Chapter 562: Taliyah's terrifying power!

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Lin Luo's words made Shagra a little frightened.

She couldn't understand at all why this adventurer dared to face the Iron-Blooded Warlord of Noxus directly. This was the most terrifying army in Runeterra, and even Shurima now shunned it.

Lin Luo didn't explain too much, smiled lightly, and waited for the arrival of dawn.

Time flies by, probably when the sun rises in the east. Through God's perspective, you can see that in the extreme east of Kenese, there are two sizable legions heading here.

The legion at the front was slightly smaller in size. They all looked like fierce and fierce soldiers, wearing yellow-brown armor and holding spears and shields. However, their size and scale were weaker than those at the rear.

The dark iron-blooded army behind them were the Noxian Empire's iron cavalry that Lin Luo had seen countless times.

To be precise, the appearance of this imperial cavalry is so deeply rooted in people's hearts that it doesn't give people the feeling of being invincible, but more of a fearful one.

However, neither of these two legions realized that in another direction very far away, a legion larger in size and number than the two combined was coming. The difference might only be in rank, but even then the difference was small.

Not much bigger, barely at the same level of strength.

At this time, in front of Kenese's army at the forefront, above the huge legendary Scarash, there sat an extremely thin, dark-skinned man with a majestic sword.

His eyes are as bright and shining as light bulbs, giving people a shrewd and vicious feeling. Although his body is very thin and long, he is definitely not weak. Instead, he gives people a very strong and capable feeling, as if he is like a brave cheetah.


The armor on his body is not brown, but bright and clear golden light, giving people a feeling of incomparable splendor, wealth and splendor, and sparkling light.

He is surprisingly the city lord of Kenese, Holden. He is also a powerful legendary boss and the leader of the top epic Kenese army. He has ruled this sinful city for nearly a hundred years, and no one dares to resist his tyranny.

With his dictatorship, his evil reputation spread almost throughout the entire outer areas of the Shurima Empire.

However, just a year or two ago, he heard terrible news.

A noble merchant group from Noxus entered the depths of the Shurima Desert and found the tomb where Azir, the last emperor, was buried. What was even more outrageous was that they also found a way to awaken the ascension ceremony from thousands of years ago.

Awakened the last emperor.

However, what many people don't know is that it was the awakening of the Desert Emperor Azir that awakened the other sleeping entities.

It was like a door leading to disaster that opened wide, and countless horrors came out.

And for these unclaimed lands in Shurima, especially for Holden right now, it is really a huge disaster!

Not everyone expects the glory of Shurima to return. To be precise, those who hope for the glory of Shurima to return are the people who live a hard life and live like a year, and these rulers who are high above themselves and suck the blood of the people.

We don't care at all about the so-called past glory of Shurima.

They just want to drink strong snake wine and ride on everyone's necks to sing and dance. Who would want a ruler to suddenly appear above them, and he is also the once glorious emperor?

"Lord Mars, in front of me is my city-state Kenese. I heard that the resurrected emperor has regained the core area of ​​Shurima and is preparing to gradually spread his power. We must not let them succeed! That emperor himself

Just die. This is the law of nature and the law of the world. Resurrecting a dead existence is a great disrespect to the God of Death. It's not that I don't follow Shurima's will, but that the emperor deserves to die. You understand me.

What do you mean?"

Holden said with fierce eyes, and said to the tall and strong general next to him who was also riding Scarash.

The latter said with an indifferent expression:

"I don't care about your internal affairs in Shurima. I am here to complete the transaction with the city-state of Kenesir under the orders of Marshal Darius and Commander Swain. That's all."

Holden quickly said:

"Yes, yes! That's what I mean. I very much support the arrival of Noxus, and I am willing to cooperate with Grand Marshal Darius's plan. As long as you can help me... protect my Kenese, do you want

Whatever, I can give you everything!"

The tall General Mars glanced at him, with a trace of contempt flashing in his eyes, and said in a deep voice:

"As promised, I need at least 10,000 Shurima slaves, who must be completely healthy and no more than thirty years old. And I need Shurima gold, as well as the special spices, silks and weapons here. The quantity

and quality are all listed on the list, I believe you have already seen it.”

