Chapter 823 Who gave you the courage!

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Su Yu and the others slowly appeared between heaven and earth.

Wang Ming and Zhang Qingxuan's eyes were instantly attracted by the red flames on the volcano.

"Is this the True Flame of the Great Sun?"

Wang Ming licked his lips, his eyes filled with excitement.

One True Flame of the Sun is ten thousand points. Even this time, from the Tianyuan Secret Realm, it is impossible to upgrade to the Yin Realm, so it relies on the resources exchanged for ten thousand points.

I can also attack the underworld.

Not only Wang Ming, but even Zhang Qingxuan's face couldn't help but become excited. ??

"One, two, three. Eight true flames of the sun!"

"It's equivalent to 80,000 points. We've made a lot of money!"

Zhang Qingxuan murmured, his eyes filled with excitement.

However, unlike Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming, Su Yu's eyes did not fall in the direction of these Sun True Flames.

Instead, he looked into the void.


There was a look of doubt between Su Yu's eyebrows.

For some reason, Su Yu felt that the energy fluctuations in this void seemed a little abnormal.

Before practicing the "Nine Turns of Hunyuan Jue", Su Yu didn't feel anything, but with the practice of "Nine Turns of Hunyuan Jue", Su Yu's understanding of the power of chaos between heaven and earth has become stronger.


The power of chaos is everywhere between heaven and earth.

But it is extremely difficult to absorb it. Not to mention the Yin realm, even the strong ones in the Yin-Yang realm and even the Wanfa realm may not be able to absorb the power of chaos between heaven and earth.

But Su Yu was different. After absorbing the power of chaos, his understanding of the power of chaos between heaven and earth also improved.

Found something wrong here.

Su Yu took a deep look, then withdrew his gaze and moved to the Great Sun Flame above the volcano.

Looking at the red flames, Su Yu's eyes flickered.

"If I can raise Nether Slash to the level of a low-grade mysterious skill, even if I don't rely on the Bagua world, I can defeat the strong men who have just entered the underworld!"

Su Yu murmured.

"Junior Brother Su, have you seen the stone near the Great Sun True Flame?"

"That's the fire elemental monster!"

Zhang Qingxuan's voice sounded in Su Yu's ears.

Su Yu followed Zhang Qingxuan's gaze and saw that there were indeed pieces of stone near the blossoming sun flames, standing quietly on the crater.

Although he was motionless, he could still detect a powerful wave coming from the stones.

Su Yu was extremely familiar with this fluctuation of energy.

It is the fluctuation of Yin force!

Although yin power is the ultimate yin force, which is extremely inconsistent with places like volcanoes, yin power also has different attributes.

Some yin forces are similar to netherworld flames, with the characteristics of flames, but the temperature is extremely low.

"If you want to get these True Flames of the Sun, you have to face these fire element monsters. There are eight fire element monsters in total. How to distribute them?"

Wang Ming couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Qingxuan frowned slightly. Eight fire elemental monsters were equivalent to eight half-step strong men in the underworld. Especially in a place like the volcanoes, the increase in fire elemental monsters was extremely terrifying.

Even Zhang Qingxuan can't guarantee that he can face so many.

"I can defeat two at most. If I just contain them, I should be able to contain about three!"

Zhang Qingxuan said in a deep voice.

Wang Ming took a deep breath, "If it's a containment, I can contain both ends!"

Su Yu listened to what the two said, took a deep look at the fire elemental monster in the crater, and smiled slightly.

"No need, leave the five heads to me, the rest is up to you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Yu stepped across and directly arrived at the crater.

In his hand, the Flame Wave Blade instantly appeared.

The raging fire suddenly swept out.


"Junior Brother Su!"

Zhang Qingxuan couldn't help but feel a little shocked when he saw Su Yu's reckless actions.

Before he could react to Su Yu's words, Su Yu had already walked in.


Zhang Qingxuan gritted his teeth, Su Yu had already rushed in, and they had no choice but to follow.

As Su Yu's figure appeared above the volcanoes, the stone that was still standing near the Duoduo Great Sun Flame suddenly seemed to come to life.


The huge stone instantly transformed into stones filled with flames.

Head man.

Every stone man's body exudes extremely hot fluctuations.

This is the true body of the fire elemental monster!

Ho ho ho!

The fire elemental monsters stared at Su Yu's figure and instantly let out bursts of roars, with terrifying energy emanating from their bodies.

In an instant, a fire elemental monster, packed with extremely terrifying energy, punched Su Yu horizontally.

The flames shot out vertically and horizontally, and the scorching temperature seemed to scorch the entire world.

Su Yu snorted coldly, and the Flame Wave Blade in his hand shone with orange-red light.

The sword was slashed out, and the sword screamed.


The Flame Wave Blade and the fist of the fire elemental monster collided instantly.

The powerful energy aftermath spreads.

The earth cracks and the void fluctuates.

"Sui Luan. Galaxy!"

Su Yu let out a low groan.

The sword energy stars are mixed with flames, sword energy, and extremely subtle power of chaos.

It exploded instantly.

Directly wrapped around five fire elemental monsters.

