Chapter 1785 Letter

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By July, no one was actually paying attention to the malpractice in the examination room.

After Li Po returned to Beijing, he immediately held a court meeting and announced the terms of the alliance with the Turks in the Taiji Hall.

The alliance gained a huge sum, which can be said to be one of the great events during the Yuanzhen period. It marked that the relationship between the Tang Dynasty and the northern Turks entered a stable period.

This has been a very rare situation since ancient times.

The Turks will no longer go south to invade the border, and there are no more voices in the Central Plains dynasty's court hall to send troops to the Northern Expedition. The eyes of the two countries coincidentally look towards the direction of the Western Regions.

At the same time that the Tang Dynasty was convening a great dynasty meeting, the Turks had already launched a western expedition.

Faced with the change in the general trend of the world, Li Po and his ministers had made preparations early to take advantage of the alliance, allowing the Turks to make concessions step by step, and generally restored the northern border of the pre-Sui Dynasty.

Except for Dingxiang County, which stood out from the Yunzhong Grassland, the Northern Wuyuan and Yingzhou areas returned to the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

For this reason, Li Po issued a series of edicts, ordering Cao Fang to lead his army to garrison Jiuyuan City, and ordered Xue Wanjun, the general manager of Lingzhou, to take care of the people of all ethnic groups in the north of Lingzhou.

In the next two or three years, it is necessary to break up the tribal gatherings of local indigenous people, set up government offices, and allow local people to farm and herd cattle.

At the same time, four Zhechong Prefectures were established there to recruit people from various local tribes to join the Zhechong Prefecture and improve the bureaucratic and military system of counties and counties in Lingzhou.

At this time, the Sanqi often served Chu Suiliang, who suggested that the Chinese should come first and then the Barbarians, so that the foreigners would be fearful and virtuous, and pacify the barbarians with faith and justice.

Chu Suiliang's strategy actually consisted of three parts.

First the Chinese and then the Barbarians, it means vigorously restoring the prosperity of the Central Plains. Taking the hinterland of the Central Plains as the body, the four border areas as the limbs, and the Barbarians as the hair, management and development are carried out in layers, steps, and key points, and step by step we enter the prosperous period.

To make foreign tribes fear the power of the Tang Dynasty, it means to strengthen the military construction in various places, punish those who are not ministers from far away, and make all tribes fear the power of the Tang Dynasty. This is supplemented by appointing foreign khans, officials, etc., so that they can be grateful to the Tang Dynasty, and then impose punishments on them.

Educate them and make them into eagles and dogs to open up territory for the Tang Dynasty.

The last thing he talked about was the strategy of pacifying the barbarians with faith. The main reason is that he believed that the Tang Dynasty should be based on faith and not be capricious like the previous dynasties. Only by fully displaying the image of the Tang Dynasty to the barbarians from all directions and keeping its promises can the four directions be conquered.

Return to your heart.

This kind of ethnic (harmonious) policy is very obviously different from the chaos-control strategies previously proposed by Li Jing, Fan Wenjin and others.

Li Jing's strategy to quell the barbarians was based on strategy and attacking people's hearts. It was a very appropriate move when the barbarians were causing trouble at that time.

Nowadays, the barbarians everywhere in Lingnan have been beaten to pieces, and they can no longer gather together. This is proof that using barbarism to control barbarians has achieved phased results.

Fan Wenjin's strategy in Liangzhou was different from Li Jing's strategy of controlling the barbarians. It focused on pacification, comprehensively educated the Hexi tribes with the civilization of the Central Plains, and disrupted each tribe, dividing and conquering them.

This is also based on the situation faced by Liangzhou, and the tailor-made policy to control Hu has also achieved good results. Tribes such as the Tuyuhun and Qiang people have begun to move back to the highlands one after another and accepted the management of the Tang Dynasty government.

The Tang Dynasty raised cattle and sheep.


Now that Chu Suiliang came to "Govern the Barbarians in Four Directions" again, he started from the overall situation, drew on the experience of governing barbarians in previous dynasties, and presented it to the emperor at the critical time of the seventh year of Yuanzhen.

If his petition can be recognized by the court, Chu Suiliang will have taken a very solid step in his official career.

Because this is a matter of major government affairs, once it is decided in the court and implemented in practice, it will affect the lives of countless people, and the court will also undergo significant changes in its policy direction.

As the proposer of the policy, Chu Suiliang will also benefit from this and write a lasting mark on his official qualifications.

If the effect of the policy can be seen in a few years and is positive, then Chu Suiliang will naturally become famous and be promoted to an important position.

In fact, both Li Po and the court officials attached great importance to this constructive and far-sighted petition. The memorial came to the Taiji Hall and was quickly sent to the three provinces for resolution.

Macroeconomic policies would generate a lot of debates when they were being decided, and Chu Suiliang immediately became busy. He usually had to fulfill his duties as a regular attendant, and would be called in for questioning by the three provinces anytime and anywhere.

Although he was much busier than before, Chu Suiliang was happy with it, because it was very beneficial to his career. Even if his petition was eventually rejected, after this incident, his name Chu Suiliang could be regarded as a person in the three provinces and six departments.

Everyone knows it.

This kind of big policy cannot be decided in a day or two. It must first be reviewed by the important officials of the imperial court, and then opinions will be collected within a certain range.

Some people familiar with the nonsense will be called in to ask questions, give advice, etc.

These are almost done. If there are no major problems, the decision-making process will be entered. After the decision-making is completed, it will be returned to the Menxia Province and will be reviewed by the officials of the Menxia Province before it can go before the emperor.

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After considering the opinions of so many people, the emperor will probably send it back for re-examination, form a most feasible plan, and then bring it back to the emperor.

It went through this cycle two or three times, four or five times without any surprise. Finally, the emperor stamped the seal and handed it over to Zhongshu, who issued it and Shangshu Province carried out the actual operation.

By that time, the memorial written by Chu Suiliang may have changed beyond recognition, but no matter what it is changed into, Chu Suiliang's contribution will not be less.


Anyway, in the seventh year of Yuanzhen, after the Tang Dynasty and the Turks formed an alliance in Yulin, the Tang Dynasty's national policy began to turn to internal affairs.

The number of soldiers and horses stationed in Daizhou will be reduced to 15,000, 2,000 in Heng'an Town, and 3,000 in Cangshui Town. The remaining troops will be stationed in Mayichen, Yanmen, and Loufan.

Some Turks who had been grazing in Mayi moved to Loufan and Yanmen counties in the autumn of the seventh year of Yuanzhen. Others crossed the Yellow River to the west to the Yulin area to prepare for the reconstruction of the Yulin Racecourse.

These Turkic tribes have been captured for more than ten years. In the years when the war was the most intense, many Turkic people joined the Tang army, transforming from slaves into Tang army soldiers, and some even became officers.

In addition, the Turkic royal court had not carried out any rescue operations for many years, and the local officials continued to carry out propaganda and brainwashing against them, so these prisoners gradually gave up their intention to return to the north.

He built a Cangshui city for the Tang Dynasty, raised many cattle and sheep, and made many military exploits for the Tang Dynasty to unify the world. It can be said that he made outstanding contributions to the cause of the Tang Dynasty.

This chapter has been completed!
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