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Chapter 1787 Happy event

There are many sounds in the yard, but there is something missing, and that is the cry of the mother giving birth.

No one knows the pain of childbirth, but the pain of a stump is nothing more than that.

People in Qi say that giving birth to a child is called "birth", which sounds like the same word at first glance. There is also the word "zi" next to it, which probably means that mother and child survived, which shows their understanding of childbirth.

No matter what, in this world, especially for pregnant women, it is a matter of life and death. How can we get through it without screaming a few times?

At this time, Li Bi's face had changed color. Without waiting for anyone from the Xu family to say anything, she immediately entered the courtyard, grabbed an imperial doctor, and asked how the situation was in the room.


"Don't worry, Madam... Your Highness, the eldest princess, is fine. It's just that she was having a hard time just now... There was no sound? My mother-in-law said, Your Highness is stoic and doesn't want to make people laugh by speaking out."

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Li Bi was greatly relieved after hearing this, and immediately wanted to rush into the room, grab her sister-in-law's ears and ask her what on earth she was thinking. After all this time, do you still care about your own face? You really deserve to be Li Chun.

Mrs. Li, she makes a lot of noise when giving birth, which is different from others...


This was just a heart-stopping episode. Less than half an hour after Li Bi arrived, the baby in the room was already born. Unlike her unreliable mother, she cried loudly and didn't care about any shame.

It's face-saving.

The mother-in-law ran out with a face full of joy and knelt down in front of Li Bi, "Congratulations to the mother-in-law, congratulations to the mother-in-law. Your Highness has given birth to a Lin'er. Mother and son are safe."

Xu Shiji experienced this kind of thing for the first time. He had been leading troops all year round and was very courageous. At this time, he had just recalled the other half of his soul.

I listened to this in a daze and my legs felt a little weak. My first thought was that it was not easy to be a boy.

His parents were overjoyed, but they didn't dare to speak because the Queen was here.

Li Bi was also very happy. At this moment, she felt that her sister-in-law was still very up to date. The first child was a boy. With this heir, there would be a lot less trouble in the future.

The two brothers and sister seemed to be blessed by good luck, and they never failed to do anything at any time.


Li Bi entered the room. The smell in the room was not very good, and there was also the smell of blood mixed in. Li Bi didn't pay much attention to this, and only looked at her sister-in-law.

The maid was wiping Li Chun's body with a cloth dipped in warm water. Li Chun looked a little tired, but he sat up despite the maid's objections.

Seeing my sister-in-law coming in, I rolled my eyelids unhappily. The meaning is very clear. I'm so embarrassed, can't you wait and come in to talk?

In this world today, they are the only two brothers and sisters who dare to do this to Li Bi.

Seeing that she was bouncing around, Li Bi didn't bother to talk to her anymore. He took the child from the servant woman's hands, and it turned out to be a crumpled little person. Before opening his eyes, he cried twice and fell asleep.

Li Bi looked at it and said in her heart that it was really ugly. Of course, her two sons looked like this when they were born. Even the princes couldn't play any tricks.

Even though Li Chun's physical fitness is not as good as hers, he has been practicing swordsmanship all year round and his body is well built. Just after giving birth to the baby, he can move freely without much discomfort.

She was also able to endure it, and there was not a single cry during the birth process. At this point, Li Bi had to accept the defeat.

The child quickly changed hands and had to be shown to his father and grandparents. Xu Shiji had a successor, which was a great joy for the Xu family.

Moreover, the child was extremely noble when he was born, with royal blood flowing through his body. He was given a good pregnancy, and the moment he was born, he was separated from his cousins.

From now on, everyone in the Xu family will probably hope that this child will grow up and preserve the family's prosperity.


Li Bi sat down on the rather messy couch and said with a smile: "Your elder brother asked me to come over and take a look. It seems to be unnecessary. How about it? You are pregnant in ten months and you are a mother. Do you have anything to say?"


Li Chun looked at his cheerful sister-in-law and wanted to stab her twice with his sword. He grunted twice before saying, "What's there to say? Don't you always say that all women have to go through this?"

Li Bi saw that her breath was strong and her complexion was not bad, so she was finally relieved. After everything was done, she asked the imperial doctor to come in and check her sister-in-law's pulse. The imperial doctor repeatedly praised her and said that the eldest princess just lost some energy and blood.

You don’t need to take prescriptions to warm and nourish your body after childbirth like other people do. You just need to eat and drink something good, and after a day or two, you will be back to normal.

Of course, you can't say that, and you have to ask Her Royal Highness the Princess not to see the wind, so as not to suffer from serious illnesses and so on.

How to take care of postpartum women these days is like that. The royal family will be more careful, but they can't escape the inherent process. It always takes a while before they can move freely.

As for people who started shaping their bodies within a few days like those who came later, it is a no-brainer.


After talking to her sister-in-law for a while, she showed no sign of being sleepy at all, and still looked dissatisfied. Li Bi was too lazy to tell her any more, and just asked someone to take good care of her before driving back to the palace.


When she returned to the palace, Li Po had already received the good news. He had just had dinner and was in high spirits. He asked someone to get some snacks and drank them by himself in the palace of Ganlu Palace.

The other is to ask Zhang Jin to inform Zhang Jin and ask him to send people to secure the entrance of Xu Mansion. He is afraid that his sister will have something to worry about after giving birth and will not be able to stay in the manor. He will confine her for a month, and he cannot let her

She sneaked out to play.

Li Bi came back to "resurrect her life", and the couple just had a few drinks and had fun.

When Li Bi saw that her husband was drinking here, she immediately became happy and said, "My aunt is suffering there, but my husband is enjoying drinking here. Isn't that fair?"

Li Po chuckled, beckoned her to come over and sit down next to him, and waved his hand to withdraw from the palace, "When a happy event comes, it is natural to rejoice. How can you pretend that nothing has happened?

How is the situation over there?"

Li Bi sat down and poured wine for her husband. "After giving birth to a son, he looks good. The imperial doctor saw that neither the mother nor the child are generally strong..."

At this point, Li Bi also became happy. She told her husband that Aunt Li's condition during childbirth was really different from ordinary people. She had never heard of such a lively and powerful person after giving birth.

Take her as an example. When she gave birth to her two sons, the pain was heartbreaking, and she was extremely weak after giving birth. She felt even worse than when she was hit by an arrow in Mayi.

In conclusion, this person is really incomparable...

Li Po listened with a smile and felt at ease, thinking that at this rate, the girl could have a few more children, and it wouldn't be a big deal anyway.

This chapter has been completed!
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