Chapter 1249 Next Destination

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Nine stars in a row!

The image drawn by Xuanjun in front of you is a nine-star continuum that is rare to see in ten thousand years!

That is, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, these nine planets are connected in a line!

In the nearly 6,000 years of human history that can be traced back, the "Nine Stars in a row" has only occurred once.

However, that nine-star continuation actually had some angular deviations, and it was not the true nine planets connected in a line.

Eight-star continuation, seven-star continuation, and six-star continuation occur "often" in human civilization.

However, what Xuanjun wanted to express was not only the correct "star position", but also the brown-red celestial body that can make the nine stars line up.

What exactly is this celestial body?

Xuanjun called this celestial body "Sichen Tianguan", which had the power to announce the cry of the gods.

It travels through the vast universe, and the divine cry it emits can make the stars return to their correct positions and wake up other sleeping heavenly officials.

Tianguan is the "god" described by Xuanjun, that is, the ruler of the old days.

So is this brown-red celestial body also one of the Old Ones?

Qin Zhibo stared at the huge celestial body that was sliding through the solar system like a fashion but not in direct contact with any star, and suddenly discovered that there were some detailed descriptions on its surface.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a huge eye!

Are there eyes on the surface of the planet?

Qin Zhibo frowned slightly, seeming to have some impression of this scene in his mind.

After thinking for a few seconds, he suddenly thought, isn't this the picture of the "Great Halley's Comet" that Terai Kinosuke once showed him?

After the Egg of Memories incident, I found Kuroba Kaito and Terai Kinosuke, and talked to them for the first time about why "Phantom Thief Kid" was being hunted?

The reason is that Kaito Kidd often steals legendary gems and hinders the zoo organization's plans, so he is targeted.

Kuroba Kaito once used fake gems to track the zoo organization's stronghold, and overheard the reasons why the organization stole gems from the organization's cadres.

The leader of the zoo organization hopes to find "Pandora, the Stone of Life" from the legendary gemstone, so as to realize his wish of immortality.

As long as you find "Pandora", return through Halley's Comet, which comes to the earth once every 10,000 years, and offer Pandora to the full moon, the Stone of Life will shed tears.

Anyone who drinks this tear will become immortal and become a "god".

Although this theory is very tempting, in fact, if you think about it carefully, there are still many things that are difficult to understand.

For example, Halley's Comet returns to the earth every 76 years, and everyone on earth knows this.

However, the officials of the zoo organization said that Halley's Comet returns once every 10,000 years. Obviously, this is not the Halley's Comet that is generally believed.

After consulting a large amount of information, Akai Kinosuke actually found a comet called "Great Halley's Comet".

This celestial body was discovered by the Planetarium of the University of Brightchester in the UK. It returns once every 10,000 years, and its return can change the positions of stars in the entire solar system and even the Milky Way.

It will even change the earth's magnetic field and cause the earth to enter an ice age.

Since the University of Brightchester has not directly observed the existence of this celestial body, there is only a hand-drawn drawing of this star.

Qin Zhibo still remembers the hand-drawn drawing he saw on that web page, which was a planet with huge eyes.

Xuanjun believed that there was a planet with an eyeball that would change the position of the stars.

The University of Brightchester in the UK also believes that there is a planet with eyes that will change the position of the stars...

Could this be a coincidence?

Qin Zhibo fell into thinking.

If both describe the same planet, then the celestial body that the zoo organization is looking forward to is actually the "Sichen Celestial Official" who can awaken many old rulers.

Qin Zhibo had found "Pandora" before, and the true identity of this gem was actually the largest ruby ​​in the world - Crimson Tears.

When Kuroba Kaito was young, Kuroba Toichi once said that this piece of Crimson Tears was an artificial ruby, which made Kuroba Kaito think that it was the most unlikely "Pandora" gem in the world.

However, under Qin Zhibo's magic extractor, the magic power on the gem was still detected.

But apart from the powerful magic reaction on that gem, I didn't feel anything special about it.

If humans can achieve immortality with the help of "Pandora", there seems to be no connection between the two.

However, from Yasuharu Haneda, Qin Zhibo learned the information that Fuden Harui, a B-class agent of the Nine Angels organization, had investigated in the zoo organization.

