Chapter 896

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It was getting late, Fang Xuanling no longer disturbed Li Daliang, and Gao Jifu took a rest. They had traveled a long distance and were exhausted. They talked for a long time and became a little unreliable.

Fang Xuanling said goodbye to the two of them. Gao Jifu had nothing to say. After returning to the capital, it was up to the Gao family themselves to decide whether to return to Shu to serve in the capital or to stay in the capital.

Fang Xuanling also felt that this person was extraordinary in terms of his family background and conversation, and he wanted to become a friend. It was just the first time he met him. He didn't know his moral character, and he couldn't get along with him for a long time, so he could only meet again by chance.

Li Daliang will not stop in Chang'an County. He will transport grain to Tongguan early tomorrow morning, but he still has to go back to Shuzhong. There is no need to rush for time on the return trip. He told Fang Xuanling that he would stop by Chang'an to visit the princess.

Come to Chang'an County again to find a house and meet Xuan Ling.


Fang Xuanling returned to the city under the moonlight, and was not in a hurry to return to his residence. He asked someone to inquire and found out that the dust-cleansing banquet at Fu Yin's side had also ended.

The banquet hosted by Jingzhao Yin and Pei Shiqing was mainly for the descendants of Shu, headed by Chu King **Yun. Of course, it was just to show the friendship of the landlords and had no other meaning.

In Fang Xuanling's view, Pei Shiqing's move was a bit redundant, but he could also understand that as the head of the Pei family in Hedong, welcomes and farewells were inevitable, most of which were not for themselves, but to leave some incense to the family.


It's just that Fang Xuanling felt that there was something wrong with the people invited to the banquet by the governor this time. These people were not offended by the exiled prisoners. They passed through your territory and could provide some help in times of need.

They are the descendants of the previous dynasty, and they have actually established a separate rule in Shu, especially the five sons of Li Yun and Li Yuan. You are here to pick up the wind and wash away the dust for them. What kind of wind are you picking up, and what kind of dust are you washing away?

Therefore, he thought that Pei Shiqing was too pretentious and could easily attract people's attention, which was far better than being indifferent. So he suggested Yuen Long to get out as soon as possible so that we wouldn't have to interfere with Pei Fuyin's friends.

There is no way to explain it clearly. Fang Xuanling is also a descendant of the previous dynasty and a very famous one. It is his own face who makes irresponsible remarks on this matter.

Yuen Long always had a soft ear, he could listen to what was said, and immediately followed the good advice. He only showed his face there and then went back to the county office. Fang Xuanling was extremely satisfied. It was so easy for such an obedient boss, as long as he didn't make any trouble.

Come out and everyone can go back to Chang'an as soon as possible.

Speaking of Chang'an Old City, there is nothing else, except that the streets are narrower, the houses are dilapidated, etc., but there is one thing that makes people absolutely unbearable to live here for a long time, and that is the sewage treatment system of Chang'an Old City in summer.


In the summer, sewage flows across the Chang'an Old City and the smell is extremely strong. Regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, people in the Chang'an Old City have to go outside the city to get water, twice a day, just like the monks on Shaoshi Mountain.

The water source in the city has long been undrinkable, which is the main reason why Emperor Wen Yang Jian wanted to build a new city. In fact, for more than ten years, everyone has been suggesting that Chang'an County should be moved out of the old city of Chang'an.

There are also endless calls to merge Chang'an County and Wannian County into one, and Emperor Wen did make such plans during his reign. The county administration changed several times, and the changes became more frequent during the Daye Period.

Until Li Yuan ascended the throne, Chang'an County and Wannian County were separated again. The main consideration was the factor of war, and no emperor wanted the entire old city of Chang'an to be abandoned. It would be a pity.

Therefore, no matter how bad the environment is, the administrative offices of Chang'an County and Jingzhao Yin are both located here in the old city.

For these reasons, Fang Xuanli was not willing to stay in Chang'an County for a long time. He only wanted to return to Chang'an as soon as possible. Moreover, his mother-in-law was about to give birth, which made him miss him especially.


Fang Xuanling went directly to the county government office. When he saw Yuen Long at the back house of the county government office, he was pouring himself a drink. When he saw Fang Xuanling arriving, he immediately let Fang Xuanling in happily and opened his mouth and said, "I am alone."

Drinking is boring, and I’m in need of friends. It’s a coincidence that my husband came just in time to have a few drinks with me.”

Fang Xuanling was not polite, rubbed her hands and sat on the couch, "It's spring, but it's still cold... The county magistrate drinks must be good wine, and the subordinates should also drink a few glasses to warm themselves up."

Yuen Long nodded with a smile, and ordered his servants to get two more dishes to go with the wine, and then said to Fang Xuanling: "How are you busy over there? Sir, too, and the superiors didn't rush us. Why don't you run away?"

What's the reason for all the tension after running away?"

Fang Xuanling laughed. He naturally knew what Yuen Long was thinking. The establishment of Zhechong Mansion was actually a matter of Shangshu Province sending subordinates to fight for power with the local government. Naturally, the local officials would not treat them well. Fang Xuanling was very enthusiastic and had

I feel like I've been criticized for cheating.

"The county magistrate is in charge of Chang'an County, and the location is close to the capital. It is really crucial. How can he claim to be an ordinary county magistrate? The establishment of Zhechong Prefecture by the imperial court is a major event today. The first one is placed here, occupying one of the buildings near the water.

Just momentum.

