Chapter 16 Burial

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Li Po was not panicked.

The refugee camp is actually a closed world. Outsiders don't want to come in, and people inside don't want to leave.

There are no heroes here who see injustice on the road, and there are no idlers who care about others and watch the excitement.

So, he quickly took a look at the half-collapsed thatched cottage, then walked over, dragged the tall and thin body over, and stacked it on the lame man's body.

He picked up the lame man's arm and wrapped it around the tall and thin man's neck.

As for the simple internal strife that led to the murder scene, the scene was almost set up.

Of course, this cannot withstand the scrutiny of experienced criminal investigators, but who would bother to save the life and death of two refugees?

After hastily arranging it, Li Po bent down to pick up the lame man's dagger, pulled it out and looked at it.

A very peculiar kind of knife.

It is very short, from the handle to the tip, it is estimated to be only about three feet, which is a full foot shorter than the standard weapon of the Sui army.

The workmanship is rough, but it is much better than the short blade brought back from the grassland. This shows that the casting technology of the Sui Dynasty cannot be compared with that of the grassland tribes.

This is normal. No matter what period the Central Plains Empire is in, it has an overwhelming advantage over the north in terms of technology.

This was a privately forged short sword, because Li Po had seen and used several old army weapons in the village. Their knives were all engraved with the name of the forger and the government's fire seal.

And the workmanship of this kind of privately made knife is definitely inferior to that of the Sui army's standard weapons.

But the fact that the two refugees carried sharp blades on their bodies only shows that the number of privately made weapons in the Sui Dynasty had reached a certain level.

Li Po didn't think too much, he just played with the short knife.

The short sword extends forward from the handle, making the middle part of the short blade look very wide, and when it reaches the blade, it suddenly narrows down again, with a slanted edge like a sword.

Therefore, this short knife also has two functions: chopping and stabbing.

Sheathed the sword and inserted it into his waist.

He searched in the hut for a while. Since the two thieves were doing such a living, they would not be short of money.

Although the hole was dark, Li Po quickly found the secret hideout of the two guys.

Under the bunks of two people, the soil was very soft...

Li Po didn't stay any longer. He would definitely not be able to dig a hole at this time. He could only wait for the incident to pass before quietly hunting for treasure.

Li Po calmly slipped back to his thatched cottage and waited for dawn.

Li Chun was still awake when he saw Li Po coming back wrapped in the cold wind.

Before Li Po could come in, he immediately jumped up and rushed over, hugging Li Po's waist.

"Brother, you are back..."

Li Po rubbed his head and said, "What are you talking about? Go in and sleep."

After a night of silence, Li Po got up in the morning. After drinking the special porridge of Mayi City, there was no movement. He couldn't help but complain a little, why is the bureaucratic atmosphere in Mayi City so heavy on the law? Two people died, and he actually came to this place.

There was no movement at all.

This was very different from his imagination.

In fact, Luo San didn't enter the refugee camp until the afternoon.

This kid also had a hard life. He seemed to have done all the work of digging holes and burying people.

No government officials came to inspect the scene at all. Only Luo San walked around the shabby thatched house that had half collapsed and defined the murder.

The two guys fought each other to death in the middle of the night.

However, what made Li Po frustrated was that as a friend, Luo San asked Li Po to dig holes and bury people with him.

Not only that, Luo San also proudly dug out two jars of copper coins from the shabby thatched hut. With this unexpected fortune, Luo San rambled about inviting Li Po to drink in two days.

Li Po wished he couldn't break this kid's head.

However, this was also the first time Li Po walked out of the gate of Mayi City since he entered the city.

Moreover, this time he also saw several other soldiers guarding the city gate.

There is no need to go into detail about the crooked melons and cracked jujubes. They are a group of five people, one person is missing, two are watching at the top of the city, staying in the arrow tower on the top of the city, and two are at the bottom of the city watching the city gate.

Including the goatee, there are five people in total.

The goatee's surname is Wei, and the Wu chief's surname is Yuchi.

The name of this corps commander sounded like thunder to Li Po's ears.

Yu Chigong, also known as Jingde, should be a descendant of Xianbei. Of course, he may also be a Han Chinese who took the Xianbei surname. Who knows?

Yuchi Jingde, who would become a prince in the future, was now just a miserable gatekeeper. He was yelled at by Luo Shixin and had no temper at all.

Li Po didn't make a fuss. The magistrate of Mayi County is still Li Jing. Who is Yuchi Gong?

Once the situation changes, these people will take advantage of the situation, but now, they are just like a bunch of people.

Li Po didn't even have the intention to climb the dragon and join the party. The cold wind in winter had almost wiped out all his enthusiasm. Now he only hoped that spring would come earlier.

After all, two people died. Captain Yuchi called his pitiful men to one place and told them that it was over when they died, not to mention that the person who died was a refugee. Don't go out and say anything nonsense.

As for Li Po, Captain Yuchi automatically ignored him.

Even though he is just a corps leader, in their eyes, you, a refugee, are probably worse than a dog.

But Li Po still heard something strange from Captain Yuchi's solemn instructions.

Later, after asking Luo San, I found out that since the county magistrate took office, Mayi had a death rule, which was to die of illness, starvation, freezing, etc. in the city.

Anyway, let's just say, there are all kinds of ways to die, but there can't be a murder case.

Once someone dies with a weapon, there must be a strict investigation to the end.

Therefore, over the past few years, those who dare to use knives to hurt people in the city have almost disappeared. No matter how ferocious the swordsman is, he only dares to draw a knife to scare people, and there is no one who dares to kill people in the street and care about human life.

The two people who died this time actually fell into the category of homicide.

But as the old saying goes, there are policies from above and countermeasures from below. Moreover, the two refugees who died were still there, so there was no need to report it.

Moreover, he was not caught by the inspector under the Grand Master, so he could just bury the person. As long as he didn't go out and say anything nonsense, there would be no further trouble.

Li Po was very happy after hearing this. Although he was the one who committed the murder, he did not want the place where he would live in the future to be a messy world.

The burial place is in a woods in the north of the city.

This is the mass grave in Mayi City. Refugees are buried here. People who have no family members and no one to rely on are also buried here. Even some poor people will not have a proper burial place when they die. What should they take with them?

Just wrap it up and throw it here.

Therefore, this place is eerie and deserted, as if there is an air of death hanging over it, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Li Po and Luo San only dug a shallow pit and hastily buried the two corpses.

Killing someone and burying their body is considered destroying the body and eradicating traces, right?

Li Po couldn't help but feel a little funny in his heart. He looked at Luo San again and thought to himself, it seems that such friends will be indispensable in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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