front is basically gambling from beginning to end!"

Although Aoto's words were clear and logical, he carefully deployed the defense on the eastern front, even taking into account the character traits of Serizawa Kamo and Inoue Genzaburo.

But to put it bluntly, the core purpose of the plan is just one sentence: let Serizawa Kamo transform into the "Mito Superman"! Relying on super personal force to make up for the difference in combat power between the two armies!

The victory or defeat of the Eastern Front depends entirely on Serizawa Kamo.

If Serizawa Kamo failed to show his strong strength to stop the rebel army as Ayoto hoped, or if Serizawa Kamo was knocked down by cold arrows and cold guns flying from nowhere during the battle between the two armies,

The eastern front is really in danger.

The plan itself is quite bold.

Qingdeng who dared to put such a battle plan into practice is even more difficult to evaluate.

Should we praise him for his courage? Or should we blame him for his recklessness?

Faced with Hijikata Tobizo's complaints, Aoto spread his hands and said in a half-joking tone:

"Admittedly, my bet was pretty big."

"But I won the bet, didn't I?"

When he said this, he put away the joke in his tone and changed the subject.

"Do not worry."

"As the general of the Shinsengumi, I will naturally not place my hopes of victory on futile 'bets'."

"Otherwise, why would I set up a 'general reserve team'?"

"My backup...are all of you here."

As he spoke, Qingden moved his eyes sideways and scanned the faces of everyone present.

"Whether it is in the east or in other directions, no matter which aspect of the battlefield is lost, I can immediately send everyone here to make up for the loss."

"All in all, as long as you are here, I will always be invincible."

Shannan Jingshu smiled and said nothing.

Kondo Isamu nodded slightly.

Hijikata Toshizo grinned.

Nagakura Shinpachi straightened his back.

Saito touched the sword at his waist.

They expressed their strong agreement with Qingden Shicai's words in their own expressions and ways.

The bandit camp, our formation——

Shibasaki Renjuro clasped his hands and stood outside the commander's tent, looking at the battlefield in the distance.

Settsu Yorimitsu walked out of the handsome tent and slowly moved to Shibasaki Renjuro's side.

"Shibasaki-sama, what's wrong? Why do you look so sad?"

Shibazaki Renjuro pursed his lips, and then said in a deep voice:

"...Mr. Settsu, please forgive me for speaking frankly."

"Attack the Shinsengumi's position in the east, west, and south with great force to attract their attention, then send out the most elite team, order them to climb over the northern cliff, sneak attack on the rear of the Shinsengumi, and give them a fatal blow

…Can this kind of old-fashioned battle plan really work?”

"No matter how stupid that Tachibana Qingden is, he can't possibly not set up defenses in the north, right?"

Having said that, Shibazaki Renjuro raised his eyes and cast a worried look at Settsu Norimitsu.

Settsu Yorimitsu raised his eyebrows, then slightly raised the corners of his lips.

Before he could reach it, he clasped his hands behind his back, looked up at the sky, and replied faintly:

"Master Shibasaki, there are a vast number of military books in this world."

"If you read it casually, you can find out a lot of ways and tricks to win the battle."

"Actually, if we integrate the insights and thoughts of military strategists of all ages and summarize them all, it's just one sentence - 'Use more to attack less, avoid reality and attack weakness'."

"If you have fewer troops than the enemy, create an environment in which you can defeat fewer enemies with more troops."

"If you can't find the enemy's weak point, then try to create the enemy's weak point."

"Throughout the ages, it has always been like this."

"Those victorious generals in history all followed and flexibly applied this rule."

"Master Shibasaki, why do you think my plan is outdated?"

"Isn't it just because too many ancestors adopted this strategy?"

"So, why did our ancestors unanimously adopt similar or even identical tactics?"

Speaking of this, Settsu Yorimitsu paused to give the other party time to think.

Shibazaki Renjuro actually fell silent and seemed to be deep in thought.

About half a minute later, Settsu Yorimitsu continued:

"The plan itself is faultless."

"As for whether we can all depends on whether our soldiers can break through the Shinsengumi's northern defense."

Shinsengumi position, northern front——

35 heavily armed warriors are engaged in a fierce battle with nature.

Push away stones blocking the road; cut down obstructive weeds; drive away annoying mosquitoes; climb up jagged cliffs...

I saw them fighting bravely to get ahead and crossing the mountains and ridges with great momentum.

In just a short while, each of them looked as unkempt as savages, their bodies covered with sweat and dirt.

Their leader - a dark-skinned, unattractive strong man - wiped the sweat off his face and looked up at the top of the cliff, which was just around the corner.

Then, he turned his head and shouted to his companions behind him:

"Keep working harder, we'll be there soon!"

"Did you see the top of the cliff? That's to the north of the enemy's position!"

"After reaching the top of the cliff, remember to follow me!"

"Remember, we have only one mission: to set fire everywhere and rush straight to the enemy's main line! Create as much destruction and chaos as possible!"



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PS: Serizawa Kamo is very knowledgeable, and he is also a man of both civil and military skills. This point has been mentioned in the previous article. So Qinghe Hachiro feels that Serizawa Kamo is in vain to read the books of sages.

This chapter has been completed!
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