The purpose of the existence of the zoo organization is to fulfill the prophecy of the ancient Egyptian high priest, the Black Pharaoh Nefren Ka.

According to the prophecy, Nevron Ka will be reborn in a certain era thousands of years after his death, bringing infinite chaos and darkness to mankind.

If resurrecting Nevren Ka is the real purpose of the zoo organization, then the celestial body it is waiting for is very likely to be "Sichen Celestial Official".

Because Nevron Kanai is the Black Pharaoh, one of the many incarnations of Naia.

The dawn of Sichen Tianguan means the resurrection and return of the old rulers. For the reincarnation of the Black Pharaoh, the time is just right.

Qin Zhibo was thinking, and the image in front of him gradually entered the next unit.

The next unit talks about "Chaos", one of the four evils, and the countless forms it has.

The "chaos" that Lord Xuan refers to is none other than Nyarlathotep, the lurking chaos.

The chaos of Fu Xing has no fixed form, but it has thousands of incarnations at the same time, and each incarnation can be regarded as its true body.

Therefore, He is both the God of Thousands of Faces who has thousands of faces, and He is also the Faceless God whose true face no one knows.

No one knows Nyarlathotep's purpose, and each incarnation has a different form of existence and action.

So to understand Naiya is actually to understand Naiya’s countless forms.

First, Xuanjun introduced one of the most common forms of Naia - the Night Roarer.

In Xuanjun's drawing, Qin Zhibo took a brief look at Naia in this form.

This is a giant that keeps roaring, with a deformed and ugly body, and a huge tentacle growing where the head used to be.

If a human summons Naiya in the forest terrain, once successful, this incarnation will most likely appear.

Since the Night Howler has the characteristics of low intelligence, rage, and inability to communicate, its huge size also brings the effect of war trampling, it is highly not recommended to come into contact with this incarnation.

Xuan Jun was very considerate and attached a warm reminder, leaving Qin Zhibo speechless.

Who would summon this thing if they have nothing to do?

Unless you are crazy...

In addition to the most common incarnation of Night Howler, Naia has many other less common incarnations.

The appearance of these incarnations is highly likely to be related to the location. When summoned in different locations, different incarnations will appear.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty when Xuanjun lived, there existed an incarnation called "Zhang Fu".

The bloated woman usually appears in a gorgeous female posture. She looks enchanting and graceful, but in fact she is a huge monster with a bloated body.

In history, those emperors who were bewitched by women and brought chaos to their country and eventually perished were all bewitched by bloated women.

In addition, there are black humans, black bulls, black hurricanes, black locust plagues, black blind men, black skeletons...

There are many incarnations of Naia listed by Xuanjun, and they are basically just "black".

However, there is no way to do this. Due to the limitations of the times, Xuanjun during the Eastern Han Dynasty could not fully understand the meaning of the existence of these incarnations, let alone have personal contact with each incarnation.

But the core logic Xuanjun wants to express is that the incarnation of Nyarlathotep exists everywhere that humans can or cannot go.

Even in dreamland.

Because of this, there are not a few humans or non-humans who admire its power, definitely not less than a million.

But even though Nyarlathotep is so powerful, there are still heavenly officials who are stronger than him.

That is the existence known as "Pangu Ancestral God".

"Pangu Ancestral God" ranks at the top of all heavenly officials. It is the beginning and end of everything. It is located in the first place of creation of heaven and earth outside the universe.

Qin Zhibo compared the knowledge of mythology he had previously mastered and guessed that the "Ancestral God Pangu" should refer to Azathoth.

Azathoth, known as the "source of all things", "the core of original chaos", and "the god of blind ignorance", is the origin of all things in the universe.

At the end of the chapter, a spell is still introduced.

This spell is called "The Divine Presence of Righteousness". It is a spell that brings Nyarlathotep down. It is also an extremely dangerous spell.

Qin Zhibo is really not interested in this talisman, not to mention that he has a grudge against Baron Samedi, one of the millions of incarnations of Naia, so he can't have any contact with it.

Even taking a second look feels bad.

At this point, I have read all seven chapters of Xuanjun’s Secret Sutra.

[After reading, a total of 22 points of will points have been lost]

[Acquire 2200 points of mysterious mythological knowledge and skill proficiency]

[Congratulations, your mysterious mythology knowledge and skills have been upgraded to level 5]

As soon as Qin Zhibo exited the reading mode, a long list of prompts popped up in the upper right corner of his field of vision.

