Chapter 1251 Curse You

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Outsiders are what humans in the dreamland call "dreamers".

Some humans in the real world can enter the dreamland through dreaming, which is not a secret in the dreamland.

The local natives and foreign dreamers in the dreamland are equivalent to the natives and foreigners in the real world, and there are not many special treatments.

But this only applies to big cities and peaceful and stable towns, like Dilas-Lin and Ursa.

If we were on such a sea far away from the land, human beings would only be subject to the weakest "moral" constraints.

There is no law or anything like it to protect a helpless foreigner.

Even if a foreigner is killed on a ship and his body is thrown into the sea, the outside world cannot know whether this person was on the ship or not, and there is no way to investigate.

When Qin Zhibo heard this man identify himself, he immediately remembered the advice of Elder Usa Alta, and he couldn't help but become wary.

Could it be that the person in front of me had been observing the situation in the public cabin during the voyage?

The hammock spaces in public cabins are not fixed, you can sleep wherever there is space.

But one thing is that the number of hammock seats is exactly the same as the number of passengers using the pass to board the ship.

In other words, just by observing how many hammock seats are available every day, you can roughly confirm how many dreamers are on the ship.

Kuroba Kaito observed a few days ago that, including himself, there were only three empty beds.

The dreamers are Qin Zhibo, Kuroba Kaito, and Conan.

But it is very difficult for outsiders to check this out, because even at night, the number of people in the hammocks is fluid, and some passengers just like to sleep on the deck.

In the absence of rosters and registration, if you want to identify the dreamer among hundreds of passengers, you must first remember everyone's face.

It's almost impossible...

Qin Zhibo frowned slightly, then immediately relaxed.

At this stage, I don’t know what this man’s intentions are, so I can only pretend to be stupid.


"How is that possible? I'm just a businessman from Uzzah. I just want to go to Inganok to do some small business..."

Qin Zhibo took out a sheepskin wallet from his pocket. This kind of fine white sheepskin was only produced by Usa in the fantasy world, which indirectly proved his identity.

The man glanced at Qin Zhibo's wallet and didn't say much on this issue.

"My name is Augustus Larkin, from Herm."

Herm is located in the Bunazik Desert in the west of the Western Continent. Elder Ursa once mentioned this place. It is a city with a huge pyramid.

When cats were not protected in Usa Town, a caravan that may have originated from this city came to Usa for trading. A cat raised by a young boy accompanying it was tortured and killed by an old tenant farmer couple in Usa Town, causing the cat god to appear.

Coming to Uzzah.

Since that time, no cats have been killed in the town of Usa.

According to the elder's description, Qin Zhibo felt that this place was similar to Egypt in the real world.

The man in front of him does have a dark complexion, but it is not completely black, more chocolate brown, with slightly protruding cheekbones and a thin face.

"Hello, my name is Qin..."

Qin Zhibo suddenly paused, remembering that he had introduced himself when he first started talking, so he changed his mouth and said, "Actually, I came to you to ask if there are any non-human creatures on this ship?"

"Not human?" Larkin looked sideways slightly.

"Yes..." Qin Zhibo pretended to be trembling, "Actually, this is my first time on this ship, and I don't know much about the rules."

"I heard from the elders that this ship seems to be somewhat evil. There are crew members who cannot see the light and so on..."

Larkin stared into Qin Zhibo's eyes and asked coldly: "Since you are afraid, why did you get on this ship?"


Qin Zhibo was about to answer when Larkin said calmly.

"Since it's your first time, just stay safe and don't do stupid things."

"Also, don't go to the second level of the ship..."

After saying that, Larkin turned around, put his hands on the fence, stared at the sea with his sunken eye sockets, and fell into silence like an NPC in the game.

Qin Zhibo looked at Larkin's look and knew that the other party probably didn't want to communicate anymore.

At this time, Qin Zhibo saw Kuroba Kaito not far away waving to him.

He ran over quickly, and Kuroba Kaito couldn't wait to explain what he had discovered.

"I found the purple paper."

