Chapter 1723 Four days

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Four days flew by in a flash.

Just as Master Xu Yu expected, the Beijing Examination was temporarily changed to four days, which gave the scholars more time to do the questions. However, after passing the examination in one subject, the scholars suffered a lot.

For four days, the scholars did not leave their homes, eating, drinking, and having sex in a small indoor room. It was better during the day, but it was worse at night. You couldn't sleep well anyway, and some rooms were lit with candles.

One o'clock is one night.

Even though everyone is still young... By the way, none of the scholars who came to take the exam at this time are old. The eldest is only twenty-four or five years old, and the youngest is only fourteen years old.

Less than half of them had participated in the Capital Examination three years ago and were here to retake the exam this time. They were generally older, but there were no people with gray hair and dazzled eyes to compete with the young people.


After all, it was only a short time before the imperial examinations were started in the Tang Dynasty, and there were no stubborn people who lost their ambitions in the imperial examinations and did not finish the examinations.

Moreover, people in this world still need to save face, and most of them come from aristocratic families. How can people in their thirties and forties have the nerve to embarrass themselves again?

Therefore, many people take the exam for three subjects, and when they see no hope, they look for another way out. From the time you are determined to take the exam, the three subjects last for six to eight years. How many six years are there in life? Smart people will calculate the cost, even if

If you don’t count it yourself, your family members should also help you count it.

For six or nine years, you have been doing nothing at home and only immersed yourself in books. The capital is your best youth. With such a high cost, the noble family is not willing to support you as an idler.

And after paying the cost, it depends on the gain. In the early Tang Dynasty, scientific examinations were just emerging. Everyone only initially recognized the court's talent selection mechanism, and it had not yet become popular.

As long as a representative figure who has not passed the scientific examination and can occupy a high position is born, people will not be able to see whether the harvest is rich or not, and they will carefully weigh the cost when paying.

When weighing the pros and cons, one will naturally choose the immediate interests, and many people will look for another way out.

Besides, the imperial court also has an imperial examination path, which is the imperial examination path opened for those who want to enter the officialdom. You can also refer to it when you become an official. With this way out, everyone's persistence will be weaker, and the elderly will also

They all went to Zhiju.


With his face covered in oil and sweat, and his body always feeling like a rancid smell, Master Xu Yu followed the flow of people and walked out in a daze. He was still thinking about a few test questions that made his brain hurt just thinking about it.

One big question and six small questions.

The big topic is very broad. Governance depends on morality. Is it polite? What the hell is this still a question?

Anyone who has read the Analects of Confucius can tell this topic. Confucius said, Tao is based on government, and justice is based on punishment, so that the people can be exempted from shame. Tao is based on virtue, and harmony is based on etiquette.

Needless to say, the meaning of Teacher Kong’s words is the central idea of ​​Confucianism. He believes that using criminal law to govern the world can only restrict people’s behavior. If people only want to avoid punishment, they will lose their sense of shame.

Only if people's behavior is regulated by morality and etiquette can people live with dignity.

This is a question that has been considered by those who govern since ancient times, and even in the future. The resulting debate has lasted for thousands of years, but generally speaking, as long as those who are still sane in government will understand that this is a false proposition.

Moral etiquette and criminal law do not conflict, and they complement each other in governance. Mr. Kong was somewhat idealistic on this topic.

Just like Lao Ma later, he described a very beautiful social picture to people, which was the highest realm his thoughts pursued.

But it is difficult for human nature to reach that level. One or two people may be able to do it, and three or four people can make do. If there are more people, it will be over. Billions of people will make progress together, even if the gods come, there will be no way.

Teacher Kong's words also describe for you an utopia, where everyone knows etiquette and has every virtue, which is what later generations called saints. There are also a large group of saints. How is that possible?

It's like a formula for finding a limit, with a lot of prerequisites. By the time you meet them, humanity is probably about to perish.

Everyone is a saint and has no desires or desires. How can human beings still have the motivation to move forward?


Master Xu Yu shook his dizzy head. The big topic was too big and the small topic was too small. He racked his brains and managed to cope with it. Now his mind is full of confusion, as if he doesn’t even know what he wrote before? Can he still do it?

Get the attention of others.

Feeling so bad, Master Xu Yu decided... to go back and take a long nap first.

The gates of the Literary Academy were wide open, and the scholars could leave through the main entrance this time.

The sky was a bit gloomy and there was a slight breeze.

The scholars walked out of the gate of the Academy of Literature, their eyes were red, their faces were pale, their clothes were disheveled, their hair was unkempt, they looked like thieves who had been tortured and had just been released from prison.

There was one who weakly persisted and walked out of the gate of the liberal arts college, holding on to the pillar next to him and crying. It was obvious that he had never suffered such dual mental and physical torture.

Master Xu Yu was stronger. He rubbed his cheeks and rubbed off a layer of plaster. He couldn't help but smile bitterly, thinking that he wouldn't come again next time.

To hell with all the scientific examinations and Chang'an Academy, he will go directly to Shuzhong in two days to join his brother...

But in the end, that was just a thought. If he wanted to join his brother, he would have gone long ago, so why wait until today?

There were heavy footsteps behind him, and someone was coming from behind. Master Xu Yu stepped aside to let him pass. The man was walking in a hurry, so he bumped into him a little. It was not intentional, and the man slightly held his hands in apology.

Master Xu Yu was stunned for a moment, and it was not because of anything else. The man in front of him was tall and strong, with a beard, triangular eyes, and a garlic nose. He was really ugly...

As soon as the man saw Xu Yushi's expression, he knew what he was thinking. He was used to this expression when meeting strangers.

He glared at Master Xu Yu angrily and strode out of the gate of the liberal arts college with a vigorous pace. Master Xu Yu stared at him with a keen eye, thinking that he could take the big exam even though he is so ugly?

You must know that people who want to become an official in this world must first consider their appearance. People who are too ugly must be excluded because it will affect the image of the official.

Congjun didn't say that much. The more ferocious the person, the Weifu might like him more.

Master Xu Yu was full of suspicion, and judging from the energetic appearance of this man, he might actually be a martial artist.

The man walked out of the door of the Wen Yuan, and stretched out for a long time at the door. His joints crackled, which attracted the side glances of the scholars who were going out around him.

The man looked around, laughed, and strode away.

A little crazy, but seems to have done very well in the exam? Master Xu Yu couldn't help but guess with a bit of envy...

This chapter has been completed!
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