Chapter 1197 Narrative

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"Are the lowlanders really that powerful? Eighty thousand people, that's an army that can cover the entire grassland. Did the lowlanders invite their gods to fight? In order to keep them all?"

As soon as Aru entered the house, someone started to make trouble.

For the Tibetan people, the news that came back was so unbelievable, it was like hearing that their god had fallen in a battle with the devil, and it was an indescribable psychological blow to them.

Some people also shouted as always, "This can't be true. No one can bury 80,000 warriors on horseback. They must be lying. They cowardly fled in front of the enemy. Their heads should be cut off and put to death."

They remain in the night forever."

The rude quarrels of the Tibetan people immediately filled the house, and soon the businessmen joined in. If the news was true, their interests would also be greatly affected.

Nang Nie frowned deeply. Ever since the news of Zilebu's defeat came, such meaningless quarrels had happened several times in his house.

Like his subordinates, he was full of doubts about the news, and even thought that it was a rumor that Zileb deliberately spread because he did not want him to lead his troops to the lowlands.

After all, he did send someone to Zileb earlier this year to indicate that he wanted to lead troops to the lowlands next year and conquer the lowlanders with Zileb...

But when he saw Zileb's body with his own eyes, there was no doubt about everything.

His previous rage was not caused by grief, but because the lowlanders were so despicable that they dared to insult a Tibetan commander in this way. They shaved Zileb's hair and cut out his tongue.

Although the Tubo people are also very good at using various methods to torture those enemies who cannot be tamed, this rarely happens to nobles, because everyone believes in their own gods, and no one will deliberately anger a god...

Well, to put it simply, the ferocity of the lowlanders was beyond the Tubo people's expectations. In addition to arousing Nang Nie's endless anger, it also made him feel a little chill, which further fueled his anger.



Aru sat quietly in the middle of the room, not looking at anyone, and ignored the voices of accusation, because there was only one person who could decide his life or death, and that was Nang Nyima Ben.

After Nang Nie sat down, under his deep gaze, the voice finally became quieter, and there was another person talking loudly. Nang Nie impatiently picked up the bowl at hand and smashed it, so the room became completely quiet.

"Elder Alu, please start from when Qilebuma led you to the foot of Jishi Mountain. I want to hear everything you have done..."

Then he glanced at everyone's faces and said: "Zhilebuma is a rare hero among us Tibetan people. He is not a prey that is chased and shot by anyone in the wilderness.

Now that he has failed, what we want to know is how he was defeated by his enemies, instead of quarreling here.

Okay, Elder Aru, you can speak now, remember that the gods are watching you, don’t tell lies to me, or I will punish you on behalf of the gods."

Aru finally raised his head, "Thank you for your kindness in not sending me back to the gods immediately, although that has always been what I hoped for."

After a few words from the magic stick as was customary, he didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore. Starting from when he started the army this year, he briefly talked about how the army crossed Jishi Mountain and entered the lowlands.

He knew what Nang Nie wanted to hear, and it became more and more detailed starting from the time when the army crossed the Yellow River and divided some of its troops to chase the tribes that moved eastward.

He didn't know what happened to those who chased the enemy. The people over there seemed to disappear after passing Bohan, and no news came back.

It's normal to say it's normal. It's their first time in a strange place. It's common for them to be separated and unable to contact each other for ten days and a half. It's a common thing during marches and wars.

It's just that the main force of the army was defeated and the enemy appeared in their rear. On their way back, the cities they had conquered were all reoccupied by the enemy. Even the enemy's figure appeared at Jishi Mountain Pass.

In addition, after returning to the highlands, he also inquired and found out that since the grass and trees in the highlands turned yellow, no Tibetan caravans have returned from the north.

The people who stayed behind didn't pay attention at first, thinking that the army had gone too far or that there was nothing harvested. But as time went by, the people who stayed behind finally started to worry.

Therefore, he could conclude that those who left the main force of the army would not be much worse off than the main force of the army, and they were afraid they would never come back.

He mentioned that the Tibetan army went to Huangshui, and some people suggested heading west to spend the winter in the Western Sea, as the slaves said, but Qilebu Maben decided to lead his troops to attack Guzang City of the lowlanders.

He took the opportunity to explain to the people in the room the status of Guzang in the hearts of the lowland people, just like Luoxue City for the Tubo people, or Fuqi City for the Tuyuhun people, it was a very important place.

And he secretly emphasized that this was Zilebu Maben's decision, and it was made amid the opposition of most people, because the weather had already cooled down a bit at that time. According to the habits of the Tibetan people, in such a season, everyone

It should be ready for winter.

However, Zilebuma still wanted to spend the winter in the lowland city of Guzang, so he led his army to continue northward.

This is undoubtedly an important node that led to the final defeat of the Tubo army. Nang Nie and others have been in a state of war all year round. Even a few of the businessmen have been traveling with the army all year round. They all heard what Aru said.

There were whispers in the room. There were no cronies of Qileb Maben here. Most of them died in the north. Nang Niemaben's subordinates were not respectful to Qileb and were even very hostile.

So Aru's suggestion was very much to their liking.

This is what Aru wants. The result of the defeat lies with Zileb and has nothing to do with anyone else. This is what he has been instilling in his followers on the way back.

In fact, most people who return from defeat are doing this kind of thing. Don’t be surprised. They are shirking their responsibilities. It’s not just the Central Plains people who are good at it...

Taking advantage of this moment, Aru deliberately stopped like a storyteller and licked his chapped lips. He was already exhausted, but he still had to cheer up and play tricks. His body and mind were greatly damaged.

Already teetering on the edge of collapse.

However, the desire for survival (harmony) is still so strong.

Nang Nie waved his hand, and someone immediately brought milk wine. Aru picked it up and drank it down. After drinking three bowls, he started narrating again, which is similar to those people who always say please listen to the next chapter.


This chapter has been completed!
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