058 High Temperature, Transaction 2

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By the way, you can also cook some mung bean soup and iced glutinous rice balls.

There were a lot of ingredients in the space, and they were almost untouched. Ye Fu decided to prepare enough cooked food for one or two years.

In the evening, Ye Fu had just finished cleaning the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. Fortunately, she put the air conditioner in the bedroom and the living room was still hot, so that no one would knock on the door. After the door opened, a cold wind blew out. She couldn't explain it.


Qi Yuan stood in the corridor, his face was simply bandaged, and he looked extremely funny.

"You actually look like this?" Qi Yuan saw Ye Fu's face with disbelief written all over his face.

"Listening to your voice, I thought you were ugly. I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. What I meant to say was that based on your voice, I thought you looked very ordinary, because your voice is too deep, and you look more like me than me.

Man, I didn’t expect you to be so good-looking, are you a celebrity or internet celebrity?”

"What do you want from me?" Ye Fu crossed his arms and looked at him indifferently.

"I'm looking for you to ask you, when are you going to get those things?"

Ye Fu was silent for a few seconds, "You tell me where her home is, and I'll go there myself."

Qi Yuan suspected that he heard wrongly, "You won't take me with you?"

"Isn't your foot injured? Are you still trying to drag me down?"

"But what if you default on the payment after you get the item?"

Ye Fu sneered, "I don't even bother to refuse to pay, but if you lied to me, you can find a cemetery for yourself first."

"I never lie to people." Faced with Ye Fu's distrust, Qi Yuan was angry and helpless.

In the end, he told Ye Fu the address. He also knew that he would only be a drag, so it was the best way for Ye Fu to pick it up alone.

Back in the house, Ye Fu started to pack her equipment. She stayed up and down at night every day. She felt that her schedule was almost the same as that of a bat.

The address Qi Yuan mentioned was relatively far away, and it would take three or four hours to walk back and forth. Ye Fu changed into a pair of Martin boots. The shoes were very hard and thick. She put a thin board under the insole to avoid stepping on nails or steel bars.

Wrapped up tightly, Ye Fu took the keys and backpack and went out.

We set off at 9:30 and arrived at our destination at 11:30. Looking at the high-rise residential building in front of her, Ye Fu took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from her face. On the 22nd floor, she was exhausted.

This place has been searched by the team from Longtan Base. It can be said that the search was very clean. Except for some large pieces of furniture, everything that could be moved was moved away.

Ye Fu went straight to the twenty-second floor. Her legs were shaking all the time, her head started to feel dizzy, the hot sweat on her forehead wiped off and dripped down, and her clothes and pants stuck to her skin tightly, making her extremely uncomfortable.

The door has been removed, the floor is dirty and messy, and there is no place to stay.

Ye Fu rested at the door for two minutes and walked around the dirt on the floor to the kitchen.

After moving the two large refrigerators away, Ye Fu touched the wall, took out a knife and scratched it twice, then tore off the wallpaper on the wall. A very small door appeared in front of Ye Fu. There were three

There was a combination lock, and the door was a very thick iron door. Ye Fu sighed, took out tools from the space, and started to pick the lock.

High-end combination locks often only require the simplest and crudest unlocking methods.

Twenty minutes later, the door to the darkroom opened. It was said to be a darkroom, but it was actually a small room of about five square meters.

There are very few things, but as Qi Yuan said, they are all weapons.

This trip was not in vain, Ye Fu planned to give Qi Yuan a little more.

After putting all the things into the space, Ye Fu immediately left without stopping.

On the way back, Ye Fu met two vultures. It was almost dawn, and the vultures also came out to look for food.

They seemed to have not encountered prey for a long time, and they kept flapping their wings and circling excitedly. Ye Fu listened to the sharp neighing and calmly took out the crossbow from the space.

Animals are keenly aware of approaching danger. The moment Ye Fu raised her crossbow, two vultures suddenly swooped down on her. Ye Fu did not panic and quickly fired the crossbow. After several actual battles, her shooting accuracy had reached 100%.


The crossbow arrow shot into the vulture's abdomen, and the pain caused it to scream even more sharply. Ye Fu was not much better. The vulture's claws scratched her shoulders and arms, leaving several deep scratches that could be seen on the bones.

Ye Fu rolled into the sand and hid behind a rock. She shot two vultures with arrows, but one arrow would not kill them. She had to find the right moment and take the initiative to fight back.

The wound on her body was bleeding all the time. Ye Fu endured the pain and shot the crossbow arrow at the critical moment. When the vulture fell to the ground, he took out his saber and rushed towards it, cutting off its head as quickly as possible.

A strong wind blew by, and Ye Fu was lying in the sand. The two vultures next to her had been killed by her. Her vision was a little blurry, the sand was soaked with sweat, and the blood from the wound was still flowing out, and the scratches were in severe pain.

To numbness.

She still has to thank Officer Song. If she hadn't learned speed training with him for so long, she would have died tonight.

After all, she is just an ordinary person.

Ordinary people who are afraid and shrink every time they encounter a crisis, but have to face the difficulties, break through themselves time and time again, and survive crisis after crisis with difficulty.

Ye Fu's hands were shaking violently, and there were bursts of dull pain in her chest. When she was scratched by a vulture, she was even flapped by its wings. With just that moment, her internal organs seemed to shift.

He took out a handful of painkillers from the space and swallowed a handful, a suppressed cough overflowing from his fingertips.

After the pain subsided a little, she struggled to get up and continued on her way with a hiking pole.

Because of these two vultures, she wasted a lot of time on the road. Fortunately, it was not bright yet when she returned.

"You're finally back." Qi Yuan was walking up and down the corridor on the tenth floor and was startled when he saw her suddenly appearing.

"What are you doing here?"

Qi Yuan snorted, "I'm not worried about you. Wait, are you injured?"

Ye Fu waved his hand, not letting him pull his arm.

"Xiao Shang, why don't you ask about those things?"

Qi Yuan shook his head, "You are so good at getting those things. Anyway, I hope you live now. Anyway, let's get to know each other. Your life is more important than those things."

Ye Fu looked at him speechless.

"I got the things, but I have to go home and take care of my wounds first. I'll send the things to you later."

Ye Fu glanced at his sweaty appearance and waved to him, "Go back and rest. Don't stay here anymore."

Qi Yuan nodded, "Then you treat the wound first and then rest for a while. I'm not in a hurry. By the way, Brother Song and the others are back too. He told me that I can go out with him to look for supplies after my injury gets better."


Ye Fu nodded to show that she understood. After opening the door and returning to the house, she quickly treated her wounds. Looking at the scratches in the mirror, Ye Fu was once again grateful that she was lucky enough to survive.

This chapter has been completed!
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