Chapter 822 Nine Turns of Hunyuan Jue, True Flame of the Sun

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Wang Ming and Zhang Qingxuan behind Su Yu were completely stunned.

Five people at the pinnacle of the unity of reality and reality, plus three strong men in the half-step Yin realm.

He was beheaded in an instant.

Such terrifying strength.

It actually came from Su Yu's hands!

How terrifying this is!

Although it is said that casual cultivators have more combat experience than disciples of ordinary forces, after all, they are existences that have been wandering between life and death all year round.

But when it comes to trump cards, being a disciple of a big force is even more powerful.

However, even in Zhang Qingxuan's heyday, he may not be able to achieve this step!

Although Zhang Qingxuan is the number one person in the Eighth Sword Palace, facing three half-step Yin realms and five strong men at the peak of the unity of reality and reality, it is still a bit difficult.


Su Yu actually achieved this step easily.

As for Su Yu, he is only at the extreme level of integrating reality and reality.

For a moment, there were waves of turmoil in the hearts of the two of them.

Especially Wang Ming.

In Wang Ming's opinion, maybe Su Yu's cultivation level was just a little higher than his own, and the best he could do was suppress him.

But now it seems.

Not to mention suppressed, I'm afraid Su Yu could kill him completely with just a few moves.


It showed up in an instant.

Wang Ming couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

"Junior Brother Su, I didn't expect you to be so secretive!"

"You were able to kill all eight people. How did you do it?"

Wang Ming was a little curious.

It was obvious that Su Yu was not even half a step into the underworld, but he was able to unleash such terrifying combat power.

This is a bit outrageous.

Su Yu smiled calmly, "Nothing else but familiarity with you!"

Wang Ming:

Can this kind of thing be achieved through proficiency?

Zhang Qingxuan on the side looked at Su Yu with a complicated expression.

In his heart, the earth-level disciples of the Ninth Sword Palace were just like that, but now with the appearance of Su Yu and the strength Su Yu showed.

I'm afraid I've made a mistake.

"This Hunyuan Pearl."

Just when Wang Ming and Zhang Qingxuan had their own thoughts, Su Yu's voice sounded calmly.

Only then did the two of them realize the existence of the Hunyuan Pearl.

"If Junior Brother Su hadn't arrived, let alone the Hunyuan Pearl, I'm afraid both of our lives would have been at stake here."

"Just give this Hunyuan True Pearl to Junior Brother Su!"

Zhang Qingxuan spoke softly.

Su Yu's eyes lit up, he rubbed his hands, and as he spoke, he put the Hunyuan Pearl into the space ring.

"Ahem, how can this be so embarrassing!"

Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

Good guy, I say I'm sorry, but my hands are not honest at all.

However, the two of them didn't say anything.

Without Su Yu, they really might not be able to survive.

This is actually true.

After all, casual cultivators are all desperadoes. They don't care if you are from the Xuandao Sect. As long as they kill you without any evidence, they will just leave the Xuandao Sect.

Later, under Su Yu's protection, Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming also began to recover from their injuries.

Seeing the two people entering the practice, Su Yu found a place where no one was around and set up layers of restrictions.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the Hunyuan Pearl from the space ring.

Looking at the Hunyuan Pearl that exuded gray brilliance, Su Yu's eyes shone with light.

"Unexpectedly, here, I actually got the Hunyuan Pearl, which is just right. I can upgrade the Nine Heavens Xuan Dao Jue into the Nine Revolutions Hunyuan Jue!"

"From the natal magical power, to the level of low-grade mysterious art!"

Su Yu murmured, and then clicked on the synthesis bar.

Put the Hunyuan Pearl you just obtained into the synthesis column.

Then with a slight thought in his mind, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Sword Technique was also placed in another frame in the synthesis column.

Su Yu clicked on Synthesis.


Accompanied by a flash of golden light.

The scene in front of me suddenly changed


All he saw was a yellowed book appearing in Su Yu's hands.

On the cover of the book, there are several large characters that slowly emerge.

"Nine Revolutions of Hunyuan Jue!"

A low-grade secret!

