Chapter 1196 Escape

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Compared with the array of silk and bamboo, the sound of singing and dancing in the Tang Palace, some people are more miserable.

On the highlands, the northwest wind has shown its power. Under its blow, the grasslands on the highlands have withered grass and trees. The nomadic highland tribes here have already migrated to fixed wintering places with their cattle and sheep.

It is usually a place slightly leeward next to the river. Before the first heavy snowfall in winter, people from each tribe have to pitch their tents.

It has to be said that since the Tubo invasion of the north, the life of the highland tribes has become more and more difficult, because the Tubo people are greedy and cruel, and they have to offer many things to their masters after surrendering to the Tibetans.

Cattle and sheep are the most basic, and soldiers must be sent to fight with the Tubo people. In addition, beautiful women are also one of the best tributes in the eyes of the Tubo people.

It can be said that the Tubo people exploited the slaves unscrupulously. Maybe they can only wait until they have a wiser king with a longer-term vision, and can effectively restrain the wildness of the Tubo people. By that time, this situation will

Only then will there be a change, right?

This year, the Tuyuhun tribe, Bailan and Dangxiang tribes located in the northeast of the highlands sent tens of thousands of warriors to follow the Tubo people and invade the lowlands. As winter approached, no one came back.

However, the Tibetan people who stayed behind were still wantonly oppressing the highland tribes who had lost most of their mature men.

Therefore, this winter will be extremely cold, and it is conceivable that many highland tribes will disappear on the plateau.

Of course, for the Tibetans who had only occupied the highlands for a short time, the situation was not wonderful either.

When the high priest Alu fled back in embarrassment, the news of the defeat spread among the Tibetan people like a plague. Soon, the slave tribes in the eastern highlands would also get this bad news.


The rising north wind howled past, stirring up countless dust on the plateau.

The night on the plateau is desolate and empty under the light of the bright moon.

On the wasteland, a group of more than a thousand people were galloping on their horses.

The knights were all wearing dirty knee-length leather robes with sloping lapels, and flat-topped leather hats on their heads. They had thick beards and hair. The dust on their faces could not hide the lines painted with oil paint on some people's faces. A few of them had hair on their heads.

With bird feathers on them, the flags they carried were also very different from those of the highlanders. In the past, they were derogatorily called beast flags by the highlanders.

These are undoubtedly Tubo people. They are rushing westward overnight. The figure of Menmoli Mountain in the south is dark under the moonlight, like a terrifying giant looking down on the earth.

The sound of rapid horse hooves could be heard far away in the silent wilderness. Several vultures in the sky kept hovering over the cavalry as they advanced. They seemed to know that once humans gathered together, they would probably give them a treat.

A feast.

The team was indeed filled with an ominous atmosphere. The Tubo people, who had been showing off their power on the highlands for several years, finally tasted the taste of defeat, which was so bitter and difficult to swallow.

Elder Aru, who was trapped in the team, was busy walking. Needless to say, his appearance looked as if he had just been dug out of the earth.

He had been on the road for half a month and returned to the highlands in less than ten days, bringing the worst news to the Tibetan people staying in the highlands.

The Tibetan generals who stayed behind questioned Aru angrily and fearfully, wishing they could kill all those who had escaped to prevent them from spreading shameful rumors here.

Even if they didn't want to believe it, the facts were clearly before them. When they saw the miserable body of the once majestic and wise Zilebu Maben, they felt that winter had come to them early.


That's right, Zilebu didn't make it through in the end. He had the tendons of his hands and feet severed, and his tongue was cut out. In addition, Aru and others didn't take his physical condition into consideration at all.

Jishi Mountain, he went to meet his gods.

When his body appeared in front of his subordinates, there was actually not much difference between him and returning to the highlands alive, but both would cause uncontrollable panic.

Mu Shuruben, who stayed in the highlands, was obviously a guy who only knew how to dominate in front of the slaves. His ability to amass wealth as a businessman complemented his reputation among the slaves.

The moment he saw Zilebu's body, the man had already peed his pants. It took him a long time to recognize Zilebu, who had shaved his hair and looked like a real monk.

He seemed to see his head being hung on the top of the flagpole in the royal city for people to pay their respects, so he cried bitterly while holding Zilib's body.

This saved Alu a lot of trouble, and he relied on his years of experience as a magic stick to convince the Tibetan generals and sent a team of a thousand people to escort him to Bohai to see Nang Nyimaben.

