Chapter 4305 Asking for Kendo Totem

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 In this half day, Chu Fengmian also integrated the mystery of Elder Jianjiang's nine-kill sword into the ancient books on swordsmanship.

The Nine Kills to Destroy the World performed by Elder Jianjiang is indeed somewhat mysterious, especially the fifth blood-killing form of the Nine Domain Sword Technique that Chu Fengmian mastered with the Blood-Slaying Demon Sword.

Integrating this nine-kill world-destroying sword into the ancient books of swordsmanship is enough to further enhance the blood-slaying power.

"Although this Sword Palace originally inherited the era of swords, it has also experienced countless eras since then, recording the swordsmanship left over from many eras. Some of the swordsmanship has been incorporated into the ancient books on swordsmanship, and it has a certain significance.

The use of.”

Chu Fengmian muttered to himself.

He has helped the Lord of the Sword Palace so much this time, so it shouldn't be a problem to ask for some of the sword skills passed down by the Sword Palace.

What's more, Chu Fengmian was just preparing for some enlightenment, and didn't really ask for it.

Of course, what Chu Fengmian wants most now is not the swordsmanship passed down in the Sword Palace, but the swordsmanship totem.

Chu Fengmian had known for a long time that there were also sword totems in this sword palace, and there were not just one, but two.

Originally, one of the conditions for Chu Fengmian to join the Martial Palace was that the master of the Martial Palace went to negotiate and asked the Sword Palace for the sword totem, but it was never successful.

Then Chu Fengmian made a good deal with the Sword Demon Saint Son again.

This time Chu Fengmian returned to the Immortal Emperor Era, he also planned to obtain the two kendo totems in the Sword Palace, plus the three kendo totems Chu Fengmian obtained in the Zifu Palace.

Completely comprehending the incomplete swordsmanship in these five swordsmanship totems and integrating them into the ancient swordsmanship books is enough to elevate the power of Chu Fengmian's swordsmanship ancient books to a new level, making Chu Fengmian's swordsmanship far beyond that.

The original realm of swordsmanship has gone one step further.

I just didn't expect that the Sword Demon Saint Son would also be imprisoned by the Era Society. Now Chu Fengmian is also preparing to ask directly from the Lord of the Sword Palace.

If he could obtain the two swordsmanship totems owned by the Sword Palace and understand the incomplete swordsmanship in them, Chu Fengmian's strength would be even greater.

Chu Fengmian is now eager to improve his strength.

He understood that the most critical thing in rescuing the Sword Demon Holy Son this time was not the charges or the attitudes of all parties.

What is needed most is strength.

As long as you have strength, all troubles can be solved.

The Ten Thousand Dao Saints directly used means to expel Chu Fengmian from the Martial Palace, imprisoned the Sword Demon Saint Son, and even persuaded the other six palaces to jointly exert pressure on the Sword Palace.

What he relies on is strength.

The strength of Wan Dao Saint Son, and the strength of the Lord of Dao Palace behind Wan Dao Saint Son.

In the world of martial arts, strength is everything, and the Era Club is no exception.

This time, Chu Fengmian could directly intervene in the affairs of the Sword Palace and easily put down the civil strife in the Sword Palace.

What he relies on is still strength.

If Chu Fengmian had not directly suppressed the three Supreme Elders in the Sword Palace with his tyrannical strength and thunderous means, the civil strife in the Sword Palace would never have been quelled.

Therefore, to rescue the Sword Demon Saint Son, Chu Fengmian needs strength, stronger power. The stronger his power, the more confident he will be to rescue the Sword Demon Saint Son.

There are so many powerful people in the Era Association. In one Sword Hall alone, there are actually four ninth-level Immortal Emperors, and this is only on the surface.

In the Sword Palace, there are still many ancestors who are in seclusion. The power of the other six palaces is probably no less than that of the Sword Palace. With such tyrannical strength, it will not be easy for Chu Fengmian to forcefully save people...

"His Royal Highness Zulong."

Just when Chu Fengmian was thinking, the door of the secret room was pushed open, and the master of the Sword Palace walked into the secret room. Behind him, the three Supreme Elders of the Sword Palace followed the sword respectfully.

Lord of the palace.

The unruly look on the faces of these three supreme elders has long since disappeared, replaced by caution and respect.

Especially when the three of them looked at Chu Fengmian, their eyes were full of fear.

Previously, Chu Fengmian used thunderous means to directly suppress the three of them. This tyrannical and boundless power left an irresistible shadow in the hearts of these three people. Now the eyes of these three people looking at Chu Fengmian are all filled with emotion.

It's fear.

Of course, part of the reason for this fear is that Chu Fengmian has planted a restriction on the three of them.

Chu Fengmian did not believe that these three people would surrender so willingly, especially to the master of the Sword Palace. Chu Fengmian could not believe it unconditionally. In order to prevent being betrayed, Chu Fengmian placed a lot of pressure on these three supreme elders.

, planting a ban.

The lives of the three of them depended on Chu Fengmian's thoughts. This was the reason why these three people were so scared.

The Lord of the Sword Palace also knew this, but he could only acquiesce to Chu Fengmian's methods. After all, this time he could quell the civil strife, relying on Chu Fengmian.

"The matter in the Sword Palace has been resolved?"

Seeing the Lord of the Sword Palace walk in, Chu Fengmian said straight to the point.

"Everything has been resolved. This time, I would like to thank His Highness Zulong for his help."

The Lord of the Sword Palace also quickly complimented.

"Forget it, I am taking action this time to save the Sword Demon Holy Son, and don't forget what you promised me."

Chu Fengmian waved his hand and said.

"This is natural. As long as it is within the capabilities of the Sword Palace, His Highness Zulong can give you orders."

After calming down the civil strife and completely solving the troubles of the three Supreme Elders, the Lord of the Sword Palace was in a good mood, so he was extremely polite to Chu Fengmian.

But there was some nervousness in his eyes. He didn't know what Chu Fengmian wanted to ask for. The Sword Palace had been inherited for countless eras, and there were many treasures in it. Some treasures made him extremely excited.


But even he, the master of the Sword Palace, cannot use those treasures at will. If Chu Fengmian asks for them, there will be a lot of trouble.

But the words have already been spoken, and the Lord of the Sword Palace does not dare to go back on his words.

The scene of Chu Fengmian just taking action to suppress the three supreme elders of the Sword Palace is still vivid in his mind. The master of the Sword Palace does not want to fall out with Chu Fengmian now, and even behind him, there is an ancestor of the Sword Palace.

But even if those ancestors in seclusion took action, they might not be able to do anything to Chu Fengmian. On the contrary, it would not be a good thing to have a grudge against Chu Fengmian because of this.

So no matter what Chu Fengmian's request, he could only accept it bravely.

"I need a sword totem."

Chu Fengmian said straight to the point.

"Kendo Totem?"

Chu Fengmian's words surprised the Lord of the Sword Palace.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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