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453 flying insects

Now that the special medicine has been made, Ye Fu plans to mass-produce it.

Jiang Jun's workload is a bit heavy. It takes several days to harvest rice and corn. Fortunately, he has a harvester. Although it consumes fuel, it is much easier.

Jiang Run is responsible for harvesting, and Ye Fu is responsible for shelling the rice. The rice produced in the space has plump grains and a strong rice aroma.

Baskets of rice were put into the storage space, and Ye Fu couldn't hold back the smile in his eyes.

Looking at the piles of food, my mood improved.

After the corn shelling is completed, the corn kernels are returned to the storage space, the corn cobs can be kept for burning, and the corn stalks can be placed in the breeding space to feed cattle and sheep.

After harvesting the rice and corn, Jiang Run started plowing the land, and Ye Fu found all the medicinal seeds and started cultivating seedlings.

Some medicinal materials were dug up on the way, and they were planted together regardless of their efficacy and functions.

"Dendrobium, Panax notoginseng, Gastrodia elata, honeysuckle, and hemostatic vine. I want to plant more of these."

Ye Fu found a very strange tree among a bunch of messy saplings.

She had forgotten where these saplings were dug from, but there was something wrong with this tree.

"Jiang Run, this tree doesn't seem to be a medicinal material. When I was on the road, I saw a living seedling and dug it up without identifying it. Now that I have taken a closer look, I feel that this seedling looks very much like curare tree, which is also called curare tree.

Seeing blood seals the throat, carrying highly poisonous poison."

Ye Fu picked up the seedlings and smelled them again and again, and looked at them again and again.

This tree is very small, only thirty centimeters tall, and a little wilted.

There were many books in the space, including books on plant identification. After Jiang Run found them, the two of them quickly compared them.

"It's very similar, but this seedling is too small. I'm still not sure. How about using a rabbit as an experiment?"

"It's just curare wood. The leaves and trunk are very similar. Do you want to plant it?"

Ye Fu nodded, "Find a corner to plant it alone, put a fence around it, and keep it at a distance from other medicinal materials. Curare wood is very toxic, and the rhizomes will grow into the ground, which will also affect the growth of surrounding plants."

If this seedling is really curare wood, Ye Fu will make a lot of money. In the future, there is no need to prepare poisons for cultivating poisons. They can just use curare wood to develop them.

Jiang Run took the seedlings away, found a remote corner, and planted the curare seedlings. Then he put a wire fence around it and hung a sign with a skull painted on it.

Ye Fu picked up other seedlings, classified them according to their medicinal uses, poisonous and non-toxic, and then replanted them.

The two of them were busy in the space, but something happened outside.

Li Cheng's eyes began to become inflamed. Not only were they swollen, but he also started to shed tears. The same was true for everyone else, but his eyes were filled with flying insects, which made the situation more serious.

As soon as Ye Fu and Jiang Run came out of the space, the door was knocked. Jiang Run went to open the door. When he saw Qi Yuan, he turned sideways to let him in to talk.

"You two are really good at home, hiding in there all day long. By the way, let's talk about serious matters first. The few people who went out to fetch water and were attacked by flying insects were almost blind. What should I do?"

"what happened?"

"Even after flying insects entered their eyes, they rinsed them with clean water. But this time they were more unlucky. They all became infected. Everyone's eyes were swollen like walnuts, and they kept crying. They couldn't stop it even with their eyes closed.


Ye helped him stand up, "Go out and take a look first."

The three of them came to Datongpu, and when they saw Li Cheng and others, Ye Fu was also a little surprised.

"Ye Fu, you're here."

Ye Fu nodded, and then walked up to Li Cheng. Looking at his eyes that looked like they had been stung by bees, she was a little at a loss as to what to do.

"It may be that the powder from flying insects remains in the eyes, causing eye allergies or inflammation. The swelling is more like an allergy."

"Allergies? Qi Yuan also had flying insects in his eyes before. He doesn't seem to have this condition. Could it be the reason for the thick fog? After all, the thick fog during this period is completely different from the previous thick fog. The thick fog now

It's completely dark, just like the black smoke that appears when a fire breaks out." Tang Yizheng sat aside and frowned. He must have put on all his clothes and looked extremely bloated.

"It's also possible."

Ye Fu thought that there were some plastic bags in the space, so she went back and took some to share with everyone. It was impossible to give out the goggles. Although she had a lot of inventory, it was difficult to explain when taking them out like this, and she didn't want to take them out again.


Put a transparent plastic bag over your head to cover your eyes to protect against flying insects.

"Everyone use anti-inflammatory water to cleanse your eyes later. I don't know if it will work yet. I'll go check out the situation outside first." Ye Fu put down a bottle of homemade anti-inflammatory water and took Jiang Run to go out.

The two of them were wrapped tightly and wore goggles. As soon as they stepped out of the cave, a biting cold wind hit. Ye Fu quickly held his breath, squatted down and held his head.

Sure enough, as Tang Yizheng said, the thick fog turned into black mist, making it impossible to see the road clearly, and the ground under our feet was covered with ice, making a "crunching" sound when we stepped on it.

Ye Fu took out the air detector. The data on it was very messy. After waiting for half an hour, the values ​​fluctuated. There was no stable value and no reference significance.

"Can ice cubes contaminated by black fog still be used to boil water?"

The two decided to go into the mountains to see if the ice on the trees was contaminated.

Although he wore four or five masks, Ye Fu still wanted to sneeze when he smelled the faint smell of lime in the mist.

She didn't dare to pull down the mask, so she could only endure it.

"There are flying insects and gravel on the ice, and there may be many invisible tiny insects." Jiang Run scraped off a piece of ice, looked at it for a long time, and then threw it on the ground.

"These ice cubes are probably no longer drinkable."

"After boiling, filter it and you should still be able to drink it." Ye Fu took Jiang Run's hand and said, "Go back, I want to sneeze."

"Okay, go this way."

After returning to the cabin, Ye Fu dared to take off his mask and sneeze.

"Did another black ball fall elsewhere?" Ye Fu suddenly thought.

"Or maybe a volcano erupted? Otherwise, how can we explain that there is still gravel in the thick fog?"

As he said that, Ye Fu sneezed again.

"Jiang Run, I have a very bad feeling."

"Bang bang bang..." At this time, the door was knocked again, and Ye helped him to open the door.

"Xuxu said she has something important to tell you." Qi Yuan hugged Xuxu, and Xuxu held a tit in her arms.

"Auntie, Yuanyuan said it is leaving here."

Ye Fu looked at the tit. The tit wanted to pounce on her, but Xuxu grabbed her feet.

"It said there was danger here, but I asked it and it said it didn't know."

After Xuxu finished speaking, he patted Yuanyuan's head and said, "It's not a good boy to lie."

Ye Fu thought of something and took the tit out of Xuxu's arms.

"Pack your things, we have to leave here right away."

Qi Yuan was confused, "Now? It's full of black fog outside, how can we leave?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go pack your things."


This chapter has been completed!
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