Although the entire reading process consumes 22 willpower points, since it is read in two sections, it is not affected at all.

And the level 5 Mysterious Myth skill also means that I am already considered a veteran in this area of ​​knowledge.

Qin Zhibo closed the book and leaned back on the sofa, his mind lost in thought.

His top priority now is to investigate Cthulhu's return.

If the "Great Halley's Comet" is the key to Cthulhu's return, then if you want to determine the specific time of its return, you should go to the University of Brightchester where this star was discovered.

It's just that this university is located in London, England, so the distance is really far.


Qin Zhibo thought about it for a while and decided to go.

Because London can not only confirm the return time of "Great Halley's Comet", but also help Akai Shuichi find his family.

Since Akai Shuichi lost his memory, Qin Zhibo has been trying to contact his family.

According to information provided by Yasuharu Haneda, Shuichi Akai has a younger brother who plays shogi in Tokyo, as well as a mother and younger sister living in London, England.

It's just that Akai Shuichi's mother, Mary, was affected by Akai Mutake's death and now acts very cautiously.

Ordinary phone calls cannot make people believe it, they must meet and chat.

If you go to London, you can contact Mary.

But before leaving Japan, I have to complete the last adventure in the dreamland with Kuroba Kaito.

Because this is not only related to Kuroba Kaito's search for his biological father, Kuroba Toichi is also likely to know the specific conspiracy of the zoo organization.

And tonight, it is estimated that we can reach the northern continent in the dreamland.

That night, Qin Zhibo went to Kuroba Kaito's house in Ekoda Town.

Previously, Kuroba Kaito lived in Qin Zhibo's office for a period of time in order to successfully enter the dreamland.

Later, Kuroba Kaito became a dreamer and could enter the dreamland alone. In addition, Qin Zhibo also had to deal with the affairs of the Yi people, so the two "separated".

However, during this period of time, Kuroba Kaito himself has been following him in the dreamland, and he has not missed a day.


When the front door of the house opened, Qin Zhibo said hello to Kuroba Kaito.


Kuroba Kaito was confused, he didn't expect Qin Zhibo to come over at all.

"Why did you come here?"


Looking at the confused Kuroba Kaito, Qin Zhibo put his hands in his pockets and smiled, "Aren't you welcome?"

"Huan, welcome..."

Qin Zhibo changed into his slippers and followed Kuroba Kaito into Kuroba's house.

After coming to the sofa in the living room and taking a seat, Qin Zhibo got straight to the point and explained his purpose.

"I just recently got a way to directly enter the secret realm of Kadasi from Leng Yuan. I think we can try it tonight."

"If you're lucky, maybe we can reach Kadasi tonight."

After hearing Qin Zhibo's words, Kuroba Kaito looked startled at first, and then his eyes slowly showed joy.

"Is this true? Uncle!"

"Well, but this is just an attempt, it may not succeed."

Qin Zhibo was not sure whether the spells in Xuanjun's Seven Chapter Secret Scripture were really useful, so he was not sure.

After all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

But no matter which way, for Kuroba Kaito, the day of meeting his father is just around the corner.

Ever since he learned from the mouth of the ghoul Pickman that Kuroba Toichi died physically in reality and was still living in a dreamland in another way, Kuroba Kaito has been looking forward to it every day.

The Black Feather Thief is not only a father to him, but also a life mentor who leads him on the path of magic and the path of the Phantom Thief.

Today, after 8 years of separation, we finally have the opportunity to meet such an important person again.

"Yo ho!"

Kuroba Kaito yelled happily and quickly went to wash up. He had to go to bed early tonight.

While Kuroba Kaito went to the bathroom, Qin Zhibo strolled around the living room.

The display space on the wall of the living room mainly displays the honors and golden trophies that Kuroha Daichi has won in various magic competitions.

But in the corner, a photo of Black Feather Pirate One and his wife Qianying attracted Qin Zhibo's attention.

He stared at the elegant black-feathered thief wearing glasses and looked at it again and again, feeling a very special and strange feeling in his heart.

Why does this Kuroba Toichi look so much like Kudo Yusaku?

Thanks to Taixuan Sword Fairy for the reward!

This chapter has been completed!
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