Chapter 1724 Complete the exam

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Master Xu Yu thought that person was very interesting, but it was a pity that he didn't know his name, otherwise we could make friends with each other in the future.

The so-called judging a person by his appearance will only lead to loss.

People with peculiar appearances often have other peculiarities...

Master Xu Yue straightened his robes and walked to the square in a hurry, but his legs were a little weak. For four days, he almost always sat in a kneeling position, which no one could bear.

Master Xu Yu is not the only one, most of them have become soft-legged shrimps, except for the guy just now.

Judging from his energetic appearance, could it be that he was full of ideas and answered the test questions without much effort?

Master Xu Yun lowered his head and looked at his hands. They were stained with ink, which was really ugly, so he quietly retracted into his sleeves and secretly said a word of shame.

I have been studying and practicing calligraphy since I was a child. When I was six years old, I knocked over the inkstone and was slapped twice on the face by my father. I almost lost my breath when I cried. From then on, I have been careful when practicing calligraphy and tried my best not to let the ink stains on my clothes and clothes.


Children of noble families usually come here like this. This is one of the etiquettes of reading. You cannot tear books at will. You should keep your back straight when reading, first and last when painting, bathe and change clothes when playing the piano, and tidy up your clothes when playing chess.

,Etc., etc.

Years of teaching have made every aristocratic child who is aspiring to study and become talented have the word etiquette integrated into their bones. To the point where they will feel uncomfortable even if they are slightly rude, that is, they are a true aristocrat.

Anyone who can break through these restrictions is either a genius or a fool.

Ordinary nobles are the same as ordinary people. They have normal IQ and high or low emotional intelligence, and they all make up the vast majority of the population.


The square was noisy, and many scholars were dancing and chattering like birds out of their cages, completely forgetting the good etiquette they usually maintain.

The scholars were too young. They were locked up in the literary academy for four days. No one talked to them. They were poorly fed and clothed. They had to write articles non-stop. It was an unbearable torture.

Coupled with the long preparation time for the exam, once freed, no matter how well they did in the exam, everyone will feel the excitement of taking off their shackles.

It's just that they spent too much energy in these four days, which made them quite depressed. People were staggering when they came out, and no matter how excited they were, they couldn't get much excited.

The servants of the scholar gathered in a circle outside the square, waiting anxiously for their master.

However, many scholars were not in a hurry to leave. They gathered with acquaintances, talked about the exam questions, and carefully tested others' reactions.

There were some who were sighing, but there were also many who were elated, making the square even more chaotic than four days ago.

The garrison soldiers are still guarding there, but they are much more relaxed than before. After all, the Beijing test will be over at this moment, and the garrison army's mission is about to be completed.

Master Xu Yun is not as fond of socializing as his nephew, but he knows a lot of people now. This is the result of the countless literary gatherings he attended in Chang'an.

There is no way, anyone who goes to Chang'an to take the exam has to go through this process. Being famous will give you extra points. This is a loophole deliberately left by the court for the scholars.

One of the biggest benefits is that after your test paper is selected, your reputation will play a role when you are on par with others. Whoever has a greater reputation may be able to be ranked ahead of others.

In addition, when officials reward officials, they will also think about it.

This is an issue related to the future, otherwise the scholars would not be so keen on making a name for themselves in the Chang'an literary world.

As for whether the court has other considerations, the scholars don't need to think about it. They just need to know that this is something that is good for them.


Master Xu Yue quickly found his circle and got together with a few short southern scribes. Everyone looked sad, as if they had grown up several years in the past four days.

Some people lamented, "I'm still three years late. I heard that the questions given three years ago were very easy..."

Some people hummed and disagreed, "There were also people who failed three years ago. There were more people applying this year, and there were a lot more subjects. I don't think there is much difference. The best among the best are selected, and the capable ones go first, and the others

If you can’t reach it with talent, what can you do?”

Master Xu Yu agreed very much with this and nodded in agreement: "The imperial court must be fair in selecting talents. This is true three years ago and three years later. You are all selected at the moment. What's the point of coming early and coming late?"

So everyone nodded with sadness. They have said this question countless times, but there are still people who are envious of how they were three years ago. In fact, it is a sign of lack of confidence in themselves.

But it's understandable.

When the imperial examination was first established, no one was willing to come and take the exam. The competition was naturally not as fierce as it is now, especially in some subjects where only three or four people applied. Such a good thing will definitely not happen this year.

An open-minded person like Xu Yushi saw that they had caught up with the good times. The imperial court gave many preferential treatment to the scholars, and the examination process was more formal than three years ago.

The scholars who are on the list in this subject will be able to hold their chests high and become officials later on. Although those in the first subject get some advantages, they are more likely to be criticized.

Things in the world are like this, there are always good and bad. Think of the good in everything, at least you will not treat yourself badly. People who never see others getting benefits may not go very far in their career.


