Chapter 1185 Kuroba Kaito: I dont eat fish

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As a pure white light became brighter, the two entered a dreamland.

Qin Zhibo looked around and saw that his birthplace this time was still Usa Town, and Black Feather Kaito was in the grass only a few meters away from him.

At this time, Kuroba Kaito, who was wearing school uniform, also spotted Qin Zhibo, waving his hand and stepping over the grass.


"Our birthplaces are quite close this time!"

"Well... this dreamland has a save location. If you have already created a save, it will naturally appear from the last save point."

"So magical?"

At this time, Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaito were standing less than a hundred meters away from the entrance of Usa Town.

Looking along this quaint town, there is a green hill at the end.

There is an ivory white tower erected on the hillside. This is the residence of the wise elder Uzzah, and it is also the specific location before leaving last time.

"Let's go."

"Today I'm going to ask about the route to the Tombs of Xin..."

Moving along the widest main road in Usa Town, the two of them soon walked to the foot of the hill.

Then climb up the winding stone steps and arrive in front of the ivory white tower temple.

Pushing open the door at the base of the White Tower, there is a spacious church inside.

As soon as they entered, Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaito saw Conan next to the white podium deep in the church.

Conan was standing by the podium, raising his head to talk to Attar, the elder of Uzzah.

Uh...this guy is here again...

Kuroba Kaito was a little annoyed, because once this kid showed up, he would be regarded as his "son" by Qin Zhibo again.

After all, in this dream, I cannot reveal my real identity and can only play "Kudo Shinichi".

Hearing the door of the church being opened, Conan turned his head and saw the "father and son" standing there stunned.

Conan: Sure enough...I just said that they are indispensable in this dream.

Conan was actually very helpless. He wanted to have a good sleep today, but for some reason, he came to this weird and real dream again.

In this dream, there is a mouse with tentacles growing under its nose, and there is also a veritable "Cat Town".

However, Conan adhered to the spirit of taking things as they came, and did not waste time by playing with cats. Instead, he went to the place where he left last time and talked with Atal about the origin of this dream.

Let dreams answer why dreams appear, no one else...

Atal said some mysterious words to Conan, such as that dreamers are visitors with the permission of the dream gatekeeper, and that everything is a choice of Steins;Gate...

Just when Conan was about to ask further questions, Qin Zhibo and "himself" arrived.

"Pay attention to the title..."

Qin Zhibo reminded Kuroba Kaito beside him in a low voice and walked towards the podium.

As he walked, he waved.



At this moment, Conan felt even more aggrieved than in reality.

But no matter what, he would never compete with his dream.

Freud said in "The Interpretation of Dreams" that dreams are a true self-dialogue with the inner heart, a process of learning from oneself, and another period of life that is closely related to oneself.

In the past, Conan, as a materialist, felt that this was impossible. Dreams were just dreams and had no meaning.

But now, Conan changed his mind and began to seriously think about the mystery.

"You are here again..."

Conan turned his attention to "Kudo Shinichi" next to him and looked at himself before he became smaller.

This is also another self, and the true inner self.

But why does this "self" wear the uniforms of other schools?

Did I originally not want to enter Didan High School? Because of Xiao Lan...

The clothes in the dreamland are automatically generated based on the clothes that the dreamer wears most often.

Qin Zhibo wears a brown trench coat most often in real life, so he also has the same image in fantasy.

Fortunately, Kuroba Kaito has been a student for much longer than he has been Kaito Kid, otherwise it would be troublesome to transform into Kaito Kid's clothes.

"Conan, what are you asking?"

Facing Qin Zhibo's question, Conan spoke out without reservation about the topic he had just talked with Atal.

In fact, there is nothing to hide. Qin Zhibo and Kudo Shinichi in front of them are their own subconscious. Can people hide their subconscious?

When Qin Zhibo heard this, he felt a little worried.

As expected, Conan realized that his dreams during this period were somewhat unusual.

But fortunately, his imagination is not that rich and he cannot realize that this is also a real world, but he only enters it in a dream.

Qin Zhibo smiled and patted Conan on the head, "Silly boy, dreams are just dreams, they don't have any meaning."

