Chapter 893

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In the Taiji Hall, after the main court meeting, Li Po changed out of his court clothes and went to the side hall to sit in class.

Today I have to meet a few ministers. As usual, the emperor always has things to do. Of course, if the emperor does not want to be too tired, there are always ways to avoid heavy government affairs.

Were there so many romantic stories about kings in ancient times, weren't they all created by the emperors while they were busy?

The person who foresaw it was Su Dan, the Minister of Household Affairs. After more than half a year, Su Shizi couldn't be happy at all. The heavy burden weighed him down and he had to call for help.

After taking a breather in the winter, he didn't dare to call friends anymore. He just quietly moved his family into the new house. He didn't dare to entertain guests and friends during the housewarming ceremony. It seemed that he was really frightened by the emperor.

It was even more unlucky after the New Year. News of his grandfather Su Wei's death arrived. The martial arts Su family was in a state of unrest. Some unreliable guys even suggested sending someone to Luoyang to bring Su Wei's coffin back.

That is pure nonsense. Without talking about what the city of Luoyang is like now and whether people can come out after entering it, it is said that this year's war will most likely be fought around Luoyang.

At this time, when people from the Su Family of Martial Arts go to Luoyang, no matter what reason you have, you will not be allowed to go. If you go there secretly, your head will be useless around your neck, so there is no need to take it, right?

Su Dan is now undoubtedly the backbone of the martial arts Su family, so he has even greater responsibilities. During this time, he should appease the clan members, hold sacrifices for his grandfather, and receive relatives and friends who come to pay their respects.

Fortunately, the vacation given to him by the emperor was not long, otherwise he would have to take charge of all the affairs of the family, which would have been much more tiring than working in the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Su Wei died at the beginning of winter, and the mourning period had passed. Other than the rule of observing filial piety for one or three years, it was not fashionable at this time. Most people stayed in mourning for three months, which was considered as fulfilling their filial piety.

Only those who are pure filial piety will abide by the ancient rituals, and they will only observe filial piety for three years. Of course, that is also the patent of wealthy families, and ordinary families will forget it. Otherwise, if you observe filial piety for three years, what will you eat and drink? When the observance is over, your wife and children

I'm afraid they've all starved to death.

After a lot of hard work, Su Dan seemed to have lost a lot of weight. On the contrary, after returning to the Ministry of Revenue, he gradually became energetic again.

It can be seen that a real man really cannot live without power for a day. A man who is immersed in power will never be decadent, and he will never grow old.


After entering the Tai Chi Hall, I greeted the emperor. When I sat down, I habitually observed the emperor's expression secretly. I saw that the emperor seemed to be in a good mood, and I immediately felt relieved.

Let’s talk about coinage first. In February, the Shaofu had already started to mint Kaiyuan Tongbao small copper coins on a large scale. As the weather got warmer, it was time to issue an edict to withdraw the five baht coins.

It is one of the most important matters in the second year of Yuanzhen that the two things should be carried out at the same time.

The coins will be sent to counties and counties to be exchanged for five baht coins in people's hands. In addition, government purchases will be paid with small copper coins, and officials' salaries, rewards, etc. will also be large.

Anyway, once the government makes up its mind, even bad coins like Daye Baiqian can be circulated all over the world, let alone small copper coins as exquisite as this.

Some silver coins were also made for circulation among nobles and merchants. Su Dan was almost certain that this would be a very convenient coin to use.

Because it has been separated from its own value, the government guarantees its currency value. In later words, it is actually a credit currency, which is undoubtedly a great benefit for commercial circulation.

Once silver coins are circulated, will gold coins be far behind?

Su Gan, who has a profound family knowledge, has already been keenly aware of the bright prospects brought by the new coins. Not to mention other things, just for the Ministry of Household Affairs, being able to cast silver coins or even gold coins will greatly save the Ministry of Household Affairs.


Because it is not necessary to use a sufficient amount of gold and silver to make coins as in the past, it only needs to be made according to the standard pattern, even for copper coins. The biggest difference between small copper coins and five baht coins is this, because it is indeed


In addition, materials are saved, so there is no need for insufficient mineral resources.

As for other advantages such as portability and circulation, they are all obvious.

This is undoubtedly a pioneering work, which was born in the hands of Su Dan. As long as future generations enjoy its convenience, they must thank Su Yuanzai.

How could I have thought that the coins made to deal with Yanmen's emergency would have so many benefits? It really complied with the old saying, unintentional planting will make a shadow.

What he didn't know was that the emperor was also secretly proud of himself while listening to his story.

By nipping bulky things like gold ingots and silver ingots in the bud, it can be regarded as the first of its kind in coins.

That is to say, commerce is not developed now, otherwise it would be more serious to produce banknotes. Using precious metals as currency is still a bit troublesome.

The coin matter has actually been discussed for a long time. What Su Dan is talking about now is just how far the matter has progressed.

