Chapter 19 Fishmongering

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(Acao is not quick to update, please forgive me. It is updated twice a day now, and we will see if the situation changes later.)

Li Po carried the clay pot and left the concierge.

He was also very satisfied. The fish soup was the most nourishing and tasted absolutely good, much better than the three fishes.

Of course, there was also the unexpected joy of having a few more copper coins in my arms.

It was given by the tax collector as a reward for a few fishes. He reasoned a bit and saw that the tax official insisted on it, so he accepted it.

Of course, he still doesn't understand the difference between Daye's white money and Kaihuang's five-baht money...

At this time, the young tax collector in the room was eating fish stew, frowning and thinking, this wine is really not suitable for the food, while still listening to Liu Wuchang's nagging.

"Eating a few fish from him means you look down upon him, so why should I pay him?"

The tax collector squinted his eyes and did not answer. He would not explain to this rough man that this was the magnanimity a nobleman should have.

He would not even say that he did not want to antagonize Yuchi, Luo San and the others.

He would not tell the person named Liu that the humble young man just now not only had an extremely pure Kansai accent, but also had a good conversational style. He might actually be a descendant of a branch of the Kansai Li family.

He is different from Yuchi and others. He has seen too many down-and-out children of rich families. Who knows when, and since he has a family background, no matter how down-and-out he is, he will be hundreds of times stronger than the rough guy next to him. Once he has the opportunity,

, these guys can jump up...

You must know that Li Hu, the grandfather of the current emperor, was in extremely miserable condition when he was living abroad as a boy.

Of course, it is indeed a bit far-fetched to associate a small refugee with the emperor's grandfather, but who can say what will happen these days?

But as his mind was spinning, he never thought that the rough man in his eyes was also secretly laughing at him.

Who doesn't know that you are just afraid that guys like Yuchi, Luo San, and Cheng Dalang will cause trouble for you?

Look at the devilish look on your face, I won't tell you yet, a lavish person will not live long in Mayi.

People born at the bottom have their own wisdom for survival.

For example, Wu Chang Liu wouldn't take Li Po too seriously. If he could take care of him, he would take care of him. If he couldn't take care of him, it would be useless to give him money. Save it.

Maybe this matter has spread to a few ears of Yuchi, and he will blame others for being troublesome.

A young tax collector may not be able to understand this kind of wisdom in his lifetime, and even if he does, it will not be at his age.

Just like Li Po, he returned to the thatched hut, played with the copper coins, and finally decided to give the money to Wu Chang Liu. With his current status, there was no point keeping the money and spending it.

Just like the lanky man and the lame man, they lost their lives after getting money, but it was not as economical as the can of fish soup given by Liu Wuchang.

That night, the whole family ate fish soup and grilled fish, and they all felt that their lives had never been so happy.

The next day, God was not kind and a strong wind blew, making it impossible to get out of the city gate.

So, Li Po went to those houses again.

This time, Li Po felt completely different when he walked in the refugee camp. People who could bring food were like Buddhas in the refugee camp.

If the people here didn't have the conditions, someone might have already put up Li Po's longevity tablet.

A thin woman passed by shivering, maybe she had to go to the toilet.

This is the rule set by Li Po. He was hated by others before, but now he has to follow Li Gong's rules even if he freezes to death in the toilet.

When she saw Li Po passing by, the woman knelt on the ground and kowtowed several times without saying a word.

Li Po went to each house in despair. Such enthusiasm made him feel uncomfortable.

After coming out of each house, Li Po already had a bunch of frozen fish in his hand.

Although Li Po didn't say anything, these people were very happy.

In their mind, this is just like the government collecting taxes.

Since someone has helped you find a way to survive, it would be weird if you didn't take any money from it.

However, Li Po doesn't want to get some profit from these refugees. His values ​​are completely different from most people.

He felt that since he had sharp fangs and sharp teeth, he should not bully herbivorous animals if it was not necessary, because it would not show his ability.

He braved the cold wind and squatted at the base of the city gate.

Coincidentally, several northern men carrying firewood on their backs passed the city gate corridor one after another, and the two leaders immediately began to look around.

When they saw Li Po, they immediately became happy, shouted, and surrounded him with others.

Li Po looked up and smiled too.

These two were acquaintances. They had just been beaten by him a few days ago, and the bruises on their faces had not gone away yet.

One man with green eyes shook his fist at Li Po, and the other was a little angry, but more ashamed...

It's not really seeking revenge. In their simple understanding, if someone beats someone up, they will naturally beat him back. It's not a big deal.

But in Mayi, a country with fierce folk customs, their behavior of seeking out fellow tribesmen cannot be called glorious.

And Li Po didn't want to fight with them anymore. Without Luo San's honest boy by his side, it would be a very unwise choice to fight with these hunters from Mayi.

Before a group of northern men could speak, Li Po took the lead and pointed to the frozen fish in front of him and said with a smile: "Three fish, a load of firewood, the price should be quite reasonable. I guess my brothers are tired too. How about this cold weather?"

Selling it to a kid would save some effort, wouldn't it?"

Several men looked at each other in shock. They all heard from two fellow tribesmen that a wicked man appeared at the gate of Mayi City. He robbed their firewood and even beat them.

I didn't expect him to be such a half-grown boy, so the way he looked at two people of the same race didn't feel right.

As for whether it's a fish or not, they don't really care.

It is a strict rule of the Mayi government to sell firewood into the city. For hunting in other seasons, firewood must be brought into the city in winter.

Earning a few more copper coins is a small supplement to their family's financial situation. The most important thing is that the government has such rules that they have to come.

Of course, if firewood could only be sold to the government, Li Po would not stay here.

He has already asked clearly that as long as firewood comes into the city in winter, the government will not care who you sell it to, let alone sell it to refugees.

"I want to fight you again."

The result of having something to say was that the two northern men who had suffered a loss were embarrassed. They were foul-mouthed and clumsy, and under the half-smiling eyes of their fellow tribesmen, they put forward a very lame condition.

Seeing that Li Po was a little hesitant, one of them threw a load of firewood in front of Li Po with a bang, "If you win, it's all yours."


Li Po finally started to like this place a little bit.

(Please collect and recommend.)

This chapter has been completed!
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