033 rainstorm, nematodes

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Ye Fu cut the insects into two pieces, and they were still twisting and turning wildly. They did not die after waiting for a long time, but separated into two bodies like earthworms and survived.

The white nematodes were like sewing threads. Their bodies were very soft, without bones or spines, and had fine links. Ye Fu looked at them with a magnifying glass for a long time and found that their heads were sharp and protruding, and they had an adsorption-like mouthparts.

, this kind of nematode should belong to the same family as earthworms, but unlike earthworms, it is smaller and can penetrate into human skin and blood vessels to parasitize or eat away at the human body.

From this point of view, it looks more like a leech.

Even if it was cut off, Ye Fu could only pour a little alcohol in and burn it to death. After burning, the nematodes emitted bursts of sour smell. They twisted their bodies wildly, and then secreted green liquid from their bodies. After their bodies shriveled up,

It's completely dead.

There was nothing serious about Officer Song's calf. After the nematodes were removed, the swelling in the calf slowly subsided, and there was no infection in the sutures. Mrs. Song gave Ye Fu a new thin blanket to pay for the treatment.

Because the heavy rain had turned into light rain, more and more people were fishing outside. Some people made simple rafts out of wooden boards and began to prepare to go out.

Ye Fu didn't know how many unknown crises there were in the turbid flood. The temperature had dropped to minus 20 degrees, and the cold wave had no intention of abating or receding.

A family of four in the building next door closed the windows and warmed up by the fire, and three of them died of carbon monoxide poisoning. The only survivor called his neighbors for help. After the neighbors went in, they emptied all their belongings. The old man cursed and cried in the corridor. During the argument, he was beaten by a strong man.

The man pushed down the stairs and rolled directly into the flood water.

Arguments break out every day at Grandma Zhang's house on the eleventh floor. The residents on the sixth and seventh floors dislike each other and even fight over a sleeping area.

Ye Fu's door was knocked several times every day. She simply pretended not to open the door. Listening to the curses outside the door, Ye Fu turned the pork belly on the baking sheet and sprinkled it with chili pepper and cumin. The aroma came out instantly.


1101, more than ten people were crowded into this two-bedroom apartment. In the north corner of the living room, Du Cheng from 701 had been silent all day. Some people thought he was dead and walked over to secretly pull back the quilt covering Du Cheng.

Suddenly, a foul smell came out, and Du Cheng was so frightened that he pushed away the person pulling the quilt and huddled in the corner, terrified.

"You pulled yourself under the quilt? Du Cheng, there is a bucket in the toilet. Pull it into the bucket and pour it out the window. How many times have I told you, a man in his forties, how can you be so disgusting? There are more than ten people living here.

Personally, could you please pay attention to the fact that there is no ventilation? Do you want to stink us to death?"

Du Cheng didn't refute. He pulled the quilt tightly around him and covered everything except his head.

Du Cheng's wife and daughter were collecting firewood downstairs, and he kept his head down and silent despite the disgusted looks of others.

The man pulling the quilt looked at him like this, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. At this moment, he saw a rotten mark on Du Cheng's neck, and he screamed in fright.

"Ducheng's body is rotten and smelly. He is sick. Do you remember what Sun Hao said? His wife and mother-in-law started biting people after they started to behave strangely. Du Cheng is about to mutate and he is going to eat people."

The man yelled and stepped back. The others were also frightened and hid in the corner. They picked up the weapons at hand and looked at Du Cheng defensively.

Du Cheng was anxious to explain, but as soon as he came out of the quilt, the stench from his body hit his face instantly, and the whole room was filled with a pungent rotten odor. At this time, everyone also saw clearly the rotten flesh on his neck and the back of his hands.

A closer look shows that Du Cheng is a strong man of 1.8 meters, but now he has sunken cheeks and is as skinny as wood.

"Don't come over, don't bite me..."

"I don't bite, and I won't infect you. Don't be afraid."

However, the more Du Cheng explained, the more frightened these people became. At this moment, Du Cheng's wife and daughter came back. They hurried to Du Cheng's side and hurriedly tried to cover up the rotten meat and stench on Du Cheng's body.

"Kick Du Cheng's family out. Du Cheng has mutated, and his wife and daughter must have been infected by him. Kick them out."

One person spoke, and the people behind seemed to have regained their courage. They all approached the Du Cheng family with weapons, cursing incessantly.

"Get out, get out quickly."

"My dad has not mutated. He is just sick. He is not contagious. He will get better soon." Duna explained anxiously. However, the next second, someone hit her hard on the back with a clothes pole.

on the back.

"Do you want to kill all of us? Get out of here, Du Chengdu is rotten and smelly, and he says he is not mutated. What if he bites someone? We have children at home, and we cannot let Du Cheng's family stay here."

The others immediately agreed and raised their weapons to hit someone. Du Cheng knelt down with a thump and kowtowed heavily to the neighbor in front of him.

"Don't kick us out, I won't bite, I'm not mutated."

"We are all neighbors, you can't do this." Du Cheng's wife also cried and knelt down.

However, everyone was frightened by the stench and rotten flesh on Du Cheng's body, and no one could remain calm or compassionate at this moment.

All the quilts and belongings of Du Cheng's family were thrown out, and Du Na was kicked. She huddled on the ground, whimpering in pain.

Du Cheng's eyes were red with anger. He rushed over and was about to hit someone, but was kicked by the opponent. His whole body was kicked away like a kite. After rolling down the stairs, Du Cheng spit out a mouthful of black blood and hunched over in twitching.


Ye Fu was awakened by a knock on the door. She put on a military coat and carried an emergency light and went to open the door. She was a little confused when she saw Qiu Lan outside the door.

"What happened in the middle of the night?"

Qiu Lan sighed and told Ye Fu what happened on the eleventh floor.

"Uncle Du once helped me. I was followed by a man on the street. He helped me drive away the bad guys. I decided to take them in temporarily. Ye Fu, please take a look at Uncle Du. He is very bad. He may be okay.

Don’t go there.”

Ye Fu stared at her for a few seconds, then nodded in agreement.

"I'll go back and get the medicine kit."

After Qiu Lan went downstairs, Ye Fu raised his head and glanced at the door of 1101.

Putting on a woolen hat and a mask, Ye Fu carried the medical kit to Qiu Lan's house. In the living room, Du Cheng was lying on the ground, the firewood was burning brightly, Du Na and Mrs. Du were crying beside her, Qiu Lan guessed

Start standing behind.

"Dr. Xiaoye, please save my dad."

Du Na saw Ye Fu appearing with a medical kit, rushed over and knelt in front of Ye Fu, and Ye Fu pulled her up.

"I'll show it to your dad first."

In fact, they had knocked on Ye Fu's door a few days ago, but in those days, Ye Fu had been pretending to be dead at home, and she ignored no matter who knocked on the door.

This chapter has been completed!
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