Chapter 53 Sinful Food

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 Since most treatments take a certain amount of time to take effect, the results of the first round of trials were not immediately available.

But judging from the scene alone, there is no doubt that the priestess has an overwhelming advantage.

In addition to her gentle image, her treatment methods are also more in line with people's current understanding of medicine on the Bratis continent.

A variety of herbs are paired with some mysterious items of unknown meaning. It is best to chant words while grinding and cast some powerful spells, which makes people feel more at ease.

In comparison, Li Yu's treatment seemed weird and crude, and the process was a bit disgusting.

He actually took the shepherd's excrement and placed it on an evil weapon with a strange shape and a cold sheen!

Then he moved one of his eyes up.

For a moment, the onlookers couldn't help but sweat for the somewhat foolish shepherd, because Li Yu looked like he was trying to cure him, and he was clearly planning to add some other curse to him.

Moreover, after completing that somewhat evil ritual, Li Yu's subsequent treatment seemed very perfunctory.

The shepherd was only allowed to take two small discs that looked like the cover of his little finger. In short, he was indeed lagging behind Adele in terms of perception. On the contrary, he looked more like an ignorant and backward party.

Suddenly, more people were optimistic about the priestess.

Soon, the second round of competition began.

The patient Adele had to face this time was the little boy Li Yu first selected. The latter came to the priestess accompanied by his mother.

Compared to the boy's anxiety, the peasant woman's face was obviously much more excited.

Especially after witnessing Adele personally saving the butcher suffering from gout, the peasant woman was convinced that the priestess could cure her child.

However, when Adele asked about the boy's condition, the look on her face became very serious.

Then she repeatedly asked the peasant woman whether she had done anything blasphemous when she was pregnant.

At first, the peasant woman insisted that there was absolutely no such thing, but later her motherly love overcame her fear of punishment.

She admitted that when she was in her sixth month of pregnancy, she was doing laundry by the river and met a group of passing pagans.

The group of pagans asked her in detail about the location of the temple and the number of people and weapons inside.

Although she became suspicious of the group's purpose, because the other party was carrying weapons, she finally confessed everything she knew honestly. The group was very satisfied with her cooperation and even divided the rabbits they shot on the road.

Got her one.

She originally wanted to throw away the rabbit, but in the end she couldn't help it. She stewed rabbit meat that night and shared it with her husband.

As a result, about seven days later, she heard the news of a fire in a nearby temple.

Although there were no casualties in the end, the temple was still destroyed in the fire.

After telling her story, the peasant woman fell to her knees and begged the priestess with tears to punish her, but not to take her anger out on her children.

The priestess's frown eased slightly, then she reached out to help the peasant woman kneeling on the ground, and said softly.

"You misunderstood. I'm not asking this to blame anyone. I just want to find out what disease your child has. It turns out that he became like this because you once ate those infidels who used them in exchange for you.

the food of sin.”

After hearing this, the peasant woman immediately felt extremely regretful, "If I had known better, I would have thrown away that rabbit. No, no, I should have not told those people where the temple is."

After hearing this, Adele consoled her, "Those pagans are here to destroy the temple. If you don't tell them, they will ask others. This kind of thing is not a secret in the first place."

The peasant woman heard a glimmer of hope in her words and said hopefully, "Then, Priest Adele, are you willing to expel the filth from my son's body?"

The priestess nodded, "Of course, but the filth caused by sinful food contains your sins and is not so easy to expel.

"Let's do this. I'll expel him once first, and then you take your son to the temple every year and ask the priest there to expel the filth for him. After about seven times, he will be completely cured."

The peasant woman was happy at first when she heard this, but soon her expression darkened again.

Adele caught the change in her eyes and added with a smile, "Don't worry, I will talk to the priest in person later, and you don't need to offer any sacrifices for subsequent treatment."

The peasant woman was overjoyed and knelt down on the ground again, praising the goddess.

Other nearby onlookers praised the priestess for her kindness and generosity.

Looking at the crowd cheering together, Ilea had a vague hunch that if her friend could really win this competition, her name would soon spread throughout the Western Territory and become the seat of all noble families.

Guest of honor.

Priest Tessa of Blackstone City has been practicing medicine and curing diseases all her life, and has saved countless people before she has accumulated her current reputation. However, it is still not as good as what her younger descendants gain in one day.

While Miss Rabbit was happy for her close friend, she didn't know if it was her own illusion. She felt that Adele looked calmer than before today. Her performance so far was impeccable, but the smile on her face was not as normal as usual.

It looks so natural, with a hint of reluctance.

However, if you are not very close to Adele, you probably won't be able to feel the reluctance in her smile.

After all, her smile is so gentle and contagious.

After thinking about it, Ilea just felt that her friend might be a little nervous because her opponent was Li Yu.

Miss Rabbit and Li Yu have known each other for so long, and they have never seen this guy lose to anyone. Even though everyone is optimistic about the priestess now, Ilea still thinks that the final winner will be Li Yu.

She never wavered from beginning to end, she just hoped that Adele could perform well. As long as the final gap was not big, Adele could win a lot of fame for herself even if she lost.

This ending should be the win-win situation that Li Yu often talks about.

Just as Ilea was thinking about it, the priestess also began to prepare her ritual.

She took the blood of an owl and the scales of a snake, and threw them into the copper basin in front of her. Then she put in some spices and the teeth of an unknown animal, chanted a spell, and lit a fire under the basin.

After repeatedly burning the contents in the copper basin until the smoke rose, she quickly threw a small ball of black stuff into it.

He raised his head and said to the peasant woman, "Bring your child over and let him stand in front of this copper basin. I am going to start expelling the dirt from his body. Before the ceremony is over, be sure not to let him leave this copper basin."


This chapter has been completed!
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