Chapter 691 Farce

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"I came from Dongcheng... Please ask the king to make the decision for me..."

Facing the crying Princess Yuanhui, Li Po said, "..."

What happened was that Wang Zhen, Princess Yuanhui of the State of Zheng, went out to the east city of Jinyang to relax. When she saw a beggar, she felt compassion for him and went out to give money to the beggar.

But she was not as lucky as Xu Shiji. She gave up some money to go out, but she could fall in love with people at first sight. Of course, she and Xu Shiji also have similarities...

Originally, everyone saw that she was well-dressed and well-looking, so they knew that this must be a trip for a noble person, and no one dared to offend her easily. But unfortunately, her attendants were somewhat unreliable, and they spent a lot of money to please their master.

The meaning of showing off is basically to make the master famous.

But this time it pissed off... the two masters and apprentices who happened to be passing by. Both of them were stingy and never "showed off their wealth". When they saw Wang Zhen and his entourage, they were immediately furious.

So Princess Yuanhui Wang Zhen encountered a creature she had heard of countless times but had never encountered before - a robber.

The process is very strange, and there is no need to list it in detail. In a word, Wang Zhen was robbed, robbed, robbed.

The poor public security in Jinyang frightened Wang Zhen. With a bruised nose and a swollen face, and a limping entourage, she hurriedly ran back to the Hanwang Mansion to find the King of Han who had just returned to Jinyang to make the decision. After all... she had been betrothed to

Your Highness, the King of Han, must sooner or later belong to the King of Han.

The little girl's thoughts were quite simple. She had been wronged in Jinyang City, especially what was robbed was her dowry. That meant His Highness the King of Han's face had been damaged, so he must catch the thief and give her a bad breath.

Furthermore, even though Luoyang was privately known as the nest of bandits, no one had ever dared to touch Princess Yuanhui's hair. Unexpectedly, such a bad thing happened just after arriving in Jinyang. If we didn't do something about it,

It is clear that she still dares to go out. After all, she is also a princess. Even though she is younger, she also understands that some things cannot be taken too simply...

Well, no matter whether it is simple or complex, she has only been here for a short time and does not know a simple truth at all. Those who dare to commit crimes in Jinyang in broad daylight cannot be ordinary people and come here rashly.

If Li Po files a complaint here, he may get the completely opposite result.

At this moment, Li Po was also a little confused. The way the little girl was crying and moaning was a bit funny, but in Jinyang City, you dared to rob a woman from the Han Palace. This is a big case. Who in Jinyang City dares to have such courage? You

Are you kidding me?

What did Wen Yanbo do for a living? Yuchixin lost his eyes and ears just after a few peaceful days in Jinyang? What are the uses of so many government offices built in Jinyang City?

Such a thing happened in broad daylight... Li Po was a little annoyed at once, because if this was true, wouldn't it mean that all his efforts over the years had become a joke?

Thinking of this, Li Po immediately grimaced, "Why are you crying? You are too young..." At this point, Li Po felt a little weird, but he still continued: "But you have to remember,

The people in my house never allow anyone to insult me. Come on, call Luo Shixin..."

Wang Zhen stopped crying, her big eyes blinked, and her face began to turn pale. She knew that the man who was going to be her husband was angry, but she was not happy at all... This man was so scary, his eyes seemed to be able to

It spits out flames and the burning people just want to retreat.

In fact, that day in the camp on the bank of the Yellow River, when her uncle, who had always been stern and dignified, smiled in front of this person, she had already understood that there were people in the world who were not afraid of her uncles. This might be

He is the hero that men often talk about, right?

So the seeds of fear have been planted long ago, and now it is just to deepen the impression. In fact, it is impossible for her to see the truly angry King of Han. Li Po, who is now a little annoyed, is not the same as when her uncle who was the emperor was angry.

Compared with law.

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Jin had already trotted in and hurriedly beat his chest and saluted. Then he came close to Li Po and whispered something.

Li Po glanced sideways at Zhang Jin, dumbfounded.

"Well..." Li Po touched his chin and said with some "embarrassment", "The same goes for you. You go out and run around when you have nothing to do. Also, your attendants are also blind and have no strength at all, so why not dismiss them all?

Okay, now that we have changed the guards in the mansion, no one will dare to be rude to you after you leave. Okay, go ahead, I still have things to do."

Wang Zhen came out of the hall in a daze and walked on the tree-lined avenue. She looked up and saw the withered yellow leaves falling in the wind from the treetops. She couldn't help but feel sad, and her tears fell down as if they were free of money.

The few accompanying maids were immediately frightened out of their wits, and they all came forward to comfort her. They were all servants who followed Princess Yuanhui from Luoyang to marry into Jin. In other words, they were Wang's dowry, part of Wang Zhen's dowry, and

Wang Zhen can be said to have a relationship of mutual prosperity and mutual loss.