The next step is to open a border trade with the Turks. Since Li Po has agreed, Shangshu Province must step up to deal with it. After all, the Turks envoy cannot stay in Chang'an for too long.

Again, the matter is neither big nor small. In fact, there is no need to pay too much attention to it. Today's mutual trading can generally only be regarded as a way to express the willingness of two parties to get along well.

Judging from the current situation, there will be no large-scale business trips to the grasslands for trading in the next few years. However, the government can go there to trade some cattle and sheep, but it depends on whether the Turks are willing.

Nowadays, both in the north and the south, life is not easy. Compared with the period of Yang Jian and Qimin Khan, especially in the early years of Daye, it is not the same at all.

After Wen Yanbo was ordered to leave, he didn't know how far he had discussed it with Ashina Peony. Today, it was Su Dan who mentioned this matter. It was nothing more than that, but he felt that a large amount of coins could be used for transactions in the mutual market.

This is good for both the north and the south.

In the past, when the north and the south were trading with each other, most of them were barter... The Turks did not have their own currency (if I didn't find it, just pretend it was gone), and most of the transactions between the grassland herdsmen were carried out in the primitive way of barter.

Of course, it cannot be said that the Turks do not use coins, such as the five-baht coins from the south, some coins from various countries in the Western Regions, gold sand, etc., and the inferior round coins from Goguryeo that were imitated from Sui coins, all of which are circulated on the grasslands.


Su Qua believed that the new coins could be used in mutual trade. As long as they were recognized by the Turkic tribes and their nobles, then the Turks would initially recognize the status of the Tang Dynasty.

As for business travel transactions, it will be more convenient and faster, the transaction methods will be qualitatively improved, and the price of goods will be measured more accurately, etc., in his opinion, these can only be regarded as collateral benefits.

Li Po nodded and agreed with him very much. Exchanges between countries often begin with mutual recognition of each other's sovereign credit, and currency is one of the specific manifestations of sovereign credit.

If you think about it more deeply, the Turks themselves have no currency. If they gradually rely on copper coins, silver coins, etc. from the south for transactions, the benefits are self-evident...

Of course there are benefits, but they are not as exaggerated as they were later. The vast land and sparse population on the grasslands was the main reason why they did not have currency. Because the circulation was too slow, it was not much more convenient than bartering.

So if you want to use coins to control this huge grassland empire, then don't dream.

"In this case, then go and talk to the envoy as you said... Don't have too high expectations. As far as I know, the tribes on the grassland don't like to use coins to trade. They can't see the harvest but get something.

Copper and Iron will worry them."

Su Dan laughed and said, "It depends on people. If they can exchange these copper and iron for more things than before, then they will definitely accept it."

What he said was very insightful, and Li Po couldn't help but praise it. Su Dan's face shone, and his body felt much more energetic.

There were many and complicated things in the household department. Su Yu stayed in the palace for more than an hour before leaving. In fact, this was just to highlight the key points, otherwise the things of the previous day would not have been the same.

Li Po rubbed his temples in the palace, feeling that his ears were filled with Su Dan's nagging, and he wished he could pull him back and kick him.

The court meeting also made him dizzy, otherwise meeting his ministers would not have made him so uneasy.

The twice-monthly court meetings were very, very boring. Not to mention the back-and-forth and quarrels, there was no such thing as raising opinions in court.

The meeting between the emperor and his ministers was just a decoration. Only the voices of the preachers from various ministries echoed in the Taiji Hall. In so many great court meetings, Li Po never said ten words in total. Who else can respond to such an occasion?


The emperor, who was mentally and physically devastated, beckoned for the rice to be passed around, wanting to replenish himself, but while eating the rice, he was still thinking about things.

According to everyone's discussion, we only need to wait and see what happens in the first half of this year, but we must not take it lightly when it comes to grain and grass. The Ministry of Revenue has already made a plan, and most of the grain and grass must be allocated from Shanxi.

As for Kansai... Last year, they were exempted from money and food for a year. This year is expected to be much better, but the best estimate can only be used by themselves and the northwest, let alone as military supplies.

However, in March, the plan changed. The war in Sichuan went smoothly. This year, part of the food and grass could be shipped out to supplement the army's waste. This was really an unexpected surprise.

Of course, this is not surprising. Last year, Li Xiaogong hoarded a large amount of grain and grass in Jinguan City in order to protect himself. His main idea was to use grain and grass to blackmail Chai Shao, Liu Hongji and others.

Not wanting to overestimate themselves and end up marrying others, all of which would benefit the enemy, Li Jing, Zhang Lun, and Yu Wenhuo all smiled happily after counting the warehouses in Jinguan City, leaving some for military supplies and emergency use, and the rest

They will be sent out one after another.

In this way, the armies stationed in Tongguan and Hongnong no longer have to worry about food and grass issues...

This chapter has been completed!
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