Chapter 1188 An old face reopens his business

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The bar owner looked at the rag in Qin Zhibo's hand and sounded a little excited. It seemed that this boarding certificate was like the ticket that Jack won before sailing on the Titanic. It was very precious.

Qin Zhibo immediately put away the boarding certificate, stood up and walked to the corner.

The businessmen sitting in the corner were all silent, the turbans with small bumps on their heads swaying slightly, and their gloomy eyes fixed on the wine glasses in front of them.

Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaidou, Conan walked up to them and took out the boarding certificate.

"When will your ship leave?"

The three businessmen looked up at Qin Zhibo, their wide mouths slowly rising, revealing a malicious smile.

"The three of you?"

"Can't it be three people?" Qin Zhibo asked.

The three businessmen were silent for a while, and the sneers on their lips became even more sinister.

"Ok, Ok……"

"The ship will leave at noon in three days. Don't be late..."

Qin Zhibo originally didn't have high hopes that one ticket could carry three people.

If these people give a negative answer, you can "get" two more from the locals.

But I didn't expect that these people would agree so simply.

After answering, these people continued to lower their heads, put their hands on their knees, and gently rocked their bodies in a certain rhythm as if they were being manipulated.

Qin Zhibo felt that they were already drunk, but no matter how drunk they were, they could not change the sneer on their faces.

After coming out of the bar, Qin Zhibo couldn't help but touch the wall.

The intensity of the moon wine gradually increased, and he finally experienced what it meant to have a dream that was blurry.

At this time, Conan analyzed from the side with a serious face.

"I don't feel good about those people..."

Of course, what Conan was talking about was the three businessmen. Both their appearance and the inevitable sneer on their faces made people very uncomfortable.

Of course Qin Zhibo also knew that these people seemed unreliable.

But right now, these people's ships are the only way to go to the northern continent, so I have to do this.

But just in case, you still have to prepare Plan B.

Qin Zhibo turned his head to the ear of his "eldest son" Kuroba Kaito and whispered something.

Conan next to him raised his feet and tried to eavesdrop, but he couldn't hear anything.

After hearing this, Kuroba Kaito's eyes were startled for a moment, and then a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This made Conan even more concerned about what Qin Zhibo said, and he quickly asked: "Uncle...Dad, tell me too!"

Qin Zhibo lowered his head to look at Conan and blurted out two annoying words.

"Just, no!"


Conan was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Why did he keep the person he was dreaming a secret from?

The key is to favor one person over another, and would rather tell the little secret to another "self" than to yourself.

You are engaging in height discrimination!

In the early morning, when Qin Zhibo woke up from bed, his head was still a little groggy.

The bottle of moon wine I drank in the dreamland even affected the real world.

Qin Zhibo got up from the bed in a daze, intending to wash his face and sober up, but when he landed, he accidentally stepped on Kuroba Kaito's hand.


Kuroba Kaito suddenly opened his eyes and pulled out his hand from under Qin Zhibo's feet with all his strength.

"My right hand can do magic and hold chopsticks!"

Qin Zhibo's weight is not light. Even though the time of stepping on this foot was not long, it was enough for Kuroba Kaito's hand.

Qin Zhibo was also awakened by this Tom Cat-like scream, and his groggy brain suddenly woke up.

"Eh? You haven't gone to school yet?"

In fact, Qin Zhibo had woken up once four hours ago, when the genius outside was bright.

But in order to "sober up", he chose to sleep for a while.

Usually during this time, Kuroba Kaito would have already gotten up and gone to school.

But today, Kuroba Kaito is still lying on the floor sleeping.

"fu, fu——"

Kuroba Kaito blew into his right hand distressedly and said angrily: "It's Sunday, what are you going to school for?"



Only then did Qin Zhibo's mind realize that he had to catch "Qianye" on Sunday.

Just then, the phone on the bedside table rang.

Qin Zhibo picked up the phone and answered it. Sure enough, it was Conan calling.

The two had previously discussed working together to capture "Chiba" at the Rice Krispies Department Store on Sunday, but because Qin Zhibo's sense of time was confused, they could only let Conan act as a "calendar".

And when it comes to whether Xiaolan in the parallel world can change her body back, Conan can no longer stay out of the matter.

