Chapter 690 The King of Han

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"The envoy from Jin came from far away and traveled thousands of miles. It was really hard work. It is better to rest more. Otherwise... the wind and sand in the northwest are much more violent than those in Jin. I don't know whether the envoy can survive it safely."

The person who spoke was An Xinggui, and his accent was a little strange. In fact, the An family belonged to Sogdian descendants. They had been doing business since the Han Dynasty, and moved east to Zhangye and settled there, thus gradually forming the ethnic group with the nine surnames of Zhaowu.

The royal family of this clan took Zhaowu as their surname and led their people to do business. During the Daye period, they finally seized the opportunity of Yang Guang's preferential treatment of merchants and prospered, reaching Central Asia in the west, Chang'an in the east, and even Luoyang, Shandong and other places.

They all have their footprints.

They were rich and powerful in the west, and they were originally looking for a good opportunity to go to court, but it was not as good as fate. The arrival of war in the late Sui Dynasty did not bring any benefits to this ethnic group that was engaged in trade. The slaves and thieves

Bai Yusuo led his slaves, riding war horses and waving steel swords, sweeping through the northwest, bringing a bloody storm all over the sky.

During these years, the blocking of trade routes severely damaged the commerce in the northwest, and also caused serious harm to various ethnic groups in the northwest.

The nine surnames of Zhaowu are no exception. They are almost natural targets for the rebels to defeat. Over the past few years, these barbarians from the Western Regions who are accustomed to doing business have been slaughtered a lot. In view of this, the royal family of Zhaowu finally used money to communicate with gods.

Awakened from his fantasy, he sent out many tribesmen and began to run for the safety of the tribe.

The An Xinggui brothers were ordered to come east. One went to Chang'an and surrendered to Li Yuan, while the other was already on good terms with Li Gui and others. Taking advantage of the situation, they started an army with Li Gui and others, forming a group of rebels against the king in the late Sui Dynasty.

Nowadays, although the war is still raging, the An brothers have completed the transformation from businessmen to officials, and are deeply involved in the struggle for hegemony in the late Sui Dynasty.

According to Li Po, a bearded man is not a good thing, and An Xinggui, a foreigner from the Western Regions who does not even know how many other bloodlines are mixed into his bloodline, is definitely not a good thing.

But objectively speaking, this is definitely not the way to evaluate a person who lived in the troubled times of the late Sui Dynasty. An Xinggui was very valued by Li Yuan in Chang'an. An Xinggui was also extremely grateful to Li Yuan for his kindness, so he invited him to the northwest to persuade Li Yuan.


His half-brother An Xiuren also played an important role under Li Gui's rule. He was one of the old men who followed Li Gui in the army. Now, as the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, he controls the wealth of Hexi.

At the same time, An Xiuren became friends with the leaders of the Qiang tribes in the northwest because his mother was a noblewoman of the Qiang tribe. After Li Gui ascended the throne as the Emperor of Daliang, all the Qiang tribes jointly promoted An Xiuren as their chief, with many subordinates under his command.

A brave man of the Qiang people.

As soon as An Xinggui arrived in the northwest, he was introduced to Li Gui by An Xiuren. Even though Li Gui knew that this person had ulterior motives, he still appointed him as the general of the left and right guards. These were the An brothers in Guzang City.

At this time, Li Zhongyan had never competed with the prince Li Boyu. Under An Xinggui's gentleness, the two brothers did not meet with swords and guns. Wu'an King Li Zhongyan did not leave just yet, but still insisted on coming to see the two envoys from afar.

Li Zhongyan was taller than his elder brother, and was said to be very similar to Li Gui, so he was favored by Li Gui. Now he felt that the An brothers were his wings, and his father was seriously ill, so his arrogance became even higher.

When he met Fan Wenjin and Liang Shiming, he seemed very arrogant, and it was obvious that he was more interested in the envoys sent by Liang Shidu, but mostly treated Fan Wenjin perfunctorily.

On the other hand, when An Xinggui spoke to Fan Wenjin, his words were flashing, threatening, and heavily guarded. Obviously, the name of Han King Li Po was already very loud in Chang'an.

Of course, meeting the envoy sent by King Li Po of Han Dynasty in Guzang was beyond An Xinggui's expectation. While talking, this man was muttering in his heart, so far away, your hand

The stretch is a bit too long, and we need to let them know that this place is far away from the east side of the river.

Fan Wenjin only smiled, but in his heart he kept calling for luck. Looking at this posture, it would be terrible if he entered the Wu'an Prince's Palace.

"What did General An say? The so-called loyal people are entrusted by others. I came here immediately after being ordered. Why should I be afraid of hardships and hardships? Furthermore, I once served as Sima of Qinzhou Prefecture and was used to seeing the wind and sand in the desert... so I am called a general.

I learned that at that time, Duke Yang, the governor of Qinzhou, was the Duke of Wei who suppressed the troubles in the northwest and conquered the Turks many times. Has the general ever heard of the reputation of Duke Wei? If he had heard of it... Haha, the sages and martyrs, how could someone easily do so?


His tone was loud, but decades had passed. An Xinggui, a member of the nine-surname Zhaowu clan, obviously did not remember any Wei Gong who had shown his power in the northwest. He only curled up his long beard, sneered, and cupped his fists.

