Chapter 561: The Rising Shurima

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Time passed by bit by bit, Lin Luo and Taliyah waited quietly in the tavern.

"I have established connections with this place. I have contacted a resistance force from Kenese. Although it is not powerful, it is not bad. They will be here soon."

After Taliyah finished speaking, the stone door of the tavern suddenly opened.

A strong aunt with a cold expression walked in. She was obviously a woman, but her body was much stronger than that of a man. Even Lin Luo could only look up in front of her. She was at least two meters tall and covered with armor.

, and there is an aura of killing.

The first moment she entered the room, she saw Lin Luo and the sniper demon, and her expression suddenly changed:

"who are you?"

[Tip: You have received hostility from Xia Mara, the leader of the Wilson Merchant Group, please indicate your intention immediately, otherwise you will be attacked by the target!]

It was obvious that Taliyah and Shamara knew each other and had a close relationship.

"Aunt Shyamala, these two are my adventurer friends, people I trust very much. We are discussing the matter of attacking Keneser together."

Xia Mara frowned immediately after hearing this:

"Attack Keneser? Did you make a mistake? Didn't you just kill Holden, the cruel city lord?"

Taliyah whispered:

"Things have changed temporarily. I don't think just killing Holden will have the best effect. This will not save the people of Kenese."

Xia Mara raised her eyebrows and said:

"What we said before was just to kill Holden and then rob his castle."

Taliyah smiled and said:

"That's what you said. Now I have changed my mind. I will also save ordinary people in Kenese."

Xia Mara's eyes shook and she said:

"Are you sure? Let's agree in advance that you are still not interested in the wealth of the castle, right?"


Xia Mara snorted, looked at Lin Luo and the sniper demon, and said:

"So what are you going to do with these two adventurers? One of them is really good, but the other just wanted to die."

Taliyah was very calm and said softly:

"You don't need to worry about everything. This friend of mine has his own adventurer army, which is not much weaker than Kenese's garrison. If your business group doesn't want to help, then you can leave now. I won't

Will force you."

At this time, Lin Luo and the sniper maniac finally understood that this Xia Mara and Taliya had discussed it before they came, and it was obvious that they wanted to take action against the Lord of Holden City.

However, her sudden appearance made Taliyah change her mind and decide to capture this city-state.

At this time, the sniper maniac felt a little unsure. He didn't know how strong the Heroic Legion was, but he did understand the background of the city of Kenese.

This is an ancient city that has existed for thousands of years. It has the very mysterious power of Shurima. Many people have tried to capture it. Even the Noxian army has tried, but they have all failed.

The mysterious aura of this ancient region of Shurima protects the city. Legend has it that there are even terrifying Ascended Ones, but no one can confirm it.

The sniper maniac asked in the team chat:

"Boss... Forget about other places, but siege in Shurima cannot be done on a whim... Moreover, this notorious ancient city has mysterious power. If it fails, it will damage the entire heroic army. I

Do you think we should observe it for a few days before talking?"

Lin Luo laughed and said:

"Do you think I can't think of this truth? But the fact is that I don't have time for you to observe. I would like to make a move later, but you can see that Taliyah is impatient. Or do you have the ability to make her wait for us to observe?


The sniper maniac thought about it for a while, maybe because his favorability was very high, he actually went over to ask.

Unfortunately, the result is of course no good. Taliyah must resolve the matter here as soon as possible, and then have more important things to do.

"Lin, when will your legion arrive? Can you give an accurate time?"

After Taliyah and Shamara discussed for a while, they came over to ask about Lin Luo's situation.

Lin Luo said in a deep voice:

"Tomorrow morning at the latest."

Taliyah closed her eyes and murmured softly:

"There is still time, with the blessing of Mother Weaver, I will liberate this sinful city."

In the second half of the night, Lin Luo and Taliyah occasionally talked about some things about Shurima.

Due to his favorability, he couldn't learn anything too in-depth, but he knew about the so-called 'Weaver Mother', which is the extremely famous barbarian god on the Shurima continent. She is the top half-person who protects all Shurima people.


His status in Shurima is no less than that of Ornn, the molten god in the Freljord, or even greater.

