Chapter 327 Pink Girls

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 Faced with Shen Yiyu's question, Lin Ran really couldn't answer. He couldn't tell the other party that he and Debbie were chatting about the details of her body, right?

Maybe Shen Yiyu hasn't realized yet that the woman who went to the hot spring with her yesterday was a female gangster, and she looked at her all over.

Hearing Shen Yiyu's question, Debbie smiled and said: "Yiyu, we were soaking yesterday... um..."

Before she could finish her words, Lin Ran covered her mouth tightly. The latter smiled coquettishly at Shen Yiyu and said, "It's nothing, we're not talking about you anyway, don't worry."

This sentence simply means that there are no three hundred taels of silver in this place.

But Shen Yiyu didn't think much about it. She tilted her head, pushed her burgundy hair behind her ears, and said, "'s all thanks to you this time."

"No, it's not really hard work. Being able to meet scientists like you is also a win-win situation for us." Lin Ran smiled and stretched out his hand, staring into Shen Yiyu's eyes, "I wish us a happy cooperation. "

I don't know if it's out of psychological suggestion, but now when Lin Ran looks at Shen Yiyu, he always unconsciously thinks of the color that Debbie just mentioned.

Shen Yiyu held hands with Lin Ran without any shyness: "I'm in Black Sea Continent, and there may be many things I need your help with."

When she said this, she couldn't help but subconsciously stretched out her other hand and covered it with the starlight pendant tucked into her collar. ??

Debbie looked at the messages on her phone at this time and said: "The flight has been arranged, but because the flight to the Black Sea has been subject to air traffic control, the departure time may have to be tomorrow morning, and we have to go to the airport in the next city. "

"Okay." Lin Ran nodded, and then headed to the next door city of Sally with the two girls.

On the way, Lin Ran also encountered an interrogation by an agent from the Black Hawk Security Bureau, but as soon as the other party saw that it was the Salu family's car, they let it go.

"I heard that Tina suffered a big loss and almost died in York City. Oh, I really miss those past years. If it were in the past, I would definitely be indispensable for this kind of thing." Debbie looked at Lin Ran with a smile. , obviously, she already has the answer in her heart about Tina's attack.

"Do you even know the news?" Lin Ran did not deny it, he shook his head, "Tina stretched her hand too far, not to mention, she has been trying to kill me since she learned that I was not dead. "

Last time, in order to deal with Lin Ran, Tina did not hesitate to use the secret that had been lurking in Daxia for ten years, which was a huge price.

However, based on current judgment, the head of intelligence of the Black Hawk Federation should not know Lin Ran's true identity in the Black Sea Continent.

"Then you sleep with her." Debbie straightforwardly gave her method, "Let her be inseparable from you, both physically and mentally. That way, she won't be able to live without you."
will become your enemy."

Lin Ran said angrily: "Yiyu is still in the car, can't you talk about something more serious?"

Shen Yiyu pursed her lips and smiled. There was no embarrassment at all. She seemed to have been used to Debbie's speaking style.

However, at this moment, Lin Ran's cell phone suddenly rang.

When he looked at the number, it was Liang Xuean!

After not seeing this old professor for a long time, Lin Ran actually wanted to meet her.

For some unknown reason, Lin Ran was no longer as frightened by Liang Xuean at the beginning, and even felt a lot of psychological closeness to her.

"Hey, Lao Liang, what do you want from me?"

However, Siena Liang asked directly: "Are you and Shen Yiyu together?"

Lin Ran subconsciously glanced at the pink, no, burgundy girl next to him, and said, "Yes, you even know this?"

He was obviously surprised.

The surprise was not because Liang Xue'an knew Shen Yiyu. After all, they were both from the Yuanli science community, and it was normal for them to be familiar with each other. However, what Lin Ran didn't understand was that he was in the Black Hawk Federation, and how could Liang Xue'an master him so accurately? trends?

However, Lin Ran did not deny it. He said: "It is true that Yiyu is by my side."

Shen Yiyu immediately looked at Lin Ran, with a curious expression behind the thick-bottomed lenses of the wine bottle.

"Okay, protect her, goodbye." Liang Xuean said, about to hang up the phone.

"Old Liang, please don't hang up. Why are you only half-talking?" Lin Ran said helplessly, "What happened? Someone is targeting Yiyu?"

"Before, Tas Energy wanted to sign a cooperation agreement with Shen Yiyu, but this girl refused." Liang Xuean said, "However, Tas Energy has always practiced the 'if you don't get it, destroy it' approach, so , there may be dangers here in Yiyu, especially in Black Eagle’s homeland.”

After hearing this, Lin Ran's expression became slightly more solemn: "Okay, I will protect Yiyu. By the way, Lao Liang, how do you know this? Have you been treated like this by Tass Energy?"

"No." Liang Xuean shook her head and gave a negative answer, but she didn't say why.

