Chapter 830

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When Wen Yanbo left Feng Mansion, he was only slightly drunk. It was obvious that he had a good drinking capacity.

I met Feng Deyi during this trip and had a good impression of him. With this understanding, no matter how people spread rumors outside, it would not affect him.

He was a serious person in everything he did. Otherwise, he would not have been dragged into the gang because he saw the people being displaced and got angry when he went to seek an explanation from the King of Han, who was then the military commander of Daizhou.

At that time, Li Po was interested in him because of his seriousness. As for caring about the people, well, just talk about it. If you can help you move the people from Youzhou, Hebei to Daizhou, do you think he cares about the people? You

He must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.

What made Wen Yanbo more fortunate was that Feng Deyi did not entertain him with songs and dances. At this time, he came to meet him despite his busy schedule. He did not come to listen to songs and watch dances. If that were the case, it would not be an insult.

Just because he is Wen Yanbo and Feng Deyi's image will be very bad in his mind.

It is not uncommon in official circles to fail to entertain people but to turn against them.

So in general, the harvest from this is not small... As for Feng Deyi's request, it is indeed as he said, it is just a simple effort.

Compared with Li Yuan and Pei Ji, the King of Han's interactions with his ministers were probably only accompanied by fewer poems, and the rest were quite casual...

What troubled Wen Yanbo was that he took an oil bottle with him when he left Feng Mansion. At this time, the drunk Pei Ji was following him. Both of them came on horseback, which made Wen Yanbo regret it.

, it is better to take a sedan chair.

The servants followed behind, and the two in front walked side by side. They were silent for a long time. The characters of the two people were completely opposite, like the two sides of a dress, one is the outside and the other is the inside, and they cannot touch each other.

Naturally, it was Pei Ji who spoke first, "Ji has the audacity to ask for a favor from the Ministry. I wonder if I can answer it?"

Wen Yanbo smiled and said perfunctorily: "Mr. Pei may be blunt, but if Wen can do anything, he will do his best."

"If someone wants to return to Jinyang and become an official, all he needs is a written order from the Ministry of Personnel. As for the official position, it doesn't matter whether it is high or low. Even if he is the palace eunuch of Jinyang, he can do it. Is the ministry willing to grant it?"

Wen Yanbo glanced at him in surprise. He couldn't see clearly in the dark sky. He just felt that Pei Ji's request was a bit outrageous. After all, he was a prime minister...

Look at Feng Deyi, he is about the same age as you. He is not looking for some messy position like Jinyang Palace Supervisor. Do you want to go back to retire?

"That's the case. This matter is easy... If you can do it justice, why don't you ask me for help?"

In the darkness, Pei Ji laughed, which was quite captivating, "I am a close relative of Li Yuan and a friend. How can I be the same as others? How dare I leave the capital so easily without the approval of my subordinates, risking my life?"

What he said was true and ironic, but Wen Yanbo didn't care. He just thought about it and said with a smile, "That being the case, I just agreed. I'd like to express my respect to you first."

Among the capital, there were countless former members of Li Yuan, and Pei Ji was a unique one among them. He did not have much prestige or any military power, but he occupied the high position of Shangshu Youpushe.

It is indeed not easy to deal with Li Yuan being so favored. He could not kill Pei Ji or Pei Xuanzhen. He could be demoted, appointed or demoted.

Since you invited him to go and wanted to go back to Jinyang, everyone's home base, it was the best, at least there was no need to stop him.

Moreover, even Li Yuan's confidants like Pei Ji are just external derogators. If their lives are not worried, others will be more stable.

Pei Ji was convinced, his worries were gone, and his drunkenness was welling up. He didn't want to spend any more time with the newly powerful bastard in front of him, so he thanked him a few times and left.

As the saying goes, when a tree falls and the monkeys disperse, in just a few months, the traces of Li Yuan in Chang'an have faded a lot. There are many people like Pei Ji who are frustrated, but more people are vying to flatter the new master in order to change their family.



A few days passed by in a flash.

This day, the fifth day of the eighth lunar month, is a very auspicious day with clear autumn air. It is suitable for offering sacrifices, traveling far, receiving meritorious services, etc. It is also a day for doing important things.

From this day onwards, the garrison troops from various departments in Chang'an had quietly entered the city and took charge of key areas. Most of the outer city was surrendered, and all the gates in the inner city were controlled by the Han king's troops.

The entire Chang'an was heavily guarded and the atmosphere became increasingly solemn.

As soon as the ugly time passed, people who could participate in the ceremony began to bathe and change clothes. Before dawn, they gathered one after another towards the imperial city and poured into the palace city from the main gate of Taiji Palace, which is Chengtian Gate.

This time the sacrifice was held in the square in front of Taiji Palace, and a round platform for sacrifice was temporarily erected.

In fact, both in the former Sui Dynasty and in the Li Yuan Dynasty, there were places dedicated to sacrifices. People generally called them suburban sacrifices, that is, outside the south city of Chang'an.

Li Po's sacrifice to heaven this time was different. He was the first of his generation to honor Taoist ancestors, so he chose the power center of the entire political power to worship heaven and earth and his ancestors.