Seeing this, the remaining three fire elemental monsters also wanted to kill Su Yu.

But the figures of Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming had already appeared in the volcanoes.

"Beast, seeking death!"

Zhang Qingxuan snorted coldly, holding a red sword in his hand, as if blood was flowing in the blade.

In an instant, the evil energy shot out horizontally, as if forming a sea of ​​blood.

The smell of blood permeated the space.

Fight directly with two fire element monsters.

For a moment, wisps of Yin energy burst out.

Wang Ming also took a deep breath, and behind him, a ninety-eight-foot-long pillar of Yuanli light erupted.

Yuan force roared out like a wave.


Wang Ming shouted loudly and directly fought with a fire elemental monster.

Although Wang Ming is only at the peak of the unity of reality and reality, not even the limit, as a genius of Xuandao Sect, he naturally has the ability to fight beyond the level.

Before, the reason why he was suppressed by eight casual cultivators was because Wang Ming was injured.

Now, the injuries have been fully recovered, and naturally he is no longer afraid of the fire elemental monster in front of him.

Just relying on Yuan Power, he was able to completely suppress the fire elemental monster that was half a step into the underworld.

The battle started in an instant.


Within the void.

The man in black robe, shrouded in curtains of light, stared at the volcanoes, watching the battle between Su Yu and the fire elemental monster.

One person couldn't help but let out a burst of strange laughter, "Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect that here, I can meet the genius of Xuandao Sect!"

"Just in time, help us deal with the fire element monster, and I'll take action later!"

"At that time, whether it is their lives or the eight true flames of the great sun, they will all belong to us!"

There was a cat-and-mouse expression on their faces.

"However, which disciple of Xuandao Sect just looked towards us, will he notice us?"

One person frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

The other person was a little indifferent, "It's impossible. My Turtle Breath Stone was exchanged from the sect at a great price. No one can discover it unless they are strong men in the underworld."

"Maybe he got it wrong! After all, the Tianyuan Secret Realm cannot support the strong ones in the Yin Realm!"

After hearing what his companion said, the man breathed a sigh of relief and looked in the direction of the volcanoes again.

"I have to say, these disciples of the Xuandao Sect are really powerful in combat!"

"But it's a pity. After their energy is exhausted, they will only become prey for us!"

The two sneered.

On top of the volcano.

The sword energy stars exploded instantly.

With the blessing of the extremely subtle power of chaos, the power of the sword stars was directly doubled.

The terrifying power is vented on the five-headed fire elemental monster.


The explosion exploded.

However, Su Yu's methods are not over yet.


Another slash came out.

Blossoming netherworld fires were burning in the void, and the obviously extremely hot temperature seemed to have dropped a bit at this moment.


The yin wind blows, and with the blessing of yin power, it becomes even more terrifying.

The earth was blown by the cold wind, and frost appeared on the ground.

The five-headed fire elemental monster hadn't even woken up from the explosion of the sword star, but it felt like it was being targeted by something.

The sword light hidden in the void exploded instantly. ??

Gently scratched across the body of a fire elemental monster.

The sword light that specifically attacks the soul did not leave any injuries on the fire elemental monster.


The huge body of the fire elemental monster visibly stiffened for a moment, and then exploded with a bang.

As long as it is a living being, it must have a soul.

Regardless of whether it is Soul Seizing or Nether Slash, it is simply a natural nemesis for creatures with weak soul power.

Especially for such elemental creatures, their own souls are not very powerful and they mainly rely on the power of elements.

"One end!"

Su Yu's expression remained unchanged, and his eyes fell on the other four fire elemental monsters.

At this moment, the remaining four fire elemental monsters also completely woke up from the explosion.

After noticing the death of their companions, these four fire elemental monsters not only showed no fear, but seemed to be enraged.

Ho ho ho!

Waves of roars rang out from their mouths.

Blossoming flames burned instantly.

In an instant, on top of the flames behind them, beams of light burst out from the True Flame of the Great Sun, and penetrated into their bodies.

The breath surges!

The fire elemental monster that was originally only half a step into the underworld, at this moment, with the blessing of the True Flame of the Sun, has become infinitely close to the underworld.

Seeing this, Su Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Is it increased?"

"It's a pity. Even if it is increased, your soul power is still so rubbish!"

Su Yu murmured.

The Flame Wave Blade in his hand swung out again.


"Netherworld. Kill!"

Su Yu's murmur seemed to come from under the Nine Netherworld, and an extremely terrifying Yin force burst out instantly.

Embracing the power of chaos.

In an instant, it swept out.

Terrifying energy bloomed in the void.

The black blade of the sword escaped into the void the moment it emerged.

As for the four elemental monsters, although their cultivation levels have skyrocketed after the energy increase, their sanity seems to have been weakened a lot.

Even if the sword light is slashed out, it brings infinite threats.

But he still banged his head in silence.


There was a muffled sound.

The four fire elemental monsters were instantly killed.

The power of the divine soul exploded, enveloping the power of chaos.

In just a moment, the bodies of the four fire elemental monsters stiffened at the same time.



Cracks appeared in the huge body, and the violent energy was vented like a wild horse running wild.

Instant death!