"As long as it's purple paper, that person happens to have..."

Kuroba Kaito raised his hand and pointed to the stern of the deck.

Qin Zhibo looked in the direction he pointed, and there were two men standing there, wearing loose gray cloth robes, and their clothes looked a bit like Arabs.

Kuroba Kaito whispered: "The man on the left has a palm-sized notepad, and the cover of that notepad is purple."

"We can wait until night to steal it..."

But as soon as Kuroba Kaito finished speaking, Qin Zhibo raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean we?"

"This is obviously your job..."

The day flies by.

Although the time in the dreamland also follows the hour system, the passage of time here is not synchronized with the real world.

In one night in the real world, several days may pass in the dreamland.

Even for more skilled dreamers, one hour of sleep can be worth several days in a dream state.

In the spacious public cabin on the first floor, at least 70% of the passengers have returned to their random hammock seats every day.

The sea during the day is so refreshing.

The sea at night is just a dark abyss that may be full of weirdness and unknowns, and I feel like I will be dragged into it if I look at it a few more times.

At this moment, Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaito were sitting on two adjacent hammock seats, nibbling the dry food in their hands while staring at the pair of Arabs not far away.

It's dinner time now. Although the two of them are not hungry yet, in order to appear more gregarious, they can only put on a show.

Dry food must be prepared by yourself before boarding the ship, and no food is distributed on the ship.

In addition, there are no crew members visible on the ship.

Qin Zhibo had previously thought that the three turbaned weirdos he met in the bar before boarding the ship were crew members, but in fact they were just passengers.

Just because the crew can't be seen doesn't mean there aren't any. After all, the second-story paddle layer keeps sliding.

However, these crew members do not provide other services other than powering the ship, and the passengers are completely self-sufficient.

When boarding the ship, passengers put their cargo into the cargo hold on the third floor.

When disembarking, passengers take the cargo out of the cargo hold.

During this process, passengers will not see any crew members, and even the ticket check when boarding the ship is just to put the pass into a wooden box.

This black sailboat is more like a ruthless cage, only responsible for traveling on the vast sea of ​​fantasy.

As for what happened to the passengers in the cage, no one cared.

Such a voyage can only be achieved in a dreamland.

After all, with this kind of hygienic conditions and environment, if there were no microorganisms such as bacteria in Dreamland, infection would not easily occur, and this place would have become a hell on earth.

"Wait until those two people fall asleep at night before you take action."


Kuroba Kaito swallowed the saliva secreted due to nervousness.

Although he is the all-powerful Kaitou Kidd in the real world, in the unfamiliar place of Dreamland, even a small theft is a brand new attempt.

But overall, it shouldn't be too difficult.

After dinner, the candlelight in the public cabin soon began to gradually extinguish.

In this world, especially on this ship, candles are also very important supplies.

Qin Zhibo and Kuroba Kaito were lying on the hammocks with their heads facing the two Arabs, observing silently.

The two of them were talking about something.

After a while, one of them extinguished the candle on the wooden box, and the other went back to lie down in his hammock next to him.

Kuroba Kaito memorized the bed position of the person with the purple notepad.

After his eyes completely adapted to the darkness, he began to take action.

Qin Zhibo looked at Kuroba Kaito who was tiptoeing over there, feeling a little worried.

He originally thought that this kid would be more cautious this time, but he ended up stealing it just after someone had gone to bed.

On the other side, Kuroba Kaito bent over and came to the Arab's hammock.

There was a slight snoring sound in the hammock, and the Arab seemed to have fallen asleep.

Kuroba Kaito's expression was tense, and he slowly moved his head to the level with the Arab's body.

Since there are almost no opportunities to take a bath while sailing at sea, if you want to take a bath you have to wait until it rains, causing the Arabs to have a strange smell all over their bodies.

This made Kuroba Kaito's throat tighten, and he let out a muffled groan from the bottom of his throat.

Fortunately, the sound was very weak and the Arabs were not awakened.

Kuroba Kaito lowered his head and took a deep breath, then holding in his breath, he stretched out his hand to touch the surface of the gray robe.