People watching the ceremony arrived one after another, and were led by officials from the Ministry of Rites and Taichang Temple to the east and west viewing platforms. There was also a throne on the west platform, which was reserved for the Princess of Han.

Since the former Empress Dugu of the Sui Dynasty, the heroines of the harem have been able to participate in sacrifices, and most of the people on the west platform are officials from the Menxia Province, which was also called the Neishi Province before.

The seat of honor above the East Platform is Zhongshu, the highest official of the Six Ministries, and below it is Zhongshu and the officials of the Six Ministries. In fact, not many people can watch the ceremony here. Anyone below the fifth rank, unless they have special status.

, otherwise you will not be qualified.

Hundreds of people were distributed on the east and west platforms, sparsely crowded, loose and tight.

Of course, if someone raises troops to cause chaos at this time and can break into the Tai Chi Palace, then this new political power can be completely nipped in the bud.

Everyone attending the ceremony came very early, and no one dared to delay. For such a grand ceremony, if you are late or fail to come, you will not regret it, but you will be killed and bring disaster to the family.

In other words, when this time comes, if anyone has an accident, let alone claiming to be sick, even if you die of illness, you will have to bring your body over to see if you are pretending to be dead.

Of course, it must be a privilege to be able to witness the emergence of a new regime here. As long as you don't make too much confusion, this one thing can keep you safe for the rest of your life.

After people arrived, they knelt and sat on the stage one after another, neither whispering to each other nor looking around. They just sat quietly like sculptures, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

As the sky dawned, the Princess of Han Dynasty dressed up and sat on the west terrace surrounded by the palace people. Everyone bowed down to show their respect.

After this ceremony to offer sacrifices to heaven, the Princess of Han became the empress, and she was also one of the protagonists of this ceremony.

The arrival of Princess Han also means that the auspicious time is approaching.

The bell rang for the first time, and the lingering sound was a startling sound. It was telling the gods to look over and we are going to start offering sacrifices to you. In this year and month, although the sacrifices were very grand, they were not the same as later ones. People generally believed that

The relationship between the emperor and the gods is parallel, not subordinate.

Therefore, when the emperor sacrifices to the gods, he is just telling the gods what is going on in the world, and you'd better help me take care of the people.

When the bell rings, it means that the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven has begun.

The smoke rising from the divination platform is guiding the arrival of the gods. Generally speaking, humans and gods are separated. The gods who come to the human world are almost like blind people, so you have to guide them first.

How about building a high platform like Li Gui and sending yourself up to see the gods?

The smoke was almost burning, and the protagonist appeared. Finally, Li Po, who was wearing a ceremonial robe, slowly walked onto the high platform under the guidance of Taichang Temple Minister He Chou. After walking for a long time, the weather was cold now, but Li Po went up to the high platform.

By the time, sweat was already visible on my forehead.

At this time, Li Po had already scolded He Chou hundreds of times in his heart. The ceremonial dress he designed was too bulky. Inside was a sun and moon dragon pattern robe, with the sun and moon on his shoulders, and dragon patterns on the front and back.

It wasn't nothing. He also had a thick cloak outside and a crown on his head. This thing was so heavy that Li Po could hardly lift his head.

I guess He Chou wanted to let this man know that being an emperor was not easy and he had a heavy burden on him.

This whole set of attire is called the Daqiu Mian, which is only worn during such sacrificial activities. It is also the emperor's most solemn ceremonial robe.

Li Po has practiced the entire procedure several times and is very familiar with the process.

In the solemn announcement of Wei Jie, the minister in charge of the ceremony, he began to pay homage to God Haotian, and the people watching the ceremony also began to follow Li Po in the ceremony.

The next step is to worship the ancestors. Li Po's ancestors are fabricated, which is quite common. Li Yuan is also a descendant of Tai Shigong. Can you believe this?

Then came the sacrificial rituals such as offering jade and silk. The chief ceremonial officer read out the sacrificial text and formally informed the gods that the emperor had been replaced. When the sacrificial text was read out, Li Po straightened up, turned around slowly, faced south and turned his back to the north, and stood with his hands behind his back.


The sun seemed to finally fall on him without any scruples, creating a halo around him, and a sense of holiness arose spontaneously.

The ministers prostrated themselves on the ground and chanted "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor", and the ceremony was basically completed.

Next came some finishing work. The emperor burned three sticks of incense, read the blessing in person amidst the sound of ritual music, and then took out the prepared wine and drank three cups with the ministers who were watching the ceremony.

Finally, there was ritual music again. After the music stopped, Wei Jie, the chief ceremonial officer, announced that the ceremony was successfully concluded. The ministers respectfully sent the emperor back to the main hall of Tai Chi Palace. He finally sat firmly on the dragon chair and the ministers cheered again.

Long live it, and the entire city of Chang'an seemed to come alive at that moment.

The signal was first received by people around Taiji Palace, then by the pro-army soldiers stationed in the imperial city, and then slowly spread outward like countless ripples.

Not long after, the people of Chang'an all fell to the ground in the voice of "long live my emperor", which also meant that the new emperor was finally born. What made people happy was not the matter itself, but the feeling that the new emperor was born.

, so there is no need to be as worried as in the past few days.

(Some of the process of worshiping heaven is made up, please don’t take it seriously)

This chapter has been completed!
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