Looking at everything in front of him, Su Yu slowly looked towards Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming.

Zhang Qingxuan holds a scarlet sword in his hand. Every time he cuts a sword, there is a scarlet light flashing, accompanied by the smell of blood.

He actually hit the two fire element monsters directly.

Wang Ming on the other side, although he was only at the peak level of virtual reality, his sword intent at the fifth level peak exploded instantly.

It's the same as beating a fire elemental monster.

Just for a moment.

The two of them also completely eliminated their opponents.

Panting, Wang Ming stood up straight and looked at Su Yu.

His face, which was still a little joyful at first, suddenly became a little stiff after seeing that Su Yu had solved the five-headed fire element monster at some point.

Finally, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he cursed secretly in his heart.

"Damn, monster!"

"No wonder we can play together with Zhang Qing, they are both monsters!"

Zhang Qingxuan also looked at Su Yu with a complicated expression.

He originally thought that Su Yu's limit was three heads.

But who knew that Su Yu could deal with five fire elemental monsters so quickly when he faced them all by himself.

You know, even he was almost drained of all the Yin energy in his body after defeating the two fire elemental monsters.

At this moment, everyone is a bit strong on the outside.

"Junior Brother Su has just started refining Yin power. If he steps into the level of half-step Yin realm, wouldn't he be comparable to a strong man who first enters Yin realm?"


Zhang Qingxuan was so frightened by his own thoughts that he couldn't help but gasp.

The three of them finally met at the crater of the volcano, looking at the blossoming sun flames in front of them, excitement emerging in their eyes.

"The True Flame of the Great Sun is not only the special flame that alchemists love most, but it is also an extremely precious energy resource!"

"If you can refine the True Flame of the Sun, your cultivation level will even skyrocket!"

Zhang Qingxuan couldn't help but licked his lips.

"Doesn't that mean that once I refine the True Flame of the Sun, I will most likely be promoted to the Half-Step Yin Realm?"

Wang Ming was a little excited.

Among the people present, he is the weakest in cultivation. If he can rely on the True Flame of the Great Sun to reach the half-step Yin Realm, he may really be able to find an opportunity to break through the Yin Realm in the Tianyuan Secret Realm!

"Theoretically, one flower is enough, but of course it depends on your talent!"

Zhang Qingxuan nodded.

"The next step is how to distribute the True Flame of the Sun!"

Zhang Qingxuan looked at Su Yu.

"Junior Brother Su, it is up to you to distribute the True Flame of the Sun. After all, you have contributed the most!"

Wang Ming also nodded after hearing this.

He and Zhang Qingxuan could only defeat three fire elemental monsters at most. If it weren't for Su Yu, even if Zhang Qingxuan knew this location, he might not be able to get the True Flame of the Sun.

Su Yu rubbed his chin, and did not look at Da Ri Zhenyan. Instead, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly, "Don't worry, there are still people who haven't come out yet."


Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

However, at this moment, two strange laughters came from a distance.

"Jie Jie Jie, I would like to thank the three of you for helping us deal with the fire element monster. I think the three of you will not have the chance to enjoy the true flames of the sun!"

Hearing this sound, Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming's expressions changed slightly, and they suddenly looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw two men in black robes walking in the void, taking one step forward and arriving at the volcanoes in an instant.

Looking at the two people who suddenly appeared, Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming's expressions became extremely gloomy.

They didn't even realize there was a tail behind them.

"Who are you? You dare to rob even my Xuandao Sect's belongings?"

Wang Ming's voice was a little gloomy.

"Xuan Dao Sect? It's so powerful, I'm so scared!"

A man in black robes spoke in a sinister tone.

"In the Tianyuan Secret Realm, the hands of the powerful Xuandao Sect can't get in. You don't really think that this is still the Xuandao Domain!"

Another man in black robe sneered, his words extremely disdainful.

"No one of you can leave today!"

As soon as the words fell, terrifying cultivation fluctuations burst out from the two men's bodies. It was clear that they were both half-step underworld cultivation.

Sensing their cultivation, Zhang Qingxuan and Wang Ming's expressions became even more gloomy.

After killing the fire element monster, there was not much energy left in the two people's bodies. Now they were facing two strong men who were half-step into the underworld.

But he is far from his opponent!

Just when their hearts sank, Su Yu, who was behind him, slowly took a step forward and stood in front of them, looking at the two black-robed men in front of them with a playful expression.

"It seems that my intuition was right. There were indeed two mice nearby!"

Listening to Su Yu's words, a man in black robe frowned slightly, "Did you notice?"

He was a little puzzled. It was clear that his Turtle Breath Stone was impossible to see through except in the underworld.

"Humph, so what if you know? This kid has killed five fire elemental monsters, and there is not much cultivation left in his body!"

"Do it and kill him!"

A man in black robe snorted coldly and prepared to take action.

However, the moment he took action, Su Yu sneered.

The Flame Wave Blade in his hand shook slightly.

In an instant, a surge of cultivation burst out in an instant.

"I've been guarding against you for a long time!"

"Dare to take action against people from my Xuandao Sect."

“Who gave you the courage??”

This chapter has been completed!
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