Chapter 848 Xiaoman

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Chun Xiaoman took out three sticks of incense, placed them upside down on the incense candle and lit them.

After waving a little harder, she extinguished the flames of the incense head. She knelt on the futon, raised the three incense sticks above her head, and worshiped the statue in front of her.

At this moment, the appearance of Wusheng Old Mother has completely changed. In the center of the double lotus sits a kind-hearted old lady with red eyebrows and a cane with a dragon head.

The statue is made of stone, but the believers painted it to make the Inanimate Mother look lifelike.

"O Mother Wusheng who is so kind, compassionate, kind and benevolent, I hope that after my death, my disciples can go to their hometown of Vacuum and join other brothers and sisters to serve my mother forever..."

After devoutly performing three obeisances and nine kowtows, Chun Xiaoman inserted the incense into the incense burner and walked backwards out of the hall facing the statue.

Outside the hall is the entrance of the White Lotus Sect. Chun Xiaoman is still covered in black hair, but no one here will look at her differently.

As long as you join the White Lotus Sect, all brothers and sisters will be treated equally. It is a taboo in the White Lotus Sect to dare to dislike your sister's appearance.

On the contrary, because of Chun Xiaoman's desperate efforts and attitude of always standing at the front when fighting against the Fa Sect, and because of her very recognizable appearance, she has been respected and admired by many people in the White Lotus Sect.


Facing the believers who greeted him with smiles and kind salutes, Chun Xiaoman returned the greetings one by one.

She had just started practicing Shen Da and the White Lotus teaching skills. Chun Xiaoman didn't think too much about it. She just wanted to help Miaomiao and have the strength to better protect Niuxin Village.

But after coming out of Niuxin Village and gradually integrating into the big family of the White Lotus Sect, her mentality began to change.

She likes being here, she feels at home here.

She used to always wonder if it was a mistake to be born into this world, but she no longer has such thoughts.

Now here she not only has friends, brothers and faith. Everything she didn't have before can be found here. She really likes it here.

Chun Xiaoman had already made up his mind in his heart that he would devote his whole life to the White Lotus family.

When we left the hall, we found the alley where other Bailian believers lived. Although everyone was very poor, they were not slovenly at all. Even if the house had no roof, it was still clean.

There is no need to lock the door of every house here because no one will steal it.

Everyone is very kind and treats each other with courtesy. If you need help, just shout from the alley and everyone will come, just like a unified world.

"Sister Xiaoman! Sister Xiaoman!" Several children in ragged clothes ran over and excitedly circled Chun Xiaoman.

Although they are all beggars, they are all beggars of the White Lotus Sect. "Sister Xiaoman, where have you been? We haven't seen you for several days. We miss you."

"I just came back from Siqitangkou. It's far away from here and I was delayed on the way." Chun Xiaoman explained to them gently.

Looking at their looks, Chun Xiaoman couldn't help but think of his own experience. "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I'll treat you."

Hearing this, all the beggars suddenly jumped up with joy, and pulled Chun Xiaoman towards the outside of the alley. "Dou Hao, help me get my bamboo hat."

Soon, in the crowded Dong Market, every beggar had one of the scallion pancakes sprinkled with sesame seeds and ate them with gusto.

Chun Xiaoman touched the back of their heads with his hand and whispered to them to eat slowly and not to choke.

Since she decided to be a self-grooming woman, she must not have children. After Gou Wa's experience, she gave up her idea.

But this does not prevent me from treating the juniors in the White Lotus Sect as my own children. The White Lotus Sect has everything.

I saw a little girl nibbling on the cake in her arms, staring straight at a wheelbarrow in the distance containing several ceramic jars.

Xiao Man walked over and held her in his arms regardless of the filth on her body. "What's wrong? Do you want to eat that? I'll buy it for you."

The little girl carefully took a look at the biggest beggar's face and shook her head gently. "Sister Xiaoman, I don't want it. One cake is enough."

"It's okay. Although most of my remuneration is donated to our teaching, it's still enough to sell some snacks to you little ones." Chun Xiaoman said and led them towards the unicycle.

Chun Xiaoman led them to the wheelbarrow and asked, "Hey, what are you selling?"

The thin man with the dog skin plaster on his forehead chuckled and took the lid off the jar, "This is a rare thing. I bought it from Tianyi Pavilion."

Chun Xiaoman took a look and found that they were actually some peels soaked in water.

"Pearls? I'm afraid you picked these things from the swill bucket in Tianyi Pavilion, right? Can these be sold?"

"Go, go, what are you talking about? My good brother is the one who cuts the pieces. These are clean leftover peels. They cost ten cents a handful."

"Ten cents a handful? You can buy a bowl of Yangchun noodles! Are you crazy about money?" Chun Xiaoman thought this guy was a shady businessman.

"Didn't you see that I was soaking it in sugar water? Besides, don't you know what time of year it is. These things are very valuable now. They are all grown in the greenhouse."

"Sister Xiaoman, let's go, I don't want to eat."

"Sister Xiaoman, let's go back. One piece of cake is already enough."

Looking at their faces, Chun Xiao stretched out his hand and took out a broken piece of silver.

The thin man's face suddenly lit up with joy, and he took the ceramic jar off the wheelbarrow.

At this moment, the leading beggar stepped forward and said very seriously: "Sister Xiaoman, we don't want it. This thing is too valuable. We are already full and we cannot waste the money of the sisters in the church like this."

"It's okay, it's nothing to eat some peel."

Soon, strips of peel soaked in sugar water were delivered to these beggars. Everyone was immediately happy, tasting the peels and comparing which peels were more delicious.

Seeing them happy, Chun Xiaoman also had a smile on his face. "When I was a child, I was greedy for the food on the street, but my father was only willing to sell it to my younger brothers. My sister and I could only watch from the side."

As he talked, Chun Xiaoman thought of the past. "Later, in order to satisfy my craving, my sister and I took two bamboo tubes and went to the street to pick up watermelon seeds spit out by others and dried them in the sun.

It’s delicious, haha.”

But he didn't know what he was thinking of, and Chun Xiaoman's expression gradually became lonely.

"Sister Xiaoman, try this. This is roasted melon rind. It's delicious."

When he ate the melon rind in his mouth and looked at the little face in front of him, Chun Xiaoman suddenly felt sweet and smiled again.

"Sister Xiaoman, sister Xiaoman, eat this, it looks like persimmon skin."

While they were sharing this joy, Chun Xiaoman saw a group of lamas in the distance.

Chun Xiaoman remembered them. Their mummy-like faces were undoubtedly lamas from the Bardo Temple.

But what made her feel strange was that these lamas from the Bardo Temple actually walked towards the entrance of the White Lotus Sect.

This chapter has been completed!
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