Chapter 559: Lin Luo's shocking arrow!

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The sniper maniac is right, this is the ambition of Noxus.

Lin Luo thought about it carefully, and suddenly thought of Cassiopeia, the Snake Queen whom she had met in the first level of the Evil God dungeon in the spiritual world of Ionia.

In fact, this legendary hero called the Embrace of the Serpent was once one of the merchant groups in Noxus. She came to Shurima as the leader of the merchant group and found her through another legendary hero Sivir.

The tomb of Azir, the last emperor of Shurima.

At that time, Cassiopeia even thought that she had really found the secret of Shurima's ascension, and even thought that she would gain the power of an ascended person.

Unfortunately, it failed in the end. The war goddess Sivir temporarily switched sides at the end and used her Shurima royal bloodline to reawaken the ascension ceremony.

It was precisely because of this move that the former emperor of Shurima was resurrected.

He has now begun to recruit Shurima's army and summon those Shurimans wandering around Runeterra, including the previously mentioned Rockbird Thalia, who is also one of the legendary heroes who returned to Shurima under his summons.


And even aside from these legendary heroes, there are endless ordinary Shurima travelers, and the prodigal son begins to return.

This may be a belief and inheritance passed down in the blood. They unconditionally trust Azir, the emperor of this desert.

"We can't just stay here. Those Noxians don't seem to be very friendly to you, and there is really no need to stay here. The place we want to go is far away from here."

The sniper maniac patted Scarash on the crotch, and the docile big guy followed the direction he pointed.

Lin Luo also did the same, letting his Scarash follow the sniper madman and quickly left the port city.

"The place we are going to now is the center of the desert further south, which is also an ancient city. His name is: Kenese. The rock bird Thalia we are looking for is currently staying there, but she will be there soon.

will leave, so we must also speed up."

Lin Luo passed by Beierjuen and found hundreds of people gathered together, joining hands in a cloud, sweating like rain, talking and laughing loudly at a very fast speed, bargaining, swearing and swearing, etc.

"Don't think they are quarreling. This is Shurima custom. They like to talk loudly."

The sniper maniac said with a smile as he hurried on.

Lin Luo nodded and began to look at the world carefully. He had to say that every time he visited a large area, this place would leave an indelible impression on him, including the current Shurima Desert.

Only by truly entering the national border of Shurima can we discover the humanities, geography, customs and customs here.

Lin Luo responded a little and found that he had never seen the same passionate and unrestrained customs in any place he passed during his journey.

If Ionia is like a fairyland, the tundra of the Freljord is uniquely magnificent, but when he passed by the port of Bergun and the blazing sunshine of Shurima, these memories were instantly burned away.

Almost exhausted.

The sniper maniac praised loudly:

"How awesome! All of this is what was left after the solar disk exploded. Maybe this is a miracle on earth!"

The two of them didn't stay in Bergun for long. Several Noxian warships parked in the port were already ready to move. Lin Luo gave them a warning look, which made them timid and did not dare to get too close.


It was at this time that when Lin Luo was crossing the spacious road, he accidentally overheard some rumors among the people in the market.

The news brought back by the caravans from the depths of the desert was either contradictory or miraculous.

For example, warriors turned from yellow sand, thunderstorms on sunny days, water sources that no one can remember appearing out of thin air, etc.

"Desert soldiers, arcane magic... what is the water source that appears out of thin air at the back?"

Lin Luo and the sniper demon discussed. The former was a soldier of the desert emperor Azir, and the latter was the arcane magic of the ancient wizard Xerath, but what was this water source?

Lin Luo found that he still knew too little about Shurima.

The sniper maniac thought for a while and said:

"I'm not sure, so now we have to find the most critical plot NPC, Thalia the Rock Bird."

According to the next description of the sniper maniac, Thalia, the rock sparrow, is currently in Kenese. This city is not well-known. Thalia will only stay there for a few days and will leave soon.

In the following time, Lin Luo enjoyed a rare amount of leisure time.

It can be said that such a long time has passed since the server was launched, and it is difficult for him to have such a comfortable time, lying on the back of the huge Scarash, walking through the endless golden desert, towards the place with no end in sight.

