Chapter 1356 Invitation from Tianshi Mansion: Explore Taoism together

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This is indeed a good suggestion. Jin An looked at the Grand Hierarch.

The answers available are unsatisfactory.

The Grand Hierarch said that these ghost-eyed patriarchs had been buried in the desert for too long, and their minds were in chaos, leaving only their most primitive instincts to reproduce and spread the corpse curse plague.

This is why they took away the ghost eyes, to isolate them from the corpse.

Grand Master: "At this time, they can no longer be called humans, they can only be called monsters, weird monsters, zombie monsters."

Reproductive instinct?

When this was mentioned, the curious old Taoist priest and Fatty Li immediately became interested and asked how these ancient worms reproduce.

The leader replied that as long as there is contact, there is a high probability that a curse will be planted. A ghost eye will grow on the back. With the blood circulation, the ghost eye will move upward, from the back to the neck, then to the face, and then to

The forehead, and finally the eyes.

The reason why they know this is because they have suffered losses in the Ghost Eye Clan. The curse of Ghost Eye Red Spot is so vicious that even the masters of the three realms cannot escape the disaster.

In order to maintain the sanctity of the believers' faith and the purity of their bodies, he had no choice but to forcibly baptize the believers when they were polluted to the fifth step and their eyes gradually turned into ghost eyes.

As for what kind of baptism it is, it is self-evident.

As soon as they heard that even the masters of the third realm could not escape the disaster, the old Taoist priest and Fatty Li were no longer interested in the reproduction of the Ghost Eye Clan.


Jin'an asked for the ghost eyes, put them into the mummy's eye sockets with his own hands, and prepared the Five Blessings Emperor Plague Dispelling Talisman in advance.

As soon as the ghost eyes returned to their positions, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the mummy, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, and the hairs on the arms stood up.

The mummy was lying motionless, with only drops of black fluid secreting from its pores, and the stench of decaying corpses emanating from it.

Jin An held his breath and took out the ghost eye, and the changes on the mummy disappeared.

Fortunately, he had prepared the Five Blessing Emperor's Plague Exorcism Talisman in advance. This Ghost Eye Clan was full of weirdness, but his 600,000 Yin De magic weapon-level Plague Exorcism Talisman was not ordinary either.

"Great Master, when you found the mummy of the Ghost Eye Clan, it was lying like this and unable to move?" Jin An pointed at the mummy.

The Archbishop was surprised and said: "That's not true."

"Perhaps as Master Zunzhu said, this insect likes dryness but not moisture. The humid environment of Kangding is not suitable for the survival of the Ghost Eyes. In order to slow down the decay of the corpse, the survival instinct of the ancient insect chose to be silent."

Jin An nodded, this guess was not impossible.

Then return the ghost eyeball to the leader.

In fact, he is not too interested in the historical truth of thousands of years ago. On the way to find the Kingdom of the Immortal God, he has already learned about the Black Sun, the ghost mother's life experience, and the Four Symbols Bureau from several ancient ruins.


It was just that a ghost-eyed clan suddenly appeared, which made him a little surprised.

On the contrary, it was the Grand Master's next unintentional words that aroused Jin'an's greater interest. The Grand Master said: "Our religion brought out the mummy of the Ghost Eye Clan from the depths of the desert, and the Tianzhu people also brought out the mummy of a Centipede."

At this time, the Great Elder was also interested and answered: "Those Tianzhu people are very interested in the Centipede People. If it weren't for the instability in the depths of the desert, I guess they would definitely dig out the desert to find more Centipede Man remains.



Jin An exclaimed in surprise, then thought for a moment and figured out the logic.

He had fought with many Tianzhu masters in the Kunlun Mountains. Most of the gods worshiped by the Tianzhu people are multi-handed and multi-legged, which is very similar to the Baizu people. The desert climate is dry, and the body can be preserved to the greatest extent. If there are Tianzhu people

If masters of the Yuan Shen possess the corpses of centipedes and return to Tianzhu to preach, their status in folk belief and in the Ancient God Religion they believe in will definitely increase greatly. No one will doubt that they are the incarnations of gods.

