Chapter 837 Lost

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Feng Deyi finally made the wrong calculation.

Who is Li Po? He once accompanied the army in an expedition to Liaodong, fought to the death with the Turks in the ice and snow, and even led an army into the Yunzhong Grassland, killing the Turks with fear.

He led his army out of Youzhou and killed Luo Yi, the general manager of Youzhou, and Song Jingang, etc., with only a few thousand horses, but Dou Jiande's hundreds of thousands of troops were patrolling and did not dare to enter.

He competed with Li Yuan for supremacy, captured Jinyang in the first battle, defeated Jiexiu in another battle, and then defeated Li Shentong, and controlled all the land east of the river, until he entered the Xijing Chang'an.

This does not include those sporadic wars, such as Li Shimin's attack on Longmen and his defeat, the battle for Puban, and the harassment of Mayi County by some Turkic tribes that has not stopped over the years.

After fighting so many battles, the enemies he led his army to kill could probably be piled up all over Chang'an, and there were more than one floor. He had experienced difficult situations, and seen enemies no matter how fierce and cunning they were.

If you want to influence such a person strategically and tactically, you must have real materials. Rhetoric and big talk will not do it.

Feng Deyi himself had never received military power, but had only fought with the army. Compared with his legendary political qualifications, his military achievements were very ordinary.

In other words, he is a standard literati of this era.

The strategy described by Feng Deyi is very broad, without many details. Most of the strategies thought up by counselors are like this, which is not surprising.

His strategy revolved around Luoyang, the eastern capital. He wanted to lure Dou Jiande and Xiao Mian into Henan and then defeat them. The difference was that the best strategy was to let Dou Jiande and Xiao Mian fight each other for Luoyang, and finally settle down.

Fisherman's profit.

The next best option is to march into Luoyang, lure Xiao Xian and Dou Jiande to attack together, weaken Luoyang City, and then find an opening to attack.

The focus of the entire strategy is in Henan, the eastern capital Luoyang, and the Central Plains. According to his opinion, as long as the two Central Plains forces Dou Jiande and Xiao Mian are eliminated, the troubled times will generally be over. Li Po agrees with this view.

The only detail of the strategy he mentioned was that he had friendships with Dou Jiande and some of Xiao Xian's courtiers, and was confident of persuading them to persuade his emperor to send troops to Henan.

For example, Dou Jiande's right servant, Mr. She Pei Ju, had a half-division friendship with Feng Deyi. Xiao Mian's Minister of War, Zhou Faming, Zuo Xiaowei General Ning Changzhen and others all had contacts with Feng Deyi.

In fact, this is not entirely true. Some people may have only met him a few times, and there is no way to talk about dating. It is more like someone bragging later that I am familiar with so-and-so, or that I drank with so-and-so.

, it’s actually useless.

This is generally the case in terms of strategy. After listening to Li Po for a long time, there are countless flaws, which are so rough that it is impossible to mention them. If you try to be more serious with him, you will lose. If you focus on the details of a grand strategy, doesn't it seem that you are too stingy?


Just like after Zhuge said that the world was divided into three parts, Liu Xuande began to worry that he had not enough troops and food to attack Hanzhong.

After listening for a long time, Li Po took the second half as a joke.

Maybe Dou Jiande can plan in this direction to defeat Xiao Mian later, but if you really believe what Feng Lun said, you're just kidding.

According to what Feng Deyi said, prepare for a war with the purpose of annihilating the two feudal lords. Think about how to prepare in advance and how to proceed.

Rhetoric has no actual meaning. The only thing that makes Li Po feel that there is some truth is his explanation of several other princes.

The world is tired and the people want peace... Under Li Po's rule, both Jin and Guanxi have experienced few wars and are now serious sacred places.

The rest of the people are not the same. After these years of chaos, they are already exhausted. Maybe it only takes one or two battles, or even a big victory, before a prince will fall to the ground, and his tribes will scatter and surrender to the enemy one after another.

Li Yuan is actually a good example. He still occupies places like Shuzhong and Guanxi. But after years of fighting, what will happen if he loses the war?

The Liang Kingdom in the northwest has turned into a mess. Dou Jiande and Xiao Mian can still manage to survive, but even they can feel their exhaustion.

Nowadays, only Li Po is still able to expand rapidly on a large scale. As the saying goes, years of accumulation finally paid off at this moment.

An obvious advantage has been established. Maybe the subsequent war to unify the Central Plains will not be as difficult as imagined?


Li Po pressed his hand and asked Feng Deyi, who was thirsty and said, to stop. He is not young anymore. You can take a rest.

"It is better for the Ministry of War and the Generals of the Guard to worry about the war. You should step back first."

After preparing for a long time, he got such a reaction. Feng Deyi was naturally unwilling to accept it, but he also knew that this matter was a bit messed up. His positioning of himself was to be anxious about what others were worried about, and he would do whatever he wanted to do with what kind of person he followed.

Such things.