Generally speaking, only those who have reached the Yin realm can be allowed to practice low-level profound arts.

This is true for the entire Xuandao Sect.

But Su Yu has a synthesis column, and even without relying on the Xuan Dao Sect, he can easily obtain low-grade Xuan Jue.


It is still a technique that is extremely suitable for Su Yu's physique.

Tailor-made for Su Yu.

Su Yu put the "Nine Revolutions of Hunyuan Jue" in his hand between his eyebrows, and then, a stream of mysterious information poured into Su Yu's mind.

"Nine heavens and the universe, the place of chaos, refine the chaos, control the yin and yang!"

It seemed that a majestic sound exploded in Su Yu's ears.

Su Yu seemed to have an epiphany, and his body shook slightly.

The Yuan force in the body started to operate according to the method of "Nine Transformations of Hunyuan Jue".

Between heaven and earth, there are wisps of gray energy that have been extracted.

Finally it poured into Su Yu's body.

The power of heaven and earth!

However, the Yin power extracted through "Nine Transformations of Hunyuan Jue" is somewhat different from ordinary Yin power.

Generally speaking, ordinary Yin energy appears black.

But in Su Yu's body, the wisps of Yin energy turned gray.

just because of.

Among these Yin forces, there is a trace of chaos power!

The power of chaos is the most common energy between heaven and earth. Everything in the world is chaos, but ordinary people cannot absorb the power of chaos.

Only those with extremely strong cultivation levels, reaching the level of walking across the galaxy, can control the power of chaos between heaven and earth.

It can be said that the power of chaos is the strongest energy in the universe and the galaxy!


Relying on the "Nine Revolutions of Hunyuan Jue", Su Yu has been able to absorb the power of chaos between heaven and earth in the realm of unity of reality and reality.

Of course, the power of chaos absorbed may not even reach one billionth of a ray of chaos power.

It just means that it possesses some characteristics of the power of chaos.

But even so.

It will also cause the Yin power in Su Yu's body to be several times that of the same realm!

I don't know how much time passed, but Su Yu slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a gray light flashing through his eyes.

A powerful wave burst out from Su Yu's body in an instant.

"It's a pity that the time is still too short, otherwise I would have been able to break through to half a step of the underworld!"

Su Yu murmured.

In the final analysis, "Nine Transformations of Hunyuan Jue" is really overbearing.

After just practicing for a while, Su Yu could clearly feel that the Yuan force in his body was being replaced by Yin force bit by bit.

When half of the Yuan force in the body is replaced by Yin force, it has entered the half-step Yin realm.

Until everything is replaced, you have completely entered the underworld.

Entered another world!

The yin and yang realm can tear apart the void.

The Yang realm can shock the void.

The Yin Realm can already shake the void of heaven and earth.

It can be seen that we have reached another world.

Su Yu dispersed the restrictions around him and glanced at Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming.

Because when they killed the Hunyuan beast, the injuries suffered by the two of them were too serious, especially Zhang Qingxuan, who was targeted by the eight casual cultivators again.

The injuries suffered were more serious.

It's not something that can be fixed quickly.

Su Yu simply clicked on the synthesis bar to check the subsequent synthesis route.

[Nine-turn Hunyuan Jue synthesis route: 1. Synthesize the Chaos Pearl and advance to the Nine-turn Chaos Jue, which can greatly absorb the power of chaos between heaven and earth! 2. Synthesize the Tianxuan Stone and advance to the Nine-turn Tianxuan Jue.

Absorb the power of the sky and dominate the sky!】

[Netherworld Slash synthesis route: 1. Synthesize the Nine Netherworld Water and upgrade it to the Nine Netherworld Soul-eating Blade. With one sword strike, thousands of souls appear! 2

, synthesize the true flame of the sun, advance to the scorching sun, the sword rises and sets, burns the sky and cooks the earth!]

[Fire Wave Blade Synthesis Route: 1. Fire Dragon Essence, which can be upgraded to the Heavenly Fire True Dragon Blade. It has the power of the fire dragon and greatly increases the flame burning damage! 2. Tianyang True Pearl, which can be mastered after advancing to the Tianyang True Dragon Blade.

