Chapter 25: Tang San's Suspicion

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Tang San insisted on going his own way, took a flying sausage from Oscar's hand, and went to pursue Xiao Wu.

His reason was legitimate, but it put everyone in danger again.

Zhao Wuji said angrily: "Weird? What's so weird? Get your mushroom intestines out for me quickly. Now that you're chasing me, let's go together and die together. If you don't want to go, just get out."

Star Forest."

Zhao Wuji's choice once again confirmed to Wang Tingxuan that Tang San's identity was extraordinary.

Without even a valid reason, Zhao Wuji decided to lead everyone to chase Tang San and Xiao Wu.

At this time, even if no one was injured, the group of them rushing into the core area of ​​​​the forest was no different from seeking death.

Zhao Wuji is the most soul-sage, how can he not know this truth? He knew it, but he still led everyone to pursue it without hesitation.

Wang Tingxuan decided that after this time, he would never participate in their collective actions.

Let’s not talk about the dangers. How can you travel around the world without dangers? But to be sold out for no reason is not worth it.

On the way to pursue Tang San, Wang Tingxuan paddled with everyone. He would not be the first to escape, nor would he risk his life for irrelevant people.

Zhao Wuji did not let him go, "What on earth is your soul skill? How come you still have the ability to increase it."

Seeing Dai Mubai looking over, Wang Tingxuan smiled and said, "I am an auxiliary soul master. If I don't have amplifying skills, it wouldn't be too useless."

Dai Mubai recalled his original feeling and immediately said: "No, it's not surprising that Rongrong can increase Teacher Zhao and me by 30%. This is the characteristic of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. But why do you also

It can increase Teacher Zhao’s growth rate by 30%.”

Everyone else also looked at Wang Tingxuan, especially Ning Rongrong.

During the entrance test, Wang Tingxuan's soul skills were able to ignore the level restrictions of Zhao Wuji's skills. This time, it actually had an amplifying effect on Zhao Wuji, which is really incredible.

This kind of skill is even more heaven-defying than the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

Wang Tingxuan said casually: "Maybe it's because of the soul ring. My soul ring was absorbed over a period of time. There seems to be movement ahead, let's go and have a look."

Tang San was really destined for women, and he actually stole Meng Yiran's prey again.

But this time the situation was even worse than last time. There was a tall and thin old man beside Meng Yiran.

In his hand is a bright silver dragon-headed walking stick that is more than four meters long. The dragon head on the head of the staff is lifelike and looks extremely gorgeous. There are actually eight soul rings on the body that are beating up and down.

The eight soul rings all indicate that this person is a Soul Douluo practitioner of level 80 or above. This old man must be Longgong Meng Shu, the husband of the Snake Woman and the grandfather of Meng Yiran.

Seeing Duke Long preparing to take action, Zhao Wuji immediately shouted, "Senior Duke Long, please show mercy."

Zhao Wuji was very clear that with Shrek's current strength, he was no match for the Unparalleled Dragon Snake. He did not dare to risk the lives of the students of Shrek Academy rashly.

"Senior Long Gong, can you lend me a moment to speak?"

I don’t know what Zhao Wuji said to Duke Long. He used a very lame reason to let the soul beast out.


Meng Shu said: "It turned out to be the disciple of the master. Unexpectedly, the master's theory finally has a chance to be realized. For the sake of the master, I will let you go today, but remember, kid. The same thing will happen again in the future.

Something happened, I don’t care who your master is, let’s go.”

This is really child's play. Even though their positions are different, Wang Tingxuan does not agree with Duke Long's reason.

Meng Yiran was even more reluctant and proposed a bet.

Isn't this a joke?

This is in the Star Forest. Not long ago, the King of the Forest, the Titan Giant Ape, appeared.

It's too late for everyone to escape, and only fools will stay here to participate in the gambling fight.

But it's not easy for Xiaoyao to stop them. Wang Tingxuan doesn't have that much appeal.

