Chapter 2 It's okay to be reimbursed

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A look of suspicion flashed across Wang Guowei's face, but he didn't insist anymore, and then went upstairs with Li Yu.

Back at the place where he was staying, Li Yu went to the shower room to rinse his feet, and washed his socks and shoes together.

After going out, I saw that Wang Guowei did not go back to the house to play games as usual, but was sitting on the IKEA sofa in the living room, looking thoughtful. He said seriously when he saw Li Yu coming out.

"Brother Li, tell me honestly, have you found a new job? Have you been pretending to work recently?"

"Why do you say that?" Li Yu said while wiping his feet with a towel.

"Because you have been acting very strange recently. You go out in suits and ties every morning, but you don't work overtime. You go home early from work, cook your own meals, and exercise on time... No matter how you look at it, you look like you are pretending to be strong after losing your job.

A middle-aged man."

"The question is, who am I pretending to be strong for?" Li Yu asked.

"What you said seems to make sense." Wang Guowei was startled, then paused and said, "Then you just..."

"Do you want to hear the truth? The truth is that I want to try to see if I can walk on water." Li Yu admitted frankly.

"Tch!" Wang Guowei responded with his middle finger, but he also relaxed a little.


Li Yu didn't know how to evaluate the second divine sequence he had obtained.

From the current point of view, the good thing is that it is difficult for him to drown again, but the bad thing is that he seems to be insulated from all water sports.

He can no longer enjoy bathing, swimming or even foot baths.

It's hard to say which one is greater, especially for a modern person living in a civilized society. As long as he doesn't swim wildly in the river all the time, the probability of drowning is actually not too high.

But at this point, Li Yu asked Hephaestus that there was no way to go back after the Godhead sequence was activated, so he could only forget it.

After spending a few days studying his new abilities and new props, Li Yu turned his attention back to the work at hand.

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of several stonemasons and carpenters, the first windmill on the continent of Bratis was finally completed after one and a half months.

Even though Li Yu provided the design drawings in advance, he still encountered many problems during the actual construction process. Fortunately, during the two-week break, many technical talents were attracted to join.

Everyone worked together and finally built the magical mill that the prophet Merlin described, which does not require humans or animals and can be driven only by the power of the wind.

When the windmill was built, everyone put down their work and came to watch.

The huge cross sail quickly started to rotate under the blow of the north wind. The rotating axle drove the stone mill below to grind the wheat inside into flour.

In just one hour, more than four hundred kilograms of flour were ground. When Hera announced the final figure, the crowd couldn't help but let out a cry of exclamation.

The lizard people are not bad here. They are novices in farming, and they cannot grow wheat in the swamp. No one usually grinds flour, so naturally they will not suffer from the pain of grinding flour.

But for other farmers who come to study on a double holiday, harvesting crops every year is just the beginning of hard work. After that, they have to dry, shell, and grind.

Normally, the mills on the territory were owned by the lord, and commoners or serfs had to pay taxes or use labor to offset them if they wanted to use them.

Most people will choose the latter method, which means that they not only have to grind their own part of the wheat, but also grind their grain for the nobles who own the mills.

Moreover, regardless of whether they use human or animal power, they need to rest after working for a period of time. At the same time, their strength is also limited and they cannot push a large stone mill.

The emergence of windmills undoubtedly brought great convenience.

Moreover, Li Yu promised to charge only one-fifth of the fees originally charged by the nobles after it was put into use, which would be used for daily maintenance and the most basic construction expenses. It is expected to take forty years to recover the investment, which is actually a semi-public benefit.


Li Yu even planned to make it free at the beginning, but he was worried that there would be a tragedy of the commons. Everyone would use the windmill without restraint, leaving those who really needed it unable to use it.

And if it’s free, then just one. With the expansion and development of Shuangxiu Education, there will definitely be more and more windmills. If all of them are free of charge, Shuangxiao Education will also be burdened with a heavy financial burden.

In addition to the windmill, the new auditorium was almost completed at this time.

The auditorium still uses brick and wood structure, but the area is much larger than that of ordinary residential buildings, and can accommodate 600 people watching movies at the same time.

Li Yu still found the architectural drawings from the online designer who had previously helped him design the Northeast Kang.

The latter's online name is "Please settle the final payment."

Of course, Li Yu couldn't tell the balance directly that he wanted to build a place specifically for missionary use. He just said that the village wanted to build a small cinema that could seat more people. In addition, water, electricity and fire protection were not required as before.

Although this request is a bit strange, it is rare to meet a customer who pays so happily and does not need to make any changes to the drawings. Of course, there is no reason to refuse the final payment.

I even put the other work on hold on hold and helped Li Yu draw his Cuntou Cinema first.

This is already the second time the two parties have cooperated. The final payment has almost been made and Li Yu’s preferences and needs have been figured out, so this time Li Yu didn’t even put forward any suggestions for modification, but just asked him a few questions.

I happily paid the balance, and even booked a bathhouse design afterwards.

Please pay the balance, please. When he got excited, he chatted with Li Yu again. He first asked Li Yu how it was to live in the Northeast Kang.

Li Yu expressed full affirmation of his design level and said that everyone who lived in the house said it was warm and much cleaner and tidier than the previous house.

I don't quite understand why the people living there are thinking about keeping warm since autumn has just begun and the temperature is still quite high. Could it be that it's too cold in the mountains? But he is still very happy to receive praise from customers.

He felt a little sad when he heard the second half of Li Yu's words, so he typed a question to Li Yu.

"Brother, are you engaged in poverty alleviation? You are building a house, a village cinema, and a bathhouse. Even water and electricity are not available. The conditions are still too difficult. Our country's fight against poverty still has a long way to go. Let's see.

, Brother, I’ll give you a 50% discount, which can be regarded as my heartfelt contribution to support the construction of impoverished mountainous areas.”

The sudden love from the end of the payment stunned Li Yu on the other side of the network cable.

After a while, I typed again, "It's okay, I can reimburse you."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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