Chapter Fourteen Everyone is happy

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"Please witness the two people in front of you signing a sacred oath." Li Yu said in as solemn a tone as possible.

And the strange voice continued to answer him, "The network is not very good, please check the network connection."

Li Yu's body stiffened slightly, but he quickly turned his head again, and said in a deep voice to Ilea and Jude, who looked shocked, "Okay, Saturday has agreed to my request. You can now make a commitment to each other."

an oath, and this oath will be protected by Saturday."

Miss Rabbit was the first to react and said solemnly, "I, Ilea Arias, a child of Blood-Eyed Russ, the head of the Arias family, hereby swear that if Jude the Half-faced can escort me safely into the castle, I will

His reward will be twenty-two gold koans."

Jude hesitated for a moment and put his right hand on his chest, "I, Jude Wilson, hereby swear that I will escort Miss Ilea safely to the green field and the castle where she lives."

After he finished speaking, he was greeted by a flash of light and a clicking sound.

Jude closed his eyes subconsciously and quickly pressed one hand on the tomahawk, but the subsequent attack did not come. Li Yu turned the camera to Ilea and took a picture of her.

Then he said to the two of them, "I will take your portraits back to the Kingdom of God. Those who violate the oath will not be able to escape the divine punishment that will be imposed on Saturday, even if they flee to the ends of the earth."

Ilea came closer, "Portrait? Where is the portrait? Can it be drawn in the blink of an eye?"

Li Yu pulled out her photo and showed it to her, which made Miss Rabbit exclaim that it was magical.

" this me? It's too clear, right? Uh, why is my face so dirty? When was the bag on my nose bitten? Didn't I wear perfume?"

Hearing this, Han Lian couldn't help but stretched his head. After seeing his own photo, he was stunned and didn't speak for a long time. Then he reached out and touched his incomplete right face.

"Now, I really believe you are the Saturday Prophet."

Jude put away his previous cynical look and said seriously to Li Yu, "By the way, what did Mr. Saturday just say?"

Li Yu's built-in translation function can only be used by himself. Its function is to automatically project the meaning contained in his words into the target's head. It does not include the smart assistant on the mobile phone.

However, he still followed Jude's request and repeated the two answers given by the wise assistant.

Half-face and Ilea both still remember the series of musical scales produced by that strange voice.

Although they didn't understand the meaning behind it, now comparing it with Li Yu's voice, it turned out to be exactly the same.

And this time they finally understood those two sentences. Or, at least the first sentence.

--I am here.

The shock these two simple words brought to their hearts was unparalleled.

It was the first time that a superior god responded to its believers so clearly and clearly, without any ambiguity or conjecture.

As for the last sentence, "The network is not very good, please check the network connection." Jude and Ilea couldn't understand it very well. Even though they knew every word, they were confused when connected together.

So they humbly asked Li Yu on the side for advice.

However, the latter just said to them calmly, "You will understand one day in the future."

In fact, Li Yu felt a chill running down his back when he heard this sentence. He checked in advance that smart voice was on, but he forgot that many functions of smart voice would be limited in an environment without network.

He almost took it off while he was playing with it.

Fortunately, there were many similar things in his previous job, especially when he took over the projects left by his predecessor. Most of the time he was busy putting out fires and plugging holes.

So Li Yu didn't panic when he realized there was an accident, and just managed to come back with his calm performance.

Originally, all the interpretation rights about Saturday were in the hands of his prophet. As long as he behaved calmly enough, no one could question him.

In short, this matter ended successfully.

After some operations by Li Yu, Jude was restrained in a way that he would never have been, and Ilea also received protection that did not exist at all. The person involved, Li Yu, also took a solid step closer to gaining two followers.

It can be said that all three parties are very happy.

In particular, Miss Rabbit breathed a long sigh of relief and relaxed from her nervousness. She was becoming more and more comfortable with her new guard.

She asked half-faced, "You are so good at martial arts, are you still short of money?"

Jude smiled and said, "If I want to please a woman with my face, don't I have to spend more money?"

"Where did you live before?"

"I don't have a place to live, and I have always been at home with my dog."

"Then have you ever considered finding a place to settle down?"

He glanced at Ilea with a half-face, "You want to recruit me to work for you? I advise you to save it. I hate restrictions the most, and I have no interest in honor or anything else."

"Is that so?" The girl was a little disappointed, but she didn't say anything else.

With Jude joining in, Ilea's journey home is on the right track.

The girl lost her way not long after they separated from Li Yu, and kept wandering in circles in the woods. Two days passed, and instead of getting closer to her own fiefdom, she actually got further away.

Now that half of the face is leading the way, this situation has never happened again.

Jude didn't lie. He had a lot of experience in wild life. He was proficient in making fires, cooking, and hunting. He could also find shelter from the rain before the heavy rain came.

Ilea even suspected that this guy spent more time in the wild than in the city.

Those woods and swamps that represent danger to many people are like his own bedroom, which he can enter and exit at will.

I don't know if it was because their pace accelerated, but they didn't encounter any pursuers in the next few days.

Seeing that the green field was getting closer and closer, Miss Rabbit was both excited and anxious.

About twenty days ago, she set off from there and embarked on the road to Yanxue City. She was just a helpless girl who had just lost her father. Now when she comes back, she is the new owner of this land.

Of course, the premise is that she must first deal with those opponents, including within the family.

Ilea's heart sank when she thought of this. It had been five days since she sent the letter, and she didn't know if Alfred had received her letter.

I don't know if the old knight really took control of the castle as she said.

What would she do if she faced a teacup castle with a closed door and full of malice toward her when she returned?

Should she turn around and find Marquis Cullen to make the decision for her, or should she find a way to secretly recruit an armed force loyal to her and take back her home from her stepmother?

Miss Rabbit suddenly realized that her experience in this area was pitiful. She had never experienced anything similar, and she had never received any teaching in this area.

She glanced at Jude, who was walking in front of her. This farmer's son obviously couldn't provide her with any valuable advice.

At this moment, Ilea missed her human advisor very much.

If only that guy were here, no matter what happened, he would definitely have a countermeasure.

There is nothing in this world that can stump him.

For some reason, an idea suddenly popped into Miss Rabbit's head.

The good news is that if we count the time, that guy should be back soon.

This chapter has been completed!
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