Chapter 1722 Examination Room

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The examination room is a single room, which is similar to that in Gangneung Academy of Literature.

Master Xu Yun settled down when he arrived here, looked around and saw new clothes on the pile.

Master Xu Yu picked it up, took a look at it, and felt it. Naturally, it couldn't be compared with the clothes he was wearing, and the quality was just that. But he had to put on new clothes first, fold his own clothes, and hand them over to the patrol outside.

Officials of the Ministry of Rites.

In front of him, the man shook off his clothes and looked through them carefully, mainly to see if he had written anything on his clothes.

They were all measures to prevent cheating. Master Xu Yu rolled his eyes secretly, feeling quite annoyed. The people in the Ministry of Etiquette were so rude and always judged a gentleman with a villain's heart.

In fact, the rigor of this scientific examination was beyond what Master Xu Yu could have imagined.

In the examination room, officials from the Supervisory Temple had already settled in yesterday, and Shi Gao Shilian was in charge. During the Beijing Examination, not only were the officials patrolling the site from the Ministry of Rites, but officials from the Supervisory Temple also held responsibilities.

Once any fraud is discovered, it will immediately be reported to the DPRK for severe accountability and punishment. Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment are also waiting for the notification and are ready to participate in the investigation.

The leaked examination questions in the third year of Yuanzhen's reign were no longer a secret at this time, which was one of the reasons why Li Po didn't think he could find any clues in this examination.

Once the investigation is out in the open, those who used the means will definitely not dare to act rashly. If they want to break the conspiracy three years ago, they still have to find another way.


Xu Yushi took the exam this year for Ming Dynasty Politics, which is a new subject this year. It relies on the ability to deal with government affairs. There are six subjects in government affairs, which are compared with the six ministries of the imperial court.

Therefore, this year there are nine major subjects and dozens of minor subjects. This is what the Ministry of Rites handed over to the scholars in advance and let them make a choice.

During the first Beijing examination in the fourth year of Yuanzhen's reign, the largest number of people referred to the Ming Jing Ke. At that time, people still followed the thinking of holding imperial examinations in the pre-Sui Dynasty. They felt that the Jinshi of the Ming Jing Ke would be the most respected after they came out, and they would also get

The important role of the imperial court.

Unfortunately, things went against expectations. At the Xinglin Banquet, the top Jinshi in the Mingfa Department took the top position, while the Jinshi in the Mingjing Department almost fell to the bottom.

The imperial court's attitude was immediately clear. A person with a bright head and poor teachings would not be valued by the imperial court.

Later scholars stepped on the shoulders of their predecessors and immediately recognized the reality. After discussion, they all believed that the Tang Dynasty had not long been established and needed talents for governing the world. Those who read the classics and history might get the corresponding response in the literary world.

However, in the eyes of the imperial court, his status was not conducive to state affairs.

As a result, the number of people preparing to take the Ming Jing Ke exam this year dropped sharply. The difficult questions in the Ming Jing Ke exam were one of the reasons, so this year the Ming Jing Ke exam suddenly became deserted.

On the contrary, Master Xu Yue applied for the Mingzheng major, and there were so many people that Master Xu Yue even felt a little regretful.

Everyone knows that the imperial court is pragmatic, so if you want to become an official, the new subject of Ming Zheng Ke is naturally very popular, and the competition is a bit fiercer than the previous Ming Jing Ke.

There are also many people taking the arithmetic exam this year, and most of them are people who are preparing to deal with abacus in the future.

Everyone can guess the grand occasion of the Mingfa Department. The last time the Mingfa Department Jinshi was awarded the number one scholar, it is clear evidence that those who pass the Mingfa Department will have a bright future no matter what.

The other newly added subjects are, as everyone expected, all related to practical matters. Obviously, what the imperial court is testing is definitely not your accomplishments in articles and poems, but your practical talents.

In the future, major subjects such as Ming Jing, Ming History, and Ming Shu may become more and more neglected.

Master Xu Yu feels that this trend is not good for scholars. Scholars must first be enlightened. After the enlightenment stage is over, they must enter school. At this stage, everyone must be exposed to knowledge such as the Four Books and Five Classics.

Later, in the in-depth stage, people transitioned from youth to adulthood, and could experience some profound philosophies from the scriptures and historical records.

According to the habits of literati in the past, at this time most people will go deep into this and draw nourishment from the wisdom of their predecessors. Only a few people will focus on other things based on their own interests or influenced by their family studies.

Serious scholars will feel that these people are dishonorable, lack perseverance, and cannot continue on the right path. They will certainly not be able to go very far after becoming an official.

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, this kind of thinking was not yet deep. After all, the children of nobles were born noble, and how far they could go was not determined by how many books they read.

For example, Master Xu Yu would join the army if he failed to study. Even if he had no ability, his brothers would take care of him. When he could start his own business, you will see that you have read many books, but you are not promoted as fast as others.

This was the case in the early Tang Dynasty. Master Xu Yu felt that the court was too focused on practical matters, which was not a good phenomenon. Those who read the classics and history knew more than others, but they were so despised by the court. If it was more difficult to become an official than others, then everyone would

What books should I read when studying?

