Chapter 164: Just Brother and Sister

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The housekeeper was a little anxious and wanted Shen Zhiluo to understand how good Shen Liangqiu was to her.

"Miss, Mr. Shen is willing to move out just to make you happy, and now he has given you a living room of clothes, why aren't you happy?"

How she hoped that the two brothers and sisters could live in harmony and not have any conflicts.

In the eyes of the housekeeper, Shen Zhiluo is the only one who is sulky!

Mr. Shen has always been very kind to Shen Zhiluo!

The housekeeper didn't know what happened to them, he just thought it was a conflict between brother and sister, or Shen Zhiluo alone.

She didn't know Shen Liangqiu's abnormal "feelings" for her, and Shen Zhiluo didn't want to talk about it. She tugged at the corners of her lips and looked at the housekeeper with cold eyes. Without any words, she successfully made the housekeeper Shut up.

After seeing the housekeeper calm down, Shen Zhiluo walked straight upstairs without even looking at the dresses.

It was at this moment that her pupils suddenly closed, and her fingers unconsciously dug into the stair railings with dark patterns. Then she turned to look at the housekeeper and asked, "Why is the study door locked?"

She looked at the housekeeper secretly and appraisingly.

The butler's eyes suddenly lit up and he said happily again: "Sir said that you will be in charge of the Shen family in the future and should have your own study. I have prepared another one for you! You see how much your husband cares about you."

Until now, he only thought that Shen Zhiluo had a childish temper. After being controlled by his brother for a long time, he was inevitably a little unconvinced.

Shen Zhiluo's eyes were slightly cold, arranged like a fan, and the eyelashes cast a shadow, making it difficult to see the expression in her eyes. She said lightly: "Really?"

He asked softly, as if talking to himself, but the housekeeper downstairs didn't hear him.

Shen Liangqiu's study has always been the study of the Shen family, and it was also the study of Shen's father during his lifetime. If he was so willing to hand over to Shen, why didn't he give this study to her?

It was said that he had specially prepared it, but the Shen family had always had many study rooms, and that study room was the largest and most complete. His preparation was just to stuff a few more books into other study rooms.

The housekeeper didn't think much about it, he just felt that Shen Liangqiu was always thinking about Shen Zhiluo!

Shen Zhiluo suddenly remembered Wang Yuan's words in the archives that day, a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You all know that there are problems with the documents from back then, so how could those who manipulated them allow them to be left in the archives?"

At this moment, these words suddenly awakened Shen Zhiluo.

If it's not in the archives, is it in the Shen family's study?

Or...the Shen family has some other secrets they are hiding from her.

Otherwise, even if another study room is prepared for her, why should the door be locked?

Shen Liangqiu probably won't come back during this period. The most important thing at this moment is to prepare for the Shen family's annual meeting. Shen Zhiluo thought about it and decided not to touch the study room yet.

After all... making noise at home can easily alert others.

In the Shen family, Shen Liangqiu's eyeliners are everywhere.

Shen Zhiluo lowered his eyes, calmed the expression in his eyes, and then went upstairs with a normal expression. When he got to the room, he locked the door and sent a message to Xia Yan.

[Help me prepare a few sets of dresses tomorrow. I want to choose one to attend the annual meeting.]


Xia Yan's hair and clothes were a little messy, her eyes were blurred, and her cheeks were flushed, and she resisted everyone's drinking.

"Sister Fang, I can't drink anymore, I really can't drink anymore." She shook her head repeatedly, her stomach was churning and she felt like vomiting.

Fang Li narrowed her eyes dangerously, grabbed her hair, and felt a pain in her scalp. Xia Yan screamed unprepared, causing Fang Li to slap her hard again.

"I told you to drink it! Just give it to me! Mr. Wang will come over later!" A dark light flashed in Fang Li's eyes, and she looked at Xia Yan as if she were looking at an object without any emotion.

, only calculating how much money he could sell Xia Yan for.

Mr. Wang.

When Xia Yan heard this name, his limbs and bones radiated coldness, and he felt like vomiting.

The old man with a family smiled, his eyes were full of wrinkles, he was very vulgar, his teeth were yellow, he had a big belly, and he wanted to kiss her...

Xia Yan's stomach felt like it was on fire because of the drinking. That face appeared in Xia Yan's mind, and he couldn't help but vomit it out. The women who were urging him to drink stood away in disgust.

"It's really useless!" Fang Li kicked Xia Yan with her high heels, and she curled up and vomited in the corner of the private room.

Fang Li wrinkled her nose: "You are like this, how can you see Mr. Wang later?"

The whole private room stinks, and we have to open a new one!

Xia Yan felt dizzy and felt better after vomiting it out. However, there was still an unpleasant smell in his mouth, and he could feel the malicious looks from many people behind him.

She fluttered her eyelashes and wiped them, then made a decisive decision and pretended to be vomiting and ran to the bathroom. Everyone heard another sound coming from inside.

"I'm really bad at drinking." Wang Juan curled her lips.

In the beginning, Xia Yan drank just one drink. She didn't know anything when she was drunk. Fang Li liked to take her out. But now she drank more and her alcohol capacity gradually increased. She had to drink a few more drinks before she would get drunk.


This woman is dull and doesn't know how to wait for others, so she looks okay. How can the boss see her unless she's drunk? Only when she's drunk can she be manipulated by others, and... she also enjoys watching her!

I don’t know what’s good about Xia Yan, but all those old men are thinking about her!

A flash of unwillingness flashed in Fang Li's eyes, and she stamped her feet. Then she thought of something and raised her red lips slightly.

That's fine, so what if they all think about Xia Yan?

Xia Yan is at her mercy anyway!

Suddenly, Xia Yan's cell phone thrown on the sofa lit up and sounded a message of special concern.

Fang Li glanced at it and then immediately stopped.

The information on the message box only appears with the previous paragraph: [Help me prepare some dresses for tomorrow...]

It was from Shen Zhiluo.

This paragraph alone gave Fang Li a bold idea.

She walked slowly to the bathroom and saw Xia Yan splashing cold water on her face. Her whole face was as red as a burning cloud, her cheeks were so hot that her eyes were a little moist and beautiful.

Fang Li was a little angry, and even more annoyed when she saw the confusion on that face. If she hadn't been asked to see anyone, she would have scratched her face!

Just like Shen Zhiluo, he is a vixen!

"You don't have to accompany Mr. Wang today, come out with me!"

Xia Yan looked happy at first, but then paused immediately, with a look of surprise. Fang Li didn't have any good intentions. If she could say this, she could only have more important things waiting for her.

More importantly...bad things.

Xia Yan shuddered coldly and responded in a very low voice: "Okay."

She didn't dare to resist Fang Li at all.

The next day.

Xia Yan knocked on the door of Shen Zhiluo's office and came in holding many pamphlets.

"Director, here are some new dresses of the season."

These brands are all high-end luxury, and they are clothes that Xia Yan cannot afford even if he works hard all his life.

Shen's employees also have to attend the annual meeting, but she can't even afford a decent dress, let alone a dress...

This chapter has been completed!
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