Chapter 892 Farming

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After so many years, Li Po had a thorough understanding of Luo Shixin's temperament. This guy was not stupid, but his physical fitness was too strong, which made him unwilling to use his brain.

He is the kind of person who was later described as someone who can do things but don't make any noise. If you don't use your brain frequently, it will degrade. Over and over again, this guy's brain won't seem very bright, and he just knows how to scare people all day long.

All the civil servants and generals who followed Li Po Rijiu knew that his sworn brother was very fierce. Don't hang around in front of that man. If he gets annoyed, he might beat you to death.

In addition, Li Po was quite indulgent towards him, so everyone was afraid to avoid him.

Luo Shixin was very unhappy. His good daughter-in-law disappeared in the blink of an eye. That guy Cheng Zhijie was so disgusting. Why did he still drink with him? He would definitely lose his temper the next time he saw her.

In fact, what made him feel most embarrassed was that Cheng Dashu actually went to meet Shen Qingnu, the watchdog of Qianniu Beishen Mansion. Luo Shixin had never looked down upon him. Of course, most of the reasons were because he was from Henan.


No matter what, Cheng Dabeard was a person who once dated Luo Shixin. Even if they later turned against each other and now Cheng Dabeard is completely in despair, not everyone can step on him.

So in the past two days, he has been preparing to seek misfortune on Shen Qingnu... If Shen Qingnu knew about it, he would definitely scream that he was wronged. If a person is sitting at home, disaster will come from the sky.

Li Po adjusted his mood, but he didn't care about Luo Shixin's grudges. As long as he didn't cut off so-and-so's head today and tear so-and-so in half tomorrow, everything else was a trivial matter.

When he returned to the Manna Hall, he also felt quite tired. He had been thinking too much today, so he had to make up for it, sleep well at night, and eat more good food tomorrow...

I was thinking all over the place, but I still had to handle official duties as I was used to, until the night gradually got darker, and then I went to bed. Alas, being an emperor is really not a good job.


In early March, the first Zhechong Prefecture of the Tang Dynasty was established in Chang'an County, with 800 troops under its jurisdiction, which was the upper limit of the number of troops set by the Zhechong Prefecture. It was in charge of two Zhechong captains, and there were also dozens of positions such as Cao Shengjun and others.


The functions of the Military Mansion can be reflected in Zhechong Mansion. What's more, Zhechong Mansion also has a warehouse, which stores weapons and armor for wartime use, which greatly reduces the burden on the soldiers of the Mansion.

Of course, the establishment of Zhechong Mansion was not to loosen the bonds of the soldiers. On the contrary, it more specifically restricted the behavior of the soldiers and further centralized power in the military.

At the same time, the school in Zhechong Mansion was also quietly opened. There were four teachers in it, one taught the soldiers how to read and write, or even the art of war, and the other three taught the soldiers archery and horsemanship.

At this time, it was still a very inconspicuous institution in Zhechong Mansion, and even many people in Wei Mansion didn't know there were any schools in Zhechong Mansion.

The weather is gradually getting warmer, the ice and snow are melting, everything is recovering, and various government agencies that have been frozen by the winter wind and snow are taking action again.

Spring plowing is coming soon. This is the top priority in the second year of Yuanzhen. The eyes in Chang'an City are sternly staring at the counties and counties under their rule. They have issued orders to officials in various places several times to prevent any obstruction of spring plowing or the organization of spring plowing.

Anyone who does this will be severely punished.

In recent years, the population of Kansai has been increasing, and most of them are officials and refugees who escaped from Henan, Hebei, and Shandong. Therefore, even though they were affected by Yang Guang's northern inspection of Yulin, western inspection of Zhangye, and the conquest of Liaodong, Yang Xuangan's rebellion

However, unlike other places in the world, Kansai did not suffer a major population decline.

For example, the population of Chang'an City has increased from 300,000 at its peak in the Sui Dynasty to more than 400,000. Do you think Yang Guang would be angered to death again if he knew something underground?

For more than ten years, wars have been raging everywhere, but the hinterland of Kansai has been less affected. This is the main reason why its population has not decreased but increased. It is almost the same as when the war in the late Jin Dynasty made Yiguan migrate south.

In fact, after Li Yuan took control of Guanxi, Jin and Bashu depended on each other, and at least they had the population base to quell the war. Unfortunately, Li Po kept poaching, and over the next few years, they were defeated one after another.

Under this, no matter how good the foundation was, he could not withstand such tossing and finally collapsed.

In other words, both Guanxi and Bashu did not realize their potential during Li Yuan's period. Faced with increasingly large armies and wasteful expenditures, Li Yuan's light corvee and low taxes in the early days of his administration were inconsistent with the people's rest.

The strategy was completely disrupted.

Before Li Po took control of Kansai, the taxes in Kansai were actually higher than in the last years of Daye. No matter the nobles, soldiers, or civilians, they did not receive any benefits during this period. On the contrary, their lives went from bad to worse.

Therefore, there are signs of rebellion again in various parts of Kansai, even in places such as Jingzhao.