A square lump can be found on the chest, and the notepad is there.

But the problem is that when an Arab sleeps, he hugs his shoulders, which makes it difficult for him to put his hands under his clothes.

If there was a way to cut the clothes off from the outside...

Kuroba Kaito had an idea and remembered that when he was eating just now, he saw another Arab with a knife.

Just as he was told, he quietly slipped to the man's hammock.

I stretched my head and saw that the knife was in this man's hand.

Kuroba Kaito moved his five fingers, grabbed one end of the knife, slowly pulled the knife out of the man's hand, and then put a short wooden stick placed on the wooden box next to him into his hand.

The whole movement was smooth and fluid, and couldn't be smoother.

nailed it!

My first time stealing something in a dreamland!

Having achieved the achievement, Kuroba Kaito felt a little happy inside.

He returned to the Arab with the knife, quickly cut open the robe with the blade, and took out the notepad from the opened fabric.

Done it again!

Kuroba Kaito took the stolen loot and quickly returned to the starting point.

"How about it?"

"I'll take action myself, of course that's no problem~"

Kuroba Kaito took out the notepad from his pocket and handed it to Qin Zhibo.

Qin Zhibo touched the notepad lightly with his fingers, then tore off the outer cover, folded it, and carefully put it into his pocket.

After all, this may be the only purple paper on the ship, and it is extremely precious.

After obtaining the purple paper, Qin Zhibo returned the remaining notepad to Kuroba Kaito.

"Give it back to that person, or just find a place to throw it away."

Although it was theoretically unlikely that a body search would occur, Qin Zhibo did not want to keep such valuable stolen goods on him and take unnecessary risks.


Kuroba Kaito took the notepad and was about to turn around and return it when his mind suddenly became curious about the contents of the notepad.

What would the Arabs in the dreamland record on their notepads?

A list of goods? Or a diary with your heartfelt words?

Or just wait until dawn and read the contents of the diary, just to relieve your boredom.

Just return it before disembarking...

Kuroba Kaito thought this in his mind, lying back on the hammock, his mind gradually becoming dizzy.

However, in the middle of the night, screams suddenly came from the public cabin.


"Where's my notepad!"

"Who took my notepad? Give it back to me!"

The Arab who had lost his notepad grabbed his robe that had been cut open on the chest. The notepad originally placed inside had disappeared.

"Hello? What's wrong?"

In the hammock next to him, another Arab rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked in an unpleasant tone.

However, as soon as he sat up, he discovered that the knife in his right hand had been replaced by a small wooden stick at some point.

The key point is that this piece of wood is what he used to hold his shit after he got into the tub.

"Damn it!"

He waved his hand and threw the wooden stick to the ground, "Which guy stole my knife?"

"Who is it? Stand up!"

Two people lost something, and the people sleeping in hammocks around them were gradually awakened. The first thing they did was to check whether they had lost anything.

Soon, everyone around checked and found that no one had lost anything. Only two Arabs had lost anything.

The two looked around, looking at the indifferent eyes on the hammock. No one had the intention to stand up and take responsibility.

It was even more impossible to search him. There were so many people in the public cabin, and it was impossible for him to be willing to be searched by strangers.

In this case, the two Arabs looked at each other and then looked around fiercely.

They gritted their teeth and chanted in a gloomy voice from the bottom of their throats.

"The guy who stole the notepad and the knife, we curse you..."

"We curse you to be slaves to this ship until the sea turns to salt and the sun fades its light."

"As you serve on this ship, never forget the mistakes you made today..."

On the tattered hammock, Qin Zhibo slowly opened his eyes.

Between the gaps in the deck above our heads, dazzling rays of light shone down.

Its daybreak……

It’s another new day in the dreamland.

Qin Zhibo swallowed to relieve his dry throat.

I slept here all night. Although I don’t know what time it is in the real world, it’s probably not yet midnight.

He sat up from the bed and turned around to wake up Kaito Kuroba.

But when his eyes fell on the hammock next to him, he found that the person on it had disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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