Master Xu Yuen had a chat with someone. There were two people here who were taking the same subject as him. The three of them talked for a few words, all complaining about the difficulty of this subject. Master Xu Yue didn’t know whether what the other two said was true or false.

Anyway, he didn't tell the truth...

It is true that it is difficult, but for Master Xu Yu, the more difficult the questions are, the more they test everyone's skills and talents. He is not afraid of it, but he feels that these four days are too difficult.

His mind is full of articles, but he still thinks twice about writing them when he writes them. It is completely different from writing in his own study room where he thinks of it, and then making corrections. This is a one-time deal, and there is no room for mistakes.

I think the same is true for other people. As for what kind of articles they have written, the three of them avoid talking about it. It's not that they think their new friends are unreliable, they just don't want to be criticized for the quality of their articles at this time.

After all, this is not a literary meeting... When they return to their residence, they will probably write out the article in silence, and then... let their elders comment on it.

It’s similar to the score evaluation process in the later college entrance examination. You can have a rough idea of ​​whether you can pass the exam without waiting for the results to be released.

Someone squeezed over while he was talking, and Master Xu Yue smelled the familiar rancid smell of his nephew without turning his head.

Hao Chujun looked a little nervous, which was inconsistent with his usual carefree temperament.

"What's wrong? You didn't do well in the exam?" Master Xu Yu asked with a frown, and others also looked over.

The two uncles and nephews are both talented people from Jiangyou, and their reputations have already spread among the scholars. Xu Yu is good at classics, and Hao Chujun is good at using allusions. Because of the subjects they take exams, they have been studying laws, political commentaries, and historical records.


As for poetry and articles, they must be extremely brilliant. If you want to become famous quickly in literary circles, you rely on talent. Poetry is the first choice, followed by articles. Debates based on quotations are the main meal, and poetry is the dessert after the meal.

, and maybe add some current political topics.

As each pass passes, you will be able to see clearly if you have talent or knowledge, and you will not be able to do anything false.

For a genius like Li Po, if you go to a cultural gathering and walk around, your armor will definitely appear crooked, and there won't be any accidents.

Hao Chujun raised his head, his greasy hair floating around, "The article is easy for me, I will definitely be on the list this time, otherwise I will not be able to see my parents in my hometown."

Knowing his temperament, everyone became happy. Some people even joked: "If my dear brother fails, the elders in his hometown will still want to see him, but he is afraid that he will not be able to see us again."

Master Xu Yu smiled bitterly, and began to wipe his nephew's butt as usual, and repeatedly handed over his hands to the other people, "Don't listen to his nonsense, I will do it someday. After four days, my back is sore and my legs are weak. I see that the same is true for all of you dear friends.

How about we go back and have a good rest, and then get together again after we calm down?"

Several people smiled and nodded, thinking that Xu Sanlang still knew how to speak, he was nothing more than a modest gentleman, and the Anlu Xu family's family tradition was indeed worthy of its reputation.


The uncle and nephew stopped staying and said goodbye to a few people before heading out. Master Xu Yu began to teach his nephew again, "When interacting with others, the most important thing is to avoid being frivolous.

How you treat others is how others will treat you. If your words are frivolous, how can you win the respect of others if things go on like this?"

Hao Chujun nodded and accepted the instruction, "My nephew knows, if you always joke with others, they will laugh with you, and then you won't hear anything sincere."

Master Xu Yu looked at his nephew with satisfaction, "As long as you know this truth, let's go back quickly. We are really exhausted both physically and mentally. If we don't win this time, we will have to try again next time. Future scholars will have a good life.

But it’s not that easy...

By the way, I saw you were in a panic just now, why are you here?"

Hao Chujun subconsciously looked around, grabbed Master Xu Yu's sleeve, walked two steps, walked out of the square to meet his followers, and when they were far away from the square, he whispered to his uncle: "Uncle doesn't know something. When it's time to hand in the paper,

The person in the room next to me was taken away..."

Master Xu Yu was startled, frowned and asked in a low voice: "Do you know what the reason is?"

Arresting people in the examination room is an unusual matter. How did they get here in the past four days? People who have experienced it personally have the best say. The court was very well prepared.

Many of the things that people reported about the last Beijing Examination were inaccurate. Maybe it was changed by the court, or maybe it was just rumors.

The Beijing Examination was heavily guarded, with patrol officials constantly patrolling the area. Those who delivered daily utensils never said a word, and those who cleaned up the filth were clearly Japanese.

Coupled with the stories I heard in Taoism before the Beijing Examination, and the stern warnings I received from the Ministry of Rites, all these show that the imperial court's attitude towards fraud is strictly guarded against.

In such a situation, would anyone still want to take the wrong approach?

This chapter has been completed!
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