Moreover, it is the incense and thought blessing of a country, which is helpful for spiritual practice. No Shinto master will let this heaven-shaking benefit slip through his hands.

After hearing Jin An's explanation, everyone nodded in agreement, it was indeed possible.

"There are too many unsolved mysteries deep in the desert. Under the invisible desert, there are still many ancient ruins that have not been excavated. Perhaps we can join forces with Taoist Priest Jin'an to carefully explore the deepest part of the desert."

The great elder and the great leader sent an invitation to Jin'an.

Jin An laughed and agreed, that was exactly what he meant. Hearing so many strange phenomena happening in the depths of the desert, he wanted to follow the route of his original journey to the west and explore what surprising changes had occurred in the depths of the desert.

The last time I went west to the desert, my cultivation was still shallow and I didn't explore many places carefully. This time my cultivation has greatly improved, which can solve my doubts.

At the same time, I also want to return to the Kingdom of the Immortal God to see if the Ghost Mother is still there.

Jin An was invited, and how could he not be without Master Zunzhu. When Master Zunzhu returned to the snow mountain, he could just go back from the desert. Without delay, Master Zunzhu also happily agreed to the invitation.

When he heard that he was going to travel to the desert again, the old Taoist priest clamored to follow him. He didn't make the journey to the west last time, so this time he would take him with him no matter what.

"Master, this disciple also wants to make a journey to the west." Even Meng Hulu's sword rarely spoke this time.

Jin An agreed to go together.

Because Fatty Li is here, he still has not said a word in his heart. When he has solved the case of picking up bones, the case of secretly practicing immortality in Gui Mo Mountain, and the case of Yao Guoshi, and has done a good job for the Criminal Investigation Department, he will resign.

The official returned to the desert. His coming to the capital this time as an official was originally a temporary solution, not a long-term solution. Now his martial arts and Shinto cultivation have both made great progress. The foundation of the Five Zang Taoist Temple has been firmly established. The right time, place and public support are with him.

From now on, Ren Kun will spread his wings from high to high and far away, without any restrictions anymore.

Now that the misunderstanding with the envoys of the two countries has been resolved, Jin'an went out in person to express his sincere gratitude to the enthusiastic pilgrims and the people of the capital, saying that the Wu Zang Taoist Temple would continue to distribute longevity peaches in the next seven days, wishing everyone a prosperous new year, health and longevity in advance.

Jin'an was deeply moved by the people in the capital supporting him this time, so he didn't just talk about health and longevity here, he planned to seal some unique materials to make unique longevity peaches, and make a big impact in the world.

Immediately the people cheered, and Marquis Wu's reputation for repaying his kindness spread throughout the capital.

In the following days, as more envoys arrived in Beijing, the front door of the Wu Zang Taoist Temple was bustling with activity. Gradually, more envoys came to the Wuzang Taoist Temple to visit Jin'an, including many from the Nanman witch tribe and the small South China Sea country.

He was a man who had received life-saving grace from Jin An when he was in the West Kunlun Mountains.

For a time, the Wu Zang Taoist Temple was as spectacular as the Imperial City, and delegations of envoys came to visit in an endless stream every day.

But these feats are so insignificant compared to the great edict of the Taoist Temple of the Five Internal Organs to the world. People who have eaten longevity peaches are surprised to find that people become more energetic and energetic, and their energy and energy are greatly increased. They seem to be less afraid of the cold in this snowy winter.

It’s hard.

As a result, people's calls for miracles have become louder than ever.

Amid the excitement of public opinion, there were gradually more voices of impeachment against Jin'an in the court. Marquis Shenwu's prestige among the envoys of various countries and among the people, his meritorious service surpassed that of the Lord, and even surpassed that of the Holy King...

It was against this delicate background that public opinion was at its peak and criticisms from the court were increasing. The Tianshi Mansion suddenly issued an invitation to Jin'an to jointly explore the Taoist Huangting interior location and search for the eaten remains of the Imperial Master.

This chapter has been completed!
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