After picking up the phone, Conan first informed Qin Zhibo that today was Sunday.

"I know..." Qin Zhibo replied.

But then, Conan said an unexpected development.

"Maybe I won't go to Mihua Department Store alone today..."

It turned out that just last night, the Maori family enjoyed a box of high-end sushi that was not commonly seen.

This was originally a good thing, but Mao Lilan used the 100,000 yen commission fee that someone put in the mailbox.

At first she thought it was some case that Mouri Kogoro had solved before, and it was a reward sent by the client.

As a result, I later received a call from a client and found out that this was an advance payment from the client.

The client's request was to discuss with Mori Kogoro the red T-shirts that would be sent every week.

But the strange thing is that the client did not plan to come to the detective agency, but asked Mouri Kogoro to go to the sports goods counter of Rice Krispies Department Store.

Conan tried his best to prevent Kogoro Mori from accepting this commission, but the commission fee had already paid off the debt of Café Poirot and other bills, so there was not much left.

Therefore, for the sake of the credibility of "Sleeping Kogoro", Mori Kogoro had to accept this commission.

After listening to this incident, Qin Zhibo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Raising children is really expensive...

Mouri Kogoro is obviously about the same reputation as himself, and even has more accidents than him. As a result, he still lives in embarrassment, causing famine everywhere.

But now that something like this has happened, Qin Zhibo doesn't expect anything to change.

Anyway, when the time comes, Mouri Kogoro completes his commission and goes to find "Chiba" alone, so the two should not interfere with each other.

Qin Zhibo expressed his thoughts, and after Conan thought about it, he could only do this.

Although he also wanted to help find "Chiba", Mouri Kogoro's reasoning ability was really worrying.

Give Mouri Kogoro a chance, and he can turn red into blue and T-shirts into woolen sweaters...

The best way is to quickly resolve the commission by yourself, send Maori and his daughter away, and then act together with Qin Zhibo.

But thinking about last night's dream, Conan felt a little hesitant in his heart.

"Qin, you...won't discriminate against me, right?"

"Discrimination against you? In which way?"

"For example, height..."

"How is that possible? I swear on my happiness for the rest of my life that I will never discriminate against your height..."


Conan recalled that he and "Kudo Shinichi" were treated differently by Qin Zhibo in his dream last night, and he suddenly felt relieved.

Sure enough, everything in the dream is unbelievable!

Conan hung up the phone with satisfaction.

But Qin Zhibo added another sentence silently in his heart.

"But the length is not necessarily the same..."

There was no time for breakfast, so Qin Zhibo planned to drive directly to the Rice Krispies Department Store in 3-chome.

Since he didn't know when "Chiba" usually went to the department store, Qin Zhibo could only go there as early as possible to avoid missing it.

Looking at Qin Zhibo who was hurriedly preparing to go out, Kuroba Kaito also saw that there was something to deal with, so he asked if he needed help.

Qin Zhibo looked at Kuroba Kaito, who had a serious look on his face, with thoughts in his eyes.

The main mission this time is to find "Chiba", but according to the information previously provided by Kiel, Scotch seems to have mastered "Chiba"'s habit of going to Rice Krispies Department Store on Sundays, and is very likely to take action.

Although Qin Zhibo didn't believe that the black organization dared to be exposed too obviously in public, one more person would make him more confident.

Moreover, Conan also has something to do temporarily, and he might miss it by himself.

"Okay...but you can't show up with this face and identity."

There is Conan in the Rice Krispies Department Store. If Conan sees Kuroba Kaito's face, he will definitely doubt his life again.

"You mean, let me dress up as someone else?"

"Yes." Qin Zhibo nodded.

Hearing this, Kuroba Kaito looked a little embarrassed.

It turned out that when he came to stay this time, he did not bring the human skin mask with him. All the tools for making the human skin mask were also at home in Ekoda Town.

Kuroba Kaito told Qin Zhibo about this situation, and Qin Zhibo also found it a bit difficult to handle.

I have almost used up my own silicone, and now it’s too late to go out and buy it, so I can only use ready-made human skin masks.

"Wait a minute, I'll go into the house and look..."

Qin Zhibo returned to the room and rummaged through the cabinet.

Most of them are semi-finished masks made for experimental purposes, and they can be worn out at night when vision is poor.