Taliyah, the rock bird, is one of the countless people in Shurima who is very, very lucky to receive the blessing of the Weaver Mother and successfully awaken the "rock control magic".

And because the magic power in her body is a blessing type, she basically does not need to practice much. Just like Lux in Demacia, as she grows older, it will grow infinitely, until one day she can no longer control it and even hides it.

Less than.

So to a certain extent, her situation is similar to that of Lux, but he does not have as good a family background as the latter. She is just an ordinary person.

Even though she deliberately tried to hide the magic power in her body, Mother Weaver's blessing made her unable to do so. Until the day she came of age, the power of the rock burst out uncontrollably. Under everyone's dumbfounded gaze, she fought to save a beast that was about to be killed.

The lamb crushed to death by the rock subconsciously used its own power.

So on this day, the story of an ordinary little girl with natural magic spread. Later, people learned that her name was Taliyah.

This news was learned by Kenese, the sinful city of Shurima. This is a very extremely terrifying city-state. The ruler has lost his humanity, has no faith, and has become a slave to profit. He has also colluded with the iron-blooded warlords of Noxus.

, want to build powerful city walls and engineering vehicles.

And all of this requires the help of a mage blessed by the power of the Weaver Mother, and Taliyah has become their serious prey.

Next, there is the story behind it that Lin Luo knows.

Taliyah escaped from Shurima with the help of her parents and drifted along the ocean to Ionia. When she was dying, she met Yasuo, who was also wandering around the world. The latter helped her understand the art of rock control.

, taught her many principles of life.

Later, Rockbird returned to Shurima along the sea route from Freljord. The cold tundra sharpened her will, and she seemed to be reborn.

It wasn't until she returned to Shurima and officially came to Kenese that she heard the news of her parents' death. After experiencing a painful enlightenment, she understood an extremely profound truth.

The people of Shurima are in pain. In this land of no one, there are people dying painfully and humbly like his parents every moment.

What she knew more clearly was that she was a truly lucky person, and her fate should have been the same as that of ordinary people, but Mother Weaver gave her powerful magic. This was no coincidence. Taliyah began to realize that this might be a coincidence.

It's a destiny, but it's also a responsibility.

As her power becomes stronger, her responsibilities will become greater and greater. Instead of escaping, she secretly joins forces with Shagra's caravan and plans to assassinate Kenese City Lord Holden in the near future.

"This is what happened. Holden has been disbanding with the Noxian army frequently recently. It is said that because he felt a sense of crisis, the guy didn't want his castle to be re-incorporated, so he contacted the tyrant of the Northern Continent."

Lin Luo raised his eyebrows and said:

"Incorporation? If I remember correctly, the entire Shurima Empire is a land without one. Do you mean..."

Taliyah nodded and said:

"Yes, the emperor of this desert is back. I can feel it... It was Weaver Mother who told me through the rocks under her feet that the emperor is constantly accumulating strength. I think it's not just me, the rest of the people also feel it.

Including Holden, that's why he felt scared and in crisis, and wanted to look for Noxian reinforcements."

Lin Luo nodded, which was understandable.

That Holden is the current ruler of Kenese. He is greedy and cruel, and he definitely does not want to be taken under his command again, which means that he has changed from the ruler to the ruled.

"Huh... It seems that even if I don't kill anyone, this battle is inevitable."

Lin Luo has now completely broken up with the Noxian camp and is basically in complete hostility. If Holden really returns with the Noxian army this time, then what awaits him will definitely be war.

However, today's Legion of Heroes is already an epic-level legion. Even if only one-third of them arrive, there are still 50,000 players, and they are the elite among the elite.

At this time, Lin Luo began to send messages to Maotou Tata.

"Which of you is leading the team now, and where is the specific location?"

The cat head over there replied:

"Arlo, we have passed the Zaun Bridge and officially arrived at the Shurima border. According to the map coordinates you gave us before, it is estimated that we still have a few hours to cross the border and reach the city-state of Kenese where you are currently.


At this time, the voice of reaching for the stars suddenly sounded:

"Boss, I want to ask if there is really a war this time? To be honest, I have been itching for a long time. Ionia is so peaceful. It is more Buddhist than Demacia. There are basically no sin fortresses and rebellions.