Unintentionally glanced at the Man-Faced Demon Spider that Tang San had knocked down. Its legs were already over three meters long. This was

A sign of cultivation for more than two thousand years.

On the Douluo Continent, most people's third soul rings are no more than one thousand seven hundred years old.

"Stop it, take a closer look at this Man-Faced Demon Spider. His cultivation level exceeds two thousand years. If you absorb it rashly, you will definitely be in danger."

Meng Shu was a Soul Douluo, so he naturally knew how to identify the Man-Faced Demon Spider. After taking a look at it, he said: "This soul beast's cultivation level is indeed more than two thousand years old. Still, don't compete, even if you win, you still won't win."

It cannot be absorbed. Young man, if you still want to save that friend of yours, don’t absorb this spirit ring."

[It has been running stably for many years. It is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact. It is used by old bookworms, huann. 】

Tang San had studied with the master for so long, and he considered himself an encyclopedia of spirit beasts. All the information on spirit beasts was memorized in his heart. He looked at the Man-Faced Demon Spider several times, but he was also hesitant on his face.

If he wants to save Xiao Wu, he needs to improve his strength. But he also admires the master's theory very much, and he also understands the consequences of absorbing soul beasts beyond the age limit.

He couldn't bear the consequences.

After hesitating for a while, he turned to look at Wang Tingxuan, "Can you tell me how you absorbed the soul ring beyond your age?"

According to Wang Tingxuan's experience, as long as the mental power, willpower and physical strength are sufficient, soul rings can be absorbed beyond the age limit.

Although Tang San was powerful, Wang Tingxuan was not sure that he would be able to absorb spirit rings beyond his years.

There were too many uncertainties, and he didn't dare to gamble.

"have no idea."

Wang Tingxuan was not very eye-catching among the Shrek students. If it were not for the attraction of the soul ring, Snake Woman would hardly notice him.

After hearing his answer, he immediately said dissatisfiedly: "What kind of answer is this? You have absorbed the soul ring beyond your years, how can you not know it? Even if you don't want to say it, it is better than this answer."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Wang Tingxuan was helpless and could only say: "Senior must be very clear about the consequences of absorbing soul rings beyond the age limit. Although Tang San and I are classmates, we are just classmates. I don't know who he is.

, naturally I can’t say anything. I’ll beat the younger one and invite the older one. As a soul master, I can’t bear the revenge of his elders.”

Tang San thought in his heart that Wang Tingxuan had a secret skill, just like he himself had it, so he explained: "You really misunderstood, I am just a commoner with no background behind me. If there is a background, it can only be me."

My teacher and the dean are good friends."

Wang Tingxuan glanced at Zhao Wuji with a smile and said: "When I absorbed the first soul ring, I asked the soul hunting team outside the soul hunting forest for help. I just misjudged the wrong person, they wanted to seek wealth and death.

Fortunately, their cultivation was not very good, so I escaped with the help of the spirit beast that suddenly appeared. I encountered a thorn tree deep in the forest, and out of desperation, I forcibly absorbed it."

I made up a random reason to give everyone an explanation.

If someone else said it well, there wouldn't be much doubt in his heart. But Tang San clearly still didn't believe it.

He knew these students at Shrek very well, and the only one he couldn't see through was Wang Tingxuan.

But he didn't have any good methods to deal with Wang Tingxuan. He rejected him like he rejected Ning Rongrong, which was obviously useless. He seemed to not care about anything, and he didn't have the weakness of lack of playmates like Ning Rongrong.

Tang San had no choice but to look at Zhao Wuji, hoping that he could give him a word of help.

Zhao Wuji felt very uncomfortable being looked at by Wang Tingxuan, as if he could see through his mind. When he saw Tang San's eyes, he dodged away. This was Wang Tingxuan's secret, and he would not pry into the students' secrets.

Wen Chuqi

This chapter has been completed!
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