Wearing it during the day is a bit insulting to people's intelligence.

But after searching around inside, I found that the third pair can be used.

Soon, Qin Zhibo took out these three human skin masks.

Kuroba Kaito looked at these three human skin masks, he was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered.

"Aren't these the masks I made before?"

Qin Zhibo nodded very honestly.

These three masks are the human skin masks of Michael Bay, Shuichi Akai and Gin.

Needless to say, the origin of the first mask was that it was the first human skin mask that Qin Zhibo asked Kuroba Kaito to help make, and was used to infiltrate black organizations.

But as the undercover identity was revealed, the human skin mask was naturally no longer needed.

The remaining two masks were made by Qin Zhibo by Kuroba Kaito when he planned to arrest Gin, in order to deal with various emergencies.

Later, the mask was not used, so it was left idle at Qin Zhibo's place.

"You choose one of these three."

"Then I choose..."

Just when Kuroba Kaito was about to reach out for Michael Bay's blond mask, Qin Zhibo handed Akai Shuichi's mask to his hand.

"You'd better use this."

Kuroba Kaito whispered, "Didn't you tell me to choose..."

In fact, there was a reason why Qin Zhibo changed his mind midway.

Because he also suddenly remembered that once he and Scotch discovered the whereabouts of "Chiba" at the same time, a conflict would likely break out.

My true identity cannot be exposed easily, so I have to disguise myself.

But Gin's human skin mask is too ostentatious, and his long blond hair turns heads too much when walking on the street.

That is to say, in this era, street photography internet celebrities are not yet popular. Otherwise, with the look of gin, more than 10,000 photos will definitely be taken by those street photographers and uploaded to the Internet.

And Conan, if he saw "Gin" appearing in the Pop-Flower Department Store, he would probably pee a few drops out of fright.

Of the two remaining human skin masks, Akai Shuichi has disappeared from the sight of the black organization for a long time, and no one knows about his involvement in Gin's arrest.

But Michael Bay was an undercover agent of the organization, and he killed Gin. Everyone in the organization wanted to kill him.

In terms of danger, Michael Bay's identity must be more dangerous, so Qin Zhibo took the initiative to choose Michael Bay.

Shuichi Akai's face is a typical Asian face. As long as he dresses up a little and acts low-key, there will be no problem.

In this way, the two of them finished dividing the masks.

But before leaving the house, Qin Zhibo looked back at "Gin" who was still on the sofa, and decided to take the mask with him.

Soon, Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaito drove to the Mihua Department Store.

After parking the car in the underground garage, Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaito quickly divided their duties. Kuroba Kaito would guard the underground entrance and exit, and then Qin Zhibo would guard the main entrance.

This is the only entrance and exit of the mall. As long as "Chiba" comes in, he will definitely be discovered.

As for the appearance of "Chiba", Qin Zhibo first went upstairs to find a print shop and inserted Hiroki Sawada's U disk into the computer.

Just search for the missing person notice of "Chiba Kazanobu" and let Sawada slim down the person, and you will be the current "Chiba".

Qin Zhibo printed out the photo and gave it to Kuroba Kaito.

"If you see this person in the mall, just tell me."

The two of them have wireless microphones in their ears and can communicate at any time.

Kuroba Kaito picked up the photo, glanced at it twice, and then put the photo away without burning it.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Qin Zhibo looked at his image and suddenly felt that Akai Shuichi's face, paired with the uniform of Ekoda Town High School, was so inconsistent.

"You'd better change your clothes..."

"Change clothes?"

With Qin Zhibo's investment, Kuroba Kaito bought a set of black leather jacket and leather trousers from a nearby clothing store in Mihua Building, and his whole temperament improved with just a scratch.

The two of them parted ways in the middle of the first floor, one heading towards the front door and the other towards the underground entrance at the back.

Qin Zhibo found a drink shop in the store opposite the mall gate, where he could sit comfortably and monitor everything.

It's exactly 9:30 am now.

First use the object-finding spell to search for "Qianye"'s face to confirm that he is not currently in the mall.

The next step was Jiang Taigong fishing, and those who wished took the bait.

I wish all book friends a Happy New Year and all the best!

I have something to do on the first day of the new year, so I have a day off.

This chapter has been completed!
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