Chapter 11 Where is Mom (Thanks to the leader of the Stars who are still wearing armored children’s boots)

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 Honey Bear thought that this time she was just slightly interfering in the ordinary power struggle between the noble heirs.

Although this kind of thing has always been taboo among mercenaries, considering the friendship between Fajia and him, coupled with the sincere price offered by the other party, it is not impossible to do it occasionally, and at worst, he will not do it again.

Just go to Greenfield.

But what Mi Xiong didn't expect was that ever since they caught up with Ilea, the nightmare began.

First, an ugly-faced man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and cut off a person's right foot with an axe. Judging from the speed and strength of the guy's attack, it was obvious that he was a hidden master.

Mixiong had to go out and deal with it carefully. However, before the fight started here, the people he sent to deal with Ilea and Li Yu were in trouble again.

Fadja only found him the day after the election.

At that time, Honey Bear had just returned from outside the city after helping a small miller find his wife who had eloped. And what happened in the Marquis's house had already spread in the city. Because of the drama, not only the nobles, but also the common people were interested.

Happy Tao.

Honey Bear naturally also heard the wonderful story of how the consultant named Merlin revealed the double-faced face of the sworn noble through the magical means of recording and emitting sounds.

But at that time, he just listened to it as amusement and didn't think too much about it, even though Goldfinger Romero had regarded the method performed by Li Yu as the miracle of the supernatural god.

But the power gods usually don't work very well on the Bratis continent.

Mixiong felt that playing with sounds was Li Yu's limit. This trick might be useful for those hypocritical nobles who talk about honor all day long, but in fact each one is more insidious than the last, but for these rude men who only recognize swords and money.

It's nothing more than bullshit.

But now Honey Bear realizes that he was wrong.

Not only is it wrong, it's incredibly wrong.

How could that weird foreigner in strange clothes just play with sounds? Even the thunder and lightning in the sky and the light that awakened the world from darkness were just toys in his hands.

Honey Bear felt like he was involved in a terrible conspiracy.

Moreover, this conspiracy is related to those superior gods. How can a mere mortal like him get involved in this kind of thing?

As soon as this idea came out of his head, Honey Bear had the intention of retreating.

But before he could make peace with the other person, the ugly-faced man appeared out of nowhere and suddenly took action!

That bastard chose the right time to attack. It happened to be when Mixiong and the others were frightened by Li Yu's method of manipulating thunder, lightning and light, and became frightened.

Moreover, he very cunningly avoided the strongest opponent, the honey bear. He first picked up the weak persimmon, chopped off the head of a mercenary holding a heavy sword with an axe, and then threw the battle ax in his hand without hesitation.

That tomahawk kept spinning in the air! It flew faster and faster, drawing a beautiful arc!

Finally, it fell on the face of the mercenary who was the first to call out "ugly". The latter's speed in raising his shield was still half a beat slower, but this time no companions could save him.

His head was split open directly by the axe! His eyes were filled with fear.

All this happened in a blink of an eye. By the time Honey Bear realized something was wrong, it was already too late. Even the person standing next to him was thrown to the ground by the black beauty who had a telepathic connection with half of his face.

So there were seven of them, and only two were still able to fight.

Honey Bear was shocked and angry, but the blood and screams of his companions also stimulated him, making this cunning and experienced mercenary temporarily forget about those disturbing speculations.

He raised the half-sword in his hand again and rushed towards the half-face!

The two soon fought together, and at the critical moment of life and death, Honey Bear also burst out with amazing fighting power, taking full advantage of his strength and speed as a half-orc!

The half-hand sword was danced into a ball of green light by him, and he slashed hard at the opponent.

Ban Lian had just lost his favorite weapon, and now he could only find a heavy sword from the ground to defend himself against the enemy.

But he obviously didn't adapt well to this two-handed epee. Secondly, the weight. The change in the length of the weapon required him to re-master the distance control and pace movement.

This also made him seem to be in dire straits and in danger.

However, he finally received the powerful and heavy chop from Honey Bear, and took advantage of the situation to aim the tip of the sword at Honey Bear's chest, and stabbed forward with the sword!

However, Honey Bear's left foot quickly moved back, and at the same time he shook his body slightly to avoid the stab on half of his face. Then he exerted force and pushed away the heavy sword on half of his face, revealing the flaw in his chest!

A ferocious smile appeared on the honey bear's face, and he was about to continue his efforts to avenge his dead companions, when suddenly his eyes turned white.

The honey bear never thought that the light that illuminates all things would one day also devour everything!

Although the instinct of a warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles still drove him to strike the next sword, unfortunately, the opponent he faced was also very human, and his sense of battlefield was not inferior to his.

Honey Bear's sword missed, and then his neck felt cold.

His head also rolled off his shoulders and fell to the ground.

"Thank you for your help." Jude inserted the giant sword in his hands, which was still bleeding, into the soil at his feet, and thanked Li Yu while panting.

"You're welcome, it's just a little effort." Li Yu replied.

At this time, Black Beauty had already bitten the throat of the guy on the ground. As for the last remaining member of the mercenary team, he was scared out of his wits early on.

While Honey Bear was still fighting with Half Face, he had already taken the opportunity to escape.

Li Yu didn't chase him either. Firstly, he was in danger, and secondly, Li Yu didn't forget his identity. He was a priest, not a berserker.

Wisdom, knowledge and modern technology are his true reliance.

Even with the divine sequence of [Reborn], violence always ranks last among his alternatives.

However, Ilea on the side obviously didn't think so.

Miss Rabbit just witnessed someone holding a magical weapon, killing everyone in battle, summoning thunder and light to severely whip the enemy.

Even though his opponent had surrendered and knelt down, crying and begging for mercy, the terrifying man who called himself a prophet still showed no mercy.

His eyes were cold, his face was resolute, and the thunder in his hand kept falling until the poor guy no longer had any life left.

It seems that only in this way can the evil soul beneath him be completely purified.

This is too... scary to look at.

Thinking of this, the girl even secretly moved aside to put a little distance between herself and Li Yu, but soon she saw half of the face on the other side.

The latter stepped on a corpse with one foot, stretched out his hand, and pulled out the battle ax he had thrown away from the unfortunate man's head.

He rubbed it against the corpse again, wiping off the blood on the ax surface.

He noticed that Ilea was looking at him and gave the girl a "friendly" smile.

Miss Rabbit returned the smile, then rolled her stiff neck, hugged herself tightly, huddled in the corner, and started shivering.

Mom, where are you? Come and save your poor little daughter... The world outside is too cruel!

This chapter has been completed!
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