It is no exaggeration to say that even without counting the golden weapons, spices, etc., the ten thousand healthy and young slaves alone took away almost half of Kenese.

However, Holden still gritted his teeth and agreed:

"No problem, just like you said, you must protect Kenese, even if that bullshit emperor comes, you must keep your word!"

"Haha, of course."

General Mars smiled and looked at Kenese in the yellow sand in the distance, feeling a little inexplicably irritable in his heart.

"If the time calculation is correct, my Legion of Heroes will be about half an hour behind the Noxian army. During this period, we will have to support it for half an hour. What do you think?"

Lin Luo looked at Shagla and the merchant army she mentioned.

It is not easy for a business group to do business in Shurima. It is a wasteland full of dangers and does not have enough strength to even cross the desert.

Since Shagla dares to take action, it means that she has a certain degree of confidence.

Moreover, there are two legendary beings, Lin Luo and Taliyah, who can also play a great role in the battlefield.

Shagra said with a solemn expression:

"If you take action, half an hour will be a trivial matter. Instead, I want to ask you, can your legion of heroes arrive in half an hour? Also, the army of Noxus has conquered Runeterra invincibly. Your legion

Is he an opponent?"

Lin Luo smiled and looked far into the yellow sand. Through the ultra-long sight distance, he could see the two legions in the distance.

The legion of Noxus is indeed a legendary legion, but its number is not large. It is obvious that it does not pay much attention to the place of Kenese, and its number is about 30,000 less than the current number of heroes.

Coupled with the Kenesega Legion, which numbered exactly 30,000, the number was barely equal.

However, just like the previous legion wars, when the top combat power exceeds a stage, the situation can be reversed directly.

If Taliyah was the only one here, it might be quite a risk, but with the help of Shagra, who is also a legendary hero, and Shagra's merchant army, plus Lin Luo's own combat power, there is absolutely no problem.


"We can take it by surprise first. Taliyah, do you mind joining forces with me?"

Lin Luo glanced at Taliyah, who smiled slightly:


When Holden arrived outside Keneser's city wall sentry, he suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

Not only did the sentry suddenly disappear without a trace, but there was also a faint smell of blood floating in the hot yellow sand. Holden, who had been fighting for many years, immediately realized that something was wrong.

General Mars, who reacted faster than him, had already roared and shouted:

"There is an enemy attack! Holden, you idiot, can't you take care of your own city-state? Or do you dare to go against Noxus and are seeking your own death?"

Holden quickly explained:

"No, no, no! General Mars, I really don't know what happened. It must be those untouchables! Those untouchables were dissatisfied with my rule and started to rebel. It really has nothing to do with me!!"

In fact, that's exactly what happened.

This time Holden traveled with a core group of legions to protect his own safety. The city-state of Kenese was seriously short of troops, with less than a few thousand ordinary soldiers. If he suddenly encountered a collective resistance from the mob, or encountered a powerful force passing by,

If you attack the city suddenly, there is a high probability that it will be defeated.

This city once had its glory under the rule of the Emperor of Shurima, but now it is almost destroyed by Holden Huohuo. The people are in dire straits and are in pieces. If they really encounter a siege, they may surrender on their own initiative.

"Be careful, there may be an ambush."

Mars' reaction and years of fighting on the battlefield have trained him to have a strong sense of smell. He felt a strong murderous aura coming from the city, and what was waiting for them were layers of terrifying traps and ambushes.

“But it won’t work if this continues!!”

Holden gritted his teeth, his eyes flashing with anxiety.

Mars glanced at him:

"What do you mean? You don't understand why you rush into the city and get ambushed? Do you need me to teach you this?"

Holden took a deep breath and said with an ugly face:

"The location of my castle is very dangerous, and all my savings for so many years are in the castle... It doesn't matter whether ordinary people live or die, but my savings are very important, and the golden weapons you want... are all in mine.


Marston looked at him strangely:

"It have collected all the wealth of Kenese in your castle?"

