Chapter 832

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Li Zhongyan was poisoned to death while drinking with others in the palace. Rumors abounded in Guzang City, saying that Liu Yun was poisoned by the internal historian.

Liu Yun was frightened, and immediately conspired with Guan Jin, Cao Zhen, Fan Wenjin, Yu Changsong and others, and rushed into the palace to kill all Li Zhongyan's children.

In addition, he killed hundreds of Li's relatives, which almost wiped out Li Gui's roots. The township party members back then were as vicious as their enemies.

Cao Zhen was the oldest and wanted to be the emperor, but Guan Jin was unwilling. He believed that he had made the greatest contribution and should be the leader among them all. After fighting openly and secretly, they fought several times.

The situation in Guzang City is extremely bad, and the generals outside are also hesitating whether they should lead their troops back to Guzang to help the favorite candidate fight for the throne, or it would be good to become the emperor himself.

At this time, Fan Wenjin persuaded Tongshi Xie, Wei Shizheng and others to help Guan Jin rush into Cao Zhen's mansion and killed Shangshu Zuopu She Cao Zhen and dozens of his cronies.

For a moment, everyone in Guzang City was in danger...

In fact, at this time, Guan Jin had no hope of becoming the emperor. Guan Jin and others relied on the support of people who had started their careers in Li Gui. Once internal strife broke out, their power would become weaker and weaker.

Guan Jin didn't realize this at all, so he just killed the Li clan members, and also killed Cao Zhen and others. Their foundation in the northwest had actually been cut off by Guan Jin and others themselves.

Moreover, many people believe that Guan Jin is bloodthirsty, disowns his relatives, and does not want him to be the emperor.

So Guan Jin died. He dug a big hole for himself and buried himself and his relatives in it.

Fan Wenjin only used a glass of poisonous wine to completely cool down the Great Liang. He was truly a hero made by the times. When Li Po sent him to Guzang, he would never have imagined that he would send such a ruthless guy.

Neither Tongshi Xie nor Wei Shizheng wanted to be the emperor themselves. The folk customs in the northwest were too fierce, and they had learned too much from the past events, so they did not dare to stand out easily.

So when Fan Wenjin brought everyone together again, he didn't have that much to say. A group of guys who looked like killers gathered together, holding knives in their hands. Under Fan Wenjin's suggestion, they reluctantly reached an agreement and asked Han Wang


It's a pity that the commotion lasted too long. By this time, Qu Tutong had already sacrificed Qinzhou, and the people in the northwest missed the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. However, in the leaderless situation, Fan Wenjin insisted on his own opinion, and no one repeated it.


These people surrendered almost in a daze. When the news of the northwest victory was delivered to Chang'an, Li Po started his first day as emperor. This was a big surprise.

Before that, Zhang Lungang, who was stationed in Qinzhou, received a letter from Fan Wenjin, and immediately asked Li Nian to lead thousands of cavalry troops to Guzang. Along the way, the northwest counties changed their flags one after another, and fought against the sun, moon and stars again.


In fact, by this time the King of Han had become the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and the style of the flag had also been changed. Although Li Po had a special liking for the Sun, Moon and Star Flag, he just asked He Chou to make some slight adjustments and change the color, but it was indeed consistent with the flag.

The sun, moon and stars flags of the former Sui Dynasty were clearly distinguished.

When Chang'an received the news of victory in the northwest, Li Nian had already led his army into Guzang City and sent a message to all the counties in Hexi, ordering all the counties and generals to surrender immediately.

At the same time, it also let people in the northwest know that Han King Li Po had defeated Li Yuan and occupied Xijing, and he could only become emperor sooner or later.


In the side hall of Tai Chi Hall, Li Po quietly looked at the victory report in his hand.

There were two people sitting not far away. One of them was slender, handsome in appearance, and had a scholarly air. He was Yan Shigu, who was currently serving as a regular servant of Tongzhi Sanqi. They, along with Yang Xu, took turns advising Li Po.

Yan Shigu was a native of Yongzhou for ten thousand years, his ancestral home was Langya, Shandong, and he came from a scholarly family. Both his father and ancestors were famous people in the world, and Yan Shigu himself was no different from his father and ancestors.

He is a well-known literary master in Kansai. He has written many works at the age of thirty. Li Yuan loved his literary talent and appointed him as the scholar of Zhongshu. He was a frequent visitor to the feast of beasts. During the feast, Li Yuan often asked him to recite poems and write poems. Everyone should not

And, he was honored and favored at that time.

When Li Polai became the emperor, the title of the emperor was not changed, but Keren was no longer the same. Cen Wenwen replaced him as a member of Zhongshushe, and Yan Shigu came to Menxia Province and became a regular attendant of Tongzhi Sanqi, which was almost the same thing later.

A combination of assistant, secretary, notekeeper and other positions.

Therefore, his seat is different from that of the other people. He is here to accompany the emperor in his work.

The other man's body seemed to be covered in dust and dirt. There were traces of military service all over his body. His hair and beard were all gray, and he looked extremely old due to the fatigue of the journey.

But the spirit is still there, and his majesty is always revealed when he looks around. He is Qu Tutong who came back from Qinzhou, a very typical nobleman from Guanxi.

This person is a descendant of the Xi tribe. He has not been passed down for several generations, and some of the physical characteristics of the foreign race are still obvious, such as single eyelids, a big pie face, etc.