And Li Po is undoubtedly an ambitious monarch, so he made suggestions from the perspective of unifying the world, which really aroused the other party's interest. However, this is indeed his weakest point. He has no talent in war and has never commanded.

Even if it is a war, the result of empty talk is that the hard-won opportunity is wasted.

It was just that he had suffered too many setbacks, so he didn't care about the emperor's indifference. He straightened his robes, saluted meticulously again, thanked him, took a few steps back, turned around and left, without showing even the slightest bit of impatience.

But what he doesn't know is that this emperor is still a bit petty. Despite your shocking words, you didn't say anything eye-catching. It was a waste of my time not to say anything, and it was very disappointing.

This account needs to be written down first. The smooth-tongued officialdom tumbler has a well-deserved reputation.

After Feng Deyi left, Li Po did not continue to see Huang Puwuyi. Instead, he got up from his seat and walked back and forth a few times to relax his muscles a little.

Even though Feng Deyi was not good at what he did, his experience and speech and behavior were so special that he was almost on the same level as He Chou and others. In essence, he was actually a type of person that Li Po liked very much.

He is smart and wise, and does not stick to the ordinary. Even if there are flaws in his character, it is not intolerable. The most important point is that it will be very interesting to control such a minister, right?

Yan Shigu had stopped writing, and had no time to pay attention to the emperor who was circling around. He began to sort out the previous records for later inquiry. This is the responsibility of the living minister, but now that the emperor has just ascended the throne, he has not had time to appoint the living minister, so

It was left to him and Yang Xu to take on both roles.

Of course, for them, this is not a laborious responsibility, it is just that they are involved in more and more confidential matters, and it is also a sign of trust.

There was nothing wrong with Yang Xu, because he had been following the emperor for many years, but Yan Shigu was a bit special, and he obviously got this position based on his reputation.

Taking advantage of this free time, Yan Shigu was really busy. After asking the eunuch standing beside him to help organize the manuscript, he also continued to review the memorials approved by the previous emperor to see if there were any omissions.

The phrase "hearing secrets" is really appropriate for Sanqi Changshi.

Suddenly, someone asked quietly: "What do you think of Feng Lun?"

Yan Shigu raised his head unexpectedly and saw the emperor looking at him. He quickly stood up and bowed his head, but did not answer immediately. He judged that the ministers in the court might be a little taboo towards other officials, but he could not treat the casual knights, the censors, etc.

This is normal for your position.

Moreover, according to the legacy of the late Jin Dynasty, it is normal for ministers to criticize each other and make judgments, especially for their political opponents. They are not as tactful as they were later. If they have the opportunity, they will behave like monsters. If they have no chance to create opportunities, they will still give the enemy a few blows.


A loudmouth like He Ruobi would speak ill of people from morning to night.

Yan Shigu and Feng Deyi had no enmity or friendship, so his comments were very objective.

"Feng Gong has gone through many twists and turns, and he has become stronger with age... Based on my humble opinion, he has many talents for speculation and the skill of supporting others. He has many talents but few integrity, which is the sign of a great treacherous person. However, evil birds and evil foxes will appear in the daytime.

It is auspicious to lie down freely and enjoy the night...

The Minister is quite aware of what he said, and if he only encourages it according to the master's will, he will not live long."

After hearing this, Li Po rubbed his forehead and thought for a long time before finally understanding the general meaning of what they said.

Feng Lun has the appearance of a treacherous minister. He likes to speculate on his superiors and cling to powerful people. He is talented but lacks moral integrity. Doesn't he look like a treacherous minister?

The next few sentences are a reluctant defense, saying that the ever-changing monsters and foxes are criticized by the world, but they will lurk during the day and only come out to cause trouble at night.

As Feng Deyi himself said, if the master is bright, the ministers will be wise, and if the master is weak, the ministers will be gloomy... These people who have talent but no character will also become virtuous ministers under the rule of a wise king.

This was what Feng Deyi said in self-defense, and it sounded very reasonable. Yan Shigu also agreed with it, and they all compared Li Po to a promising king and flattered him a little.

Yan Shigu's words were more pertinent. Li Po pondered for a long time and felt that this person was not suitable to be the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. If this person was in charge of the Ministry of Personnel, he might make the Ministry of Personnel his own.

Li Yuan has a big heart, and Li Po can't do it. Of course, this man is old, so there is no need to be too careful. Maybe in a few years, he will trot to pay homage to the Lord of Hell.

"The imperial edict was passed, and Deyi was transferred to the position of Minister of Huangmen."

After a final decision, Feng Deyi spent a lot of effort and finally succeeded Wei Jie and closed the door. The other Huangmen servant was Changsun Shunde.

These two people are both wily and scheming people. In the absence of the servants, they are basically in charge of the province. Now Xiao Yu and Wen Yanbo will have a headache.

Later, Li Po met Huang Pu Wuyi again. This man was of excellent character and outstanding in ability. He served as an official in the former Sui Dynasty and received excellent grades in all examinations. Later, he became an official in Luoyang.

This chapter has been completed!
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