041 High temperature, snake suffering 5

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Hot weather is the best time to eat some cool food. Ye Fu took out a bag of pea starch, a bag of mung beans, and a bag of barley rice. She was going to make jelly and mung bean soup.

First prepare two small bowls, put appropriate amount of starch and water in each, and mix into starch water according to the ratio of 1:1. Then use the small bowl just now, put five bowls of water into the pot and heat it, and wait until the water is about to boil.

, slowly pour in the mixed starch water, stirring evenly while pouring, until the starch water becomes transparent and viscous, turn off the heat and pour into the prepared basin, it will take about four or five hours to cool down, and then cool down.

, the jelly will take shape.

Ye Fu started to prepare the condiments, first cut some cucumber shreds, then some green onions and coriander, cut the jelly into strips, poured the chili oil and cold sauce on it, and finally added the condiments and cucumber shreds.

The method of making mung bean soup is simpler. Wash the mung beans and steam them in a steamer for half an hour. After the mung beans are soft, wash the barley rice and candied dates, put them in a small bowl, and steam them with the mung beans. Add the green plums, kumquats,

Cut the citron into small cubes, boil it in a pot and pour it out into a bowl. Then take out the mung beans, barley rice, and candied dates from the steamer and pour them into the bowl. Sprinkle with sugar and osmanthus, and the mung bean soup is ready.

Mung bean soup can clear away heat, detoxify and increase appetite. You can eat more when it is hot.

Ye Fu hasn't eaten rice for two days. It's too hot and she's slowly losing her appetite. The air conditioner has been set up. Ye Fu turns it on to 17 degrees, blowing the cool wind, eating jelly and drinking mung bean soup.

Fudu almost forgot about the swarm of snakes outside.

Most of the time, Ye Fu passes the time by watching movies, TV and exercising. Before going to bed at night, she will record all the little things of the day in her diary, and then randomly open any page of a book and read

Then go to sleep.

She doesn't know how long she will hide here, but Ye Fu believes that one day, she will leave here. The outside world is also full of dangers. She must keep a calm and clear mind, and have a healthy and sensitive body.

Of course, if you want to survive in this cruel world, you still need to endure loneliness. Ye Fu has never been afraid of loneliness. She just hates the snakes that trap her outside and the unpredictable and ever-changing crises.

In the dead of night, Ye Fu couldn't help but wonder, is there anyone else outside? She hasn't heard anything going on upstairs and downstairs for several days, including Officer Song's family, the Chen family next door, Qiu Lan and Qiu Lan downstairs.

Duna and her daughter, are they still alive?

Ye Fu sometimes imagines himself as another Robinson Crusoe. Robinson can live on a desert island for twenty-eight years. Ye Fu should not lose to him if he has food and drink.

Occasionally, Ye Fu would open the curtains to bask in the sun, but most of the time, there were various snakes entangled outside the window. The green plants in the flowerpots had grown a lot. In front of the window sill, Ye Fu supported a tree.

Set up a table and place flower pots on the table to let the green plants absorb sunlight.

After a long period of exercise, Ye Fu has developed beautiful six-pack abs. Fortunately, she still has flesh where there should be flesh, and has not turned herself into a King Kong Barbie. After her hair was trimmed, Ye Fu stood in front of the mirror and admired it.

After a long while, looking at herself who was in a good mental state, she snapped her fingers with satisfaction.

The more you are in hardship and adversity, the more you must affirm your own value. Only those who have died once know how precious life is.

The first thing Ye Fu does when he wakes up every day is to cheer himself up.

After using the air conditioner, the engine burned oil faster. Although there was a lot of oil and diesel in the space, Ye Fu still felt a little heartbroken. Ye Fu regretted that he had not stocked up on saltpeter, otherwise he could have made ice to cool down the heat.

When the air conditioner is turned on, half a liter of engine oil is burned in an hour. Ye Fu turned on the air conditioner for a few days and finally chose to turn on the fan.

After using photovoltaic panels to charge the battery, the battery can be used to drive the fan, which can save both fuel and electricity.

Ye Fu used wires to make a new circuit in the room and installed light bulbs, so that there was no need to use emergency lights for lighting.

After washing a plate of fruit and filling the table with snacks, Ye Fu turned on the projector, put on headphones, and began to eat while watching TV to relieve stress and pass the time. The family drama she had never watched before the apocalypse has now become Ye Fu's.

Ye Fu actually enjoyed watching Fu's spiritual food, the conflicts between his parents, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and the love-hate relationship between the overbearing CEO and Cinderella.

After the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, Ye Fu must apply a moisturizing mask every day, otherwise his face will not be able to bear it. If he does not apply a thick layer of moisturizing cream, his face will soon become tight and flaky.

The same goes for my body, especially my calves, which are very peeling.

The most dangerous thing is during the days of menstruation. Snakes have the most sensitive sense of smell. Although Ye Fu used wind oil to cover up the smell, many snakes were attracted outside the window sill. After the high temperature, Ye Fu felt that his body metabolism had become slower.

It was terrible. She had to replace it with a new one almost every hour. Not only did the time extend to seven days, but the amount of blood was also very large, causing her to lie down for seven whole days, unable to get up and move at all. She would bleed whenever she moved.

After finally surviving seven days, Ye Fu's face had no color, even his lips were white, he was weak and weak when walking, and he had lost five kilograms in weight.

After a week of continuous supplementation, Ye Fu felt like he was alive.

On this day, Ye Fu opened the curtains and planned to check the situation outside. After the snake stalking her outside the window crawled away, Ye Fu quickly opened the window and took a look outside. The water level had dropped to the sixth floor, and there were many signs on the outer wall of the building opposite.

The discovery of the cracks frightened Ye Fu. There seemed to be more snakes in the water. They were entangled together and made a "hissing" sound. The sound was like "squeaking" after scraping sandpaper with your fingertips.

"La" sound, listening to it for a few seconds will cause physical discomfort.

There are still many snakes on the wall. Under high temperatures, their reaction ability becomes stronger. Thirty-five degrees is the most comfortable temperature for them. The moment Ye Fu closed the window, two brown cobras came to him at the same time.

Ye Fu launched an attack, and they quickly pounced on Ye Fu's head and neck. At the critical moment, Ye Fu closed the window as quickly as possible. The head of one of the cobras happened to be caught on the window edge, and when it sprayed out venom

, Ye Fu rolled two meters to the side, and then managed to escape. Ye Fu didn't have time to breathe, so he immediately took out his saber and cut off the snake's head stuck on the window sill.

Fortunately, this snake is a young snake, otherwise, Ye Fu would not be able to win with speed and strength.

After cleaning up the traces, Ye Fu slumped down on the chair. Thinking of the cracks in the outer wall of the building opposite, Ye Fu scratched his hair, feeling strong uneasiness and irritability in his heart.

The only good news is that the water level has been sinking. Once there is no flood outside and the temperature exceeds 40, the snakes will be in crisis.

This chapter has been completed!
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