Yin Jichai said: "Many of those people have passed away, so please take care of yourself."

Fan Wenjin drooped his eyelids boredly and thought to himself, Hu people are just Hu people. He can't hear the connotation of criticizing Sang and Huai, and he has no knowledge. He has never heard of people like Wei Zhao Wang Yang Shuang, so he is not ignorant.


Then he weakly crossed his fists and said, "Thank you, General, for your concern."

Not long after, King Wu'an and his entourage left in a hurry, and Li Boyu called the two envoys together again, saying with an angry face: "Don't worry, you two. My father is not dead yet, and there is no place for Xiaoxiao to run amok in this city."

Well, this man was so angry that he was a bit unscrupulous in his words. Even Liang Shiming glanced sideways at the Crown Prince, with a lot of contempt in his heart. It is a scandal for brothers to fight against each other. To show such tit-for-tat to the public, I can only say

You are an incompetent prince, and now you are trying to show off your rhetoric. Apart from making people look down on you, what's the use of it?

Fan Wenjin blinked and regained his wilted look. He vaguely understood why someone like Guan Jin would quietly send someone to come to him.

The prince seems to be unable to control the situation and has problems with his talents. It is said that Li Gui built the official office according to the Sui system. But looking at the people accompanying the prince, there are no important ministers in the court to assist him. It is difficult to imagine that this is a country.

The prince's trip to meet foreign envoys was not as good as that of King Wu'an before him.

From this it can be seen that His Highness the Crown Prince is 80% unreliable... we have to make other plans.


Guzang became a mess, and the envoy sent by Li Po crashed into it like a headless fly. The future was uncertain, and life and death were uncertain.

But at this moment, His Highness the King of Han was sitting firmly in the Han Dynasty's palace in Jinyang, and he had a rare free time.

Li Po, who returned to Jinyang, excused himself from all government affairs and wanted to rest for two days, using the excuse of being tired on the saddle and horse. Even Chen Xiaoyi, Wen Yanbo and others were blocked from driving.

Yes, Li Po got two days of vacation for himself, hiding in the back house of the Han Dynasty and enjoying life.

This was obviously a very inappropriate approach, which made all the ministers very angry, especially Wen Yanbo. When he returned to the palace, he wrote an article of remonstrance, intending to submit it to the King of Han's desk immediately when he took the initiative.

It's no wonder that they are annoyed, there are too many things going on, and the Jindi military and political group, which is in its rising period, is seizing every minute and every second to improve its own structure.

No matter the Six Bubu or Zhongshu, or even the Wei Mansion, local officials, garrison, etc., they all have the same intention to do something this winter to make their government offices look taller and more majestic.

As everyone knows about Wang's revision of Sui Dynasty laws, the threshold for Wang's family seems to have been lowered by three points. Many people enter the Wang family's family no longer to see Wang's dress and etiquette, but to see Wang's dress and etiquette.

Go find trouble for the Wang family.

Wang's in-law Pei was also trying his best to get some benefits out of it, but Wang Ze, the Minister of Rites, was already too exhausted to deal with it and no longer cared about fighting Yang Gongren.

With all these things, so many things are waiting for Han Wang Li Po to come out and speak. This guy is so good. After returning to Jinyang, he disappeared without a trace. It is really worrying...

As for the real situation, Li Po is not an irresponsible person. He just needs to be clean for two days and think carefully about what to do first and what to do next.

Again, there are too many things to do, and there is no way to handle them all. Even if you work hard, you may not be able to get things done. That is the stupidest way to do things. Well, to put it another way, you have to be the King of Han.

But you can't tire yourself to death. This is what Li Po wants. Otherwise, he won't go out on tour.

He, the King of Han, is actually similar to the emperor. The only difference is that he has not yet proclaimed himself emperor. What should the King of Han do? How can he be the leader of a country? Li Po has been thinking about this question.

He has never received an orthodox royal education, and he even has a limited understanding of the aristocracy. He only knows that the King of Han and the steward are different.

When he was the general manager, he never had so many officials under him. The structure was very simple, but the efficiency was very high. He did whatever he said.

But after becoming the King of Han, the number of official offices below suddenly increased, new faces began to come into his sight, and the territory became larger and larger.

It seemed that he had monopolized power, but in fact, it was difficult for him to do many things. He didn't even know whether the officials he appointed were suitable, and he didn't bother to carefully check the loyalty of the new people.

He didn't want to go all the way down, only to be crushed. That was not what he wanted, and it was not what his ideal king should be like.

In fact, it was just a sentence. Li Po wanted to take a breather from time to time and become a king more relaxedly. To be honest, if such an idea was known by Wen Yanbo and others, they would definitely be very excited.

But His Highness the King of Han, who had more evil ideas, thought so, and he was counting the things he had to do in the back house of the Han Dynasty with a frown on his face. He felt that he should focus on the big ones and let go of the small ones, and put more burdens on the ministers who like to do things, in order to make them more capable.

He is more relaxed.

He also found a reason for himself, the so-called things have priorities... Or that sentence, if we have to do everything, what do you guys need to do?

(Acao is still working hard to update...)

This chapter has been completed!
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