Lin Ran could clearly feel that the other party was hesitant to speak.

"Lao Liang, don't worry. Once Yiyu leaves Black Hawk, Tass Energy will be beyond its reach." Lin Ran smiled.

"Okay." Liang Xuean gave Lin another rare warning.

Ran, "When you come back, I will heal your wounds."

"Then you have to take it easy and don't make me collapse again." Lin Ran smiled and hung up the phone.

He does not mean that.

At this time, in a hotel in York City, a woman with cascading black hair was sitting in a pool of hot water in the bathtub.

At this moment, Liang Xuean didn't look old at all, and didn't even have wrinkles. The skin on her face was like gelatin, which could be broken with a blow!

This is not only true for facial skin, but also for Siena Liang’s body. Every inch of skin is as smooth as satin, and even appears as pink and tender as a girl!

If Debbie were here, she would have to compare Liang Xuean with Shen Yiyu, who had been in the hot springs with her!

"It seems that it lasted a little longer." Liang Xuean held a mirror in her hand, which reflected her rather young face. .??.

Looking at this pretty face, Liang Xuean had a slightly strange feeling in her eyes.

"If I hadn't suddenly grown old and had to hide my identity all the time, then what would happen to Shen Yiyu, the youngest scientist in the Yuanli world?"

After Siena Liang finished saying these words, the hot air in the bathroom made the mirror begin to blur.

And her beautiful face gradually began to have some shallow wrinkles.

Liang Xuean did not look again, but sighed softly and said: "That boy... indeed, I can't live without him."

No woman can refuse to become beautiful and young again.

Liang Xuean knew that he and Lin Ran's ridiculous path of healing would have to continue.

But the question is, if Lin Ran learns the truth one day in the future, will he break up with her directly?


Ten minutes later, Siena Liang walked out of the bathtub with her heart full of worries. As soon as she dried herself, her phone rang again.

This time, it was not a call from Lin Ran, but a local Blackhawk number.

As soon as the call was connected, the purest Black Hawk language came out: "Miss, when are you willing to come back and take over Tas Energy?"

Tas Energy? Miss?

If Lin Ran were here, his jaw would definitely drop in shock!

"Old housekeeper, didn't I tell you not to contact me?" Liang Xuean's expression was cold, "I have no contact with Tass Energy for a long time."

"However, the master has obviously regretted it in recent years. He feels that only you, the eldest lady, are his most suitable successor. After all, you are the master's biological daughter..."

Before she could finish her words, Liang Xuean interrupted mercilessly: "From the moment Tas sent people to hunt me down, he and I were no longer father and daughter. He never raised me, and I There is no need to repay him with anything."

The amount of information revealed in these words is really too great!

It turns out that Liang Xuean is actually the daughter of energy tycoon Tas!

It is said that this Tas was just a small miner in the past, but in the process of mining, he met a group of die-hard brothers, and then grew wildly during the gold rush, gradually developing into today's Tas Energy Group!

Listening to this meaning, Liang Xuesan should be an illegitimate daughter! It’s just that maybe her mother is an Oriental, so Liang Xuesan’s appearance is obviously more like an oriental classical beauty!

"Miss, you may be mistaken. The master has never arranged for anyone to deal with you. It was all done by the current madam..." The housekeeper was obviously very helpless.

"Tas knew, but chose to stand by and watch. At this time, silence means an accomplice - he is helping his sons deal with me." Liang Xuean sneered and said, "If you can't get it, destroy it.

, this is Tas Energy’s consistent approach, as is the case with many competitors.”

Her mood was obviously fluctuating violently, and even her chest was heaving up and down.

Lin Ran had never seen this kind of mood swings before!

The housekeeper wanted to explain something to her boss, but Liang Xuean interrupted her bluntly. She said:

"I came back to Blackhawk to visit my mother's grave this time. Tasz knew I was coming, but did he show up? Even calling me this wasn't his intention, right?"

The old housekeeper was choked and speechless.

"I am a person who has died once. I know what I want, and I am not interested in inheriting Tas Energy at all." Liang Xuean said coldly, "And you, just take care of yourself."

After saying that, Liang Xuean hung up the phone directly.

She walked to the balcony of the hotel, stretched out her hand, and a pool of rich black energy rippled in her palm, like waves of water.

"I was chased that time but I didn't die, but I got these things, and my strength increased sharply. But now that I've become like this, I don't know if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages." Liang Xuean said to herself.


"Has Tas Group signed a cooperation agreement with you before?" Lin Ran asked Shen Yiyu.

"I rejected him." Shen Yiyu shook her head helplessly and said, "When I was visiting an old professor, I happened to meet the young president of Tas Energy."

Debbie laughed: "He is crazy about Fenfen's Yiyu. He almost followed us even when we were taking a bath in the hot spring."

This chapter has been completed!
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