The power of the sun burns everything in the sky!]

[Synthetic route of Houtu Holy Armor: 1. Synthesize the original liquid of life and upgrade it to the Holy Life Armor. It not only improves the defense but also has certain healing ability! 2. Synthesize the innate Geng Gold and upgrade it to the innate holy gold armor, which can counter damage.

The ability is doubled! (Note that this synthesis direction is the synthesis route of innate spiritual weapons!)]

Looking at the advanced route, Su Yu's brows raised slightly.

"Now, there are still Flame Wave Blade and Nether Slash that have not been advanced. The Chaos Pearl is the pearl in the body of the Chaos Beast. Generally speaking, the Chaos Beast is born into the Yin-Yang Realm, and the adult Chaos Beast is comparable to the Yin-Yang Realm.

The strong ones can only be found in the Chaos Realm!"

"Although it is not difficult to get the Tianxuan Stone, if you want to advance, it is naturally the best to advance. Besides." Su Yu spread his palms, and gray Yin energy jumped between Su Yu's palms. "Chaos"

The increase in energy caused by the power is really terrifying!"

"The direction of the technique still needs to be developed in the direction of the power of chaos. If I can completely master the power of chaos in the future, I will also have the strength to walk in the starry sky!"

Su Yu murmured.

"As for the True Flame of the Great Sun, there is also the Fire Dragon Essence."

"That's all, you can wait a little longer!"

Su Yu closed the synthesis bar, and the "Nine Revolutions of Hunyuan Jue" was running in his body, quietly waiting for Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming to complete their recovery.

Soon Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming opened their eyes one after another.

Although the injury has not fully recovered, he has been able to explode to 80% of his strength.

The two of them glanced at Su Yu in unison, especially when they felt the powerful fluctuations of Yin energy coming from Su Yu.

Zhang Qingxuan couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly, "He started to absorb the Yin power of heaven and earth so quickly, hiss!"

Zhang Qingxuan took a breath of cold air.

You know, after he reached the limit of the unity of reality and reality, it took him half a month to reluctantly extract the Yin power from the world and refine it into his own cultivation.

And Su Yu

Obviously during the previous battle, there was no trace of Yin energy fluctuations on the body, but in the blink of an eye, the two of them recovered from their injuries.

Su Yu had already begun to refine the yin power.

Such a terrifying speed even the first person in the Eighth Sword Palace was a little shocked.

Wang Ming even showed an envious look, "I don't know when I will be able to refine the Yin power between heaven and earth!"

Refining Yin power is the most important step towards the Yin realm.

As long as you can start refining the Yin power, it is only a matter of time before the distance becomes the Yin realm.

And a strong person in the Yin Realm can become a local overlord in some small areas.

As if aware of the two people's gazes, Su Yu slowly opened his eyes, with a bright smile on his face.

"Two senior brothers, have you rested?"

Zhang Qingxuan smiled and said, "It's almost done. Although there are still some hidden injuries, it won't be a problem anymore."

Su Yu slowly stood up and looked into the depths of Tianyuan Secret Realm.

"In that case, let's go?"

Wang Ming and Zhang Qingxuan nodded.

The Tianyuan Secret Realm is the secret realm left behind after the strong men of the Yin and Yang Realm died, although no one has ever been able to obtain the inheritance of the Tianyuan Secret Realm.

But after a lot of exploration, Xuandao Sect gradually figured out some situations.

for example.

The inheritance place of Tianyuan Secret Realm is in a dilapidated palace in the center of Tianyuan Secret Realm.

Another example is the location of many heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the Tianyuan Secret Realm!

“Actually, there’s no rush!”

Zhang Qingxuan seemed to have thought of something and suddenly stopped Su Yu and Wang Ming.

"What's wrong?"

Su Yu was a little confused.

Zhang Qingxuan smiled softly, "Before coming in, the palace master specifically told me that there is a special flame in a volcano in the Tianyuan Secret Realm!"

"Special flame?"

Su Yu's heart moved slightly, and his eyes fell on Zhang Qingxuan.

"Could it be? It can't be such a coincidence!"