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Now that Li Po has become the owner, the external environment has been greatly protected, so he naturally needs to vigorously manage it.

In this process, it is also necessary to reiterate that the nobles must pay taxes, because this is one of the most important agricultural reforms since Li Po came to power, and it has been implemented in Jin for several years.

Li Po didn't understand anything about the method of spreading people into acres, the method of whipping, or the method of young crops, and he didn't do any research on it, so he only remembered one thing, which was to make the big landowners pay taxes.

Faced with the reality of a sharp decline in population, he encouraged people to reclaim wasteland, try not to conscript labor and government soldiers, and let laborers work in the fields, etc., which became the goal of his governance.

In fact, since Mayi raised his army, his purpose has been very simple, that is, to do his best to feed everyone in the shortest possible time.

As long as their stomachs are full, except for the ambitious nobles and those black people who are afraid of the world being in chaos, who is willing to use a knife to grab food for the honest peasants?

Therefore, vigorously restoring farming has always been one of the policies he vigorously promoted, and making the nobles pay taxes is a powerful supplement...

It sounds a bit simple, and the goal is very clear, but when you do it, it is not the case.

Last year, the Ministry of Household Affairs began to re-calculate land, household registration and other matters in Kansai and even Shuzhong. By March of this year, more than half a year had passed, and some preliminary work had only been roughly completed.

This year, the Ministry of Household Affairs will continue to send people to counties and counties to work with local officials to revise and improve the records of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Only when these things are completed and done in detail can we lay the foundation for collecting taxes later.


During this period, things will not be smooth sailing. Concealing land and population matters will happen one after another. Those who are found out will be severely punished, and those who are not found out will continue to be investigated every year.

From July and August of last year to early March of this year, the Ministry of Husbandry, together with the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and the Ministry of Personnel had reported executions to more than 100 people. Finally, the two provinces, Zhongshu and Shangshu, negotiated and beheaded 34 people.

Most of them are local aristocrats who want to gather a crowd to resist the Ministry of Household Registration. There are a few who are probably local black society groups who want to attack the government and imitate the grass-headed kings before.

Let's raise a flag and then live a good life of drinking a lot of wine and eating a lot of meat.

Well, it was also a normal operation in these days. It was just that I didn't choose the right time. There was no need to mobilize troops at all. When the people from the Ministry of Revenue went down, they were not alone. They more or less brought some escort soldiers.

Coupled with the help of some local officials, the Black Society members soon realized that the consequences would be serious.

Not many people were executed, but a lot of people were implicated. Five to six thousand people were convicted, those who were punished were punished, and those who were punished were exiled, which did not cause much waves.

After all, it is no longer the end of Daye. The war has lasted for a long time. People's enthusiasm for resisting the government has been declining, and they hope to establish order.

With fewer people willing to follow, the chances of the nobles and black guilds succeeding are also slim.

Interludes like this will never stop. Whoever's interests are touched will probably have to resist, but the methods will be different.

Some people were hit with bloody heads at that time, and some people were lackeys of the great nobles. They had many connections, and their overt and covert methods were much better than those of the dark society.

Therefore, some of the work of the Ministry of Revenue is long-term, and we must constantly compete with the local authorities. Some people in Chang'an will even go against them.

As for how difficult it was to be in the Ministry of Revenue, Li Po would not care. The support he gave was already there. If Su Dan couldn't stand it anymore, it would mean that he was not talented enough, so he could just change to another Minister of the Ministry of Revenue.

As the emperor, what Li Po wants is the result. He is not interested in whether the process is exciting or difficult.

Su Dan did not betray his trust, and continued to move forward despite the pressure. As a result, more and more memorials were issued to impeach him and Wang Ze, the Minister of Rites.

Wang Ze was lying on his back. He revised the Sui laws and included the nobility's taxation in the Tang Code, which had a legal basis. Some people in the court wrote to redefine the tax law. In fact, they wanted to delete the article about the nobility's taxation.

In fact, everyone knows that without the emperor's nod, Wang Zejian would not dare to risk the world and write such a clause into the law. However, everyone just wants to let people in the powerful family get the respect they deserve, not because they want to

The emperor kicked off the throne, so naturally he had no choice but to criticize Wang Ze.

And the emperor also understood what he meant. It is okay to criticize Wang Ze, but there is no way to change the law. We have to continue to add some clauses, such as concealing land and land, and it shall be punished as a felony.

In addition, he continued to let the officials of Menxia Province spread the word. The war has been going on so far, and the national treasury is empty, so he has to take this step. When the world is at peace, it will not be too late for everyone to discuss the matter carefully. Now we still need to work together to overcome the difficulties.

This has been the case since Li Po took over Guanxi. He was so pitiful that people who heard it were embarrassed to speak again, and smart people did not dare to speak again.

For the sake of the emperor's words, if there are still people who are gibbering, they are ignoring the overall situation, not caring about the people, etc., any crime can be slapped on you, if it is serious, I will lend you your head, if it is light, you will reduce your position to serve the people.

Do you think it's serious or not?

This chapter has been completed!
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