If we do well, we will set an example for the world and contribute to the country. If we do poorly... I am afraid that the county official will have to find another place to serve as an official."

Yuan Lang had a drink with him, and after drinking he said: "Sir, please don't be alarmist. I've also asked someone to ask. The government does pay attention to it, but it's too much to say that it has contributed to the country. You also said that our Chang'an County is


Sir, how many families do we have in the army? I looked at it in the winter. In the Sui Dynasty, there were 1,200 households, and in the Li Yuan Dynasty, there were more than 1,800 households. Together, there were about three to four thousand people.

Now, there are only 800 people in Zhechong Prefecture, and all the others have restored their citizenship... The benefits to our county are self-evident, but the weight of Zhechong Prefecture is much lighter.

How many Zhechong mansions will be established in the world in the future? How many of them will appear to be outside of us? In my opinion, the so-called Zhechong mansions are just modeled on the former Sui Zhenjun, except that the soldiers themselves have to cultivate the fields and raise part of their own food, grass and military equipment.


Fang Xuanling was amused by him. Is there any truth to what he said? Of course there is. They are very well-informed, and the causes and consequences of such a major event as the establishment of Zhechong Mansion cannot be hidden from them.

However, there were different opinions in the court about the role and significance of Zhechongfu after its establishment, and there was no final conclusion. However, most of the important ministers in the court agreed with this proposal, which shows that it must have its merits.

Yuen Long's entry point was very unique. He felt that the fewer troops in Zhe Chong Mansion, the less useful they would be...

Fang Xuanling felt that it was almost a joke. When Li Yuan was there, the total number of troops in various places was about five to six million people. Many of the registered soldiers were continuously requisitioned. Some died and some fled. Therefore, the number of soldiers in the county

The military status is like a fictitious thing, and it has long been uncertain.

The establishment of Zhechong Mansion this time may also mean reorganizing the military personnel of the government. The smaller the number of soldiers, the more determined it is that the emperor and the important ministers in the court are determined to govern.

It can be said that Fang Xuanling's knowledge is not comparable to that of Yuen Long. He can see the immediate interests and long-term plans very closely, but he does not argue with Yuen Long. That is too unnecessary.

The most reasonable thing Yuen Long said is the last sentence. In the future, there will definitely be a lot of Zhechong Mansion, and it will not show up in Chang'an County. Therefore, for Chang'an County, the trial implementation of Zhechong Mansion here is indeed not as important as Fang Xuanling said.

There is no shortage of topics for the two of them to talk about together. Chang'an County and Chang'an Lingyamen are similar, with a lot of big and small affairs. Sometimes they get involved with some nobles, which is really a headache.

In the past, the county magistrate of Chang'an was Chang Sun Wuji, the uncle of Qin King Li Shimin... Yuen Long also had a similar identity. It can be seen that everyone has the same idea. Regardless of whether the elder brother-in-law or the younger brother-in-law is trustworthy, they all take the blame.

Wait for it to work.

What makes Yuen Long better than Changsun Wuji is that he served as the magistrate of Yunnei County when he was in Yunnei, and he is very familiar with county affairs. He is also assisted by Fang Xuanling, and with his own identity, he will basically not go out of business.

What a mistake.

But the situation he faced was very different from that of Changsun Wuji. When Li Yuan came to take charge of Kansai, everyone praised him and almost greeted him. He was one of the Kansai people.

Li Po came here from a fight, and his foundation in Kansai is shallow and his foothold is not stable... This is reflected in the fact that when governing the local area, some people are not very docile when relying on them, and it is inevitable that they will bump into each other.

There are quite a few people in Chang'an County who cause problems for Yuen Long. Today they report that a farm cow has been lost, and tomorrow they report that someone has stolen someone... This is still winter, and when the weather gets warmer,

Fights over water sources, field boundaries, etc. are very likely to occur.

It is quite normal for some people to lose their lives. If you are a little careless and someone catches you, you may be driven away. The emperor's brother-in-law was kicked off the stage in despair, and Yuen Long can also wipe his neck.

When the two of them talked about this while drinking wine, they both looked confident and confident.

Yuen Long once managed the Turkic prisoners who surrendered, and hundreds of thousands of people were scattered on Yun Nei grassland. In the end, didn't everything go well under his rule?

Fang Xuanling, on the other hand, has practical solutions, "If anyone makes trouble this year, the county magistrates don't have to worry... The Ministry of Household Affairs has been checking land acres, household registration and other matters."

I asked about it. Last year, there were very few people reporting for judgment. It was because the local government had initially decided. People in the Ministry of Household Affairs were afraid of stirring up civil unrest, so they were less cautious. This year, it is different.

In current affairs, people from the capital will no longer be merciful.

It is said that the Ministry of Household Affairs has asked the Ministry of Finance to ask the Ministry of Finance to take serious measures if there are any obstacles in sending people out this year... Those families in our county who do not listen to the advice should take the opportunity to report it...

The county magistrate has an old relationship with Su Shangshu, so he won't even do this little favor, right?"

Yuen Long sighed and complained: "It's too troublesome. When I was in the north, I would deal with anyone who offended me immediately. It's not like now that we have to retaliate... Humph, it's cheap.

Killed those thieves..."

Fang Xuanling smiled and ignored him. He actually inquired about Yuen Long's "glorious" past, and then he felt that his biggest responsibility was to prevent this person from getting confused and doing some unknown things.

There is nothing else to worry about.

This chapter has been completed!
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