In Su Yu's heart

Move slightly.

If it is such a coincidence, then it seems that I can improve some combat power before going to the inheritance place.

The corners of Zhang Qingxuan's mouth slightly raised, "Great Sun True Flame!"

Su Yu's mind was slightly shaken.


Listening to Zhang Qingxuan's words, Su Yu actually became a little excited.

The True Flame of the Sun is exactly the item needed to advance the Netherworld Slash into the low-grade mysterious skill, the Great Sun Slash!

"The true flame of the sun? Is it the flame that can refine all the most yin things? This is the special flame that alchemists like most!"

Wang Ming was a little surprised.

Zhang Qingxuan smiled slightly, "Yes, the True Flame of the Great Sun is one of the alchemists' favorite flames. Some special materials require the True Flame of the Great Sun to be refined. According to what the Palace Master told me, which volcano is it?"

Among them, there are quite a few true flames of the sun!"

"And in the Xuandao Sect's redemption hall, one Sun True Flame is even equivalent to 10,000 points!"

Ten thousand points!

Su Yu and Wang Ming were both a little shocked when they heard the news.

You know, a heaven-level disciple can only distribute 10,000 points in a month, and it takes an earth-level disciple ten months to collect 10,000 points.

It can be seen how rare this true sun fire is.

"We are about to become heaven-level disciples, and if we want to continue to improve in the underworld, we need to consume a lot of resources. Originally, I couldn't get the True Flame of the Sun from any volcano just by myself.


"But I saw Junior Brother Su's strength. Maybe we can give it a try!"

Zhang Qingxuan looked at Su Yu, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Wait a minute, you said your strength alone is not enough?" Su Yu frowned slightly, "Are there any creatures in the volcano?"

Zhang Qingxuan looked like he had long known that Su Yu would ask this question, "Of course, the Great Sun True Flame is extremely rare, not only because of the special environment required for its birth, but more importantly, every True Sun Flame has

Every time you are born, a fire elemental monster will be born, and each fire elemental monster has a strength comparable to the half-step netherworld!"

"If it were just one True Flame of the Great Sun, I wouldn't be too afraid, but according to what the Palace Master said, there are a lot of True Flames of the Great Sun in this volcano, at least six or seven, which is equivalent to

The half-step underworld of six or seven people."

"This gives me a little headache."

Zhang Qingxuan was a little helpless.

"However, with Junior Brother Su and Junior Brother Wang, maybe we can make a dash!"

Zhang Qingxuan licked his lips, his eyes bright.

Although Wang Ming is only at the peak of virtual reality, as a leader of the earth-level disciples of the Ninth Sword Palace, he has no problem defeating a half-step fire elemental monster in the underworld.

"Senior Brother Wang, what do you think?"

Su Yu looked at Wang Ming.

Wang Ming chuckled, "Now that we all know where the treasure is, wouldn't it be a pity not to go there?"

"In that case." Su Yu's mouth curved, "Then go take a look?"

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, then took a step forward and turned into a rainbow light, quickly moving in one direction.


Tianyuan Secret Realm, among the volcanoes.

In this piece of heaven and earth, the temperature is extremely hot, as if the sun has fallen into the earth and completely burned the entire earth.

On top of each volcano, there are red flames burning.

Suddenly, two black figures appeared.

Their bodies were shrouded in black robes, and their eyes fell on the volcano, which was covered in flames.

"Dari Zhenyan, I never expected to encounter such a good thing."

One person spoke hoarsely, as if his throat had been torn apart, which was extremely unpleasant.

"With the True Flame of the Sun, our formation will be able to go one step further. By then, not to mention the geniuses of the Xuandao Sect, but the geniuses of the entire Xuandao Domain will be completely reduced to our blood puppets!"

There was a hint of madness on their faces.

Suddenly, one person's face changed slightly.

"Hidden, someone is coming!"

The man pulled his companion, and something in his hand flickered gently, completely wrapping their bodies.

Complete invisibility.

Immediately afterwards, three figures came through the air.

Surprisingly, it was Su Yu and the other three.

This chapter has been completed!
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