Wang Zhen's status in the palace of the Han Dynasty is directly related to their life and death, honor and disgrace. This statement is not an exaggeration at all. In fact, the fate of most of them has already been determined, that is, to work for Wang Zhen throughout their lives.

If Wang Zhen lives a good life, they will live a more comfortable life. If Wang Zhen lives a bad life, it is conceivable that they will end up miserable. This is the rule in the big sect.

Even if some of them are lucky enough to become the concubines of the King of Han, they will eventually become Wang Zhen's vassals...

Along the way, I finally entered the Han Palace. The person who was most frightened was not Wang Zhen herself, but the attendants who followed her. Otherwise, no one would have come up with the bad idea of ​​spreading money to make Princess Yuanhui famous.

, this is a sign of some impatience.

Of course, the rules in the Han Dynasty's palace were not very strict, and there were not many women in the palace, which gave them hope...

Well, the drama of palace fighting will happen sooner or later. This is inevitable and not accidental. As Li Po becomes more and more powerful, the number of women around him will only increase and not decrease. Unless Li Po leaves Maicheng, otherwise

, this is a trend that no one can change.

A king must have many wives, concubines, and heirs, so that the country will have long-term peace and stability. This is a common understanding among people in the world, even among aristocratic families. In other words, what people care about is inheritance. As for descendants killing each other, compared with the continuation of the family,

, are all trivial details.

Therefore, Li Po also had some helplessness in his life. Although he also wanted to live a life of three wives and four concubines, he absolutely did not want to be surrounded by a group of women.

Well, there is no need to mention this kind of trouble. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand. In fact, as the leader of the people, while enjoying the supreme treatment, he must also pay something.

Lao Tzu once said that the way of heaven is to make up for the deficiencies by making up for the excess. In fact, this is what it means. There is no perfect thing in the world.

Wang Zhen's sadness is actually a relatively shallow one. Being without friends and being bullied are just symptoms. In the end, it comes down to loneliness. She is too young and cannot bear the torture of loneliness, so she can only express herself from time to time.

Drop some golden beans to vent the fear caused by loneliness.

In fact, precisely because she is still young, her adaptability will be stronger. She will eventually learn something from it. This is the advantage of age.

Now the time to test her endurance has actually come. She has not heard that her uncle was defeated and even his father was captured and brought to Jinyang. Otherwise, it would be nothing to be robbed of some money. She would still be crying.

Young and ignorant, I am talking about the current Wang Zhen. She has already tasted the pain of being affected by the general trend of the world, but she is still unable to realize that as the daughter of the Wang family, her destiny is heading towards a crossroads without traffic lights...

In the chaos, several women appeared in front of them and walked over menacingly.

At first, a woman seemed to be walking unhappily, but in the blink of an eye she was already close. She seemed to be moving with a rhythm that could not be described in words, vigorous and dignified.

This is a kind of temperament that is difficult to describe, especially those dark eyes, which are full of spirituality as they move, a little too lively, and the energy seems to be emerging from the roots of the hair, but

It seemed like she was restrained by something, preventing her from jumping out too much.

No need to ask, this is Li Chun, the eldest wife of the Han Dynasty, the sister of Li Po, the king of Han, and the tigress with the best teeth in the Han Dynasty.

When Wang Zhen raised her head in panic, there were crystal tears on her face. She instinctively wiped her cheeks with her little hands, looking cute like a little beast that had just woken up.

But the visitor didn't understand the meaning of pity and pity. He waved his hand and slapped Wang Zhen on the head. He also slapped Wang Zhen several times in succession, hitting Wang Zhen's head bit by bit.

"You dare to complain to your brother just a few days after entering the government. You are really courageous. How can you repay it after a long time?"

Wang Zhen was so frightened and angry that she was bullied inexplicably again, and finally started the ultimate method. She burst into tears, while the maid next to her screamed repeatedly and was pushed away from her.

At this point, there was chaos on the trail.

When everything calmed down, Wang Zhen finally knew that the guy in front of her who was the most vicious to her in her life was Li Chun, the younger sister of His Highness the King of Han, and one of the most unprovoked people in the palace.

She has been staying in Prince Han's Mansion for some time. Li Chun's name is already familiar to her, but she has never met her before. She didn't expect that he would bully her the first time they met. You know... she will be Li Chun in the future.

Where is my sister-in-law?

Similar to what happened to Ashina Tianxiang, Wang Zhen, without knowing anything about it, had greatly touched Li Chun's bad luck, and the future life would probably be difficult.

Originally spending time with Empress Xiao, and being restrained by Princess Li Bi of the Han Dynasty, and being taught by a famous teacher, Li Chun had long been "knowledgeable and reasonable" and no longer acted like Meng Lang. But now, she is talking about it again, because her disciple

My son was admitting his mistake there, and it didn't look good.

(Acao is still working hard to update.)

This chapter has been completed!
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