Chapter 23: The Bold and Careful Zao Wou-Ki

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Tang San was also at level 30, at the age of twelve years and seven months.

He is a time traveler, and Wang Tingxuan is not surprised that he can reach level 30 at such an age.

He practices in front of the rising sun at a fixed time every morning. This not only proves his diligence, but also shows that his level of practice is pretty good.

After all, being able to absorb Chaoyang's skills makes Jiraiya relatively advanced.

Wang Tingxuan is quite curious about his Kung Fu. His current Kung Fu is considered advanced, but it is not an orthodox Kung Fu.

This technique is dedicated to cultivating the Peach Tree Martial Spirit. Wang Tingxuan can feel the space's disdain for this technique.

Yes, disgusted.

Maybe they think martial arts cultivation is unorthodox.

Even though Wuhun is the projection of the peach tree, it can only stay on Wang Tingxuan's right hand, so you can know its status.

This technique can only be used in this world.

Wang Tingxuan also wants a technique that can be used in all worlds.

He knew that Tang San didn't even tell Xiao Wu, and he definitely wouldn't tell anyone else.

Chao Tianxiang and Zhao Wuji fought for a soul beast and almost fell out, which shows how rare the soul beast is.

They searched for several days, but still couldn't find a suitable spirit ring for Tang San.

It’s not that everyone gained nothing, at least everyone’s relationship improved a lot.

In situations where we have to face danger at all times, only by uniting can we survive safely. After many battles, the eight people of Shrek have a tacit understanding of cooperation.

Zhu Zhuqing is responsible for reconnaissance and providing information for the team. After encountering the spirit beast, Wang Tingxuan is responsible for suppressing the spirit beast's ability. Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Ma Hongjun are responsible for fighting after encountering the spirit beast. Oscar and Ning Rongrong

Centering aid.

The combination of their people is enough to deal with the soul beasts that last for about a thousand years.

With this tacit cooperation, everyone's actual combat experience and comprehensive strength are constantly increasing subtly.

But it is not without hidden dangers. Pride and arrogance are also constantly affecting everyone's minds.

I don’t know if Zhao Wuji didn’t pay attention, or it could be that he didn’t point out everyone’s problems.

When he thought about it carefully, Wang Tingxuan laughed. The philosophy of Shrek Academy is to cultivate monsters. Naturally, ordinary methods cannot be used.

They want to continuously inspire the arrogance in the students and give them the courage to move forward.

This is indeed conducive to the growth of students.

This advantage accumulated over time will give Shrek students enough courage to face all kinds of hardships.

Shrek's strong teaching staff can also ensure that students will not die easily before they grow up.

There are really not many colleges that can use this method to train students.

Shrek is one, the students have good talents, and there are more teachers than students. Wuhun Palace is one, the most powerful force in Wuhun Continent's soul masters, and it has no shortage of money, let alone talented students.

Next, there is no more. The royal rules of the Star Luo Empire can barely be considered, but the scope is too restrictive.

The Tiandou Empire is far behind, with many talented people, but in terms of true high-end combat power, it is still slightly inferior.

Wang Tingxuan sat in the tent and began to practice. During this period, his soul power has improved a lot, and he is now at level thirty-six.

This is mainly due to the fact that the Star Dou Forest is more suitable for cultivation. The Peach Tree Martial Spirit belongs to the plant system, so it is considered unique to practice in the forest.

However, they are always in danger and cannot practice in depth.

Suddenly, Wang Tingxuan felt Zhao Wuji summoning a martial spirit, and he immediately left the tent.

"Everyone, get out of the tent. Hurry." Zhao Wuji roared, and his deep voice spread into the tent.

"Teacher Zhao, what's wrong?" Dai Mubai came to Zhao Wuji's side and asked doubtfully.

Zhao Wuji did not answer his question, "Everyone, get behind me. If something happens later, you don't have to worry about me. Leave here immediately and leave the Star Forest first. Mubai, I'm here to protect everyone when I'm not around."

The important responsibility will be left to you."

Zhao Wuji was so nervous that everyone was a little confused and looked at him in confusion.

Soon, they knew the answer. The two towering trees in front of them suddenly separated to both sides, as if they were crushed directly by some huge force. A huge figure walked directly from the center of the two big trees.

come out.

Soul beast, a powerful soul beast, judging from its aura, it is much more powerful than Zhao Wuji.

It stood there like a big mountain, its dark hair exuding a dull brilliance under the cold moonlight.

The appearance of this spirit beast resembles both an ape and a chimpanzee, with a pair of eyes as big as lanterns shining with a citrine-like luster, and only this little light in the whole body. In the dark night, the body can hardly be seen clearly.

It's over, this was Wang Tingxuan's first thought.

As if he wanted to take revenge on Wang Tingxuan deliberately, Tang San called out the name of this spirit beast, "It turns out to be the King of the Forest, the Titan Giant Ape."

The words "hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast" instantly appeared in Wang Tingxuan's mind.

There are legends about hundred thousand year old soul beasts in Douluo Continent. Although Wang Tingxuan has never seen them, he firmly believes that they exist.

Without him, there are extreme Douluo and even Peerless Douluo among humans. It is not unusual for a hundred thousand year soul beast to appear among the soul beasts.

Heaven's law is fair. If there are no hundred thousand year old soul beasts among the soul beasts, how can they resist the titled Douluo among humans?

Soul beasts can exist not only because humans need soul rings, but there must be soul beasts that humans are afraid of.

However, hundred thousand year soul beasts are intelligent. Their range of activities is in the core area and they will not easily come to the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest.

Wang Tingxuan really wanted to ask why it came here, but he didn't dare to ask. It was important to save his life.

Zhao Wuji thought of all possibilities, but could not find any way to stop the Titan Ape.

The Titan Giant Ape in front of him was definitely stronger than the Titled Douluo, and was much stronger than the martial soul fusion skills of the Unparalleled Dragon and Snake couple.

Moreover, as the king of soul beasts, he must be full of hatred towards humans in his heart. Maybe this king of soul beasts was hunted down by humans when he was a child.

Zhao Wuji knew that it was difficult for him to even protect himself, let alone protect others.

If given a choice, he would definitely turn around and run away. After decades of living, he has not lived enough.

But how could he run?

He couldn't bear the loss of anyone in this group of students. Especially Ning Rongrong and Tang San, there were titled Douluo behind them.

If there is any loss to the two of them, he will be hunted by Titled Douluo. This is different from the soul masters who hunted him in the Wuhun Palace back then. Those people are soul saints. Even if there are many people, he still has a chance to escape.

Zao Wuji was sweating profusely, and he became more and more anxious, "I'll block it. You eat Oscar's mushroom intestines and leave here immediately. I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for long. You must move fast."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Wuji mustered up his courage, and the seven haloes on his body shone brightly, and he rushed towards the Titan Ape.

He is not fighting the Titan Ape desperately, he just wants to pester the Titan Ape. After these students leave, he might be able to find a chance to escape.

He and the Titan Ape have no hatred for killing their father, so can the Titan Ape insist on holding on to his little soul saint?

This is the only way that Zhao Wuji can think of. If the Titan Giant Apes want to kill people, there are so many of them in the Star Forest, so there is no need to do anything but them.

This is their chance to escape.

This chapter has been completed!
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