040 high temperature, snake suffering 4

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As Ye Fu said to Officer Song before, snakes are very vengeful species. They not only like to occupy territory, but are also used to moving in a certain fixed area. Most snakes live in groups, such as king cobras, but snakes also have

Cannibalizing the same kind, the habit of big snakes eating small snakes.

So when Ye Fu opened the curtains again and saw the green-ringed sea snake yesterday with its head held high outside the window, her mentality changed a lot. She was not afraid, but had a strange desire to conquer it.

, the urge to hunt it.

Snakes are cold-blooded animals, and their blood will change according to changes in temperature. The book says that the blood of snakes is fishy and astringent. According to folklore, snake blood is very tonic and can nourish the kidneys and strengthen yang.

While Ye Fu was planning how to kill it quickly, the snake was also spying on her vigilantly.

At this moment, one person and one snake were looking at each other most intuitively through the glass.

Ye Fu wants to keep her home, which is her only safe zone. She must drive away the "robbers" who try to invade. If the snake wants to carve out territory here, it will kill the indigenous people. This is a battle to defend the home.

, under its gaze, Ye Fu took out a piece of fresh meat from the space. She smeared homemade poison on the saber and crossbow arrows, put the meat on the window sill, and Ye Fu carefully opened a five-centimeter gap in the window.

Lure snakes need to be fast, accurate and ruthless. Ye Fu held her breath and pressed her knees down slightly. The stuffy air outside the window mixed with the fishy smell, all entering Ye Fu's nasal cavity. She abandoned other distracting factors and concentrated on staring slowly.

Green-ringed sea snake crawling over.

Maybe it was aware of the danger, so it didn't take the risk. Instead, it competed with Ye Fu to see who was more patient. How could Ye Fu lose to it? Today, she would let this snake know what the most high-end hunter is.

Sudden attack is a characteristic of snakes when hunting. It only takes one second. When it attacks actively, if you cut off its head, Ye Fu will win. At this time, she only needs to wait for the best opportunity.

Ye Fu adjusted her standing position slightly, because she suddenly had an idea. If the snake blood splashed on her face when it sprayed out, the warm and smelly blood covered her face, and if she accidentally licked it in her mouth

In the next month, she may not even want to eat.

Details determine success or failure. This is the basic quality that a hunter needs to possess. Obviously, Ye Fu's patience is better than that of Ye Fu, because the fresh meat is on the windowsill, and the temptation of meat to the snake is comparable to that of opium poppy, and it can't bear it anymore.

Ye Fu raised her eyebrows slightly, but she didn't sneer or let down her guard, because her life also hung on the tip of the knife in her hand. If there was only one second, no, it didn't even take one second, she just had to slow down a little bit.

She was the one who died. At this moment, Ye Fu also used this green-ringed sea snake as a tool to train her speed, but she herself didn't realize how crazy she was at this moment.


The moment the snake opened its mouth to bite the fresh meat, its body arched, and its scales shone in the sun. The knife in Ye's armrest quickly fell, and in just a second, the head and body were separated.

Blood sprayed on the windowsill and curtains. Just as Ye Fu expected, it still chose to attack suddenly. The moment the knife fell, Ye Fu let out a heavy breath.

She won.

Half of its snake body hung precariously on the windowsill, and its head had already rolled into the dirty, smelly and hot flood water outside. Ye Fu even heard the sound of falling into the water.

After closing the window, Ye Fu carried the snake body into the kitchen, threw it into the stainless steel basin, and looked down at it like a winner.

It turns out that this fear can be overcome and eliminated. At the moment of killing it, in Ye Fu's eyes, the snake is no different from the poisonous moths and toads before.

Returning to the window sill, he wiped off all the sprayed snake blood. As for the curtains, Ye Fu took them off and replaced them with new ones. In order to cover up the smell of snake blood, Ye Fu lit a few sticks of mugwort incense and sprinkled a drop of wind oil essence on them.

Handling a snake is not simple. You must first scrape off the scales, cut open the abdomen, and take out all the internal organs. The five internal organs of the snake are divided into snake gallbladder, snake heart, snake lungs, snake liver, and snake intestines. Keep the snake gallbladder and throw the rest into the trash.

For Ye Fu, eating snake meat is the biggest challenge. She left one plate and fried it in braised pork, and put the rest into the space. This green sea snake is two meters long and weighs a lot, but

Snake meat contains a lot of bacteria and parasites and should only be eaten occasionally.

Ye Fu took a bite and found that the taste was actually quite good. The meat was delicate and not bitter or astringent.

At night, Ye Fu washed her hands with white wine and soaked them until they turned red. She didn't stop.

Every day after that, every snake that comes up to challenge Ye Fu's authority, no matter whether it is a big snake or a small snake, poisonous or not, Ye Fu will kill without leaving any survivors.

On this day, Ye Fu had the courage to stick her head out of the window. When she saw the water sinking to the seventh floor, before she could be happy, she was frightened by the dense snakes in the water and became speechless.

On the walls, in the water, on the wooden boards in the water, on the abandoned assault boats, on the skeletons of unknown creatures, on the balconies and railings of the building opposite... there was not even a single free space.

Ye Fu quickly closed the window. She felt that it was not safe yet. She gasped for air and pressed her hands against the thick bulletproof glass. It seemed that as long as she let go of her hands, the snakes outside would swarm up and invade her home.

Ye Fu drank a glass of ice water and suppressed the horrifying scenes in his mind.

There was a rush of footsteps upstairs, and Ye Fu's eyes flashed. It seemed that there was still someone alive in the building.

A long time ago, Ye Fu read a post titled "If the world is turned over again, can humans return to the position of dominance?"

There were a variety of comments under the post, and the comment that left a lasting impression on her was the one with the highest number of likes.

"If the world is re-baptized, human beings will first face the crisis of survival of the fittest. Advantages: intelligence, physical strength, financial resources, all are indispensable. Disadvantages: disability, old age, weakness, recklessness, impulsiveness, and arrogance. If any one of these is included, they will be quickly eliminated.

.And rebaptism means that humans have to fight against nature and compete with other creatures. The greatest advantage of humans is the resilience of life, not strength. Unless a miracle occurs, humans may become "extinct dinosaurs."

Under the double siege of irresistible natural disasters and other species, can humans still have a foothold?

In other words, how long can humans persist?

The fan and humidifier in the living room were running together, and with the sound of "wuwuwu", Ye Fu lay on the folding bed, and fell into a deep sleep due to physical and mental exhaustion.

The giant python swimming lazily in the water spit out a scarlet letter, quickly rolled up a small snake and ate it. The weak not only had no ability to resist, but also could not escape the fate of being slaughtered in the hands of the same species.
This chapter has been completed!
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