The end.

"Do you know what I saw in this desert?"

Lin Luo suddenly looked at the sniper demon.

The latter thought for a while:

"Is it brilliant? Magnificent? Or mysterious and ancient?"

Lin Luo smiled, shook his head and said:


"what is that?"

"It is loneliness, a lonely desert."

Lin Luo looked at the desert from afar. Even if he used all his strength to activate the infinite sight range, he could not see any human figures or creatures.

This was something unheard of in the Freljord before.

Today's Shurima is much larger than the original Freljord, and the environment is also harsher. There is a strong sense of loneliness.

It wasn't until half a natural day passed that Lin Luo finally saw the shadow of a city thanks to Scarash's excellent footwork.

"That's Kenese, a notorious city full of bandits and profiteers, but Thalia is there."

Lin Luo raised his eyebrows and said:

"It's no use talking, just keep sneaking."

Another half day passed and it was already time for the sun to set.

A cold gust of wind appeared on the golden desert. Lin Luo and the sniper demon came here after a long journey, but were stopped by Kenese's sentry.

"Stop! Who are you? What do you want to do when you enter Shurima?"

The sniper maniac walked forward quickly, took out a huge gold brick and said:

"Hey, sir, we are businessmen passing by and want to enter Kenese for business. I hope you will let us pass."

"Hey, it's a foreigner from another place! These are the embryonic gold bricks from the Shurima border. They don't even have the most basic gold leaves. They are really a bunch of natives."

The sentry looked at the two of them with disdain.

Lin Luo tapped his fingers slightly with his hand hanging by his side, and then calmed down and thought about it. There was no need to get angry with an NPC, and the dark and fluttering aura of death calmed down.

"Since he is a bumpkin from out of town, he must accept the arrangements of the great Shurima Empire, do you understand?"

The sentry pointed at Lin Luo, who had no expression on his face, and cursed:

"And you, this guy, are you mute if you don't speak all the time? Can't you see that I've been talking to you? You country bumpkin!"

Lin Luo raised his eyebrows and stared at him:

"Are you talking to me?"

"Otherwise? Do you think I'm..."


A violent wave of death flashed past, Lin Luo put down the wolf spirit's sign of death, and said to the sniper maniac with an indifferent expression:

"You are right, this is indeed a notorious city, go in."

The sniper maniac was already frightened by Lin Luo's violent attack, and said blankly:

"Boss...Boss, are you going too far..."

"What, do you think NPCs can insult people casually? My answer is no, I have killed demigod bosses, how dare you scream in front of me?"

Lin Luo smiled coldly and directly urged Skalas to go into the city.

The sniper maniac said anxiously:

"Boss! You killed the Sentinel NPC and you have entered Kenese's red name list. If you go in now, they will definitely kill you!"

Lin Luo looked back at him:

"Don't you dare? Then go on your own."

The sniper maniac was stared at by Lin Luo's calm eyes, and suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

He knew that this sentence was not as simple as it seemed. If he escaped from the battle this time, it would not only be him, but also his legendary equipment and his position in the Legion of Heroes, including the good impression Lin Luo had already established.


"Impossible! I am the leader of the legion. What if I leave the heroic legion!"

The sniper maniac is not a timid person, he gritted his teeth and said:

"I'll take you in. I know Thalia's location. Maybe I can still find her now. If there's enough time, I can persuade her to leave without a fight. If we can avoid unnecessary fights, it's best to avoid them, boss.

What do you think?"

Lin Luo raised his eyebrows and showed a smile:

"Very good, there is nothing wrong with your decision."

In fact, when Lin Luo took action just now, it was not just as simple as venting. He actually wanted to see the deeper thoughts and characteristics of the sniper maniac.

Often, if you want to understand a person more deeply, it is difficult to do so through ordinary means.

Lin Luo happened to meet this opportunity just now, so he didn't mind the aggravation of the conflict. Let's take a look at the sniper maniac's ability to deal with things. In fact, this test is not over yet... Lin Luo doesn't have a good impression of this city of Kenese, but

Coincidentally, the current heroic legion still lacks a city-state base with good terrain.

