Chapter 59: Revealing Magic

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 "It seems that I am temporarily in the lead this round, Prophet Merlin."

The priestess said softly to Li Yu.

After successfully performing a miracle with the help of the Holy Coffin, the nervousness in Adele's eyes also faded a lot, and she regained some of her previous calmness.

Although Li Yu also promised that he could make Tom's hair grow back, it would take half a year to see the initial results, and even if Li Yu could do it, it would not be as shocking as regenerating a severed limb.

It can be said that the priestess's move indeed reversed the previous unfavorable situation in one fell swoop.

This can also be seen from the expressions of nearby onlookers.

However, Adele's face did not show too much pride. What she insisted on saying was closer to a sense of relief. And after saying that, she focused on the next round of competition and turned to look at Li

The woman behind Yu.

If nothing else, this was the last patient she needed to treat. According to the information collected, the woman also suffered from a strange disease, and her skin was covered with red rashes.

Fortunately, there is a priest in the church who is good at treating such diseases, which means that Adele can at least guarantee that she will not lose to Li Yu.

Thinking of this, the priestess couldn't help but glance at the foreigner in black clothes not far away.

As the competition progressed, she developed a sense of respect for this prophet who took a break from religion.

The other party's medical skills are amazing. Unlike her who received the answer in advance and was opportunistic all the way, Li Yu actually relied on his own strength to treat every patient with all his heart.

And she didn't lose sight of it until she laid out the holy coffin.

Neither the Silver Moon Church nor the priestess herself expected that they had made nearly perfect preparations, and that this competition would still be so anxious after occupying so many upper hand.

No wonder even those savage and brutal lizard people who have been living in the swamp are willing to follow the foreigner in front of them and join the Shuangxiu Cult.

It's a pity that no matter how magical he and Saturday behind him are, there is no chance of a comeback in the face of the trap carefully laid by the Silver Moon Church.

Is this kind of victory really meaningful?

Adele suddenly felt a little confused at this moment.

It was Li Yu's voice that brought her back to reality, but because the believers around her were too fanatical and everyone was shouting loudly, the priestess couldn't hear her clearly at first.

So she took two more steps in the direction of Li Yu and said, "Are we going to start the next round of competition? Prophet Merlin."

"Well, but before that I have one more request." Li Yu said.

"What request?"

"Let's talk about it in front of Miss Yin Leya. I'd also like to ask her to be a witness."

Adele's heart tightened when she heard this. She didn't know if the other party had discovered something, but if she refused now, it would be a bit cover-up.

Besides, the church did a perfect job in that matter. Even if Li Yu had doubts, logically speaking, there shouldn't be any evidence.

The priestess nodded calmly and followed Li Yu to Miss Rabbit.


"Do you suspect that the Silver Moon Church used unfair means to win the last round of competition?" Yin Leya was surprised after hearing what Li Yu said, "Do you have any evidence for saying so?"

Li Yu's answer was also very straightforward, "I think the Martin we see now is not Martin himself."

"How is this possible?" Miss Rabbit didn't believe it. "It wasn't just me, but so many people saw Martin lying in the holy coffin, and then he climbed out of the holy coffin in full view of everyone. In the meantime

There’s no way to fake it.”

Alfred beside her also reminded, "When the holy coffin was first opened, there was no one inside."

Li Yu said, "This lead coffin is much larger than ordinary coffins, especially the bottom is very thick. I suspect it is hollow inside, just enough to hide a person, and because the lead coffin itself is very heavy, even if it is transported

It’s hard for people to notice anything strange.”

"Uh, you mean to say that there is a person hidden under the holy coffin. After Martin entered, he changed places with that person, and then when the coffin lid was opened again, that person climbed out of the holy coffin?"

Yin Leya thought Li Yu's guess was incredible, "But why does that person look the same as Martin?"

"Well, maybe it's his twin brother or something."

"Martin has no relatives," the priestess retorted, "everyone in his village can confirm this."

"That's the person you specially found who has a similar appearance and body shape to Martin." Li Yu said.

"When I asked Martin about something that really concerned me, he said that after receiving the oracle, he did not take a bullock cart, but walked all the way to the green fields. During this period, he ate and slept in the open air. Not only did he get a lot of tan, but he also

Lost a lot of weight.

"He probably did this just to make himself look more like the person hidden in the holy coffin, and he took the initiative to change part of his appearance."

"This is so ridiculous." Adele, who has always been gentle, also raised her voice in a rare move, but whether it was because she was too angry, the priestess's voice trembled a little.

Miss Rabbit thought of another thing and exclaimed, "Wait a minute, according to what you said, when the body of High Priest Caokas disappeared mysteriously, wasn't it because he was summoned to the Kingdom of God by the goddess?

, but you hid yourself?"

"It's easy to verify this guess. Just check the Holy Coffin to see if there are any mechanisms inside." Li Yu said, "But Priest Adele will definitely object to us doing this. The reason is probably that the Holy Coffin is

Nothing should be blasphemed or anything like that."

After hearing this, Yin Leya looked at her friend and found that the priestess was biting her lip. She bit her lower lip so hard that it almost bled.

"Prophet Merlin, you don't need to use words to provoke me. The holy coffin left by the high priest Caokas cannot be desecrated."

Adele said almost word for word, "Especially for a pagan like you, it is even less likely that you will be allowed to touch the holy coffin!"

To her surprise, the priestess found that Li Yu didn't seem surprised at all by her answer, and she didn't bother with the matter anymore.

"In this case, I can only use other methods to confirm my guess." The foreigner in black clothes said.

"What else can you do?"

As long as the person in front of her who looks almost the same as Martin insists that he is Martin, Yin Leya can't think of any other way to prove that he is not.

Adele felt an ominous premonition in her heart.

Because Li Yu next to her was so calm and didn't feel anxious at all about losing the competition. The other party gave her the feeling that he had been waiting for this moment.

Hearing this, Li Yu raised the loudspeaker in his hand and turned the volume to the maximum. He sounded it twice first to test the effect, and then said to the fanatical followers of the Silver Moon Church around him.

"Does anyone want to know how Priest Adele just performed the miracle?"

This chapter has been completed!
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