Of course, these are not the important points. He was re-entrusted with the post of Minister of War, and Wang Zhibian went to establish his own government.

Qu Tutong went back and forth, and finally returned to the post of Minister of the Ministry of War. He felt very complicated in his heart. Looking at the young, strong and tall new emperor sitting calmly above him, the image of Li Yuan unexpectedly appeared on Qu Tutong.

Tong came to mind.

However, there is no comparison between the two emperors at all. No matter their family background, experience, age, behavior, etc., they are all very different.

Maybe the only similarity is that they seem to be very passionate about the country name Tang?

Even Qu Tutong, who was already a veteran of the Five Dynasties, couldn't help but feel a little absurd when he thought about this. The Tang Dynasty was still there, and the emperors were all surnamed Li, but the world had changed. It was really incredible.

But in the end, everyone accepted this quite calmly. Maybe it was because too many unreasonable things happened to you. Anyway, no matter how you put it, few people struggled with this matter.

The new emperor acted willfully once and passed the test smoothly.

The victory report was very simple, another great victory in the northwest. It only briefly described the results and did not touch on the process.

But the victory report also included an autographed letter from Fan Wenjin, the right servant of Liang State Minister, which described the causes and consequences of the entire incident. Of course, it was definitely exaggerated, but Li Po could still roughly grasp the situation at that time.

This is not the first time that Fan Wenjin has performed meritorious deeds for himself. When he participated in the civil strife in Liang and achieved a staged victory, he sent a letter back to the King of Han to inform the King of Han that he had successfully "mission of envoys".

"He came to Liang Kingdom and became an official here.

But he, Fan Wenjin, was not a man who was greedy for wealth and honor. He was still an envoy sent by the King of Han to the Liang Kingdom.

In fact, Li Po was also surprised when he received Fan Wenjin's letter for the first time. It was not that he felt unbelievable about the civil strife in Liang Kingdom, but that the people in the northwest could tolerate an envoy serving as a high-ranking official. It was really surprising.

Hard to understand.

Moreover, Fan Wenjin was not the first to do this. There was also An Xinggui, an envoy sent by Li Yuan, who actually held the position of general there.

Look, it's all a mess. The first rebellion started with the An brothers, and the second one was really caused by Fan Wenjin.

The result...

This good news is so useless, Li Po sighed to himself.

The barren land in the northwest was of no use during the chaos in the Central Plains. Now even if there is all the land in Hexi, it will be impossible to raise horses and trade here in a short time.

Moreover, Guzang has experienced repeated rebellions, and people's minds have changed. Whenever something goes wrong somewhere, someone will jump out and cause trouble, making it difficult to restore stability.

Especially since various ethnic groups live together there. After these wars, countless blood feuds have been planted, which cannot be eliminated in one or two generations.

The Tuyuhun, Turks, Tuqiang and other tribes will be the source of trouble, and it is estimated that he will have no time to look west for a long time.

Perhaps the only benefit of this good news is that the military advance will increase the cohesion of the people under his rule. Good news, especially good news about the expansion of territory, is what people are most willing to hear today.

The world has been in chaos for too long, and the people want peace. Both the nobles and the common people are eager for a great victory ahead, because it means that they are one step closer to unifying the world.


Li Po read it carefully and looked up at the Qutu Passage: "What do you think of the great victory in the northwest?"

Qu Tutong did not hesitate, he must have thought about it before coming, "I thought that Li Gui was dead and the Liang Kingdom had nothing to fear. I had hesitated to do so when I was stationed in Qinzhou. First, there was no edict ordering me to lead the army to the west.

Secondly, there is no use in taking it. In fact, we only need to wait for the world to settle down, and the Liang Kingdom will collapse on its own without attacking...

Now, it's a little early, so if you don't want to let it be on its own, I can just wait and watch for a while."

In fact, he still had something to say. Hundreds of thousands of people had been stationed in Qinzhou for several years without moving. In addition to preparing for Xiliang, a very important reason was that Li Shimin had too many cronies in the Northwest Army.

Only when people are mobilized can they be mobilized and beheaded, and people can be reassured.

Now that Li Shimin has disappeared, and Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng and his son are also dead, there is no need to mention it to the new owner.


This statement almost coincided with what Li Po thought, so he nodded lightly and said, "Let the officials reward the meritorious ministers. All the ministers who surrendered in the northwest will be retained in their original posts. If there are any stubborn ones, they will be punished."

, all proceeds belong to those who have made merit.

As for the Ministry of War, an order was sent to Li Nian to select officials from the northwest counties and to recruit the children of generals to join the army. I am short of trusted guards, so please send them back to Chang'an to serve me.

Order Li Nian, Xue Wanche, and Yuchi Gong to return to the army in Jingzhao to rest and prepare horse farm provisions for them... Do you know why?"

Qu Tutong was listening, thinking about these conditions one by one in his mind, and finally accepted his opinions. However, it was not easy to think of these in such a short period of time. He was awarding rewards while accepting hostages into the capital.

That is to make the people of the northwest attack each other.

Really clear and thorough thinking... If it were Li Yuan, how would he deal with it? The result might be similar, but the process would definitely not be so simple and would have to drag on for more than ten days.

Again, there is no comparison between the two people.

This chapter has been completed!
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