028 rainstorm, toad, cold wave 3

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Preparing toads is actually very simple. Take the toad venom, take out all the internal organs, open the body cavity and expose it to the sun to dry. However, there is no sun now, and using a generator to dry it is obviously a waste of oil and electricity, so Ye Fu can only put it aside temporarily.

Although toads are edible, they have become so overrun in just a few days that they can no longer find a place to stay when they go out.

Qiu Lan has already started to burn the wardrobe and wooden bed at home. The green trees outside have been cut down. She can only move some wooden furniture to some empty houses to burn for warmth. After the toad appears, it becomes difficult to go out. Someone goes out in the next building. , was attacked by a group of toads jumping out of the water, and finally fell into the water and was swept away.

Flooding is getting more and more serious, and Officer Song brings back bad news. The cross-river bridge in Lancheng has been washed away and collapsed, and many communities are also experiencing subsidence crises.

The emergence of toads has advantages and disadvantages. Although it brings a lot of trouble, it also solves the problem of food and clothing to a large extent.

Ye Fu stopped being lazy and began to go out with a bucket to pick up toads. The mother in Building A saved her life from death. Ye Fu went to check again. The man was very good to her and the two children were well taken care of.

What Ye Fu didn't expect was that there were quite a lot of pregnant women in this community, and there were also many people who became pregnant after the natural disaster and miscarried due to malnutrition, cold and other factors.

Under the heavy rain and low temperature, a cold wave swept across, and everyone was unable to go out. Even though he was fully armed, Ye Fu still felt his bones tingling when the cold air blew over.

The wind outside the window made a "whimpering" sound, and Ye Fu's eyes hurt. She had just gone out to pick up toads, and when she came back, a gust of cold air rolled over her body, and her eyes were instantly stimulated to the point of crying.

The temperature continued to drop, so Ye Fu had to turn on the heater in advance. His fingers were red and swollen from the cold, and started to itch. His toes had begun to fester and peel. Ye Fu soaked his feet and applied half a tube of ointment.

After applying hot water to his eyes, the sting subsided a little. After resting for half an hour, his body slowly recovered. Ye Fu lifted the two buckets of toads to the balcony and quickly cleaned them up.

However, on the third day of the cold wave, many people began to suffer from sudden illnesses such as cold air allergies, eczema, and rhinitis.

Ye Fu has stayed behind closed doors. She must protect herself first, and only do other things when she has the ability and free time.

The heating was turned on for five hours a day, and the rest of the time was spent relying on the residual warmth. Ye Fu put three soundproof boards in the living room and took out a skipping rope to keep warm.

Two days later, the heavy rain suddenly stopped, and then a hole was torn open in the gray sky, and a bright light shone down. Ye Fu looked at the sudden appearance of the sun. Instead of being excited or excited, he had a bad premonition.

The sun only appeared for three hours, and during these three hours not only did the heavy rain stop, the thunder and lightning disappeared, the cold air disappeared, and even the toads hid in the water.

Everyone was so excited that they yelled at home, on their balconies, in the corridors, and even outside. They thought the disaster was over.

Many people took the opportunity to go out to search for supplies and firewood, but after half an hour outside, many people experienced burning sensations in their eyes and skin.

Three hours later, the sun suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared, and everyone who went out had purple lips, vomiting and diarrhea, red and swollen skin, and tears in their eyes as if they had been poisoned.

Ye Fu's door was banged hard, and the people outside the door were crying and begging her to open the door for treatment. After she was fully armed, she opened the door with a knife and a tool box.

Seeing the patient who was brought over, Ye Fu's eyes flashed with shock. She checked it and initially judged that it was sun poison.

At this time, several more people were sent for treatment by their families, and Ye Fu also discovered the characteristics of sun poison.

The skin was burned, ranging from red and swollen to black, and then ulcerated over a large area, hair fell off in large quantities, eyes were red and swollen with tears, vomiting and diarrhea, heartbeat disorder, and confusion.

Ye Fu couldn't come up with a cure. She had some burn ointment, but she couldn't take it out, and ordinary burn ointment might not be able to treat burns caused by sun poison.

To put it bluntly, people who are poisoned by the sun can only wait for death.

Ye Fuzhi said that he could not save him, and his family members could not bear the blow and cried hoarsely in the corridor. Most of the people who were poisoned were young adults.

There was also a person on the eighth floor of Building D who was poisoned by the sun. He had a seizure very quickly. He vomited foam and then vomited blood, but he was gone within an hour.

Ye Fu looked at these people and wanted to leave quietly, but an old man grabbed his arm. The man knelt down with a plop and began to kowtow to her.

Ye Fu heard the "bang bang bang" sound of kowtow, his pupils shrank, and he immediately took two steps back.

The uncle held his son and looked at Ye Fu desperately.

"Please, save him. I am just a child. How can he live without me? Doctor, please, don't give up on him. He is still breathing. He can still be saved."

Ye Fu took a deep breath and shook his head slightly.

"It's all my fault. If it weren't for finding food for me, he wouldn't have gone out. Xiaozhe, dad, please, don't die. Please open your eyes and look at me."

The young man began to vomit blood profusely. He used his last bit of strength to raise his hand to wipe away the old man's tears, and then dropped his hand heavily.

The uncle looked blankly at his son who had stopped breathing, and screamed in collapse. Everyone present fell into the pain of losing their family members. This was a heart-wrenching pain. They were helpless and helplessly watched their family members slowly die in front of their eyes.


Some people came up to beg her, and some came up to beat her. Ye Fu took out the knife and took a step back. She leaned against the door and stared blankly at the crying people.

The uncle carried his son on his back and left. On the way back, he jumped out of the kayak with his son in his arms and was instantly submerged in the rolling flood.


Because of the sun's poison, everyone began to have lingering fears, fearing that the weather would change suddenly again.

For several days in a row, no one in the community dared to go out. Everyone was afraid that the sun would suddenly appear again or other changes would occur.

Officer Song's father suffered from acute hand eczema due to the cold air. This is an inflammatory, itchy skin disease that causes blisters and red spots on large areas of the hands, making people unable to stop scratching.

Fortunately, when Officer Song went out to look for supplies, he brought back a lot of medicine, including calamine lotion.

When he got home, Ye Fu sprayed disinfectant on himself. Although eczema was not contagious, nothing could be left to chance.

In the next few days, the number of eczema cases suddenly increased, and it was still eczema in different parts of the body. This disease mostly occurs in women and the elderly. If it is hand eczema, it can be quickly treated with medicine.

But most of the women suffering from the disease had eczema on their private parts, and Ye Fu was a little at a loss.

The toads that disappeared before jumped out of the water one after another the next day when the sun appeared, and the toads that appeared this time seemed different again.

This chapter has been completed!
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