Qin Zhibo can only say this. If he talks too much and is too profound, Conan will realize that this "NPC" is not simple.

Just when Conan was about to reply, Qin Zhibo pushed him aside with his butt.

"Okay, it's time for my father to ask."

Last time, because the connection between Conan and Kuroba Kaito and the Dreamland was unstable, they both disconnected early.

Qin Zhibo alone made a request to Elder Atal to go to the secret realm of Kadath.

However, Attar said that although he had heard of the legend of Kadasi, he had never been there and did not know how to get there.

But he mentioned some ancient secrets.

The gods of Kadasi have a special hobby, which is to disguise themselves as humans, enter the mortal world, find a beautiful country virgin, take her as their bride, and live secretly among mortals.

As a result, the gods left more and more children in the mortal world.

The faces of these children are carved in the Ngranic Mountains on the island of Oriba. As long as you find these children of the gods through these faces, you can know the way to Kadath.

But Atal also didn't know the location of the Ngranik Mountains or Oriba Island.

As a result, it is impossible to directly reach Kadasi through the route provided by Atal.

Qin Zhibo could only do the next best thing and choose to go to Xin's Tombs first.

The Tombs of Xin are the lair of ghouls.

The last time I went to find the ghoul Pickman, I learned about their ghoul ally, the Night Demon, and the location of the secret realm of Kadath.

The Night Stalker can even fly there directly with humans.

But Qin Zhibo was worried about danger. It was a dreamland entered in the form of a ghoul's lair. Once he died, he would be a real death.

Therefore, it is the safest and safest way to conduct this journey to find the secret land of Kadath in the way of a "dreamer".

But before Qin Zhibo could ask how to get to Xin's Tombs last time, he woke up too.

This time, I was finally able to ask clearly.

"Elder, we have thought clearly and plan to go to Xin's Tombs first."

"Xin's Tombs? Hmm..."

Atal was stunned for a moment, his voice sounded confused at first, and then he groaned.

"If I remember correctly, the Tombs of Xin should be the lair of ghouls, right?"

"It is said that it is located in a desolate underground world with countless tombstones. The ghouls spent tens of thousands of years to steal them from various places, so it is called the 'Xin's Tombs Group'..."

Qin Zhibo: Is this the origin of the name?

Atal changed the topic at this time and said: "But I don't know how to get to the Tombs of Xin..."


Qin Zhibo was already unable to complain. Although this wise man knew a lot, he had little practical experience. He was a giant in mind but a dwarf in action.

"But... although I don't know where that place is, I suggest that you keep walking along the Skye River outside the town of Ursa, and you will reach the city of Dilas-Lynn, which is adjacent to the southern ocean."

"It is the largest port city that I know of. Black triremes from all over the world will dock here to conduct various trade exchanges."

"Most of them are humans, but there are also non-humans, including ghouls..."

"Ghouls also do business?"

Qin Zhibo was a little surprised. Ghouls are creatures that eat dead corpses. What kind of deal do they have with humans?

But Atal shook his head, "No, the ghoul is not the trader, but the object of the trade."

"Human poachers will use tombstones as bait to capture ghouls from all over the world, and then sell these poor ghouls to the moon as slaves."

When Qin Zhibo listened to this story template, why did it sound a bit like white Europeans selling black slaves?

Moreover, the ghoul is so ugly, and some people actually regard the ghoul as a slave, which is really a heavy taste...

Compared to Qin Zhibo who was slightly shocked, Kuroba Kaito and Conan on the side were completely shocked.

Kuroba Kaito also knew a little bit about ghouls, after all, he had seen them in the dreamland before.

But Conan could only show a confused expression when faced with these completely unknown terms.



Sold to the moon?

What is this all about?

No matter how wild your dreams are, you can't just create terms out of thin air, right?

Do you also have the potential to be a writer?

With the next destination in mind, Qin Zhibo and the other three immediately started packing their luggage.

They said they were packing their luggage, but in fact there was no luggage at all. The three of them came to this world almost empty-handed.

Most "dreamers" no longer want to enter this world after just a few dreams.

Because everything here has to be worked from scratch, there is no reputation, no money, it is very troublesome.