This place is not like Ionia, where you can buy land through alliance provincial councilors. Shurima is now a land without one. Even the legendary desert emperor is resurrected, and some people are skeptical. You can imagine this

What a mess the planting place is!

And speaking of chaos…

Lin Luo smiled. What players like most is chaos.

The Legion of Heroes just lacks a base point. The large army is coming soon, so they can't sleep in the desert. This Kenese looks like a good place.

"Sniper maniac, how much do you know about Keneser? Is there any ridiculously powerful top force here?"

Lin Luo's question made the sniper maniac stunned for a moment, and he replied:

"I'm not sure...but it seems that the strongest ones are the legendary ones. However, there are legions stationed here. I heard that they are not weak at all. Boss, you..."

At the end of the question, the sniper maniac suddenly widened his eyes, seeming to realize a terrifying fact.

When he saw the faint smile on Lin Luo's face, he finally said in disbelief:

"Boss! Don't tell me, do you have any thoughts about this Kenese?"

"Any questions?"

"Ah, that's... no... no problem."

"When the Heroic Legion just started, they dared to attack the stronger legion with the whole army, and even resisted the attacks of the legendary heroes. Who does this little Kenese mean?"

The sniper maniac swallowed:

"But...but, you are disrespecting the Desert Emperor...Isn't this not good?"

Lin Luo raised his eyebrows:

"Are there many people who respect the Desert Emperor now? The emperor who was reborn is probably not able to save himself. How could he manage Kenese who is so far away? And even if he really regains his glory, I will not

I have a way... Then you will understand a truth. As long as the interests of both parties are entangled, there will be no real enemies. If you don't understand now, you will definitely understand the rewards soon."

The sniper maniac opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

But now that we have arrived in Kenese, we can't think too much about it. We must first enter the city to find Thalia.

Lin Luo's attack just now was so fast and powerful that the sentry didn't even scream when he died. And it's night again, so even if it's the sentry's turn to change, it will be at least a few hours before the sentry discovers the situation.


What the sniper maniac wanted was to find Thalia's traces before things got too big, and it would be best to leave Kenese for a while.

When the large army of the Heroic Legion completely lands on the Shurima continent, their numerical disadvantage will be gone and they can legitimately attack the city of Kenese as Lin Luo said.

The night is getting dark.

Kenese is not a very developed city, so there are very few people on the streets at night.

After Lin Luo and the sniper maniac parked Scarash at the inn, the two of them walked on the street with blood-red game IDs on their heads.

In fact, the sniper maniac is just pretending, but he has no choice but to show himself in front of the boss.

The red name on his head was because he was in the team and had no choice but to get it.

"How long is the distance? Why do I feel like you are walking down a very remote dead end?"

Lin Luo glanced at the sniper maniac.

He didn't quite believe that this guy dared to do anything dangerous. Firstly, there was no need, and secondly, he didn't have the ability. Killing him was just a matter of breathing, and he couldn't resist at all.

The sniper-shooting maniac wanted to cry but said:

"Boss, don't get me wrong. It's not that I want to go down a remote dead-end street...that damn rock bird Thalia lives in such a remote place. I really don't take the blame for this."

According to the guidance on his favorability map, Thalia was in a tavern in a small alley not far ahead.

Although I don't know why a majestic legendary hero is so low-key, there must be a reason.

"Don't be so little Thalia, it will be terrifying when her power really explodes."

As the sniper maniac said, he came to the door of the tavern and knocked gently three times.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?"

The sniper maniac asked in a low voice.

At this time, Lin Luo heard a clear, clean, and even somewhat rustic and pure voice.

There was some Ionian accent in the voice, and even a Freljord tone, but it was more Shurima. It was a woman's voice, calm and very calm.

She said calmly:


Lin Luo's eyebrows suddenly rose, his expression became interesting, and he asked again:

"Excuse me, is there anyone in the tavern? I mean... Miss Thalia, is there anyone in the tavern?"

The dark night was a little quieter.

That calm, clean voice sounded again, and it was still the same two words.


This chapter has been completed!
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