What do those people who have abandoned classics and history look like when they become officials? Do they know etiquette? Do they know the world? Do they know the past and present? Do they know loyalty?

So he... simply chose Ming Zheng Ke... and planned to become an official first.

Of course, if he fails to pass the Jinshi exam, he will go to Chang'an Academy to study. This is an enhanced version of studying. After studying to a certain level, people will choose to study abroad to increase their knowledge.

Given the reputation he and his nephew had in Jiangyou, it was not difficult to enroll in Chang'an Academy.

Hao Chujun was not very happy. He thought he would definitely get the Jinshi. By the way, this guy was taking the Mingfa exam and he was very high-spirited.

People have said that even if he fails this year, he will stay in Chang'an to work as a staff member. It is best to choose a high-ranking official who works in Zhongshu. It will be beneficial to his studies and is much better than enrolling in Chang'an Academy.


Xu Yushi had nothing to say, because his nephew was right. Since the imperial court valued practical matters, being a staff member was a good way out.

Especially Zhongshu Sheng, which is the government office that formulates the major policies of the country and has been presiding over the revision of Tang canons. It is the best choice for scholars who want to test the law.


Returning to the house, Master Xu Yue sat there and waited. The house was simple, fairly bright, and had nothing to look at.

There are some plants and trees planted between the houses, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, which makes people feel much more relaxed.

There were constant sounds from outside, as thousands of people entered for the exam, and it was not until the sun rose high that everything became quiet.

Footsteps sounded outside, and someone entered the room and brought Master Xu Yuen pens, inks, paper and inkstones. They were all custom-made. From this point of view, they were fairer than the subsequent exams.

Master Xu Yun first checked the pen and ink, and they were only satisfactory. When he spread out the paper, he was a little surprised. The paper was white and flexible, with fine texture and smooth surface.

Master Xu Yu just rubbed it with his hand and concluded that it was a good bamboo paper. He had used it when he was in Jiangyou. It was better than the hemp paper produced in Jiangyou, but it was much worse than the rice paper.

Master Xu Yu's brother also sent him some Sichuan hemp, which was the best thing. After Shuzhong was pacified, Shuzhong became the leader of the papermaking industry. The paper there was made very exquisitely, and it is said that some of it has become tribute.

Master Xu Yu's eldest brother is now stationed in Chengdu. When talking about Chengdu, they say that it looks different from day to day. Paper, silk, tea, wine, etc. are all exquisite. In addition, the barbarian troubles have been solved, and there are many more.

A lot of free labor.

Given time, the wealth in Sichuan will surely be the highest in the world.

Master Xu Yu touched the paper in his hand, turned it over and took a closer look. He felt that this thing should have come from Shuzhong. He thought to himself that the imperial court had really invested money in it. Could these be tributes?

In fact, what he didn't know was that the imperial court had been studying bamboo paper for some time, and what he had in his hands was the result of the craftsman's supervision.

Soon this bamboo paper making technique will be spread everywhere, and the papermaking technique in Jiangzuo is no worse than that in Shuzhong. The bamboo paper was obtained from Jiangzuo by the craftsman Zuojian. His vision is obviously too small.



It was approaching noon and everything was in order, but the exam had not started yet. Someone just brought lunch.

Three meals a day is a later term. At this time, ordinary people and even most nobles had two meals a day, or one meal a day. Only the rich and powerful people had three meals a day.

It's just that the imperial court was well-prepared. The scholars' brain cells were consumed too much, so they must be given preferential treatment and the embarrassing thing of making people faint from hunger should not happen.

Therefore, the scholars who took the liberal arts high school examination were provided with three meals a day.

The food is relatively simple, consisting of dried meat, corn rice, pickled vegetables, and a bowl of broth. Dinner will be a bit richer and I'll give you a hot dish. Overall, it's pretty good.

The water in the water urn in the house is also changed every day. Charcoal fires and stoves are prepared for the scholars, and each person is given a bag of tea. If you want to drink tea, you can make it yourself. You are used to being pampered at home, so you won't know how to make it.

If so... don't bother yourself, Haofa, there's no one here to serve you.

With this set of rules, people in the Ministry of Revenue would lose a lot of hair. Su Dan secretly complained to Li Gang and other officials in the Ministry of Revenue, saying that they sacrificed the people in the Ministry of Revenue for their own official titles.

Not a son of man.

But no matter what, this is a measure that the emperor personally agreed to. It is a kind of preferential treatment for the scholars who come to Beijing to take the exam, so that they can feel the attention and warmth of the imperial court during the boring Beijing exam.

Scholars should not be allowed to feel like pigs and dogs in a cage waiting to be slaughtered. In the future, when they become officials, they will be more tolerant towards others, instead of being proud once, recalling the hardships they suffered when they became officials, and thinking of looking elsewhere.



Master Xu Yu was chewing dried meat and drinking broth in the room, but he didn't feel much warmth. He just complained in his heart that the cook was too bad and the food he made was really hard to eat. He hoped that the meal at night could be cooked.

is better.

After three days of exams, the papers had not been issued at noon. Master Xu Yu felt that he might have to stay here for an extra day or two. When he went out to see the sun, he wondered if he would feel like he had been released from jail.

This chapter has been completed!
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