031 rainstorm, toad, cold wave 6

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Ye Fu made a pot of radish stewed with mutton. Mutton can ward off the cold. It usually takes two or three days for her to regain her strength after going out.

At night, Ye Fu was still infected. The cold air entered her body. She felt dizzy and nauseated at first. She took the medicine and lay down in bed ready to sweat. But after sleeping for several hours, her body was still cold. Ye Fu felt that

It seemed like she was frozen. Fortunately, there was still a lot of Chinese medicine from the last time. After taking it out from the space, she drank a large bowl of it. Cold sweat began to break out on Ye Fu's forehead. She was in pretty good shape. She thought that after staying up all night, she would be fine.

It would get better in two days, but on the second day, all the bones in the body began to hurt.

Ye Fu suspected that he had rheumatism. Rheumatism can cause joint deformities, and in severe cases can lead to rheumatic heart disease and even paralysis.

After a while, my waist began to hurt, and my coughing began to get worse. I couldn't stop it at all. I felt like I was coughing up my heart and lungs. My throat was dry and itchy, and it hurt so much to talk or eat.

Ye Fu took out the silver needle and prepared to prick himself with a few needles. He put a mirror beside him and slowly inserted the silver needle into his lower back.

Lying on the bed, looking at himself in the mirror with his back covered with silver needles, Ye Fu clicked his tongue twice, he was like a hedgehog.

In the afternoon, Ye Fu felt much better. His waist and bones no longer hurt. However, his cough and nasal congestion were still a bit severe. The rainstorm was gradually getting lighter. However, the cold wave was too scary and few people went out.

Like Ye Fu, there are many people who suffer from rheumatism due to cold air entering the body, but Ye Fu has no energy to treat others. In the past few days, except for eating and going to the toilet, she has hardly gotten out of bed. She took out her tablet to play and download

In a reality show, Ye Fu couldn't help but laugh when he saw the celebrities acting weirdly while playing games.

In the last life, Ye Fu once encountered a celebrity who was popular before the end of the world. He was robbed in the heat and later beaten to death by a group. The end of the world was a big baptism, and his rights, status, and money were all wiped out.

May 15th is Wenwen's birthday. The little girl is three years old and will sweetly call her Sister Xiaoye. Officer Song's family invited Ye Fu and Qiu Lan to celebrate Wenwen's birthday. Although the conditions were difficult, they still gave Wenwen a birthday.

Wen created a birthday party full of ceremony.

Qiu Lan took two cans and Ye Fu took two packs of instant noodles.

In the living room of the Song family, there was a homemade iron frame with an iron pot on it, which was cooking toad hot pot. Police Officer Song was in their house, and the conditions were not too bad. At least they had enough firewood and food. Wenwen saw that

Ye Fu rushed into her arms.

"Sister Xiaoye, are you feeling better after your illness?"

Ye Fu took her over and sat down, then put down the instant noodles in his hand. Qiu Lan greeted the Song family and sat next to Ye Fu.

"Okay, Wenwen misses me?"

"Think about it." Wenwen wore a heavy cotton-padded jacket and looked at Qiu Lan outside.

"Sister Lanlan, why are your hair all white? Are you old too?" In Wenwen's heart, only old people have white hair, just like her grandparents.

"Sister Lanlan dyed her hair."

Wenwen's eyes widened, "Then I also want to dye my hair. I'll dye it red, is that okay?"

Qiu Lan shook her head, "Not now, we can wait until Wenwen grows up."

Wenwen was not disappointed, but looked at Mrs. Song and coquettishly said, "Mom, when I grow up, can I dye my hair? I like red."

Mrs. Song glanced at her, "Didn't you say you liked purple yesterday? Did you change it again today?"

"No change, I will always like red from now on."

Everyone was amused by her. Mrs. Song moved the table over and took out some snacks.

"When Chunhe went out before, he brought back a bottle of Coke. Xiaoye, Qiu Lan, you two have a drink."

"I was so cold that I couldn't drink anything."

"I haven't been feeling well these past two days, so I don't want to drink anything cold."

Both of them refused, so Mrs. Song had no choice but to put away the Coca-Cola, stuffed melon seeds into the two of them, and ate melon seeds around the fire while everyone chatted.

"Forty-five days."

"Sigh, I don't know when this heavy rain will end."

Ye Fu looked at the fire with a myriad of thoughts.

Yes, it's the forty-fifth day. If nothing happens, there are still fifteen days before the rainstorm will end.

The hot pot is ready, and there are potatoes and chili sauce in it. It smells pretty good.

Everyone sat together to celebrate Wenwen's third birthday. She clapped her hands, cheered, and jumped for joy. She asked Officer Song when she would go to the amusement park, and asked Mrs. Song if she could go to kindergarten.

At this time, a loud noise came, and Ye Fu almost lost his grip on the chopsticks in his hand. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. Wenwen was so frightened that she shrank into Mrs. Song's arms, and her expression changed from cheering to fear.

"It seems like a flash flood is coming."

Officer Song said this with difficulty. Unlike waterlogging after heavy rains, flash floods are caused by factors such as landslides, collapse of upper basins, and reservoir breaches.

Ye Fu and Qiu Lan said goodbye and went home. They parted in the corridor, and Qiu Lan suddenly stopped Ye Fu.

"Ye Fu, you have to live well."

Ye Fu's eyes were a little sour, and the two of them were silent for a long time. Ye Fu stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder, nodding heavily.

"We all need to live well."

After returning home, Ye Fu opened the curtains and looked outside quietly.

The sound of thunder, the roar of impending flash floods, the sound of heavy rain, and the sound of strong winds all mixed together to form a life-threatening song.

A bolt of lightning flashed across, purple and blue lightning intertwined, and the "rumbling" sound of thunder shook the sky and the earth.

Ye Fu plugged his ears with earplugs, curled up and hid under the quilt.

Half an hour later, the flash flood came to Xingfu Community. Some assault boats were caught in the flood. The flood was like roaring waves, stirring up water splashes layer by layer. With a "pop" sound, the heavy water flow hit the balcony glass.

On top of it, the rocks caught in the water flow hit the glass with a heavy thud that still echoed in the room.

The outside separated by a wall seemed to be a magical world. Ye Fu had experienced a flash flood in her previous life, so she knew how terrifying it was.

Once a person is caught in a flash flood, there is almost no chance of survival.

A car was swept up by the current and slammed into the seventh floor opposite. There was a sound of shattering glass and desperate cries.

Ye Fu only felt that her scalp was numb, and time was passing by little by little, but there was still a roar outside. She got out of the quilt and walked around the living room restlessly.

A corpse was hit hard by the current and hit the glass directly. Ye Fu saw an unrecognizable face. She held her head and closed her eyes, her body kept shaking.

It’s over, it’s over, it’s over…

Ye Fu knelt on the ground holding his head, praying over and over again.
This chapter has been completed!
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