Force, our legion is almost fading away, it’s just boring to death, okay?”

Lin Luo smiled:

"Then you are very busy this time. You have also studied the Shurima Empire. This country is fragmented. It is the rise of heroes, the remnants of Shurima's native forces, the greedy warlords of Noxus, and

The resurrection of the traditional and ancient Shurima emperor has caused turmoil in this area. If our heroic legion wants to profit from it, I am afraid we will have to face a lot of challenges."

Can Reach for the Stars burst out laughing:

"Boss, I'm not bragging. Now the Heroic Legion is infinitely close to the Legendary Legion. The legion's experience value has been reached long ago. The only thing missing is a legendary-level and legion aura book. This thing can only be obtained by fighting the legendary legion, but the key is Ai

Oonia can't fight a war at all, and Noxus can't be offended for the time being. It can't go back to the Demacia base camp to fight against its own people. This Shurima is hitting the muzzle of my gun. My target this time is very

It’s simple, at least raise the hero legion’s combat power to the legendary level, boss, you can rest assured.”

Lin Luo smiled:

"Then you will be busy next. Come to Kenese as quickly as possible. Next, we will directly attack the city. The goal is to conquer this city-state and then set it as the preliminary base of the Heroic Legion. After that,

When the time comes, you will be rewarded based on your merits, and you will be given a large share of the credit!"

After being trained by the Legion of Heroes for so long, Reaching for Stars has completely grown from an adventurous boy who was always on the move to a wily and scheming commander.

Nowadays, he has restrained his original sharpness, and no matter what he does, he gives people a deep impression of the city. Only when he faces his immediate bosses like Lin Luo, Maotou Tata, will he be more frank. Individually speaking, his personal ability is very


"By the way, please give me a brief description of the current overall configuration of the legion."

Lin Luo didn't care much about the specific configuration of the legion's combat power. Before, he was more concerned about the problems of Longbao and Deep Blue's company. Now it's time to return to the most basic game legion's combat power.

"Okay, let me briefly describe it to you."

Reaching for Stars is obviously very concerned about the legion, and it instantly provided a large amount of data information.

[Target: Legion of Heroes]

[Current level: Epic level (Current progress: 95%)]

[Currently required for advancement: legendary legion upgrade order, legendary legion combat mission, legendary legion skill halo]

[Currently owned Legion Halo: Green Legion Halo/Blue Legion Halo/Purple Legion Halo/Silver Legion Halo/Gold Legion Halo/Number of Epic Legion Halos: 1]

[Current number of legions: 235,877 (Current number of people online: 186,531)]

[Current legion store: It has been upgraded to the epic level, and epic level legion strategic resources have been released]

[The current remaining legion crystals are: eight. Additional tip: You can attack any city-state. When you obtain the land order of the city-state and hold it for one natural day, you can set up the legion crystal at this cost to connect the various places of the legion of heroes, reaching

The effect of legion interoperability, and the transmission cost is free.】

[Tip: The current commander of the army is: Arrow God Ashe (online)]

[Tip: The current general command of the army is: Reaching for Stars (Online)]

[Tip: The current legion branch is heading to Shurima area...]

Lin Luo looked at these attributes carefully. The specific legion attributes must not be so simple, especially the attributes of the legion store were abbreviated, but even so, the corresponding attributes were much stronger.

Especially the terrifying number of more than 200,000 people, which is simply a kind of numerical suppression.

At this time, Taliyah's voice finally sounded:

"Lin, what's wrong with you? When will your legion arrive?"

Next to her, Shagra looked at Lin Luo with some disbelief. Although she recognized his strength, she found it difficult to believe that the other party would have a legion close to the legendary level.

"I said, Your Excellency, if you are just talking casually, I suggest that we kill Holden now and then loot his castle. We still have a chance to escape. If we wait for the Noxian army to come, then we will

It would be difficult to handle.”

Lin Luo glanced at her lightly and said calmly:

"Don't worry, it's those Noxian troops I'm waiting for."

This chapter has been completed!
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