In fact, he really wanted to run back to the royal city in the south, but with such a major defeat, so many people died, and Zilebu being wantonly humiliated by the enemy, these things could not be ended by him escaping back to the royal city.

If he returns to the royal city like this, what awaits him is likely to be the king's wrath, rather than forgiveness from the gods.

So he had to come to see Nangniema Ben. He and Qilebumaben were the two commanders of the Tibetan people's northern expedition. Now that Qileb is dead, Nangni is the king of the entire highland.

Only by seeking forgiveness from him can he survive and continue to serve the gods.


Aru tied himself to the horse and slept. He suffered a series of blows and had never had a good rest during the long journey. He slept soundly on the bumpy horseback and even dreamed that he had become a city full of gold.

Cast and decorated with various jewelry for the owner of the temple.

Countless believers were worshiping him, and the gods showed miracles in the sky and smiled kindly on him.

By the time Aru woke up in a daze, the sky had turned white and the team stopped beside a river. People were fetching water from the river and taking out highland barley and dried meat for breakfast.

Several earless guys helped Aru off his horse and served him water and food.

The Tubo people who escorted them seemed to have a strange emotion in their eyes when they saw them. They were like white wolves among a pack of black wolves, rejected by the entire group.

There was no way. The entire army of more than 80,000 people was a huge army that had never appeared in the history of the Tubo people. However, after going to the lowlands, only a few people came back alive. Except for Aru, they were all cut off.

The ears were removed.

In their wars with the highland tribes over the years, the Tubo people also sacrificed a lot of blood, and many of their heads were beheaded for the enemies to show off in front of the battle, but at that time they only aroused the anger of the Tubo people.

But now... they have suffered unprecedented defeats and unprecedented insults. This is a new stage, so it goes without saying that the Tubo people's mood is complicated.

Just like when Yang Guang led a million-strong army to Liaodong and was defeated in the end, when he returned to the country, people's mood was similar to this.

Disbelief, contempt, resentment, blame and other emotions are probably all mixed together, and only the heartfelt revenge can dispel them all.


The Tubo people did not stay here for too long. When the sky became brighter, they set off again to the west. At this time, they were very close to Bohai.

They needed to go to the Xingxu River to the west of Baihai, so Nangnyimaben set up his tent in Fuqi City to the east of the Xingxu River. It was a good place to spend the winter and it was also the royal city of the Tuyuhun people.

Nang Nyima was originally a young nobleman. They had been married to Xibo Yebu for generations, and he was one of the most favored people by the gods.

The people in Nang Nie have always been around the king and are full of hostility towards the newly promoted nobles, but I heard that Nang Nie respects Qileb Maben...

Aru, who had not recovered much after a good sleep, once again thought carefully about everything he had heard about Nang Nie, because it was related to his life.

He hoped to arrive at Fuqi City on the Xingxu River later, which would make him more prepared.

But it will arrive eventually.

At noon that day, a team of more than a thousand people finally arrived at Fuqi City. Nangnyima had already received the news in advance and sent someone to lead them to the camp.

Aru and others entered Fuqi City with the body of Zileb, which was still swollen and smelly after treatment.


The moment they saw Nang Nie, everyone was prostrate on the ground and did not dare to say anything. Only Aru bent down and stretched out his hands, because he is a servant of the gods. Even if he is very afraid, he cannot worship a mortal like a god.


Nang Nie didn't look at them at all. He just walked into the crowd, picked up Zilebu's body regardless of the smell, and pulled off the cloth and animal skins wrapped around it. When he saw Zilebu's shaved head,

When his head was bare, Nang Nie let out a whimper like a wounded beast.

He opened Zilebu's mouth with force, and when he saw the tongue that was half cut off, swollen and oozing with pus, his whole body, already filled with anger, seemed to be on fire.

He roared loudly, pulled out the knife from his waist and slashed wildly. The people around him screamed and were cut to pieces by him. Unfortunately, one guy was hit in the neck, and his head rolled down on the ground.


His rage and ferocity at this time represented that he was a true Tubo noble. No one dared to come forward to persuade him. The person who was executed was not guilty of any crime, but because he was too unlucky.

In front of such a great nobleman, 90% of the Tubo people would not have any protection for their lives.

After venting for a while, Nang Nie finally calmed down. His eyes were fixed on Aru, roving over his body like a knife, as if he was wondering whether to kill this person now.

But at this time, the anger gradually subsided and reason regained the high ground. "Elder Aru, come in and sit with me. Tell me how powerful our enemy is. Don't try to deceive me. Servants of gods should not tell lies.


This chapter has been completed!
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