Chapter 162 Make a fool of yourself at the annual meeting

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After finishing the project with Mo Chen, Su Nanjin hurriedly opened the car door, raised his hand and made a phone call. Feeling nervous for no reason, his voice was gloomy: "Where is Zhiluo now?"

"Where's the Shen family? Mr. Su." Xing Lei answered decisively and then asked, "Mr. Su, the Shen family's annual meeting is in two days. Do we want to attend?"

People from all walks of life are invited to attend the annual Shen family annual meeting, and invitation letters are sent to partners every year, and Su family has participated in the past.

It's just that this year... In order to protect Miss Shen, he was afraid that Mo Chen would think too much about whether to go or not... Xing Lei had to ask.

Knowing Shen Zhiluo's whereabouts, Su Nanjin relaxed his frown, and then said in a deep voice: "Participate."

I have participated every year before. If I don’t go this year, wouldn’t it be a scandal and lead to speculation?

You should participate both emotionally and rationally, will just let Mo Chen catch the flaw.

After throwing out the words "brief", Su Nanjin hung up the phone, threw the phone casually into the car, then closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, his brows were still furrowed and his face was tense.

The driver didn't dare to say anything when he saw this scene. He started the car steadily and drove to Su's. It was extremely quiet along the way.

After a while, Su Nanjin opened the compartment in his wallet, rubbed the picture of the girl on it with his generous hand, stared at it for a moment, and then his frown relaxed slightly, and the cold atmosphere in the car became a little warmer.

Fang Li couldn't hide the gloating in her eyes. She walked up to Xia Yan and patted the table, her red lips slightly raised: "How about that afternoon at Huatian Technology?"

Xia Yan heard the sound and trembled with fear. When Fang Li finished speaking, she even took two steps back with a crying look on her face.

"Fang, Sister Fang, I did as you asked, but Director Luo was an hour late and came back to say that the project was a success."

It's time to get off work now, Shen Zhiluo has left long ago, Xia Yan stays here because of Fang Li's order.

"Useless trash!" Fang Li gave the assistant a hard look and complained, "You won't let her sleep until get off work?"

Xia Yan bit her bloodless lips and slurred twice, not daring to speak.

Fang Li gave Supervisor Luo sleeping pills to make him oversleep, but Xia Yan only dared to push it back one hour.

If Director Luo is allowed to sleep until get off work, he will definitely find out that someone is doing something wrong!

What's more... Xia Yan secretly hopes that Supervisor Luo's project will succeed.

"That Shen Zhiluo is really lucky!" Yu Huiwen said angrily, "Which big company would wait for someone for so long? They don't have any shady connections, right?"

One hour!

If they were an hour late, which company would be willing to meet them!

But Huatian Technology not only met with Shen Zhiluo, the project was also completed today!

"Hmph, with such a huge sales volume, who can outperform him?" Wang Juan said sourly.

"People's lives are different from ours. Even if they are late, no one will mind. After all, she is the eldest lady of the Shen family!" Jealousy flashed in Fang Li's eyes, and a look of resentment appeared on her face.

"I don't believe she is so lucky every time!" Fang Li bit her red lips and dug her beautiful nails into the palm of her hand. He said coldly, "You guys, think about what else you can do. Anyway, we can't Make her feel better!"

"Yes!" A flash of light flashed in Wang Juan's eyes, and she blinked, feeling extremely proud, "Sister Fang, do you still remember the annual party that will be held in two days? She is the eldest lady of the Shen family, and she will definitely have to curry favor with her. people!"

Nothing is more embarrassing for Shen Zhiluo than making a fool of himself at the annual meeting!

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked happy.

"Yes, you are so smart!"

"Yes, we have to let her make a fool of herself at the annual meeting!" Fang Li said angrily, "Look at her vixen face, I don't know how many people she has seduced. We want everyone to see her true face!"

Then, Fang Li's eyes rolled slightly, and she quickly thought of a way. A fierce look flashed across her face, and she stared at Xia Yan, who was huddled in the corner, half-smiling.

Several people whispered a few words, their eyes suddenly brightened, and they all stared at Xia Yan, curling their lips with evil intentions.

Xia Yan felt the gazes from everyone, and she shrank her body and stayed close to the corner, trembling all over.

After a while, her hair was messy and her clothes were torn. A pair of high heels fell in front of Xia Yan's eyes, with a heavy threat: "Do you understand?"

Xia Yan was silent for two seconds. Fang Li was instantly irritated and screamed: "Xia Yan, don't forget it!"


The long eyelashes cast a shadow under her eyes. Xia Yan blinked. Because her long hair covered her middle face, she couldn't see the emotion behind her eyes clearly. She could only see her chapped and white lips twitching slightly, revealing a feeling that she didn't know whether it was ridicule or something. Bitter emotions.

How could he forget.

She will never forget it for the rest of her life.

Fang Li was a little annoyed by Xia Yan's actions. She grabbed her ears fiercely and said sternly: "Do you understand?"

Xia Yan was like a frightened bird, but he was so frightened that he couldn't even scream. He just responded with a cry: "Listen, I understand."

She didn't dare to scream or cry.

Because she knew that if she made any noise to make these evil people annoying, endless torture would be waiting for her.

Fang Li curled her lips in satisfaction, feeling that the doll she found was really good.

At first, I was a little afraid that if she became Shen Zhiluo's assistant, their secrets would be revealed!

But... judging from the current situation, Xia Yan is still very afraid of the handle in her hands...

This is better, it will be more convenient if you want to plot against Shen Zhiluo in the future!

The next day, Shen Zhiluo came to Shen's work as usual.

"Xia Yan, remember to send me all the information about the annual meeting and the various guest lists later." Shen Zhiluo said lightly as he passed by Xia Yan's workstation, and then walked into the office. He didn't pay attention at all. Staring at her back, gloating about her misfortune.

Xia Yan agreed, sorted out the information and hurried to Shen Zhiluo's office without any delay.

She closed the door tightly, then looked at it for a moment to make sure that no one outside could hear, and there were only two of them in the room, then she gasped and asked: "Luo, Director Luo, do you have to participate?"

Her eyes flickered, and her voice was tainted with a hint of unnoticeable nervousness.

"Of course." Shen Zhiluo raised his eyebrows, somewhat amused by Xia Yan's reaction.

Maybe Xia Yan was a little nervous because he had never attended such a big annual meeting.

She pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "I will be in charge of the Shen family in the future, so of course I have to attend such an annual meeting. If you are nervous attending the annual meeting by yourself, you can stay with me."

Xia Yan's eyes widened in horror.

If she stayed with Director Luo, Fang Li would probably make even more excessive demands!

She shook her head repeatedly: "No, I, I'm just asking."

Thinking of Fang Li's warning, Xia Yan couldn't help but tensed up and looked a little bit distraught.

Shen Zhiluo felt something was wrong, and thought he was a newcomer who was a little nervous about it, and then said warmly: "How are you doing in the company recently?"

This chapter has been completed!
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