Holden blushed and nodded, and Marrs suddenly showed a sighing smile:

"A greedy person like you would be beheaded directly by Generalissimo Darius in Noxus."

Holden swallowed:

"In short... no matter what, you can't let this happen, otherwise you won't be able to get what you want!"

Mars raised his eyebrows and said:

"That's okay. A little Kenese probably won't be able to make big waves. Let's go in together!"

After saying that, he led the legion behind him slowly toward the gate of Kenese, including the Kenese legion behind Holden.

However, what the two of them did not expect was that a huge roar suddenly sounded, and the entire earth seemed to be driven by a terrible force, and began to rumble continuously. This scene came very suddenly, and there was no reaction time at all.


"No! There is indeed an ambush. What is going on?"

Marth's expression suddenly changed. He thought that even if there was an ambush, it would only be Shurima's shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and it would be impossible to harm his Black Blood Legion.

However, the reality is that the ambush ahead is not a large army at all, not even a single person!

The entire yellow sand land suddenly shook, trembling and shaking at a speed they could not imagine, and then suddenly collapsed downwards. A terrifying yellow sand vortex appeared, dragging a steady stream of legion soldiers into it!

"What is this? Natural magic?"

Marcel's expression changed drastically and he looked at the city wall in disbelief.

At this time, Kennese had obviously been forcibly occupied by Shagra's merchant army. Taliyah slowly walked up the city wall. She raised her hands, and there was a light yellow magical aura lingering around. This was her rock control.



As Taliyah's hands sank, the terrifying vortex of yellow sand on the ground suddenly continued to collapse, as if a huge abyss appeared, and more soldiers fell into it.

Although the soldiers of the two legions reacted quickly and retreated frantically to both sides at the first opportunity, the unexpected sudden rise still caused a lot of casualties to the two legions, and nearly 10,000 troops were lost on the spot.


Among them, Noxus's proportion was only 30%, but the Kenese Legion's proportion reached a terrifying 70%.

Holden's expression completely changed and he began to roar loudly:

"Hurry into the city! That's Taliyah, the guy protected by Mother Weaver. As long as she enters the city, she will definitely not dare to continue using natural magic!!"

Her judgment was correct, maybe she knew Taliya too well.

Taliyah possesses top legendary power, especially in the Shurima desert. Her full power is even comparable to the existence of holy objects, but she has a fatal weakness. This weakness is that she wants to protect ordinary Shurima people too much.


To put it simply, Mother Weaver gave her terrible power, but also gave her limitations that prevented her from pointing the weapon at ordinary people.

So now, as long as the army enters the city, and there are countless people in Kenese, Taliyah will definitely not dare to release natural magic unscrupulously.

And it is no exaggeration to say that as long as Taliyah is in an absolutely safe position, it will be an extremely terrifying existence.

For example, she possesses extremely powerful rock control magic, and in Shurima, a place full of yellow sand, it is even more enhanced. Under her exquisite rock control magic, the yellow sand can be turned into any weapon.

, sandstorms, waves, soldiers and beasts...

In this sandy terrain, even a legendary legion may not be Taliyah's opponent.

Theoretically, this situation can only wait until the magic in Taliyah's body is exhausted. Unfortunately, the most terrifying thing is that she is not the kind of self-trained mage, but a child blessed by the demigod Weaver of Shurima, so

As long as she is in the desert, she will have inexhaustible magic, equivalent to unlimited mana and cd.

This is very scary, as she alone is equivalent to an army.

"There is no retreat, we must go directly to the city!"

Mars was very decisive and immediately came up with a solution and led the legion into the city!

However, what they didn't expect was that a huge and terrifying yellow sand gate was erected, and it was not a single gate, but one after another!

Thump thump thump thump thump thump…

Dozens of huge yellow sand gates stood up in a row, blocking out the sky and the sun, just like a terrifying ancient building.

"Damn it! She really guessed what we were thinking and had a countermeasure already!"

Seeing that the road into the city was blocked, Mars and Holden cursed angrily at the same time!

What happens next is terrible!

This chapter has been completed!
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