Fortunately, Qin Zhibo suppressed the cat fertility rate by promoting cat egg cutting surgery, made great contributions to Wusha Town, and gained widespread respect from the residents of Wusha Town.

When Qin Zhibo explained that he was going to the next place, the townspeople immediately began to collect travel expenses and all the materials needed to get there.

At the moment, there happens to be a carriage convoy of traders in Ursa Town heading to Dilas-Lin, and the three of them can join it.

After preparing all the supplies and waiting for the carriage to set off, Qin Zhibo went alone to say goodbye to General Cat.

General Cat was also quite emotional when he learned that Qin Zhibo was going to Dilas-Lingang.

"I haven't been back to Cat Star for a long time..."

"Cat star?"

"That is a mysterious country on the dark side of the moon, a place that only cats know about, a place that you humans can never reach..."

When General Cat said these meaningful words, all the cats in the barn meowed sweetly, and the sleeping cats also purred happily.

There was also a black kitten that jumped up the grain stack, came to Qin Zhibo's hand, and rubbed its small head on the back of his hand.

Qin Zhibo looked at the warm picture in front of him and regretted not letting Kaito Kuroba and Conan take a closer look.

Morning, third floor of Zhibo Detective Agency.

Kuroba Kaito's alarm clock for going to school woke up the two of them in the bedroom.

The harsh sound awakened Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaito from their dream world and returned to this modern city filled with reinforced concrete.

Kuroba Kaito sat up from the floor and was stunned for a while, then turned his head to look at Qin Zhibo who also got up from the bed.

"We won't be left in Ursa Town, right?"

In the fantasy world, Qin Zhibo and the others had just boarded the Usa merchant's carriage team and were about to head south, when the dream came to an abrupt end.

If we follow the save points, maybe the next time the three of them enter the dreamland, they will still be in Usa Town.

It would be troublesome in that case, because the three of them would have to go to the next save point in one go.

Otherwise they will end up in the town of Uzzah forever.

"Let's wait until night and take a look..."

At night, Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaito entered the dreamland again.

When the two woke up, their bodies were shaking with the caravan being pulled by horses, and the brisk hooves of the horses made a rhythmic "ta-da-da" sound.

There were arched felts above their heads to shield them from the sun and rain, and cabbages were piled up like a hill around them.

Behind the two of them, carriages loaded with goods followed one after another.

Qin Zhibo and Heiyu Kai fought for a moment, realizing that they were following the convoy that set off from Usa.

It seems that as long as the save point is selected, the target will not be lost even if the carriage is moving.

But Conan didn't show up today, probably because the boy didn't dream today.

A satisfied smile appeared on Kuroba Kaito's lips. Finally, he no longer had to "call father" to Qin Zhibo.

The two moved to the front of the carriage and found the carriage driver to chat.

It turned out that while the two of them were "asleep", the carriage had been traveling for almost two days.

The time in the dreamland is not synchronized with the real world. Sometimes I fall asleep at night in the real world, and it is night when I enter the dreamland, and sometimes it is daytime.

But the only thing that is certain is that time passes faster in dreams than in the real world.

But now, the sky outside has just entered dusk.

When the last ray of sunset disappeared from the earth, the ringing of horse bells along the way gradually stopped, and the convoy decided to camp for the night by the River Skye.

Dazzling bonfires lit up the riverside, the darkness was dispelled, and people began to take a rest after a busy day.

The traders made a fire to cook, and Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaito also joined them, doing what they could, such as collecting firewood nearby.

Gradually, wisps of fragrant smoke rose above the bonfire.


“Come and eat!”

The cheerful voice resounded throughout the camp, and the already hungry vendors hurriedly carried their food bowls to the place where food was distributed.

Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaito also carried the tableware prepared in advance with great interest, preparing to receive the food.

Although hunger in the dreamland will not kill you, eating food is always a pleasure.

Just as Kuroba Kaito was happily lining up behind Qin Zhibo, he suddenly heard the person in front shouting.

“What I’m making today is fish soup!”

Upon hearing this, Kuroba Kaito's face immediately dropped, turned around and left.

"Hey! Why don't you eat?" Qin Zhibo asked.

Kuroba Kaito: "I don't eat fish."

This chapter has been completed!
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