Chapter 17

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The days that followed were actually much better.

Although the weather is getting colder day by day, it is not difficult to survive this cold winter as long as you have food and firewood to keep warm.

The small thatched house on the south side of the refugee camp was also cleaned very clean by Li Chun.

At this time, the refugees in the camp also knew that there were two brothers living here. Not only did they carry knives, but they also knew the city gate guards, which was very impressive.

Therefore, the thatched cottage on the south side became a special place in the camp, and no one dared to get too close.

When Li Chun goes to make porridge again, he is always the first in line.

Occasionally, the clerk serving porridge would give him a smile, add two spoonfuls, and stuff him with a pancake or something.

It can be seen that class is everywhere, even in the darkest places, there will be different levels. This is human nature.

Li Po now had some free time and officially began to teach Li Chun how to practice swordsmanship.

Therefore, in the open space outside the thatched house, two figures, one large and one small, could be seen from time to time, slashing with swords and shouting continuously.

However, it is said that the poor are poor in literature and rich in martial arts. Those who practice martial arts naturally need a strong body.

The meager food in the refugee camp was not enough for Li Po and Li Po to spend as much as they wanted.

Therefore, not only Li Chun, but also Li Po felt that his strength was gradually weakening. After a few days, he no longer dared to stand up in the howling cold wind.

When Luo San's duty ended and a new group of people came to guard the city gate, Li Po had to start thinking about the issue of livelihood again.

First, let Luo San take the lead and get close to the new guard.

Of course, no matter how close we are to each other, it will not be like being friends with Luo San, calling each other brothers and sisters, and just becoming familiar with each other in front of others.

Let the new corps commander know that there is such a person in the refugee camp, a Kansai native, who is just a bit brave.

There is nothing else to talk about.

They won't interact with a homeless person like you at all, and they won't even be polite.

But this was enough, Li Po ensured his range of activities.

From the gate of the city to the market, Li Po could pass Wuji completely.

Li Po tentatively walked out of the city gate once and then circled back. The gate guards just turned a blind eye, as if they had never seen him before...

This made Li Po very happy.

So that day, the weather was sunny and the cold wind stopped slightly.

Li Po took Li Chun out of the thatched house and went straight to the north city wall to follow him.

Like a bully, the platoon kicked down the door.

The refugees were called out one by one, with only one purpose: to clean up the area around their homes and to strictly prohibit defecation and defecation around them.

In three days, Li Po not only asked and remembered the names of most of the refugees, but also set rules for the refugees in the camp.

Open defecation is not allowed, and you have to go to the toilets temporarily dug by the government to urinate.

Of course, this is not just because Li Po was idle and wanted to be the king here. In such a temporary ghost place, even if you respond to everything, it will be of no use.

Because of Li Po's growing reputation, these refugees were severely tortured.

It is estimated that in the eyes of these refugees, Li Po is a bit more hateful now than when he was tall, thin and lame.

Li Po didn't care about this, he naturally had his own reasons for doing so.

It’s not just to make the refugee camps tidier and more comfortable.

He wanted to see who was living in the refugee camp. If there were one or two tall, thin, lame or similar people hiding, even if he didn't get rid of them immediately, he could still take more precautions.

Moreover, after a lot of trouble, he found two children aged seven or eight, four middle-aged people in their thirties or forties, and two thin and shapeless women.

This is actually equivalent to a census.

Counting, there are 124 people in the camp, seven or eight of them are about to die, and the rest can barely survive.

Thanks to the lanky man and the lame man, the people in the camp were completely blank from the age range of ten to thirty.

In other words, the old is old and the young is small.

Moreover, people are dying in the camp every day. If this continues, Li Po wonders, how many people will be left in the camp when spring comes next year?

According to several city gate guards, this is pretty good.

There are also refugee camps in Nancheng, but they are outside the city. There are more people there, hundreds of them, and the people there die more and faster...

This is a true portrayal of human life being as worthless as a grass seed. Li Po felt a little cold when he heard this. He did not want to become one of the mass graves in the north of the city.

So, he needs to work harder.

Most of the refugees in the north of the city are bankrupt farmers in Mayi County. There are no adult men in the family. If they don't want to starve to death at home, they can only drag their families out to beg, but they don't want to be detained in the refugee camp.

In other words, most of them have household registration in their hands.

But as long as they left the village's jurisdiction, according to Sui law, they became full-fledged refugees.


In the deep winter, everything is depressed.

A small team sparsely exited the city gate of Mayi North City.

After trekking for a long time, we finally arrived at the Mayi River that goes around the city.

In the small team, Li Po was the leader, and there were other men, big and small, and two kids with snotty noses.

If we go further, someone may freeze to death.

But fortunately, the Mayi River is not far from Mayi City.

In fact, the so-called Mayi River is just the name of the local people, and it is named after the city of Mayi.

In fact, it is a tributary of Sang River. If you go further north, you may still see the tail of Cang River.

But neither Li Po nor the others were in the mood to trace the source.

They all belong to a group of people struggling on the verge of death.

Li Po was able to lead them out of the city, but it took a lot of effort.

Not only did he have to ensure to the city gate guards that none of these people would be brought back later, he also had to ask the city gate guards to register each of these people's families and keep every family hostage.

Only in the city can you take these people out of the city.

So, on this day, large and small holes were opened on the river surface.

This is about running for survival. No matter how hard and tired they are, these refugees are still happy.

Smashing ice to get fish is not Li Po’s original invention.

Smart working people have long known that river fish are the easiest to catch in winter.

But let alone saying that they couldn't leave the city, even if they did, they wouldn't dare to dig ice under the city of Mayi to catch fish so blatantly.

Because according to the laws of the Sui Dynasty, fishing, hunting, and farming were strictly divided.

Ordinary people go up to the mountains to hunt or go down to the river to catch fish. It’s fine if no one sees them. Once someone reports on them, the results will be very unpleasant...

But Li Po and his people did this because he wanted to have a good winter.

Not only does he have to consider his livelihood, but he also has to make preparations for registering for registration next spring...

This chapter has been completed!
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